
Photograph via //r/Siri

Community to discuss and ask questions about Apple's digital assistant, Siri.

All things Siri related.

Funny conversations and responses.




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Is Siri on LSD?


"Hey Siri, whats the time?"
"I found some web results, I can show them if you ask again from your iPhone"

"Hey Siri, play Superfly FM."
"Here's Highway To Hell by AC/DC"

"Hey Siri, play Superfly FM Radio."
"Now playing Tina Turner"
*starts playing Beegees song*

I mean seriously, WTAF ?? Only reason I didn't toss the thing out the window was because I enjoyed the Beegees song.

1 Comment
06:16 UTC


Siri Misheard me

Siri thought I said “Call Goku”. I didn’t call for her, I just said whatever I said and then I just hear her say “Hmmmm…. You don’t have a Goku in your context.” I and just laughed a-bit about it. I have no idea what she thought this sentence (or her name) because I’m pretty sure I said nothing close to any of this, it’s hilarious how she mishears stuff.

02:15 UTC


Siri blasting Red Hot Chili Peppers at 2am

My 5-year-old daughter has a little Siri ball in her room that she uses to listen to podcasts and Disney tunes. A couple weeks ago, I was woken out of a deep sleep by her Siri playing what I can only recall to be the garbage music of RHCP at FULL VOLUME at 2 in the morning. I went running in like my hair was on fire and literally ripped the cord out to make it stop. Why. And how can I ensure that it never happens again.

1 Comment
12:47 UTC


Thanks for nothing

Me : (accidentally says ‘Siri’)

Siri: Uh-huh?

Me: Never mind

Siri: Ok, here’s what I found on the web for ‘never mind’


15:54 UTC


Siri interrupting Zoom calls

I use Zoom on my Mac for several meetings a day. Over the last two weeks, Siri has randomly activated while I or the person I’m meeting with is speaking. Neither of us are saying “Hey Siri” or anything that sounds similar. I’m not pressing the Siri icon on my Mac, or the microphone button on my headphones, or anything like that. It really just happens randomly. It’s frustrating because it mutes me and the other attendees and sometimes takes a little while before I can be heard again, and sometimes happens several times during the call.

Anyone know what may be happening or how to fix it?

14:08 UTC


Siri no longer searches on youtube app.

Hello, In the past, I could search YouTube with Siri and watch the latest video of a channel. For example, when I said "Hey Siri, play Nevşin Mengü's latest video on YouTube", the video started playing. It doesn't work anymore and I couldn't manage it so I looked on the internet. Is there anyone who still uses it or has encountered such a problem and found a solution? I go on long motorcycle rides so it's hard for me to take my phone out of my pocket. In that sense, it was something very useful. Thank you very much everyone in advance

10:48 UTC


What do YOU do take notes while driving?

Bit of a follow up, but I’m interested in how you take notes driving. I listen to a lot of audiobooks, presentations etc & text message myself notes I sort later on. Yesterday she started asking me how I want to send the message every time. I’ve tried Evernote, To Do Ist, Google Tasks, ClickUp etc. but nothing seemed a clean solution, texting myself worked at least 90% of the time…

23:28 UTC


Can anyone search their videos or photos? I used to be able to with Siri and can't now

I am saying "Show me videos I took in January 2024" and it just can't. It used to be able to.

Searching by text within the app searches for the word January.

How is this a trillion dollar company?

04:26 UTC


Is this a joke...

I'm sure I'm not the first person to bring this up but I need to vent because it's absolutely ridiculous now. Siri is utterly useless at this point.

Me: Siri, how many days are there in June?
Siri: There are 22 weekdays in June, 2023. Check a holiday calendar to get the business (spoken as bussy-ness) days in June.

Me: Siri, change my sleep alarm to ___. (This has literally always worked in the past)
Siri: I couldn't find the alarm you asked for.

Me: Siri, [insert question here]. *hands are obviously busy*
Siri: Here's what I found on the web. [proceeds to not speak anything]

Siri on my watch? Useless.
Siri for driving directions? Can't ever seem to find the locations I ask for.

Has Apple just given up? At this point it's infuriating.

00:36 UTC


Siri Shortcuts not working out of sudden with shortcuts from smartlife that include numberings

Anyone experiencing the same problem? Ive been able to use my shortcuts that include numbering’s perfectly fine for years with Siri on iphone, but out of sudden it stopped working for all shortcuts that include numbering, eg “turn off 1 lights” “open gate 4”. How can i fix this? Ive tried deleting the shortcuts and creating new ones, restarting phone, disable and re-enable Siri, re-login smartlife account, renaming tap to run title, clear cache on smartlife app all doesnt work. Anyone know how to fix this?

00:08 UTC


Siri is way too smart

My uncle texted me a picture of my baby cousin in a toy house at Costco to the family group chat. I was biking and had an AirPod in and it did the usual your uncle sent a picture, but then it said, of a child in a toy house!!!! I can’t believe Siri has gotten so smart it can look at images and tell what they are. I have never had this happen before and was curious if anyone else has.

14:08 UTC


How Apple ReALM AI Will Change The World Forever

02:01 UTC

18:12 UTC


Missing functions

I used to be able to ask Siri wfat year a song came out and now that no longer works. I used to be able to ask her to create a station from a song that’s playing. That no longer works either. Anyone else?

14:52 UTC


Trouble with Siri, please help

Hey, when I tell my HomePod mini “Soho”, the name of one of my scenes, Siri responds that there is an unknown error. When I say “activate the scene Soho” it works. It used to work and still works with just “Soho” on all other devices. When I rename the scene, it works again. Anyone has an idea how to fix this?

15:34 UTC


Your Phone Finally "Gets It" with Apple's ReALM (Goodbye Confusion!)

13:53 UTC


How do I tell Siri to play a playlist like -_-

I have a couple playlists like this and I’m not sure how to translate them into actual names

1 Comment
19:57 UTC


Siri is now stuck and calls only 1 contact no matter which contact I will ask to call.

Hello everyone,

I noticed that in the last few weeks no matter what contact I will ask siri to call, siri will default on calling only 1 contact no matter if I say siri call dad or mom or brother siri will just call one specific contact that has nothing to do with these names. I also noticed that if I say siri call and then I be silent siri will proceed on calling that specific contact no matter what. Has anyone else experienced that? I tried to reset siri by turning it off and also delete siri and dictation history but with no success.

1 Comment
19:53 UTC


we’ve reached a breaking point

how is siri so bad ? genuinely. half the time i try to use it it simply doesn’t work. they are removing features and the service barely works as is. i can’t even set an alarm anymore without it struggling ?absolutely pathetic and embarrassing from one of the largest companies in the world. seriously guys, do better.

16:30 UTC


[Help] Siri calling wrong person

Whenever I try to call a certain friend we’ll call Johnny, and I ask Siri to call Johnny, Siri says “calling Johnny Law Firm. Is there any way around this? I don’t have that law firm as a contact nor do I need the number. I have tried to block the number and that doesn’t work. Anything would help.

1 Comment
11:49 UTC


Disable specific alarm commands?

Unfortunately, I’ve discovered I can say “Siri, turn of all my alarms). And now you know too :) Is there a way to disable specific commands (vs all of Siri)? I set a few alarms to get up in the morning (one more gentle, one backup, one super annoying). The first one goes off and, while I’m still half asleepI, I turn off the rest of the alarms and go back to sleep :(

I figure the answer is no, but thought I’d check before going back to an old alarm clock). Thank you in advance!

00:52 UTC


Is it possible to fix this

Idk how many updates ago this happened but usually when I used to ask Siri “When is my next alarm?”, they would tell me the time. Now when I ask the same question it doesn’t speak when the next alarm is it just speaks “I found one alarm”.

Anyone know if that can be changed?

17:44 UTC

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