
Photograph via snooOG

This is a subreddit for anyone who is genderfluid; anything goes here. Some examples: comments, questions, stories, pros & cons of being genderfluid, and anything else that is related to being genderfluid. The only things that aren't allowed are personal attacks and bigotry. (Basically, don't be an ass and be respectful of other redditors. It's easy.) Please subscribe and have fun on our judgment-free subreddit!


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Identity question

Hey all, I've run into a bit of a pickle, ever since I discovered I'm genderfluid, I never really thought much about it, and as a result I've never considered myself trans(just genderfluid), but today I saw a pair of short shorts I really liked that had the trans flag colors on them. This has led me to kinds panic mentally about my gender identity, by being genderfluid am I trans? Or is it possible to be genderfluid and not identify as trans? Sorry if this is a stupid question but my brain can't figure this out on its own and I want/need outside opinions and help.

06:26 UTC


Not recognizing yourself in the mirror

I am genderfluid and don’t have a ton of dysphoria but when I feel like a gender different from my agab, when I look in the mirror I feel a disconnect between me and my body. I just wanted to see if anyone felt this.

20:13 UTC


What is your favorite way to express your femininity?

When you are feeling girly what do you like to do? I am looking for ways to feel more girly so my girl side does not feel repressed.

18:40 UTC


F this lol (Short vent type of post)

So after almost 3 years of being out as a Trans guy and also medically transitioning i figured i most likely am Genderfluid.

To keep this short, i went outside again after a long time looking basically just like an "average" woman would. Not too extreme and not too grey that i go under. And i already feel like giving up again and just scared in general. I know what it's like being a woman from my past. But oh my god did i forget how scary it is, and oh my god did i forget how even more scary it is when you have a deeper voice than a cis woman would.

I walked around alone for not even 10 minutes, and i got stared at, people made comments about my looks, i think some 13 year old even called me a hoe??


I wish i could express all genders, but after all this time i forgot how scary being a woman is and idk if i want to put myself in danger when i have a choice.

1 Comment
17:47 UTC


What are some signs that you’re genderfluid?

Title, I’m trying to figure out if I’m genderfluid or not.

14:16 UTC


Yesterday, I experienced a magical moment...

I was sitting with my girlfriend, wearing my gf skirt and knee-high socks, and as usual, I either rest my legs on her or seek attention from her. This time, I had my legs crossed, and at a certain moment, she took my leg and placed it on hers. Normally, she doesn't do such things right away because she's shy.

I came out about 6 months ago and told her that I don't really feel like a boy...


13:18 UTC


How is it being GF and working construction

(Amab) Hi, so I just started working as a carpenter for a construction company and I’m as GF. Is there anyone else in a similar boat as me? Do you also have an advice to give me in regards being GF and working?

02:46 UTC


what's a good way to express femininity online

1 Comment
02:05 UTC


Is anyone in the subreddit planning on having kids ?

Any one here have any future plans on having kids ? or thoughts of adoption ?

23:57 UTC


Help with gender dysphoria?

I want to present as male, but my voice is having trouble cooperating, and I can't bind my chest. Any advice?

23:09 UTC


1st Wearing Packer Out

I'm barely hitting a year of being out to my small group of friends as being gender-fluid. I'm afab, I'm very aware that I present very feminine, so when I first came out I bought this packer so I'd feel more masc. I've never had the nerve to wear it and always talked myself out of it but today I decided to just do it so it's a hugggggeeee milestone for me. A the same time I'm scared that it's noticeable but it's too late to do anything about it since I'm already on my way to work. I put on my favorite beanie and oversized sweater to hide that area a bit. Wish me luck 🙏

14:03 UTC


3 minutes survey about transgenders and gender identity

Hey :)

in my data analysis class my teacher said that they were statistically less trans men than trans women and I was kinda suprised. So I made this survey, it takes less than 3 minutes and is interesting to take !


feel free ton send me your surveys I will gladly take them

07:37 UTC


Are you Genderfluid is you don’t experience one gender?

I apologise the question is worded horribly.

My friend has been exploring their gender they told me they were a femboy then a trans women and recently they came out to me as Genderfluid. I want to understand what Genderfluid means and is because I don’t fully understand it yet.

My friend feels like a female most of the time and they use she/her and they/them. So I just wanted to know whether you can still be Genderfluid and not feel like a gender so for explain not feel masc ever but then feeling fem or androgynous.

Sorry if that didn’t make any sense I just want to understand what it’s like for my friend because for me I’m a Transman so my experience with gender is slightly different to theirs.

06:35 UTC


I cant take it anymore, I want to stop being perceived as a cis girl

I went to the grocery store today and a guy there told me I had a nice ass. I hate my life I hate being perceived as a woman. I like being a woman but on my masc/agender days I hate my boobs, I hate my wide hips, and I hate my butt. I've been told my whole life(since I was like 13) by my mom and female relatives that some people would love to have a butt like mine(Genetics that I hate, I come from a family with wide hips and yes... larger than average buttocks). I'm too scared to come out bc without top surgery and a butt/thigh reduction I will always be perceived as a girl. And I just want to be androgynous sometimes, so I can easily switch between masc/fem. I even bought a tie the other day but I can't help but cry cause it won't look the way I want it to with my boobs. I want top surgery so bad but I can't afford it. I thought I could deny my agender/masc side cause my genderfluidity includes femininity. I want to be HANDSOME sometimes. but I can't and won't because of my body. My cis female friends always compliment my butt. Even at gay clubs I've gotten compliments about my boobs and my butt. Straight clubs are literal hell for me. (Respectfully) I don't want to those compliments, even if i am wearing revealing clothing. I feel disgusting when it's a masc moment for me and I didn't get to change my clothes so im stuck wearing a fem outfit(even though ig it doesnt matter bc I'll be perceived as a girl regardless). I look up genderfluid inspo on tiktok and it's all people with small chests and I can't help but feel hopeless bc without top surgery I will never be like them. I want to be beautiful and handsome at the same time... I dont know what to do... I only recently stopped denying my genderfluidity, so I'm still trying to learn to love myself for that. All of this, accepting my agender/masc side, is still new to me. It's just hard when my body does not allow me to be perceived as masc/agender...

any advice? or any afab with a similar experience, I just feel so alone in this :( all the genderfluid people I see on social media are nothing like what I look like...

im sorry if I sound like a asshole. That man telling my I had a nice ass in the grocery store was my final straw(it was an agender/masc day for me, I was wearing a large t shirt and baggy jeans. my pathetic attempt at being masc apparently). On top of getting harassed, I was misgendered and perceived as a heterosexual cis woman.

03:39 UTC


Do you guys ever feel dysmorphic?

I’m genderfluid and have identified as that for years now but recently I’ve been feeling very dysmorphic. Do this happen to anyone else

18:26 UTC


little dilemma about my little life...

it's my first post on Reddit and I'm opening up about something that i never talkd over befor. I'm a 26-year-old man or transwoman (prefer transwoman hihi), and I've always felt a bit feminine, but I was always looked at strangely by my family because of it. They're strict, and they see this as against our religion. I'm of Arabic descent, and my girlfriend is Belgian. When I was younger, I suppressed these feelings and thought something was wrong with me. I've had 5 relationships with girls and I'm genuinely attracted to girls or trans girls but not guys. My current girlfriend (24 years old), whom I've been with for 5 years, im the first guys shes been with, she. She's bisexual she with a girl befor for 2 year, when she was jonger, im the first person also shes had sex with. I'm very open with her, and she saw that I enjoy watching trans porn, which she was fine with. She appreciates my openness. At home, I sometimes wear leggings or even skirts for her, especially when we're having a good time drinking. Sometimes, I even wear a thong for her, hihi ^^. During the day, I have an office job, and I only wear masculine clothes. My colleagues have noticed that I'm a bit feminine, but they don't know that I wear girl's clothes sometimes. I don't feel an immediate urge to wear girl's clothes outside because I'm afraid of being looked at strangely or someone I know seeing me. My girlfriend is supportive of me wearing girl's clothes home. She's a bit reserved herself. We've tried pegging, and it was super fun. I think I might be a non-binary genderfluid person. I feel really comfortable and sexy when I'm wearing girl's clothes and some makeup.

Can you guys give me some advice and tell me if this is normal? <3
Love all :3

09:16 UTC


Any thoughts?

Hello everybody! So I am having a slight dilemma. Basically pride month is coming up and I would like to dress in a more genderqueer outfit. Only issue is I don't really want to come out to my parents just yet.

(Though I'm sure they would be ok with it, I feel like it would take some time for them to actually believe me and adjust and I just don't want to deal with that now)

Should I have them think I'm just non conforming or something? I don't see a way I could sneak the outfit well enough.

07:08 UTC


mild crisis (cribro?)

hello friends. been confused for a couple months. i am older but recently prioritizing my mental health so my queerness is top of mind lately.

i am amab and bi. on paper, genderfluid identity seems the most accurate to me so far. but i have some remaining questions for the community. plz lmk if i should word these differently as well. i want to be as respectful as possible.

  • how do you untether sexuality from gender? when i imagine myself with a woman i think of myself as a woman. but with a man, i think of myself as a man or enby.

  • how to distinguish kink from euphoria? if i get a jolt of bliss from wearing women's clothing, i feel a rush within my body as well as mind. but could that just be me being giddy from doing something taboo?

  • do you ever get confused by your experiences growing up being phyisically different? i am amab but was always very skinny and unathletic and androgynous looking. i never minded and in fact took some pride in it cuz it's just how i am. but if i were born with a bigger frame or athletic skills, would i still be questioning gender?

i have a ton more Qs but those are the main ones for now. thank you for any guidance or response in sharing your persective

1 Comment
04:08 UTC


what was it like changing your name?

(afab) im considering picking a neutral name
Im fairly okay with my name- its a bit hyper fem and dosent match me on my masc days or my general mid/andro days. the only reason i havent changed it is because i think it would be a hassle to keep correcting people who are used to my legal name.
My partner especially will struggle with this.

can i hear some others experience with changing names to help me decide?

04:05 UTC


Trying to understand

I have an honest question and am trying to understand. I am a fifty something gay asexual who likes to paint my nails and dye my hair. I have come to believe that gender expression is a social construct, hell high heels where originally for men. So, assuming that, how does one who is born biologically one sex come to determine they should be another sex? If you where born female, how do you realize you are actually male and not a "tom boy" or a woman who likes traditionally male clothing? If you where born male how do you come to the conclusion that you are not a guy who likes dresses but an actual woman? And if you are agender, how is that different from me deciding that I want to wear a tie and be dressy today and tomorrow wanting to wear a T-shirt? I will always use whatever pronouns you choose. I am just curious about the thought process. The psychology of the process I find interesting.

02:05 UTC


Is it normal to identify as one gender more than others?

(Keep in mind that I am asking this for a friend, and I’m not entirely sure how genderfluidity works outside of the simple explanations my friend as given me, so please correct me if I get something wrong. I’m happy to learn.)

My friend asked me to ask y’all if it was normal for them to identify as their birth gender (female) most of the time and only use he/him every once in a while, like every few weeks or something like that. What do you guys think?

00:42 UTC


Do y’all rank your genders?

Here’s mine 1st: Female 2nd: Enby 3rd: Bi 4th: Male 5th: Agender

21:49 UTC


YIPEE! first time going to school in a skirt whothout shorts underneath! ( it's a big deal when your amab.. )

prolly seems out of place, but i nevdr really thought people went around in skirts without pants on but apparently they do! first time i was confedent enough to try it and my day went great! i even did a class presintation and no one noticed! :) ^(euphoria!!i)
sorry if this breaks some sub rules i just feel great!

19:32 UTC


Extremely masc or Fem

I hope this group can help me out. I have been wondering about myself for years thinking I might be a transwoman, but I think I am gender fluid. I have times where I have an extreme need to act female and want to buy dresses and make up and shave my beard. Although when I feel masculine and I have shaved my beard it always makes me sad. I feel like my female side wants to get out cause I am masculine presenting most of the time. I live in a very rual area and my friends and family don't know about my female side. It sucks sometimes cause it feels like a goth witchy femgirl and a manly lumber jack are both fighting at the wheel to take control. Can anyone relate?

17:21 UTC


Two weeks left in the Canadian Trans Youth Health Survey 2024! If you're 14-25, living in Canada, and trans, non-binary, Two Spirit, and/or gender diverse, be a part of research influence social and healthcare policy in Canada!

We want to hear from the next generation of trans and non-binary Canadians. You’re the experts of your experiences, and we’re here to listen.

The Canadian Trans Youth Health Survey is a national survey of trans, non-binary, and gender diverse Canadian youth ages 14-25 that runs every five years. The study is managed by the Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre with co-investigators across the country. Results help researchers identify health disparities, theorize helpful interventions, and describe trends in gender diverse health, values, identity, and experience. This research is core to developing successful advocacy and change in our social and health care systems.

 To participate in the study, you must be between 14 and 25, live in Canada, and be non-binary, trans, and/or gender diverse. Visit saravyc.ubc.ca/CTYHS2024 for more information and for a direct link to the anonymous survey. To protect participants, all data is anonymous, encrypted, and only used for academic research purposes.

Questions? Email saravyc@nursing.ubc.ca or reach out to the Principal Investigator for this study, Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc (Professor at the UBC School of Nursing) at elizabeth.saewyc@ubc.ca.

[Mod note: Previously posted, but this will be our final post to avoid spamming your feeds. Thanks!]

Répondez à l'enquête anonyme en français: saravyc.ubc.ca/ctyhs2024-fr

16:51 UTC


Does dysphoria shift when you're genderfluid?

I have been struggling with my gender for years. I've had pretty bad dysphoria coming and going since 15, so my closet has been mostly masc for years. But recently there seems to have been a shift. I haven't felt any physical dysphoria in over a week. Today, I'm going to try on girl clothes and see how I feel and I'm pretty excited.

I want to change my discord pronouns to all pronouns but I'm worried I still have preferences or I'll be wrong again. I've tried different things in the past year and I know that's completely fine, I'm just so sick of not being comfortable with what I come out as. I just hate the thought of being like "call me all pronouns" and then people say nothing but "she".

Anyway, my main question is, does dysphoria shift like this for genderfluid people? Is that why genderfluid people are more comfortable with one identity one week and then another the next? Have I been genderfluid all along?

10:19 UTC


haircut advice

hello guys!

what haircut should i get to fulfill both my feminine and masculine side? is there one which can do both and also keep some of the length to play around with (not optional but kinda important)?

most of the time im masculine but sometimes i go BOOM im a cute ass girl suddenly so the hair question is confusing

23:46 UTC



I was at school and I got midday dysphoria. (I still haven't came out to anyone yet.) I was trying to take my mind away from it by just doing and concentrating on the work, and suddenly the dude infront of me went like:

"[name], are you OK? You look down."

And obviously I say that I am, but now I'm just thinking like "HOW COULD HE SEE THAT I WAS SAD😨". Because that dude is like one of the popular boys, so I have no idea why he even bothered to talk to me in the first place. I'm like one of those quiet kids too 😭. Like wow. What a shocker that he asked.

15:39 UTC


Coming out to my friend soon!

My best friend will be at my house soon, I told him I had something to say in person yesterday, he said that he supports me if I'm trans or gay, (I'm AMAB, genderfluid, pansexual), wish me luck, I have a feeling it will go well :3

Edit: It went great, he says that he already knew I wasn't straight and he doesn't care how I choose to identify and respects whatever pronouns I choose to use at a given time. We're going to the movies for a double date on Friday, my gf (trans, AMAB), him, and his partner (also genderfluid :3, AFAB). If u have any questions pls DM I'm lonely :c

11:15 UTC


I do not really know much about genderfluid yet. But I was wondering people who are genderfluid what genders can they like be? Is it only female and male? idk if this makes sense but like what genders count as being genderfluid bc they change

07:18 UTC

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