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Iphone OG Mail Account

Hi. I still have an OG Iphone thats activated and running iOS 3.1.2 I would like to use it to take some pictures for fun, but no idea how to get them off the phone. I cant connect to my gmail account because of the 2-factor authentication requiring faceId.

I still remember that you can set up just any mail account on the old os. Does anyone have an idea?

08:10 UTC


So i turned location services off yesterday. And yet they are still aware that I am at work… HOW DO I ESCAPE??!

07:57 UTC


Walking Asymmetry data while I was stoned

My average is around 3.7%. I was particularly worried about this single abnormality of 73%. Then I realised, on that particular day I was stoned af walking home!

1 Comment
07:34 UTC




Guys the touchscreen of my Iphone 13 suddenly not responding and the camera icon disappeared 🚨 i’m in the lock-screen and I can’t do anything

07:28 UTC


Is icloud backup the only way?

will be upgrading from iphone 12 to iphone 15, but the thing is my iphone 12 will be used to trade in. So is there a way to backup the data in my iphone 12 to an android or a windows pc?

1 Comment
07:27 UTC




Guys the touchscreen of my Iphone 13 suddenly not responding and the camera icon disappeared 🚨 i’m in the lock-screen and I can’t do anything

07:27 UTC


Stolen iphone

Hi guys, my iphone got stolen yesterday.We got the location of the iphone through the Find My app.We also put it in lost mode through the app 5-10minutes after it went missing.In that time,we were waiting for police to arrive and take us to the thief,we saw the thief move with the iphone via car(judging by the speed of the movement in app(im just saying this to inform that he probably didnt have access to a pc in that time before we put it in lost mode).Long story short the man decided to give the iphone back because he saw a police car in front of his house and got scared.He told us he panicked and took it out of greed and he wasnt in his right mind and he said and seemed he regretted it very much(suspicious…).He was an older man with kids so we decided not to fill out a report,got the phone back and went seperate ways.

Additional information: -The phone was still in lost mode after we got it back -He told us that he got scared took the SIM out and threw it into the canalisation -He was also a bit sketchy saying that it didnt ring when we called (there was literally a number on screen to call when found…) -He also had an android and obviously didnt know much about iphones bcs he didnt turn the iphone off right away also made a comment about how he didnt know it was so easy to track and so on

He seemed really scared so idk if he was saying these things out of stress to not look like even a bigger A****** or he was just lying.

I still have a weird feeling that he might have accessed the iphone (somehow?) and dont know what to do.Maybe im just paranoid…There are some sensitive data he could misuse or leak and im a bit stressed.

My question is basically if there is a way to access the iphone even in lost mode?(through a connection to pc or other device,phishing website,….) and is there a way to find out if it was conmected,unlocked or if any data were transfered?

The icloud doesnt seem to inform about any attempts of signing in from another pc.

Im searching for answers and a bit of emotional support .Thanks in advance and sorry for my English.

06:34 UTC


What does everyone think of the Music Haptics feature in Music?

I love it; I’m not deaf, but I think it adds such a fun little thing to music listening, and it syncs to every song I have almost perfectly. I really hope Spotify and other music platforms will add compatibility with this feature. Although I do wonder; is there any risk to the Haptic/Taptic Engine from being used constantly when music is playing?

05:29 UTC


Sleep focus is not tracking my sleep (no Apple Watch)

There is no sleep tracked after I turned on Sleep Focus manually. I have no sleep schedule set up.
I also don't use a Apple watch. What's going on?

1 Comment
05:27 UTC


i bought 2tb icloud storage for photos only and photos still consume 78 gbs of my original storage

as the title says i purchased 2 tbs of icloud storage because i have obscene amount of photos and videos but my iphone is only using 220 gbs of it and when i try to log into whatsapp and such apps it says storage is full because photos still take up 78 gbs of my iphone storage how do i fix it so my iphone storage isnt at all affected by my photos?

22:58 UTC


Why does read receipt keep changing?

I'm waiting for a reply from someone, and the read receipt has changed I think three times now? Initially it was opened around 16 hours ago, and then it changed again like 30 minutes after that. And just now, it changed once again to 10 minutes ago. What is the reason for this, just a bug? I know that marking unread and rereading a text doesn't affect the read receipt.

Edit: For context, I am on iOS 17.5.1

05:13 UTC


Photos not being deleted

My storage is super close to being full and it’s mostly taken up of photos, and everytime I try to delete a photo is just reappears,

05:01 UTC


Since when did iOS News turn into BuzzFeed?

I hate these leading titles.

02:51 UTC


Game Launcher

I'm just wondering if there are any apps on the App Store that you can use to launch all your games in one spot from one app. It would just be useful and easy for all my names in one app. I wanted to make a shortcut but that would just be a list.

02:29 UTC


YT videos on iPhone buffering even with good internet speed?

Hey y’all, so recently watching videos on my iPhone has been practically impossible the past week or so. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, updating my iOS, reset my router like 20 times, I even switched to a different ISP (not cause of this but I noticed it continued too). Has anyone had the same issue? Something as simple as 1080p will buffer even tho I have good connection.

02:19 UTC


How can I move this keyboard widget if I can’t interact with it?

I’ve tried lowering the screen in order to reach it, but still I can’t get to move it to a useful zone of my screen. Has anyone gone through this problem?

02:02 UTC


processing payment notification

i accidentally bought something with my card in a game, and since then whenever i download free apps it gives me a processing payment notification, is there any way to stop it? also the card isnt in my apple wallet, i added it somewhere to pay for icloud but i forgot how to show payment info for that?? i need to remove my card so how do i do that if it its not in apple wallet 😰😰

02:01 UTC


Downloading region locked apps then switching back to main Apple ID

Downloading region locked apps then switching back to main Apple ID

Hi everyone, I live in the U.S. and would like to download region locked apps in Australia. I have a second Apple ID created that’s located in Australia, but before logging into it I have some questions just to ensure none of my data is messed up.

  1. I see that signing out of App Store will also sign me out of iMessage. Say I sign out of my main account, sign into the secondary one, download the apps, then login to the main account, should everything in terms of my phone number / messaging be the same as before with really no effects?

  2. Would doing so mess up any payment methods or subscriptions I currently have? I currently have 200GB iCloud storage and a few subscriptions in the App Store linked to a PayPal payment method. Would logging out/ into the second account mess anything up in terms of that?

  3. Say I did this just once a month to check for updates on the region locked apps, should I have any concerns doing that?

I know this is a commonly asked question here, but I just wanted to ensure I would be fine in terms of my payments, subscriptions, and iMessage. Thank you everyone!

1 Comment
00:35 UTC


How is it possible that Google Photos updated itself, despite the fact that I have app automatic updates disabled?

Nothing more to say.

23:40 UTC


Can a thief turn off an atuvos air tag with their phone?

Someone stole my e bike today but luckily I had an AirTag hidden in it. I’ve hidden it in a place where it would be impossible for the thief to find it. They need a key to open it without breaking the bike. I had also ripped out the speaker from the air tag so they can’t play a sound to find it. Also since this isn’t an apple air tag, there’s no precision finding either. But the location of the air tag hasn’t updated since it got stolen. Can they turn it off remotely without physically getting to it?

23:34 UTC


How to exclude apps from showing up on screentime

i have spotify open in the background constantly and so my stats are always skewed. Is there a way to make certain apps not come up in ios screentime (for free preferably)

1 Comment
23:28 UTC


Siri check in suggestions even while disabled.

23:27 UTC


File system in sysdiagnosis

Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on com.apple.os.update-F14CFA179221FCB4FD64E0A***************47EA7DFA1@/dev/disk1s1 64G 5887M 11G 36% 323k 105M 0% / devfs 50k 50k 0B 100% 168 0 100% /dev /dev/disk1s6 64G 3722M 11G 26% 107 105M 0% /private/preboot /dev/disk1s3 10M 6312k 4174k 61% 1 41k 0% /private/xarts /private/preboot/C27EDFD448F94CB26E173051D9FB2BD33619F2D7414C3A52EB068E047AE4F/usr/standalone/firmware 64G 3722M 11G 25% 107 111M 0% /usr/standalone/firmware /dev/disk1s2 64G 12G 11G 52% 153k 105M 0% /private/var /dev/disk1s4 10M 2015k 8471k 20% 5 83k 0% /private/var/wireless/baseband_data /dev/disk1s5 64G 60M 11G 1% 706 105M 0% /private/var/MobileSoftwareUpdate /dev/disk1s7 45M 21M 24M 48% 130 232k 0% /private/var/hardware /private/var/hardware/Pearl/System/Library/Pearl/ReferenceFrames 45M 21M 24M 48% 130 232k 0% /System/Library/Pearl/ReferenceFrames /private/var/hardware/FactoryData/System/Library/Caches/com.apple.factorydata 45M 21M 24M 48% 130 232k 0% /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.factorydata /dev/disk1s8 64G 32G 11G 75% 224k 105M 0% /private/var/mobile

Is this a normal iOS filesyatem for a iPhone 11….

22:39 UTC


Is there a way to reset all of my settings in the settings app to their defaults without erasing all data from my iPhone?

I want to reset all of the settings to their defaults so I can fix them how I want them, but when I go into the Settings app, I don’t see any reset option that specifically says reset the settings on my iPhone.

Is there even a way to actually do this?

22:00 UTC


Numbers displaying as symbols

Has anyone ever come across numbers showing as symbols? My wife uses Siri to text from her watch and when ever she says a number it comes up as a symbol

“Up in the room with 2” comes up as “Up in the room with ↑”

I have searched around online but unable to find a reason.

If I use Siri on my watch it works fine.

21:55 UTC


Android to iOS - UK user set-up question

Hi All. I've been on android since the beginning but fed up of crappy midrange galaxies and have a shiny new 15PM in hand. I've got an iPad and iPhone for work so a bit less nervous than I might otherwise be about some of the stuff I've come across about this transition (back button!) but I am struggling to work something out RE phone set up....

I've just bought the phone direct from apple and am planning to use my existing SIM in it - current phone and 15PM both take nano SIM so figure this will be fine.....

The instructions for how to use the move to iOS app are pretty clear, and notwithstanding some concerns about whether my 10+ years of WhatsApp chats will transfer, the only bit I am unsure of is when to move the SIM from old phone to new??

21:12 UTC


group photo disappearing , advise please!

I’ve assigned a photo to a group chat I’m in, in the labels, but it will disappear if i delete the group chat from my messages (just deleting to do some house cleaning/storage cleanup) . Others in the group still see it but not me. I’ve added it back and they see that I’ve added the photo again, but it keeps disappearing on my phone if i delete the chat. Any suggestions?

example : the group chat is labeled "FAMILY" and its assigned a picture of me, my siblings and parents. but if i delete the chat, the label stays but the photo is removed.

19:48 UTC


Audio Playing In My AirPods… Can’t Find The Source

I’m not sure what to do. I can’t stop the sound. This doesn’t play if my headphones aren’t plugged in.

20:15 UTC


I am an highschooler and went for a summer job TODAY AT 7:30. HOW DO THEY KNOW??!

20:03 UTC

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