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Leon’s Mahjong - a really nice Mahjong game

I’ve been playing Leon’s Mahjong, a $.99 pixel art Mahjong game and it’s one of my favorite games on the App Store. So beautiful and perfect, it’s a retro-graphics work of art.

The gameplay has a nice hint feature in case you get stuck matching tiles. There are several modes including an easy mode to teach you how to play and a good description of all the tiles. A must have for Mahjong fans or anyone looking for a good simple game.


18:23 UTC


Looking for Couch Co-OP controller games to play with the family.

I am looking for some good but simple couch co-op games.
We have and like TMNT Splintered Fate and I am not sure if minecraft is couch co-op from a single device?

15:33 UTC


I wanted to thank the person who did this review of my game in App Store UK!! First UK review!

10:44 UTC


Social Stealth Recommendations

Just discovered the fantastic Party Hard. I love sneaky tactical games like this, particularly if the stealth is a little different to just hiding in shadows. Do you have any other recommendations for alternative stealth titles like this? I've played Invisible Inc for example

Not directly related but my all time fave ios games are:

  • FTL
  • X-Com 2
  • Invisible Inc
  • Death Road to Canada
  • Plague Inc
  • Polytopia
  • Hitman Go
  • Tropico
04:47 UTC


what are the best games where you earn in game money. 😂 those tend to be my favorite games.

02:25 UTC


Are there any interesting gothic, or horror style (visually) games?

I’m interested to try star rail, but i’m not much of s fan of the visual/character design. Which got me thinking, are there any good or interesting games with gothic, or gothic horror vibes?

02:20 UTC


How to price IAP for silly little clicker game?

My friend and I made a fun little frog clicker game called Keep Bufo Alive, it’s free to play, we have about 600 players and quite a few who are hard core fans. We haven’t done monetization other than rewarded ad revenue which gives us pennies lol

We’d love to add more features to it and give players what they want but it’s just not worth our time because we need to make money since we both quit our full time jobs.

Any suggestions? What do you love/hate/don’t mind about IAP?

We’re thinking of adding the ability to purchase our “lily coins” which is premium currency to get outfits and boosts. Any feedback welcome! www.keepbufoalive.com 💚

21:46 UTC


Looking for a new game to sink my time into - I’ve played a bunch of Diablo Immortal and Stardew Valley.

Looking for a game to sink 100+ hours into. I really enjoyed Diablo Immortal and Stardew Valley but just have the itch for something new. Looking for some combat, base building, resource management, and upgrades for either equipment/players/resources. I saw V Rising on PS5 but maybe something along those lines. Any suggestions?

20:16 UTC


Do we have any good melee pvp games that are not fightings?

Like mordhau on pc? If not we defenitely need one

19:56 UTC


Im sick and want some games to play. Recommend me something.

After reading some posts here, I have downloaded:

  • Marvel snap. And man am I a sucker for deck building + collecting cards. But I don’t appreciate microtransactions. It was a lot of fun when things were progressing pretty fast, but then it just got super slow. 😓
  • slay the spire. Not a big fan of the graphics.
  • dead cells. Haven’t tried yet.

Here are games I have enjoyed previously:

  • BTD. Got a bit too repetitive
  • Clash Royale. Still playing occasionally.
  • AFK journey. Once the progress got slower, I got bored.
  • Beatstar. Enjoyed this one, but again repetitive.
  • gods of Olympus. Was fun for about a month.
  • samurai siege/clash of clans. Enjoyed a lot. Put a lot of hours. But then it gets so slow after a certain lvl. Haven’t played in years.
  • idle tycoons. But I also get bored quickly of them. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I guess what I’m really looking for is a game that lets me «level» up/progress quickly. I enjoy finishing tasks and goals. I don’t like pixelated graphics I.e. stardew valley. I really wanna like the game, but the graphics puts me off.

Considering downloading heartstone tbh. Not interested in Magic or pokemon tcgs.

If you read this far, I hope you got something for me! I have Apple Arcade🌸 thank you in advance 💕

18:36 UTC


I miss Heroes of Order & Chaos…

I know I should have moved on. It’s been so much time since the shut down. But I just can’t, I spent years in the game and loved it. And I haven’t heard or seen anything similar and on the same quality level in app store. Is there really no alternative and should I just focus on other games?

16:54 UTC


Steamworld games removed from App Store?

Has anyone else noticed this? I went to download Steamworld Quest today and it, along with all the other Steamworld games, were removed from the store. Any idea why? I heard the company had done some layoffs recently, so I wonder if this is somehow related.

13:17 UTC


Are games that access “other content” safe privacy-wise?

Games like Homescapes usually seem to access a lot of your data, and on the privacy sheet from the App Store they disclose that they gather even more data categorized under “other data”.

My question is, from a privacy standpoint, is it safe to install this games? Or can they track your browser activity, or more personal data?

Thank you.

11:40 UTC


Recommendations for games supporting analog triggers and rumbles?

I've got a GuliKit KK3 Max to game with my iPad and would like to know what games can best take advantage of its features. Notably analog triggers and rumbles (vibrations).

1 Comment
07:16 UTC


Ragnarok M: Classic another nostalgia bait?

I am actually having hopes for this, still having pay-to-win elements but everything is obtainable in game, but how hard is it to obtain is still questionable…I actually downloaded every iteration of ragnarok online in mobile version and the gacha and predatory P2W elements becomes a quick turnoff where the UI is covered with premium currency offer..

06:41 UTC


Weekly /r/iOSGaming Discussion - What have you been playing lately and what do you recommend?

Please use this thread to discuss whatever iOS games you've been playing lately. They don't have to be new games, they can be old games and they do not have to be iOS original titles!

As long as it's an iOS game it belongs in here. Make sure to put the name(s) of the game(s) in bold to make it easier for people skimming the thread to see what you're talking about, and if you'd like to make it really convenient turn the game name into a hyperlink that sends people directly to the App Store!

To keep track of the thread, the comments are sorted by "new" by default.

00:00 UTC


Beta testing..Any moto game experts?

23:54 UTC


Recovering lost fame

There was once a game called Guns of Mercy shoot em up. On ios of course. The app store version is gone. The android version is still available and they came out with a switch full game release. I am trying to find a way copy of the ipa. I can find it in my previous purchases but I cannot re-download it. I have looked for the IPA online but can't quite get the file. Has anyone found this before or have any leads?

Title shouldve been recovering lost GAME*

21:36 UTC


Any idle games like Melvor (gathering, crafting, combat, loot, etc.)

Hey! Sorry for yet another idle game question, but haven’t found any posts addressing my question!

I used to be super into Melvor like 2-3 years ago, and just downloaded it again to see the UI (at least on mobile) is really hard for me to follow and figure out. Are there any other idle games with the same kind of content with maybe a more “mobile-friendly” UI?

17:17 UTC


Best farming game on iPhone with no ads or IAP

See title; looking for a farming game that doesn’t have ads or IAP “gems”. It doesn’t have to be free; I don’t mind paying for the game or multiple expansion packs or paying for “add free experience”.

16:23 UTC


Great Arcade games with controller support suitable for a 5yo?

Thinking of getting my son a Backbone controller for Christmas but I don’t know much about iOS games so I would like some game recommendations that would suit a 5 year old.

Preferably high quality ones on Apple Arcade so to avoid ads, IAPs and all that BS. He doesn’t know English so RPGs and so are off the the table (even though he did enjoy Tamagotchi without understanding much at all.)

Any suggestions?

15:47 UTC

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