
Photograph via snooOG

A sub for asking for help specifically for iPhones

Need advice or have an issue that you can't find a solution to for your iPhone? We have users who enjoy donating their time and expertise to help others. Only iPhone related issues please (not apps or other Apple devices or accessories.

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  • 1. No iCloud/Activation Lock bypass posts or comments. Do not ask for bypasses or hacks for iCloud locked devices. Activation Lock by Apple is not hackable and all posts asking for info on how to get past activation lock will be removed and the user may be banned.

  • 2. iPhone related issues only. No iPad, Mac, or other Apple product help requests. The name of the sub is self-explanatory. Posts asking for help for other Apple (or other brand) devices will be removed.

  • 3. No vague or poorly explained requests. Please include iPhone model, iOS version, problem, and steps taken to remedy your issue. We're here to help, but can only do so with the information that allows us to help troubleshoot. Also, keep calm. ALL CAPS POSTS OR COMMENTS WILL BE REMOVED.

  • 4. No broken screen "should I fix this?" posts. If you broke your screen, it has lines on it, the image is wonky, the touch doesn't work, or it has black marks in the image, you need a screen change. If you have data you need but a broken screen, get the screen fixed...it's super cheap pretty much anywhere. These posts will be removed.

  • 5. No "is my battery normal?" posts. All posts asking if normal battery usage is normal will be removed. A battery drops on average 10% per year - is yours within those parameters? If so, you don't need to post and these will be removed.

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What is this notification

1 Comment
07:23 UTC


Shared Notes Question

I deleted a shared note months ago from my iPhone (not originally created by me) and as I'm using my Mac laptop I notice it's in my shared folder under invitations with a recent date. I'm logged into the same iCloud account on both not sure why it popped up. Anyone have an idea why this is here.

When I click the note, it says who the note is being shared with and an option to "View Note". If I open this will the owner know I viewed it?

1 Comment
05:25 UTC


I updated my iPhone SE to the latest iOS and all my photos were deleted. Again.

I have an iPhone SE (newer version) and last time I did this all my photos offloaded and then reuploaded to my phone over the course of a week. It was incredibly annoying and a big hinderance. I contacted the apple help texting thing and they said make a backup and that it wouldnt happen again, they supposedly looked into it and said it was a one time thing. Well now I’m here after updating to 17.5.1 with all my photos missing and my recents folder saying “restoring from iCloud”. Why does it offload my photos at all? Can’t it just keep them in my phone while updating? It’s so annoying to not have access to them for almost a week while they reupload. Apple has not been helpful with this. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Any fixes so this doesn’t happen next time I update my phone?

04:28 UTC


What does this sun icon do?

I don't see any difference in my icon app appearance when I click on the sun icon.

04:16 UTC


iPhone 15 Pro location services stops working and messages stay unread

Hi all. I have an iPhone 15 Pro on iOS 17.5.1. I bought it September 2023 in the Apple store in NYC for personal use.

About twice per day my location services will stop working. When I open Google Maps it's just a blank screen and clicking the triangle for current location will give a "Location cannot be determined" message. At the same time any messages on Facebook Messenger or iPhone Messages will remain unread even when I've read them (the little blue dot indicating unread will remain). I've also noticed certain applications that require Face ID will fail to even prompt Face ID and will be virtually unusable. I've noticed it happens sometimes when I get a banner notification for something unrelated and I click on it, redirecting me to another app. Not sure if this always the case though.

If I power off my phone and restart it, the issue will be fixed but this is super annoying since it happens on a daily basis. The weird thing is that this issue began with my previous phone (iPhone 11) and has persisted on this one. At this point I don't know if it's a software issue or something weirdly specific to my settings? Has anyone else run into this kind of issue before?

As a side note, I've also tried resetting my location settings to factory but that does nothing.

03:11 UTC


Most apps suddenly unresponsive

Not sure if anyone has ever encountered this or has any solutions, but this morning almost all of the non-Apple apps on my iPhone SE 3rd gen suddenly stopped working. They would open, but immediately minimize (although I could see them running in the background afterwards). Apple Support told me I had to delete and re-download all 30 of the affected apps, and had no explanation for why it happened or how to prevent it in the future. Some of these were pretty well-known apps (Amazon, Chase, Google Maps, etc). I had the latest version of all the apps and the latest version of iOS (17.5.1). I even tried restarting my router, although my other iOS devices aren't having any trouble. It's all a huge PITA. What do you think, worth it to try a factory reset in the hopes it might prevent it from happening again? Or is there something else I should do?

EDIT: I just solved this on my own. I had 150 active tabs in Safari. After going through and clearing all of them out, all the affected apps are opening just fine. Hopefully this helps anyone else who might have the same problem.

03:05 UTC


Okay so I created a Focus mode for exams and I have all my exams written in a calendar called “tests” and I want the focus to turn on automatically when the tests begin

Any idea how to do that? I managed to create with Shortcuts something that at the beginning of the day checks if I have an exam today and if I do it turns the focus on But I don’t want it to be on the whole day I want it to turn on when the test begins and that’s where I’m stuck

1 Comment
02:43 UTC


How to remove the Mail app taking up 7.2GB?

I do not use this app. I’ve tried deleting the Mail app, removing my accounts from the app, then signing in and out, and deleting all the mail in the app. None of this has been working. iPhone 6S (if that matters).

This has been an issue for other users as well, and I’ve tried the solutions but to no avail.

22:25 UTC


Setting up a website redirect?

I want to set up a redirect so if I try to access a particular website it will redirect me to a different one, effectively blocking that website.

I’m asking this as I want to quit social media. I know there are ways to block websites on iOS but I want to get automatically redirected to another website in place of social media.

1 Comment
21:39 UTC


iPhone 11 screen unresponsive

My camera is grayed out and I can't interact with the screen. I CAN touch the phone when it is dark and it WILL turn on but cannot "swipe up" to input my password and like I said before the camera icon is grayed out. I've already done like at least 20 hard reboots (volume up, volume down, power button hold until apple logo shows, blah blah blah). Any other ideas? Any help would be incredible

20:50 UTC


No Facebook/Messenger Album in MyAlbums

I've had various iterations of iPhone for a while now, and a few years ago I deleted the Facebook/Messenger album on my phone and It has bugged me ever since. If anyone could tell me how to get it back it would be greatly appreciated.

20:45 UTC


¿How to transfer WhatsApp business from iOS to android?

Hello, I bought an android phone (honor) to use it as my work phone. My personal phone is an iPhone 12 pro max in which I use WhatsApp business, now I need to transfer it to the android but I have not found any way to do it. Could you help me know if it's possible, if there's any way to do it. I would really appreciate it.

19:30 UTC



When someone blocked you are you still able to see the pictures and links you shared ?

Latest ios and iphone 13 mini


18:06 UTC


Is it possible to hide my location but I can see someone's locations while they cant see mine?

I just want to know when my parents would go to my dorm since they dont update and just shoves on my door

Iphone 14 pro max 17.5.1

1 Comment
16:51 UTC


Shortcuts for Recent Contacts Missing

Hello all!

My iPhone (XR iOS 17.5.1) no longer displays the contact shortcuts while sharing, but it works normally on an iPad (9th Gen iPadOS 17.5.1).

Could you please help me restore this feature?


14:56 UTC


Something weird on my safari

So I’ve noticed this popping up when I search for things, usually very quickly and disappearing but now it’s come up like this - I’m scared to click if it’s a virus but also scared it means I’ve been hacked? Any help if it’s safe?

12:26 UTC


iPhone 12 Camera Focus Issues at 1x and Above – Urgent Fix Needed from Apple

Hi everyone,

I have an iPhone 12, iOS Version 17.5.1, and up until recently, it was working perfectly fine. However, I’ve encountered a frustrating issue with the camera. When I use the camera at 1x speed or above, it fails to focus. Below 1x, it works properly. When attempting to focus, it makes an electric short-like sound.

Initially, I thought it was an issue with my phone, but then I noticed it was affecting other phones too. I searched for fixes but found nothing helpful. Something stood out in the pictures I tried to take: the main focus area was blurry, but the live view option or live photo option was clear.

It doesn’t make sense to lose focus in the main frame while the outliers remain sharp. I suspect Apple might have done something here.

I've attached pictures to help illustrate the issue.

I tried to force restart the phone, TWICE, but in vain. I saw people saying to try using a magnet, which is so not cool, Imagine moving with a magnet at the back of your phone.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions or insights would be greatly appreciated.


06:30 UTC


Tenorshare Reiboot SCAM -(used when it shows support.apple.com/iphone/restore)

[iPhone 14 pro][17.5.1 update]

I paid for it, its a big big scam. It does what any finder window of mac will do too, it iTunes for that matter.

Best way is to restore the iPhone-> in case you are using eSIM, good thing is eSIM data wont go away. so pretty much the same, just you stay without iPhone for 3-4 hours.

I am so silly that I fell prey to it, because in their all youtube videos, they have marketed to the extent that all the comments are fake. i.e check any comment that tries to show it as a scam-> that will have more likes then other comments combined, yet lower in the show queue.

1 Comment
06:29 UTC


This is a last ditch effort but for some reason my google images are black

Picture above for example, It’s on my iPhone and no one else seems to respond on other subreddits

05:10 UTC


Can anyone explain why google is doing this?

Everytime I type any word it does this in google search and it’s extremely annoying and time wasting . Never seen it happen before.

00:03 UTC


Macro iPhone Footage looks perfect in preview, but is shaky in final clip.

23:23 UTC


How come it says my iTunes email address is someone else's sometimes?

I blurred out their weed email address.

21:36 UTC


I think my phone is hacked

My phone kept making weird noises. I tried turning it off and on to no avail. I even tried to look for the sounds in the opened apps but found nothing. I really need help on what to do

20:25 UTC


What is this? From what I understand this is the quality of an image but If I’m right how can there be 2 different numbers?

20:12 UTC


iCloud is not a storage solution?

Soo... from my understanding, iCloud as in the iCloud Backup (Not iCloud Drive) Is not iCloud storage? It's basically a mirror of what you have on your phone? I take a picture on my iPhone, it shows up in iCloud, I delete the photo from my camera roll, it gets deleted from iCloud.

Let's say I have 50GB of photo/video on my phone and I want to clear up some space.. I would need to save those photos to iCloud DRIVE and Not ICLOUD to keep them long term? Correct? Basic iCloud is a fail-safe in case my phone breaks?

If my main concern is saving photos in the cloud for longer.. should I just use a different service dedicated to photo/video? Does anyone save their Photos in iCloud Drive? How is it working for you?

19:23 UTC


Help - half white screen

Please help! I just got the iPhone 15 two weeks ago and out of nowhere, no drops/no damage- this bald white screen popped up and will not go away no matter what I try. I chatted with apple diagnostics and nothing. Please help! I have to go away tomorrow

18:49 UTC


Data transfer but Broken screen

So I just got a new phone, my old one kicked the bucket. I have a password on it, but the top of screen doesn’t work. Can I just use a laptop to transfer over everything? Or would I need to put in the password? Both phones are apple IOS, an XS and 15. New phone is newly updated, the other hasn’t been updated since about a month. Not too long ago.

12:08 UTC

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