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shared photo album simply disappeared

hello! as the title says, my shared photo album disappeared.

i had used my previous iphone to create a shared photo album so that i could access my pictures on my ipad and macbook as well, and moved all the pictures over to the shared photo album.

when i got a new iphone, the shared photo album was still there with all the pictures and videos, but not actually on my new iphone. one day, i tried sharing all the pictures from the shared photo album to myself on telegram so that i could download the photos / videos and actually have them on my iphone, and the entire shared photo album just disappeared, even on my ipad and macbook.

is there any way to undo this? could i possibly contact apple and ask if they would be able to look into it? there were over 10k photos and videos from several years on the album so i'd love to get it back. thank you all!

03:49 UTC


Today I finally updated my iPhone 11 Pro Max from iOS 14 to iOS 17 - What is 1 feature you like that was introduced in iOS 15-17?

I’m way behind….I know. It’s just that iOS 14 functioned like a dream on my 11PM in both performance and battery, I didn’t want to mess that up. Anyways, it was definitely time to update.

So, now I’m wondering what new things have been added to iOS in iOS 15, iOS 16, and iOS 17. Share away!

03:35 UTC


Sharing name and contact photo with a blocked contact

Hello! I apologize to ask here in advance but I tried looking this up first but to no avail and led to more confusion, so here I go.

So I was just scrolling on my messages and had opened a conversation in which this contact has blocked me. And the option to share my name and contact had popped up. So I was just wondering if that could be a tell tale that the contact had unblocked me or would it still pop up regardless? Many thanks!!

03:35 UTC


Anyone having problems with muffled voice recordings (robotic audio) on WhatsApp?

Lately my voice recordings on WhatsApp sound muffled and robotic... On voice memos, telegram, video recordings they all sound perfect.

Sometimes they come out glitchy.

I have an Iphone 13 with iOS 17.5.1.

Does anybody had or still having this problem or something close?

03:26 UTC


Blocked on iMessage?

Is there a way to know if you are blocked on iMessage without texting or calling?

1 Comment
03:19 UTC


What is your opinion on the Home Screen icons of iOS 18?

I honestly think Apple did a nice job refining them but I wanna know what you guys think

1 Comment
02:52 UTC


Scared and need help

Hello everyone,

I have severe OCD, and tend to experience magical thinking. Throughout the day, my mind predicts strange events.

Yesterday, while using my iPhone to navigate, switching between texts and maps, my screen suddenly went black for about 3-4 seconds, which alarmed me because I get anxious when electronics glitch.

Today, while watching the NBA draft, I had a thought that something strange would happen during the Lakers' pick. When I switched from the Spectrum TV app to my messages to send a text after their pick, my screen again went black for 3-4 seconds. This has now happened on consecutive days.

Does anyone have any insight into why this might be occurring with my iPhone? I'm feeling very scared and anxious about it.

02:44 UTC


Trying to jump to a message from before last year messages are saved as forever but I can’t see past July of last year. I can see pictures from the day I want to find the text but can’t see the actual text message

I can see the images in shared history but none of the text messages prior to late July pictures were taken the week after 4th of July definitely within the year if it was somehow set to 1 year not sure why I can’t scroll up further

1 Comment
23:45 UTC


Weather app location issue

Would be interested if anyone else has experienced this bug:

Over the past 48 hours, my weather app has repeatedly asked me to approve location tracking, even though I have approved it using both the pop up and by going into settings . It’s also blocking the widget from displaying anything every time it asks for my location sharing preferences.

Even stranger, this evening the weather app has completely disappeared from my watch and I can’t get it back.

23:28 UTC


Should I Upgrade to iOS 18 Dev beta or not

I am a person who is very much interested in tech and want to test/try every feature of the product I want to upgrade to iOS 18 Dev Beta but I am worried about bugs and glitches will/can they seriously harm my device? I own an iPhone 11 with the battery health of 75% will upgrading to iOS 18 dev beta effect my battery health too and reduce it more? And will the bugs/glitch’s be fixed after the public release of iOS 18 in September?

22:06 UTC


Flashlight on Homescreen Won’t Work?

I have an iPhone 15 Pro after having an iPhone 8 for several years. I can’t tell you how many times I have accidentally taken a screenshot since getting it. Right now I’m writing to ask for everyone’s advice on what to do to get the flashlight on the home screen to turn on when I tap it. It does nothing. I looked and saw that this could possibly be a software issue? Can anyone tell me how to be able to turn on my flashlight by pressing the icon on the home screen? Another problem I have with the phone is sometimes it raises when I pick it up, even though I set it not to do that. I also am having a hard time closing background apps. I never know which way to pull and drag to get it to close. I have other issues, but if anyone could tell me how to get that flashlight on when I need it, I’d be happy. Thanks guys!

21:43 UTC


RCS doesn’t show up on iPhone 11 with iOS 18 beta 2

21:22 UTC


STILL finding deleting calendar spam impossible

So as the title says, I’ve tried everything to stop calendar spam and nothing is working. I’m running iOS 17.5.1

Any ideas??

1 Comment
21:22 UTC


Anyone else think iOS has peaked?

The last 3 updates we have seen a complete Lock Screen redesign, Contact redesign, Amazing new control centre, Home Screen customisation, Amazing new features and now a WHOLE Ai running IN the software.

21:18 UTC


WiFi cannot be activated and Bluetooth is intermittent

I have an iPhone 12 Pro running 17.5.1

I noticed today that the wifi will not activate. When I try to activate via the quick dropdown menu, it won't find a network and the icon will turn itself off again after a minute or so. the wifi toggle in the Settings app is completely greyed out and unresponsive. Bluetooth has been intermittent. Sometimes it will connect to my watch and sometimes it won't.

I looked this up online and tried the various solutions provided by others: restart, hard restart, airplane mode, reset network config, full backup and restore. Nothing has worked. Now, I have a phone that will not restore from iCloud backup because I cannot do so over cellular data networks. Any other potential solutions?

1 Comment
21:13 UTC


Can’t update

I have an iPhone 11, but I can’t update to iOS 17 for some reason. It always tells me after an extended amount of time, that verification failed, because I’m no longer connected to the internet, while having full connection. Can anyone help me?

20:57 UTC


Months after joining in a family group, I need to verify a card I don’t own. (Only option to use on account, didn’t add it myself)

The “edit” is also greyed out, and my apple wallet contains only my own cards. I never added this AMEX, and don’t even own one, so I don’t know why or how it’s there…. I also can’t buy anything on the App Store until I figure out how to set MY OWN cards to my account again.

20:55 UTC


iPhone Storage: so much free space BUT no free space...?

When I try to install bigger Apps like AAA games, I get a message that I would not have enough free space... what am I getting wrong? 300+ GB free... thanks for any hints/ideas/tips!

20:38 UTC


Shortcuts - Can I specify a Telegram username instead of an iPhone contact here? (The recipient is not in my contacts). Typing in the username with @ gives me invalid recipient error.

20:34 UTC


my app store is glitched (?)

hi y'all! i'm very worried about this so i'll appreciate if someone could help me. i have two apple ids: one's japanese and one's italian. in the app store i've always used the italian one but sometimes i've used the japanese one and i've done some updates with it. today, all suddenly, all or almost all apps in the updates section are in japanese and without any criterium asks me the password of the jp id!! i've tried to uninstall and reinstall that apps but they're still in japanese. if i try to run the apps they're in my main phone language (english). it's making me pretty nervous. can someone help me? i'll appreciate so much.

20:02 UTC


Why I have notifications only for iCloud email but not for Gmail in my Mail app?

All notifications everywhere are ON. Why my mail app don't show notifications for Gmail accounts but show for iCloud mail accounts?

19:32 UTC


Whatsapp not working

After the iOS 18 update the whatsapp stopped working after downloading a large file

19:29 UTC


My best friend IPhone 15 front camera isn’t working?

It freezes on and it gives me a black screen? Has anyone ever had this problem?

1 Comment
19:06 UTC


225% Increase in subscription price? No thank you.

19:01 UTC


When will Apple allow us to sort the Camera Roll into albums without it being in the Camera Roll?

I really want to be able to use the Photos app to organize the pictures I have taken into albums without it still being in the camera roll. It mixes up the images I have taken with random screenshots and randomly saved images.

With the announcement of iOS 18, I assumed maybe, just maybe that they would add this feature in. However,I have not heard anything of the sort. I was wondering when will they actually add in the feature, if they ever do?

18:43 UTC


Any iOS file manager with incremental copy function?

I'm using iOS stock app 'Files' to copy videos from SD card to portable hard drive. I'm looking for an 'incremental copy' or 'differential copy' function. The use case is like this:

  1. Day 1: I copy all the files from the SD card to portable hard drive.
  2. Day 2: I took some new pictures and videos with the SD card. I wanted to copy the new files to the protable hard drive.
  3. The stock 'Files' app is not intelligent enough to skip the files were already copied on day 1. It'd take a long time to copy everything again (and not necessary).

Which app will have the above feature? Ideally free apps. Thank you!

18:41 UTC


How can I set this bell icon for the focus?

I can’t find this icon in the focus settings

17:50 UTC


How can i stop airpods from connecting to a phone, while still keeping it saved on my ipad?

My bf and I share an ipad which is connected to his apple id. Whenever i connect my airpods to the ipad, they also automatically get saved as a bluetooth device on his phone, which makes my airpods suddenly start playing the audio from his phone, and his airpods start playing whatever is being watched on the ipad.

Is there a way to fix this? Whenever he forgets the airpods on his phone, they also get removed from the ipad which is suuuper annoying and inconvenient


17:01 UTC


iOS 18 Size on phone

Hi guys I am wondering how much of free storage does the iOS 18 consume on iphone 11. Currently ios 17.5.1 consumes 10.31 GB of free storage and system data consumes 8.82 GB. I am asking this because I wanna know if updating my phone to iOS 18 will eat up more free storage space. Thank you. Please note that I am not asking about the download size.

16:46 UTC

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