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Assigned Gender - The gender given to a person by parents and/or doctors when they are born, usually based on their genitals.

AFAB/AMAB - Assigned Female/Male at Birth.

Gender Identity - A person's internal feeling or preference of their gender.

Gender Presentation - The gender a person expresses through their dress and/or behavior.

Cisgender - adj. When gender identity matches assigned gender. Do not use as a noun.

Transgender - adj. When gender identity is different than assigned gender. Do not use as a noun.

Transwhat? Glossary

Credit to /u/YoungFolks for the sidebar glossary.

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HRT Advice: The Anixousness Of Starting Gender Transition

My appointment to finally get my HRT prescription is fast approaching.

I feel anxious, depressed and actually dreading starting HRT.

Even though I've thought about and still think about gender transitioning for years and years.

I even use the Faceapp and other similar apps aa coping tools as well ways to experience much gender euphoria.

I'm not sure what I'm going to look like when it's a year or 2 or 5 years while on hormones.

There's even times when I wonder if it's even worth going through all this stress and dealing with bigoted people who ate willing to try to understand.

Maybe I'm overthinking. I'm both nervous and not sure on why I'm not super excited about slowly approaching this life's journey of mine.

09:36 UTC


HRT Advice: Which hrt is the best in terms of not needing so many quick refills? Also asking a medical appointment question

I think I may go with patches mainly because I don't want to take pills multiple times a day.

Or should I take pills instead?

Which HRT option would be most effective before getting on injections?

I want to wait until a year or a year and a half until I maybe start injections.

Which are the best hrt options where I may not need quick refills right away?

How many estrogen patches can you receive on average from one hrt prescription?

Is it enough for 1 month?

Or 2 or 3 months for one estrogen patches prescription before needing a new prescription?

Also I think I may want to go to my local hospital for hrt appointments after getting my first hrt prescription.

I've had appointments with Planned Parenthood via telehealth and if you don't schedule ahead of time it could be two or three months to get another telehealth appointment.

I don't live close to any Planned Parenthood location so telehealth is really the only option for me.

Once any of us start hrt (or have started already), we're going to want to have consistent care without having to wait long for the next appointment for hrt and lab work forms being ordered.

So I think the best thing for me to do is once I get that first hrt prescription from Planned Parenthood, maybe switch right away to in person doctor's appointments at a local hospital in my town.

Should I go this route after my first hrt prescription or stick to Planned Parenthood appointments for maybe at least the 1st year being on hrt?

Any advice from anyone?

10:15 UTC


Insurance appeal help

I am looking for some help appealing insurance denials for FFS. I will be appealing a preauthorization and network deficiency denial. Who can help me write appeals so they have the best chance of success? I will be appealing on the basis of medical necessity (Not because my insurance plan bans all trans care). Are there lawyers that specialize in health insurance appeals? If so, how do I find one that has experience with this. Or if there are other organizations that have experience with appeals (preferably for trans care), let me know. Thanks!

23:16 UTC


It’s been almost a year on HRT…

And my breast are still about an A cup :( is this the biggest they will get or is there hope that they may continue to grow?

15:07 UTC


What did you all do/currently do pre-transition and post?

Hi ladies and gents. Just curious as to what you all did pre and post transition relating to work and careers. Right now I'm in a field where I believe I began out of necessity and also trying to gain my father-in-law and brother-in-law's approval mixed in with "macho.man hide everything". Well, fast forward to today and I make pretty good money with a pretty good balance could be A LOT better work life deal, but also the mental and emotional work load is stressful and exhausting. I have began thinking of can I make it work as I move forward with transitioning and the HRT? Yes. What hurdles and challenges will I face? Oof. Do I really want to move forward with it here? Not really. What else can I do to start a new career that isn't completely starting over and that is more friendly to us rather than male dominated and transphobic? HR already stated that they don't mess around with harassment or sexual issues of any kind and is a terminating offense. That doesn't mean you won't get a lot of s**t and help when needed for the day to day job tasks after moving forward. More like the cold shoulder and a lot of isolation and I need to make the switch. Anyways, trying to get some ideas of how to get oury and start over with as minimal damage and turnaround as possible or career choices you all may have and experienced moving forward in your journeys.

19:45 UTC


? Not feeling it

I am not sure if I am trans today or it's just depression but yet I still took my hormones?

13:10 UTC


Hormones Advice: Ready To Start HRT. On The Fence Waiting To Start A Family

Recently my mother said that she's ok with not having grandchildren after I said that I want to transition though not before going through the sperm banking process.

She's known that I'm trans and queer for a couple of years now.

She also knows that any fertility preservation services are highly costly.

I honestly don't feel like going to a clinic to do sperm banking.

Tired of writing and talking about it.

I'm just afraid that I going to change my mind years down the road, regret that I didn't sperm bank first prior to start HRT, and want biological children to call my own with a romantic partner.

Or even if I'm single and maybe going through the surrogacy route to start a family.

Still I also think about even if I had kids what will their lives be like?

Like having a transgender parent is not going to be easy.

I wouldn't want them to be bullied, dealing with so much pressure having to defend me, to be so different from their friends and peers because of having a transgender parent.

I also feel selfishly that I worry about if I got a serious medical issue or when I get old.

Like if I happen to be in a super physically vulnerable place in my life sometime in the future?

The anti trans political climate is so strong.

I don't have a lot of people in my life that I trust would be there for me.

I feel like these are fair things to state and seriously worry about.

So yeah I'm not sure what to do.

I think I'm leaning towards just starting HRT (maybe in patches form) sometime this month.

I'm so tired and drained waiting for years and years now.

I don't want to wait anymore.

Anyone have any advice?

23:38 UTC


Breast growth

I have been on esdraiol just over a year and progesterone 4 months now and my breast quit hurting and I am not even a Triple A cup really hope they get bigger

12:16 UTC


How long does it take to become impotent on estrogen?

18:39 UTC


Should I give up on transition?

I feel like I'm definitely trans, and would prefer being a woman but my dysphoria is low. I feel like I could ignore it for the rest of my life, rather than trying to transition, anxiety about passing, fear of violence, and loss of family. I kinda genuinely don't know what to do.

16:32 UTC


Can someone walk me through the basics of shaving my arms and legs and what items I need since I’ve never done it before?

I’m a closeted transgirl and I’ve never really shaved my arms or legs before, so can someone me the basics on what I need to get and what I need to do to prepare on how to shave my legs and arms?

14:38 UTC


Is bottom surgery covered in full by Medicaid?

I live in Colorado and my therapist said that her patients on Medicaid are getting bottom surgery and ffs surgeries done for free because Medicaid covers it all but she's even unsure is it actually all covered?

09:00 UTC


Is this more than Gender Expression

Why is it when I wear women’s clothes that it seems I'm happy about my body more?

Ever since I was young, I have had a negative body image with my body weight and appearance. I would wear baggy pants and shirts to hide the fact that I was overweight.

Even now, after losing a significant amount of weight. I can stand in front of the mirror as a male. Wearing clothes that fit me and think how disgusting I look and then I end up usually wearing clothes one or two size bigger.

But dressing up as a woman is so much different, even though I carry most of my weight in the abdominal region (front and sides). I can't seem to get enough with my wearing tight fitted clothes or squeezing into a pair of pants or shorts to show off my butt. I do think my chest should be far bigger because of how many I weighed before and now.

The self-confidence is a dramatic difference between being a straight male and dressing up as a female. My body doesn't look or feel the same, it seems like I hold my weight better.

00:25 UTC


Fertility Question: Can’t Decide If I Should Go To An In Person Clinic Or Use At Home Kit?

Both are uncomfortable. Both are hella expensive.

I want to make the right choice.

I’m leaning towards using Reprotech’s at home kit. Honestly because this whole process of trying to figure out what to do has been exhausting.

I just want to start HRT already.

I also don’t want to make a quick decision either.

Also Reprotech’s website says something about the banked specimen can only be used with a romantic partner.

I want to have also the option to possibly go the surrogacy route potentially which Reprotech doesn’t state if that’s possible.

In person storage fees are ultra expensive which is incredibly concerning.

So yeah I don’t know what to do.

I just want to say forget sperm banking.

Trying to figure out what to do without any help in what the right choice would be is really difficult.

I just want to start hormones already.

1 Comment
19:10 UTC


Bra help

I lost my job last year, and haven't been able to afford my hormones for a few months. I just got a new job, but in the meantime, my body has started detransitioning, which would suck on it's own, but my back muscles have started to swell, so now my bras are crushing my back.

I shrunk dramatically when I started HRT, before my breasts started to develop, so I have no idea what's going to happen with my body over the next few weeks until I can afford my pills again.

My breasts aren't particularly large, but I need to wear something to keep my nipples from poking out at work, so I'm looking for advice.

14:45 UTC


Living a life 50% male 50% female ?

I ve been on and off on estrogen for about a year now. I know I am definitely not only amab...at least I don't want to be a man all the time. I have the feeling I am something in between man and woman. Does anyone live a real life 50%m and 50%f ? Is it possible to have a normal life in public like that ? Very soon my boobs will be bigger and they are quite visible already with the shirts...so what do you think ?

10:18 UTC


Weird liquid just came out of my nipples and I'm confused

Hey all, I'm new to this page, but I come with a question. Okay so here's the story.

I'm a trans woman who's been medically transitioning for almost 5 years now. I'm currently taking spironolactone and estradiol as prescribed by my endocrinologist. I can't remember the exact amount I'm taking, but I've been on the same dosage and the same medication for the last nearly 5 years. Every time that I've gone in and gotten blood work done and had my checkups, I've been consistently told that my blood is fine and that I'm okay to continue with this dosage. But as of today, something new has occurred and I'm not 100% sure what to make of it.

I was sitting on the couch by myself, and I just started feeling my boobs. I went to go and squeeze my right nipple and noticed that a fluid started coming out of it. Immediately, I was kind of startled because this had never happened before, and I had assumed that I had just popped a pimple or something. There was no pain whatsoever, I just know that I'm very prone to getting pimples all over my body, even in the most bizarre places. So it genuinely wouldn't surprise me if I got a pimple on my nipple or something. So as I was squeezing around that area, eventually a fluid came out of my nipple. I assume that this was just the pimple popping. But it was a lot of fluid, much more than would usually come out of a pimple. So I assumed maybe it was just like a bigger pimple or a cyst or something. But then I remembered that it didn't hurt at all, so there's no way that it could be a pimple or a cyst. Maybe I don't know enough about Dermatology to adequately form that conclusion, but I'm pretty sure it's not a pimple.

To describe the liquid that came out:

It was sort of white-ish, it was definitely a liquid that wasn't super viscous, it was kind of oily, and it only really came out in extremely small quantities. And it would only come out when I would squeeze.

I went to check my other boob to see if it did the same thing when I squeezed it, and sure enough, it did, but only for a little bit. I tried poking and squeezing just to see what would happen, and a little bit of fluid came out of my left boob, but it kind of just stopped after a while. But as for my right boob, it's still going and still secreting whatever fluid pretty much anytime I squeeze it or go to check.

I'm not really 100% sure if this is the sign that I'm finally lactating, or if this is genuinely just a pimple or a cyst and I don't know it. I tried asking a couple other women what this could be and both of them said that it's literally just me lactating for the first time and that this kind of thing is apparently normal. They both said that this kind of thing happens when you have a bit of a hormone imbalance, and they both suspected that maybe I'm taking too high of a dosage of my HRT, which is a fair concern. But basically every time that I've been to the doctors and got in my blood work done, there have never been any issues or complications, so I can't imagine that this is something I should be super worried about. They both even said that this is something that I probably don't need to worry about.

I'm still going to mention this to my endocrinologist the next time I see her and I'm still going to get my required blood work done before my next appointment, but from what I can understand, this is apparently not that big of a deal and not something that I should be really worried about. And I hope that that's the case.

I'm just not sure if this is actually me lactating or if this is just a pimple or something.

For one thing, the fluid that's coming out of my nipple is a very similar color and consistency as pus, but it's not as thick. And I feel like if this really was a pimple or a cyst or something, the fluid would eventually run out. But it hasn't run out so far. So I don't know if maybe it's just a really big pimple that's taking a really long time to drain or if I'm literally just lactating for the first time and have no clue what it's supposed to look like.

Also, I'm writing this from the perspective of that this has been going on for about a couple hours now. And over this course of time, pretty much nothing has changed. My right nipple still oozes when I give it a squeeze, but now my left one doesn't. It did for a little bit at first, but now it doesn't. So I'm kind of just confused as to what's going on here and I kind of just want a solid straightforward definitive answer that can explain exactly what's happening to me right now.

This has never happened to me once in my entire almost five years of medically transitioning, so I kind of just assumed that this would never happen. But now that it's happening, I'm just confused and I want to get myself oriented and make sure I know exactly what's going on.

I know that this is a possible side effect that comes from transitioning, and I remember reading up on this and being told that this is a thing that can happen, but I know that it's the kind of thing that either might or might not happen. Like I know that this isn't a guaranteed side effect. And with that, I also know that it kind of has a nebulous time frame for when it's supposed to occur if it even does. I've heard that some trans women start lactating a few months in, I've heard some charts and sources say that it can happen after a year or two, and here I am almost 5 years in and it might just be starting to happen for the first time. I genuinely don't know. I just want confirmation.

I don't think that I'm sickly enough to be developing giant cysts that would be oozing and gushing for God knows how long, and I don't feel any pain in either of my boobs, so I'm kind of doubtful that it's some kind of tumor or cyst or pimple or boil or anything like that. But at the same time, I genuinely don't know. There's a lot of things that I'm unsure about because this is new to me.

I guess I'm kind of just asking for someone to help clear things up and explain what's happening to me so that way I don't have to worry and can give a straightforward answer.

20:45 UTC


How about "Gender Liberty" (GL) to replace "LGBTQ+" as the standard acronym? It's simpler.

After pondering many iterations, I've concluded that Gender Liberty (GL) is the best known way to describe what's usually referred to as "LGBTQ+" in the press, which many find to be an awkward acronym.

GL includes the liberty to choose your gender identity, both in terms of self and preferred romantic partners, and includes the liberty to express no gender at all, or to mix them.

Including "liberty" borrows from the right's own freedom-oriented mantra, exposing their contradictions. "Moms for Liberty" being a prominent anti-LGBTQ+ group as an example. Who's liberty?

On a related note, common English needs new pronoun standards for pronouns that don't imply gender. "They" and "them" are ambiguous in terms of singular-vs-plural, creating confusion. We need a singular set separate the from plural set. Some of the proposed ones are not clear to the ear, at least in my opinion, and should be reviewed. Maybe my ears are getting old? 👵 [Edited]

16:59 UTC


I am skinny as hell wondering if after being on estrogen for a while if I would gain weight mother and sister each out weight me

16:34 UTC



I just don't understand why I have these feelings of being transgender I understand the scientific theory about it

09:51 UTC


New and Affraid

I have known I wasn't a boy since I was 4. Ive held it close to my chest for 30 years. I explored the possiblity of coming out in my 20s but, money and social pressure kept me down. Now in my 30s I feel like I finally broke. My emotions are a mess. I am not alone but my vircle of trust is extremely small. I dont know where to go for help. My wife is tolerant of the community but she has told me she will leave me if I transition. I love her and desperately dont want her to leave but, I cannot lie to myself anymore.

It's especially hard for me as I masked my insecurities by being the typical transphobe. In my mind by putting the community down I was fixing myself. Im really comming to terms that I cannot live as a man anymore and this has given me an overwhelming sense of happiness.

Any advice or guidance forward would be greatly appreciated. I have already reached out to r/militarytrans, with few results albeit encouraging. I feel so small right now and dont know where to go.

12:33 UTC


Does anyone have great experience with Reprotech's at home kit process?

I'm ready to order an at home kit from them.

What are the steps that I have to take to work with them?

Did anyone have to fill out a new patent form?

Was it difficult to fill out?

Is that something that's necessary for people ordering at home kits?

Or can I just order the at home kit and mail it back to them?

Or should I just do all of the above to be on the safe side?

How much did it cost to order 1, 2 or 3 kits?

Did anyone have to pre paid UPS or Fed Ex delivery for the kits?

Also what was the overall process like working with Reprotech?

21:36 UTC


Are changes sooner than expected anything to worry about?


I'm 35 and just recently started on spiro (100mg daily) and injection estrogen (0.25ml 20mg/ml). My second injection was yesterday.

Around 4 days in my nipples got very sensitive (my shirts feel like sand paper) then 5 days in my boobas got very tender. Now on day 8 my butt hardly fits into my pants even though I just lost 35lbs and my fiancee made a comment about how big my butt has gotten to top it off.

I can also feel the buds coming in and i get a pins and needle feeling along with tenderness / minor pain touching them. They also hurt if I step to heavily now.

I was hoping to do stealth mode for the summer but I'll survive if I can't...

I'm just worried if there could be something wrong? I haven't really read stories of anyone else having changes this quickly.

Should I bring this up with my doctor or am I just lucky?

Also while I'm here is there a better alternative to nipple band aids for my daily walks?

02:12 UTC


Help, I don’t want more Body hair :(

When does thicker hair start to grow on t? I'm a trans guy and I want to start testosterone but I don't like body hair and not much facial hair; I was thinking of starting laser hair removal as soon as I start as, to be on pre testosterone I find I'm hairy and I'm afraid it will be worse on testosterone, but I don't know if it will work. Anyone who knows?

12:16 UTC


What can an MTF person do to appear more feminine?

I'm still living with my parents, so I can't really do anything major, but I want to know small stuff, like mannerisms that I can change while I wait to move out, help appreciated!

23:34 UTC


Is it too late for me?

Haii, so I am a born male (age 19) and for the last 2 years i have been kinda feeling wrong in my body. I wanna be a women, just in my feelings i feel like a women but i dont know how all of this works how do I become one? Anyone got some Information for me and is it already too late for me cause im 19 years old, do I have to live the rest of my life as a man

15:23 UTC

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