/r/iPod - All the news, apps, accessories, rumours and general discussion of the Apple iPod series of devices. Discord: https://discord.gg/iPod
Welcome to /r/iPod, a subreddit just for the iPod device. News, apps, accessories, rumors and general discussion.
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i cant give photos because my phone is missing rihgt now, but it getys hot if i leavve it to charge for an hour, has flashed the sad ipod screen multiple times, and crashed my windows pc, and wont be recognized in linux, but picks up fine on my mac, but my mac is too old for new itunes
what do i do? (i dread opening it.)
my 30 pin cables keep breaking and i have to buy new one all the time. Do you know where should I look for durable 30 pin cable?
Literally just got this yesterday and it worked perfectly until it randomly went like this. Everything still works like the music playback and I can hear it scrolling through menus but the screen is just blank. People on forums from years ago said to put it in the fridge for 5mins and the screen would come back to life but that didn’t work (didn’t expect it to). I’ve reset it via itunes countless times and held the select and menu countless times with no results. Can someone help?
All of the Nanos and shuffles are having good condition battery or replaced by myself and somehow all of them are 8gb models
Many reviewers said that the Koss Retrospekt are a piece of shit in terms of sound quality. Give them a try with the 2nd Gen. They sound not so bad.
Show some love to the start of the touch era back in 2002 🤍
I’ve been using a recently upgraded mini that I am loving, so I had my personal ipod classic 6th gen upgraded (new battery and aesthetic replacements) and noticed (to me) my mini sounds a lot better. I can’t explain but it just does. are the dacs different? anyone know anything about sound quality when compared to each other?
After months crafting leather case, finally I got my first iPod ~
I bought this ipod of ebay a few weeks ago Left it in the car and it got pretty warm but not overly hot
Is this permanent or fixable you reckon?
I've seen similar posts with lines on ipod nano which have fixed over time.
Hello!!! I have been working on this ipod for a WHILE.
Earlier it worked, then it corrupted all my music, then it worked again until i tried to modify the song list
Then using the factory cable worked,
now it refuses to sync and just gives me the "OK to disconnect." message.
any help is appreciated!!!
update - it just gives me the file with exclamation mark for a few minutes then connects, will update soon
i dont have photos, but its flashed the dead drive screen 2 times now, and its kinda syncing to pc now (it's crashed both winodws explorer and itunes, worked fine with my mac, but my mac's too old to actually use new itunes)
$5 thrift find 🍯
I found a cheap thinback 5.5 30 gb.
I am curious, is it possible to make 5.5 thinback 30 gb a thickback? So that i can do the big battery mod?
i bought a lot of like 7 ipod nano 1st generations like 5 years ago. i have a few motherboards, cases and clickwheels left, and i peiced together a gig model, and it is recognized by itunes, but when i try to restore it, it will just go back to saying this ipod needs to be restored. is it faulty components or lack of screen making this issue?
I'm thinking of sending away my ipod classic 7th gen for some mods. Was just wondering does upgrading memory and SSD wipe all the music off and do you have to start again?
Is it worth getting a Bluetooth mod as well? Does it work well or not worth it? Would appreciate some advice before I part with my beloved ipod with 18000+ songs
so i need to restore an iPod Mini i have, but it woont do it on windows and my only mac cant run the latest itunes, so it cant connect to the update servers to restore, and disk utility wont do anything
My ipod will not boot past the apple logo. I can get it into disk mode and access it through itunes and file explorer. Its also seems to hold a charge so I don't know what the issue is. I do not own a firewire cable or an apple computer the plug the firewire into.
I accidentally broke the headphone jack/hold switch retaining clip on my iPod classic 6th gen logic board. It also got lost so I can't try to put it back on. I can't find a replacement piece anywhere. I've tryed jamming the ribbon cable in with tape to get it to work but only left audio plays with headphones. I also have already broken one cable trying to jam it in.
I found my old iPod nano and I wanted to get back into it, but I put a passcode on it years ago and I don’t remember it at all. I tried to factory reset it on my MacBook by restoring the iPod in Finder, but it’s prompting me for a password. So I’m in a lil dilemma. How do I factory reset my iPod if I don’t know its passcode?