A community focused on the discussion, care, and well-being of houseplants!
All submissions must be houseplant-related
Houseplants are plants in your house. If you are posting about plants that are outside and live outside full-time, consider posting to r/gardening instead. Off-topic posts will be removed.
Plant trading should be confined to r/takeaplantleaveaplant .
NSFW content is not allowed.
Discussion of politics is off-topic (mention of any politician or political candidate).
Memes are acceptable but please be aware of reposting.
Remember the human.
Rediquette is a requirement of participation
Do not post personal information
The publishing of the personal information of yourself/someone else is strictly prohibited, and could even get you banned from Reddit itself.
Do not post self-promotion of any sorts
No self-promotion
No photos of people except on Fridays.
Photos or (non-Youtube) videos of people (even of people with plants) are only allowed on Fridays. A human in the photo or video is not allowed unless the post is submitted on Friday, typically flaired "Selfie" or "Family Photo". To reiterate, NSFW content is not permitted. OC only.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) content is not allowed.
Content should be human-made. Images or text generated by AI is off topic and unwanted.
"Stuff" related posts are only allowed on Saturdays and must be flaired.
Posts primarily focused on plant-related "stuff" are limited to Saturdays only. This includes posts focused on pots, hanging systems, plant stands, paintings, sculptures, clothing, drawings, etc. Obviously "primarily focused on" is open to interpretation, and we'll do our best to be generous. These posts need to be flaired "stuff". They are subject to Rule 4: any posts showing off a product or service you provide may not include any links to purchase the item anywhere on the sub.
No plant-related crime
Discussion or bragging about plant-related crimes (including but not limited to plant smuggling or plant poaching) is not allowed.
Please flair your posts
Please use the appropriate flair when posting.
Flair glossary
DISCUSSION - For general discussion of houseplant-related topics.
HAUL - Photos of newly purchased plants.
HELP - For any questions or to troubleshoot struggling plants.
HIGHLIGHT - Photos of plants you want to share to highlight new growth, cool foliage, or just because...plant.
HUMOR/FLUFF - Memes and other houseplant-adjacent lighthearted content.
META - Discuss the state of the subreddit or provide feedback to the mods.
PETS AND PLANTS - Photos of plants that feature pets.
PLANT HOMES - Photos of your plant setup at home - cool shelves, displays, prop stations, etc.
PLANT ID - Get help identifying an unknown plant.
FAMILY PHOTO - If you're posting a picture of lots of your plants, this is for you. If it's plants with one or more humans included, it's only allowed on Fridays.
STUFF - pots, hanging systems, plant stands, paintings, sculptures, clothing, drawings, etc.
Some other related subreddits:
All the tips on my plant look the same is it normal for them to look “dried” up like this. I water them only when the dirt is dry so about once every week or two. And it stands in direct sunlight.
I know it’s not gonna be healthy for the plant, but it looks like I’m going by to get a beautiful full white leaf from my white knight. I’m so excited and checking it daily 🥹 I’ll post when fully opened if people are interested!
Plant is in awful shape after an unexpected emergency kept me out of town for two months. Grateful for tips to get her healthy again. Thank you.
Hi, does anyone know where I can find Norfolk Pine Tree Seeds?? I wanna grow my own if possible. Thanks!
$20-30 depending on size. Not a sale. Regular price. It’s been like this for quite awhile. Located in Spring, TX.
I wish all rest of my plants where as easy as this guy
Anyone know what’s wrong with my Christmas cactus and how to fix it?
Is it ok to trim the top off this coffee plant? It’s looking a little sad. The sucker is what making it look bushy.
I just got this Nanouk Tradescantia and it’s so tall it’s falling over. What can I do to help it? Should I stake it upright or prune it down?
New to plant mommying, this was a house warming gift. A rubber plant, trying to save it. One leaf left.. is there any hope? Can I chop and try to propagate?? Thank you!!
Any advice before I start? He’s still a baby but the pot tends to tip over.