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Talk about and share information and photos of carnivorous plants!
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International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Photo Finder
Resources from Tom's Carnivores
Meadowview Biological Research Station
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Growing Venus Flytraps
Growing Pitcher Plants
Growing Sundews
Growing Nepenthes
Growing UHL Nepenthes in a chest freezer
Growing Cephalotus
Growing Heliamphora
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Also should I trim the dead leaves? The outer leaves died off a while ago but it looks like the middle is still hanging on.
These nepethes are at Doha airports ‘The Orchard’. They look very happy! I’ve not seen them planted in a kokodama before.
My baby pings can play the tiny game too!
Esseriana FTW!
I have a bunch of pings in bloom!
I just placed it under a 5000lumens light . The soil is 100% sphagnum Moss and always moist. Humidity level : 65%
I got it about 6 months ago.
My nepenthes collection so far!
My Adelae are doing great ever since I moved them to a northern facing window!
Absolutely no dew is forming anymore. The humidity is always at 50%~90% (sometimes 40%), and it’s getting a lot of light. What seems to be the problem? Should I put it in a shadier spot?
Hanabi when the grow-lamp first arrived
So, I'm new to this hobby (until now I've had a single VFT that I think I killed with tap water), though I have liked sundews since I read a reading pamphlet about them when I was 7!
It's rare to see anything other than VFT plants in the garden centers around here, so when I saw a sundew I leapt at the opportunity and read up on how to care for it later. It wasn't really labelled anything other than 'Sileshår' (Sundew in Swedish), but I think it can only be a Drosera Paradoxa and I'm hoping it will survive what passed for care at the garden center and my amateur-hour efforts!
I got a Sansi clip-on grow light for it that arrived after a week of caretaker-ship. It's been re-potted in a ready-made mix specifically for carnivorous plants (peat and pearlite), and after the first day when I had nothing else to hand, has only been watered with rainwater. It's been re-potted since the tap water so I hope that will have helped reverse any harm. I only noticed that it has two small plants right beside it when I re-potted it and started snipping the dead pads off.
The temp is about 18, humidity 50%, so I keep the grow light on all the time right now to compensate since, as you can see in the first photo, it was starting to look very sad, with a lot of the outer pads shrivelling up. Not much I can do about the heat and humidity right now, but I'm hoping to get a terrarium jar to transplant it into that I hope will help until I can fix the other environmental factors. I had it somewhere I could keep warmer and more humid, but that left it in a room where a cat has access to it to munch on it. The little vandal seems to be addicted to sundew now!
Is there anything else I can be doing? Should I snip the dead-headed or headless fronds off at the base? Is it likely to survive? It's hard to find information about care for paradoxes since people seem to go for the other varieties more. I think I can see dew starting to return but not much yet - it was completely dry when I got it. I know it's not an ideal starter Sundew, but it's hard to find them here, especially my favourite variety. Also, should I remove the baby plants into their own pots or just more spaced out in a wider pot? I don't want to stress them all too much, since they just went through a repotting, but I don't want them to crowd each other to death either.
I'd be grateful for any advice!