
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to Apple Maps! Generally speaking, this subreddit exists to HELP users of Apple Maps and not constantly complain about Apple Maps. Constructive criticism is always welcome though, so please post positives, negatives, anything...but in a respectful manner!!

Everything to do with Apple Maps!

  1. Don't be rude
  2. No NSFW
  3. No reposts


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Update to image collection in USA

Apple is collecting imagery by vehicle from January 1 to December 31, 2025 in USA. Apple is collecting imagery by backpack from January 1 to December 31, 2025 in California.


15:51 UTC


How to add a missing waterfall?

I found a small waterfall on Google maps and visited there. It was a good place to relax and take a dip. I wanted to add that to the Apple maps as well. But the "Report something missing" doesn't seem to have waterfall category. Is there any possible way to add these places to Apple maps like we can do on Google maps?

09:41 UTC


iOS18 cannot force Apple Maps to play audio from iPhone instead of Bluetooth

While using iOS17 I used to play Apple Maps audio from my iPhone while the device was connected to the car’s Bluetooth (I do not have Apple Car play but just regular Bluetooth)

In this way I was able to respond to phone calls through Bluetooth and hear Apple Maps from the device.

I have tried multiple times playing Apple Maps audio from the car but didn’t like it.

In iOS 17 I used to force Apple Maps audio from the device using the control center (while connected to the car’s Bluetooth, a car icon would appear and you could click that and change it to the phone).

In iOS 18 I do no longer see that icon in the control center. Anyone knows how to play again Apple Maps audio from the device? Many thanks

17:47 UTC


Flyover availability

Hi y‘all, I was just wondering if anybody knows whether there are any criteria about if a city gets flyover availability or not. I noticed that e.g. Frankfurt, Germany doesn‘t have it, despite several smaller cities in the country (e.g. Düsseldorf, Dresden, Nuremeberg) having it, which seems rather odd. Also: Does Apple announce of which places they want to add new data and features?

02:50 UTC


Which countries could be surveyd for the first time by Apple in 2025?

Here is a list of countries that could be surveyed by Apple in 2025: Turkey, South Africa, Indonesia, Argentina, Chile, Morocco, the Philippines, Qatar, Montenegro, Kuwait, North Macedonia, Colombia, Uruguay, Albania, and Moldova.

It seems that Macau, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia do not allow Apple to survey these countries.

In my opinion, Apple will focus more on Asia, South America, and Africa (which would be a first).

18:57 UTC


A bit random, but some predictions for AM in 2025

New Map Data:

Near certain (or extremely likely, to be more realistic): Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand

Very Likely: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta

Likely: Cyprus, Iceland, Romania, Serbia

Unlikely, but still a chance: UAE

Highly unlikely (but holding out hope regardless): Brazil, India, Vietnam, somewhere else

Note: Slovakia isn't included here because while Apple started surveying it in 2024, "new" map data was released there in 2023. I still think it's likely that we get more accurate map data and Look Around there, but right now, it's unclear, so we'll have to wait and see.

DCE (Detailed City Experience):

USA: Denver, Detroit, Honolulu, Phoenix, Portland

Italy: Milan, Rome

Note: I think some other places will get it, but these are the cities that came to the top of my head.

Disclaimer: These are just my thoughts and opinions, as I don't know or have no way of telling what Apple will do or even plans to do (so take these predictions with a grain of salt). I think overall, we should have at least *1* country receive new map data after having none in 2024 and more cities receive DCE. Here's to hoping 2025 will be a great year for Apple Maps!

16:41 UTC


Maps on Carplay

Hi. Need help here - my maps start automatically whenever my iPhone connects to my carplay when I start to drive. Issue is when I drive through a tollbooth my connection drops and I cant reconnect unless if I switch off of my car for 5 minutes. It is a maps issue on my side. Using 15pro max, all updates is installed. Wireless connection

05:56 UTC


New Flyover Tours Coming in 2025?

So a few months ago, u/JT_Ramsey reported that there was a Flyover Tour button that appeared when searching for Harrisburg, PA in Maps. I submitted a report to Apple since the button is nonfunctional - they closed the report, simply saying 'thanks for the report'. It seems like they are aware of this and may be adding a Flyover Tour at some point? Harrisburg doesn't even have normal Flyover yet, but it did get new satellite imagery a few days ago which gives me hope that it could get Flyover.

Are there any other cities that have a nonfunctional Flyover Tour button?

14:51 UTC


Convert to Apple Maps, but...

Hi everyone. I've been an iOS and MacOS user for many years, but have always tilted towards Google Maps. I've used TomTom Go as my SatNav, but decided I wanted to give Apple Maps a go. I'm really impressed with it's uncluttered layout (compared to Google Maps), but there are a few niggles and I'm wondering if Apple has these on their roadmap to sort out.

  1. A speedometer? This is the only thing holding me back from using it as a replacement navigation app. Both TomTom Go and Waze have a great GPS based speedometer, but Apple Maps does not. Surely something they are going to sort out?

  2. The default view, when doing navigation, appears to always default to 2D, even when you use two fingers to tilt to 3D view. Is there a way of forcing it to stay 3D? This is something I love about TomTom Go.

Love to hear any views!

08:26 UTC


How to import 3d tiles in blender?

Dora anybody know a way to import the 3d tiles fron Apple maps in blender? For Google maps i’m using renderdoc to extra t the maps but it does’t availanle for Mac OS ( so for Apple maps!)

06:49 UTC


Apple Maps not routing efficiently

In the last few weeks about 1/2 mile around my house has seemed to have issues routing to my home. It also has happened to Amazon drivers attempting to make a delivery as well as guests coming to my home. Is there a way to tell Apple directly about a routing issue? I don’t normally use maps to get home but even when I am leaving my home it routes me and never seems to start the guidance from my actual location but a street or two over…is this a GPS blind spot maybe or is there a way to fix it on my end? Any suggestions are appreciated!

20:58 UTC


How do I get the map to organize my trip

I put in several addresses and they send me on a route in order of how I entered them instead of by closest location.

17:31 UTC


Help - “Home” and “Work” addresses disappeared from Maps favourites

Hi all!

So for the last several years, the top 2 places in my “Favourites” on both Apple Maps and CarPlay maps have been Work and Home.

However for some reason today, it has completely changed and has started showing completely random pins from other places instead, such as holidays 5-6 years ago. I can still search “work” for example, and it will work, but it’s frustrating that the ease of clicking “work” or “home” (which I use most days due to traffic issues) is no longer easy.

Has anybody experience this/have idea how to revert it?

1 Comment
13:56 UTC


2024 Flyover Summary

Flyover was definitely not a feature that any of us thought would get any special treatment this year. If anything, it seemed as though Apple was in the process of slowly giving up on the feature, especially with the end of the City Tours feature. While this was slowly being dispelled in 2023 with a large imagery update for Texas and the West Coast, nothing could have prepared us for 2024. So, I thought I would give a brief summary of this update.

This year, Flyover imagery was released in roughly two large waves, with said waves involving updates that ranged from an update every two weeks to every day. The first wave began in late February and lasted until mid May. This update was primarily focused on the United States and Canada, as well as Australia and Europe to a lesser extant. The second wave started around early October, and lasted until early November, with one final update occurring in December. This update was largely focused on the US, the UK, and Australia with a lesser focus on mainland Europe, Japan and New Zealand. While it is somewhat difficult to quantify how many cities received this feature since it focuses on metros, it can be said that at least 120 major cities received the feature in 2024. For context, the previous year with the most releases was 2019, which only saw around 30 cities.

Other stats:

  • The largest city to get Flyover this year was Brisbane, with a population of 2.7 million. The smallest was Carbondale, Illinois, which has a population of 25,083.
  • All remaining US cities with a population above 500,000 received Flyover this year, with 30 US cities above 100,000 still lacking the feature.
  • Six US states received Flyover for the first time: Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Virginia and West Virginia. One country, Luxembourg, got Flyover for the first time. All US states that have the feature, with the exception of Wyoming and Hawaii, had some form of Flyover update this year. Vermont and Alaska are now the last two states to not have Flyover.
  • Mainland Europe, rather unusually, did not see a significant number of new Flyover cities added this year, with only Luxembourg and The Hague being added. While many existing cities were updated, their coverage often did not significantly change.

So, with that, I now want to look towards next year. What will Apple do with Flyover next year? What new cities may be added? Will Apple continue adding cities at the same feverish pace as this year? We will see what 2025 brings. In terms of Flyover, what would you like to see next year?

13:58 UTC


Apple Maps on Android?

So I've been wondering this for a while, I know some of you prefer Google Maps over Apple Maps, and while Google Maps has a lot of advantages in terms of information that is both current and acttueste, multiple built-in reviews and photos, and reliable info for other countries not in North America or Europe.

However I do really like the way that apple maps looks, and to me the minimalist aesthetic of the app is really pleasing.

I was wondering if there is any way to have Apple Maps on Android via some APK or other method?

I figured if there is a place that I can find this info it would be on Reddit.

03:42 UTC

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