
Photograph via //r/plantclinic

If you're wondering "What's wrong with my plant?", we will help you diagnose and treat it!

"What's wrong with my plant?"

You're in the right place to get the problem diagnosed as well as advice for treatment!


1. Always be respectful of others.

Posts and comments that are rude to others are subject to immediate removal and the offending user will be banned without warning. It should go without saying but...don't be a dick!

2. Your post MUST be soliciting a diagnosis for a sick plant or a plant in obviously abnormal condition. Posts not soliciting diagnosis for a sick or abnormal plants will be removed.

If you aren't asking something to the effect of, "what's wrong with my plant?" or "why does my plant look weird?" then your post doesn't belong here. Requests for healthy plant care & prevention advice belong in one of the related subreddits listed on the sidebar, such as /r/gardening. All identification requests belong in other subreddits (/r/whatsthisplant for plants, /r/whatsthisbug for insects, and /r/mycology for mushrooms/fungi). No advertising allowed.

3. Your post MUST have one or more images showing the condition of your sick plant. Posts without images or with images not containing your sick plant will be removed.

It's best to include photos of the entire plant as well as close-up photos of problem areas. X-posts from other subreddits are allowed so long as the linked posts have images.

4. Share as much information about your sick plant as possible.

Posts with more info are more likely to receive a diagnosis and care advice. Examples of helpful information to include in addition to signs & symptoms of illness:

  • The species or common name of your plant. If you don't know what your plant is, /r/whatsthisplant can help you identify it.
  • How long you have had the plant and how long it has been sick.
  • Any insects that appear to be colonizing your plant. If you don't know what the bug is, /r/whatsthisbug can help you identify it.
  • If your plant has been recently re-potted, transplanted, fertilized, or moved to a new location.
  • What kind of soil the plant is in, especially if it is in a pot.
  • How often you are watering your plant and how you are watering it (top/bottom/drench method, with tap water, with fertilizer, etc).
  • Light exposure to your plant (full, partial, shade, indoors, artificial lighting, etc).
  • If your plant is in a pot: indicate the size and type of pot, if the pot has drainage holes or not, and when your plant was last re-potted.
  • If your plant is outside: indicate both your location and plant hardiness zone. Also indicate if there have been any notable weather events (sudden increase or drop in temperature, frost, hail, drought, heavy wind, etc) or application of pesticides on or near the plant.

Related Subreddits

Relevant Identification
Plant Disease, General
Plants & Plant Care, General
Plants & Plant Care, Specialty


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Swiss cheese lower part drooping and upper part looks good

Discovered some webs on the bottom leaf and have been treating it. The plant gets sufficient light and water

04:36 UTC


Need help for this alocasia

I recently purchased this alocasia serendipity. Was not looking well. The leaves were wilted so I took it out of its substrate. Roots were rotted but I was able to salvage this rhizome. Question is what should I do next? And what is attached to the rhizome. The bottom half. Is that just part of it? Water as needed. Planted in plastic cup. No drainage. Plant was in greenhouse with plenty of LED light.

04:31 UTC


Pothos cutting

This devils ivy is growing really long which is what I want. But I also want some cuttings. If I cut the end few leaf cuttings off will the long stem continue to grow or is that it? I’m confused if they grow from the pot or the tip haha the new leaves always seem to be growing from the tip. I know where to cut I’m not worried about the cuttings. I just want to learn about the stem that gets left behind.

(Cos the post made me write this: Watered once a fortnight. In morning light)

04:27 UTC


Please help me save my cactus

I was away for 10 days but I watered my cactus before i left and i placed it by the window with indirect sunlight. What did I do wrong?

04:11 UTC


Help! What are these tiny bugs moving and hopping on the soil of my plant??

Those little specs are flea like bugs crawling all over my soil! This is a very long pothos. I’ve never noticed and they are EVERYWHERE!

Note these are not found in other plants in the same room. Thank you in advance!

I water about once a week/when the soil is dry.

The plant gets indirect sunlight in a well lit room.

03:22 UTC


Tips and tricks?

Hi all!

My boyfriend and I bought these five beauties today!

Anyone got some tips and tricks on them? Particularly the Alocasia. They’re currently in a filtered light area, we live in a very hot climate and don’t want them burning :)

02:24 UTC



This has popped up randomly unfortunately. I haven’t changed anything. I water when the leaves start to droop a bit. It was SO healthy the last year, especially the last 3 months since I’ve moved it inside. It was very perky and with the onset of the spots about a week or two ago the plant is spreading outwards a bit more. :( It gets pretty good morning & early afternoon light.

01:50 UTC


Any idea why this happened?

Please help me I have no idea why this happened. I swear I watered them equally, even more on the dying side. My balcony is facing north so not much sunlight, but one side is fine and the other is dying.

01:41 UTC


White insects inside the stem of my Alocasia Albo

I recently got this Alocasia Albo and discovered that there are tiny insects inside the stem. I don't think it's a mealy bugs since it's moving. What do you guys think this is? Need advice as well how to get rid of them. Do I also need to repot it? This my first time having this kind of plant.

Only watered it once I got it(since Wed). Placed it on the north side of the house for less exposure from the sun.

01:05 UTC


Any hope?

It was wrapped and I thought protected during Freeze. Any hope? Prune it back? The limbs are still firm, not brittle or mushy. Iit has been watered and gets morning sun.

00:57 UTC

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