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Saarbrücken local tram line added

I just noticed, that the local tram data for Saarbrücken is now available in Apple Maps. For a long time the tram stations were outlined, but now we can also see the (orange) line in maps and the department times for each station are available.

At the moment not all stations are clickable yet, but you can access it through the line. Maybe it's buggy still since they are working on it?



07:11 UTC


New Siri announcement during navigation for increased traffic ahead

Today I got a new voice announcement from Siri when I was nearing a traffic build-up, specifically a red-marked section of the route.

Roughly translated it was something like "Increased traffic ahead due to incident. You are still on the fastest route." It triggered around 500m before the beginning of the traffic jam.

Before, Siri would only announce incident or accident markers which are often at the other end of traffic jams. It's nice that now the traffic jams themselves are announced.

17:07 UTC


Why does this place already exist in business connect but can also be claimed?

There's a local bar which already seems to use business connect. It has the logo, an about and photos by the store owner. But there's still an option to claim it the business.
How is this possible? I thought the option to claim it went away after the owner claimed it

12:40 UTC


Planning a walking route ?

I’m looking to plan a walking route that loops back round to my home (the starting point) I have saved some pinned locations on the route so I know general direction where to go. When it comes to actually going on the walk what’s the best way to join all the pins up to make one route ?

Also what exactly does guides do o don’t quite understand it Thanks

18:53 UTC


My ex gf mail keeps coming up on maps. Why?

Started today. Whenever I type something her email comes up.

I have not shared my location (she however has shared her with mine apparently, like an invite?) but now I’m a bit freaked out that she is trying to track me.

She was very verbally abusive and she assaulted me once so I have done everything I can to stay clear from her but she tries to contact me every other month. Even after two years.

Is it just a coincidence/bug/software issue or is she trying to do something?

She does not know my password.

Sorry if this is a shitpost but I googled and couldn’t find the answer.

Thank you and have a nice evening.

16:07 UTC


“Look Around” not available in Indianapolis

Apples look around feature is so much better than street view, but I’ve found that they haven’t added Indy yet. I was wondering if there’s a way to put in a request for it to be added in a city?

12:51 UTC


My honest opinion on Apple Maps as a lifelong Google Maps User

I have used Google Maps my entire life even though I am heavily immersed into the Apple Ecosystem but last year I decided to try out Apple Maps and it’s been about a year since I’ve been using Apple Maps as my main mapping app. The spoken directions Apple Maps gives is far superior than it’s counterpart Google Maps, the directions are spread out and aren’t as last minute as google’s which is a lifesaver because I do not like looking at my phone while driving. I found myself rarely looking at the maps app while using Apple Maps solely because of how good the spoken directions are. The “go past this light and at the next one turn left” and the constant reminders of the upcoming turns is a lifesaver for me, and the whole lane guidance thing has saved me more times than I can imagine and it’s surprisingly really accurate. The integration with Apple Watch is also such a massive benefit. When an upcoming turn is announced the watch will also vibrate on your wrist to remind you, and you can easily view upcoming turns at a glance. I really love those parts of the Apple Maps app I’m going to continue using it solely because of those pros. Now to some of the cons. Apple Maps’s routes aren’t usually the quickest way to get there. While it’s mostly the same as Google’s I find Google’s has gotten me to places faster but only by a few minutes and that really doesn’t really matter to me. Apple Maps also struggles on picking up incidents on the road like accidents and road closures while Google excels in that category. I’ve had a few instances of Apple Maps directing me into closed off areas in both walking directions, and driving but so has Google and it’s impossible to keep up to date with all those things at all times. Both Apple and Google are pretty good at predicting traffic and the ETA’s are spot on for both apps but I find Google being a bit more accurate and reliable at times but not by much. I also find that Google is so much reliable when it comes to looking up the hours of a nearby business. Nonetheless neither Google or Apple Maps are perfect, but it has improved significantly since its release and I think it is good enough to stay as my daily maps app. Also it gets bonus points for its App Design. I just love the design on Apple Maps so much hehe <3

05:26 UTC


Actual benefits of joining Business Connect over Yelp pulled info?

I have done research on here and other sources. Since Apple Maps currently pulls information from Yelp why would I want to become involved with Business Connect?

13:34 UTC


Anyone notice Apple Maps randomly canceling routes?

It’s mainly been a walking routes, but I watched it for about 15 minutes to make sure it wasn’t something being clicked in my pocket or watch. iOS suddenly decides it doesn’t want to go there anymore. The location will still be highlighted on the map, the route will just be canceled and it’ll be on regular maps.

22:55 UTC


Updated models seem to not be custom lately


I’ve noticed the last few models I reported that got updated haven’t been getting the light gray custom models, where I would’ve expected it would — specifically the Driskill Hotel and Red & Charlie Mccombs Field in Austin TX. With the latter, it’s interesting because Disch-Falk Field got the gray custom models but Mccombs Field did not, and the updates were similar. Things I’ve noticed in the past that tend of get the custom models include staircases, curved edges for domes/roofing, bleachers, which these had some level of.

I included a few other screenshots of spots that I didn’t report myself but were added at some point, include the building where an Apple Store is at, as well as the Long Center which is a major performing arts venue in Austin. Both have pretty accurate detailing but are not custom models.

Lastly I also included one that u/Different_Wind8260 reported awhile ago in San Antonio (Frost Bank Tower) that I would’ve 100% expected to be custom based on the shape, but is in fact not. I also saw in u/Puzzleheaded-Ant-379‘s post that the building they reported in the Netherlands is also not custom.

My understanding based on Justin O’Beirne’s post is that the models only go light gray when Apple manually adjusts it, so I wonder if their 3D model imaging/algorithm is getting better to where they’re not needing to fiddle as much. Or they’re just getting fed up with us reporting 😂🤣 But honestly who knows and it may just be coincidental with my last two, cause I had a few that did get added as custom not too long ago

1 Comment
16:37 UTC


How to remove your business from Apple Maps

No spamming intended, I wrote this article. If allowed in this subreddit here's how to actually remove your business from Apple Maps since it is not possible using Apple Business Connect.


10:23 UTC


“Search this area” doesn’t work?

When I try to search for a store in a specific area, it defaults to the area immediately surrounding me. If I pan to the area I want to search, it does not update. If I search the query again while panned on the preferred area, it drags me back to my immediate area. There used to be a button that said “search this area” but now it doesn’t show up. What happened?

iOS 17.5.1 IPhone 15 Pro

1 Comment
19:42 UTC

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