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210,108 Subscribers


Big MP titles with controller support?

So basically I’m trying to collect a bunch of games for my M4 IPP that are “large scale online.” I know we all think of MMOs but I think of RPGs when I hear that.

I’m looking for options similar to:

  • Warzone Mobile
  • War Thunder Mobile
  • PUBG Mobile

I’m talking shooters, war or air combat games with that level of scale/size as well as playercount, but also it’s gotta have controller support. 2 of those 3 above have it (PUBG doesnt).

Any suggestions?

1 Comment
21:02 UTC


Games that AirPlay like Delta Emulator does

I really dig how delta turns your whole phone/screen into a controller when using airplay. Are there any other games that do this? My iPhone 14 is the only thing I have for gaming and I'm trying to get the most out of it.

19:48 UTC


In designing a space shooter game, should enemy movement remain consistent each time a level is played, or should it be randomized?

1 Comment
18:59 UTC


What are some of the best single stroke classics?

Didn’t really know how to define the game type, but games where you only need one finger doing one type of motion to achieve the goal.

Examples that come to mind:

  • Fruit Ninja (single swipe)
  • Flappy Bird (tap)
  • Angry Birds (pull and release swipe)
  • Tiny Wings (push and release)

I’m looking at games that are exceptionally simple in premise. No strategy, no buttons or multi-tasking. Just plain fun.

To be overly transparent, I’m looking at simple games that would be fun for little kids while also be fun for adults. Plus it would be a good opportunity to discuss some excellent classics from back in the day.

17:43 UTC


Hi everyone! My silly game, ChikenUp!, has been updated to improve iPad experience. Thanks for all the love and support that the game has been receiving. A warm welcome for those that want to give it a try, it's free :)

1 Comment
17:10 UTC


Emulator recommendations for 90’s CPU games?

Now that emulators have been out for a bit, anyone have one to recommend? I’d love to return to my youth with some classic Eye of the Beholder….

14:21 UTC


Just upgraded from an 8 plus to a 14. What are some mistakes play games that I’ve been missing out on?

Pretty much the title. I’ve had an 8 plus for the past several years but I just upgraded to a 14 last week. Obviously with the superior hardware of the 14 there’s got to be games it can run that the 8 couldn’t. Can you suggest me some such games that are worth playing?

11:37 UTC


Nerd Survivors and Resolute Hero RPG

Just wanted to mention these two free games I’ve been playing a lot lately.

Nerd Survivors is a lot like Vampire Survivors, and has a paid version, but I’ve sunk 15 hours or so in without needing to pay to enjoy.

Resolute Hero RPG is kinda simple loot collection/level up idk what to call it but it’s been very addictive. I’d love to find more games like it, and also I’m kinda stuck after the level 750,000 waterfall chamber boss if anyone knows where to go from there lol.

As usual found these off recs from this sub, love this sub :)

10:59 UTC


Anyway of playing Lego Fortnite or even a controller supported copycat on iPad?

The only thing I love in Fortnite is Lego's and I would love to play that on the go, even if it's like a whole roblox or other copycat game. Just has to actually be good, have multiplayer and controller support please.

05:47 UTC


Praying to the game gods for Ground Branch mobile

Besides the seemingly comatose Recurrence: Co-Op, there does not seem to be a tactical shooter for iOS. I enjoy watching Ground Branch gameplay videos on YouTube and would love to play a mobile version on my iPad. Devs: Please and thank you.

04:37 UTC


How are the Mana titles?

How well have the mana series been ported onto iOS? On the fence on picking them up.

22:19 UTC


Searching for an old game

Hey y’all, I am currently reminiscing all the old childhood games I once played on my first iPod Touch. I am looking for a game which looks almost like the picture above.

I am searching for a turn-based strategy war game, with cartoonish (child proof) graphics. Troops were held in team colours (red/blue/green). You had to move different kind of troops like infantry and snipers over a map made of hexagon shaped (?) tiles. Each troop had different attributes like attack range and movement range. The map wasn’t just a 2D map, some tiles had different height levels.

Sadly that’s all I remember.. The picture (War Hex) is the closest look alike I could find,but this is solely a google play app.

Anyone got a clue?

21:00 UTC


Is Apple Arcade worth it?

From a quick look at the list of games it has, I realized half of them are either originally free but with added dlc or are just for younger ages. I don’t feel like most the games it has are worth paying for. But maybe I’m wrong or missing something that I should really try. Give me your opinion and change my mind.

I’m guessing some of you will ask about my favorite games and genres so here it is:

1- Roguelikes (like Hades and Dead Cells) 2- Puzzle (that are straight forward and not overly complicated, like Braid and The Case of The Golden Idol) 3- Fast Paced Action Platformers (like Katana Zero and Ghostrunner) 4- Action Adventure (like Death’s Door) 5- Adventure (with amazing story like 12 Minutes and Before Your Eyes)

20:02 UTC


Weekly Round Up July 1-8, 2024

115 Games Reviewed

These are reviews that you can expect to see in the coming days (if you only see one that means that there is likely a review that is exclusive to another mobile platform Android/iOS).

Hades: Yes! If never got the chance to play this on steam and have a netflix subscription, you have the chace to play one of the best games on the market. It is a fast paced roguelike with enough story and mechanics to keep you hooked for hours on end.

Guncho: This game shows that you dont need insane mechaics and flashy animations to make a solid puzzle game. It does a really good job capturing the old western feel and the over the top ragdoll animations make you laugh everytime you think to yourself ""oh so that can kill me?""

Last Week

These are the games that I covered last week.

Tarisland: Link to Full Review

TL;DR: Tarisland is a free-to-play MMORPG on iOS and Android with vibrant visuals and various character classes. It features traditional MMORPG gameplay, including quests, dungeons, raids, and PvP modes. Character progression is detailed, with many achievements and collectibles. The game runs smoothly but suffers from an intrusive UI, limited customization, and audio issues. Potential pay-to-win elements and repetitive early gameplay may deter some, but it's worth trying for fans of mobile fantasy MMORPGs.

Shovel Knight Dig: Link to Full Review

TL;DR: Shovel Knight Dig on Apple Arcade is a roguelike platformer where you dig through themed worlds, collect gems, and fight bosses. It retains the charm of its predecessors, featuring unique characters, polished presentation, and a fantastic soundtrack. The game includes different armors, a metaprogression system, and a harder mode post-main story for replay value. While touch controls can be restrictive, controller support is available. A must-play for platform and roguelike fans, it's a great addition to the Shovel Knight franchise.

Link to all games that I have covered!

If you have any recommendations, you can comment here and I will add them to the list of recommended games to cover here

15:31 UTC


When I found an RX7 in ZZZ, I was excited, but then I realized I couldn't drive it. Why can't we drive cars in this game?

14:51 UTC


Any fighting games I have missed?

This genre is probably my favourite type of games, I have grinded a fair amount of games over the years like injustice 2, contest of champions, shadow fights, mortal Kombat mobile (this was my last favourite until they started to randomly ban people).

Are there any games I may have missed that would be good to play?


10:01 UTC


Is the full Peglin game worth the price?

Having ton of fun with the game but then realized the full game is 8.99.

That’s definitely on the more expensive end when it comes to mobile games. Is it worth it? Does it have enough content to satisfy?

09:53 UTC


Outlanders 2 is amazing

Why is no one talking about how good this game is?

08:58 UTC


Anyone knows if Once Human coming to iOS today?

Saw it on their official website that It says it’s global release today on multiple platforms including iOS. But then i checked App Store it says the game will come in September?

Anyone knows?

08:45 UTC


How can I get Developer Removed games on my phone?

I want to play some old games I remember playing when I was little and need help on getting access to them. They aren’t available to download at all, and I’m not sure what I have to download to access them

08:10 UTC


Turn based strategy armies

I don’t know if anyone ever played Final Liberation back in the day but I’ve been yearning for something similar. Turn based strategy but on a grand scale, building and chasing armies like Total War, Age of Empires etc but turn-based. Does anything like that exist in iOS?

07:44 UTC


Using a gaming controller as a cursor - any way to map extra controls?

I’m using my switch pro controller as a cursor for my iPad using AssistiveTouch and enabling ‘use gaming controller’. I can press A to simulate a touch, X as the home button, B to open AssistiveTouch, Y to simulate a press and hold, and both joysticks to move the cursor. This works pretty well so far.

What I’m wondering is, is there a way to map gestures to buttons? In actual games there’s an option to map buttons to other buttons, so it would make sense for a feature like what I’m thinking to be hidden somewhere.

What I would like to do is map the right joystick to scroll since the only option for scrolling so far is: click and drag, move the cursor down, let go, move the cursor back up, repeat. I’d also like the d-pad buttons to simulate a gesture where I tap the edges of the screen, which is what you do in the kindle app to change pages. Right now the only option for the latter is to move the cursor to the edge of the screen and press A, But it would be nice to have dedicated buttons to change pages.

I can’t find any options to do either of these. Do you know what I could do here?

07:30 UTC


I have $6 left over from an Apple Gift Card, what should I spend it on?

Have 6 bucks to spare - I’m lost in the amount of games I could try, open to any suggestions from games to IAP’s. Drop your favourite games! Thanks :)

06:48 UTC


Any AAA even A-ish mobile games worth playing?

Ive played rocket league sideswipe, wild rift, fallout shelter and warcraft rumble.. all of those games are just either money sinks or so massively popular that its impossible for a solo player to climb in rank. I prefer multiplayer pvp games or maybe even coop games but i dont like solo play very much.

I like games that are quality enough they dont need to spam you with ads (makes the developer look cheap) And i dont mind pay to play games if its actually worth the money

05:39 UTC


Is there a game that is similar to the abandoned iAssociate 3?

I absolutely loved iAssociate 2 and then when the successor came out, it wasn't the same an watered down with limits on how often you could play.

The company has effectively abandoned the game as it hasn't seen an update in years so I wanted to know if there was a similar app available.

Thank you!

02:19 UTC


Can anyone identify this iPad game?

15:10 UTC


Tower Wars games

Hi everyone!

I would like to play something similar to Tower Wars (https://apps.apple.com/dk/app/tower-war-tactical-conquest/id1579356887) however this game is simply filled with ads.

Any of you guys know of something a little less cash-grabby? I’d be willing to pay for the game if it’s good of course.

15:08 UTC

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