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Got called boss today

Got called boss today by another guy it was very validating, plus my voice is much deeper already been on T for 4 months now and got top surgery in December so I’m feeling pretty confident. That was never the case before. Thumbs up for today. :)

00:25 UTC


UPDATE: names i've collected so far!

original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ftm/comments/1cqqeyu/comment/l3wbbcu/?context=3

thank you to everyone who has given me their ideas on masc/alternatives to Agnes.

these are the current ones that i've seen: Magnus, Angus, Marnix, August, Amos, Anton, Andes, Ander(s), Andre, Arin/Aron, Alois, Amos, Alex, Andrew, Abel, Aiden, Arthur, Alfred, James, Cordero, Aniello, Agniras, Anson, Agni, Alastor/Alasdair/Alistar, Axl/Axel, Eugene, Angel, Algernon, Ark, Archie, Agnatius, Ansel, Auggie, Andy, Ragnes, Astarion, Agnew, Angelo, Gus (sorry if there are any repeats or missing suggestions.)

the most common ones out of that bunch, are: Agnus, August(unfortunately i have a ftm friend who's name is August, so i won't choose this), Magnus, and Alex.

regarding the most commonly suggested names, here are the names i personally chose from that list:

  • Amos
  • Angelo
  • Aniello
  • Cordero
  • Ragnes
  • Axl/Axel
  • Astarion
  • Magnus
  • Ace

i remember seeing someone talk about me asking my friends and seeing what they may suggest too! thank you, whoever you are, I'll definitely do that.

again, thank you all so much for the suggestions and advice! if you'd like, you can choose from the aforementioned list and tell me which one you enjoy the most. and, anyone else can use those names suggestions for themselves too! :)

00:25 UTC


Jockstrap Dos and Donts

I’m new to using a jockstrap with my packer and not sure whether to treat it like underwear or not. More so in regards to the bathroom. Can one go to the bathroom without taking the jockstrap off?

00:18 UTC


Robert Kang Top Surgery?

I have a consultation next month with Robert Kang in Pittsburgh, PA, and I'm having a lot of trouble finding any testimony or results. Has anyone heard anything about him? Most results mention hand surgery so idk why my main provider referred me to him. I just want these things chopped off 😭

00:08 UTC


Review for Spectrum Binder

I got my Black Short Spectrum binder today in the mail!! I live in the US, It took 10 days to arrive, I’d say that’s pretty quick. It came in super discreet, plain brown packaging, and had a small little goodie inside (a sticker of the Spectrum Outfitters logo!!)

Now for the binder itself, it was pretty hard to get on. I had to get a friend to help me put it on.. :’D I followed a guide on how to put the binder on, and couldn’t put my other arm through the second arm hole. This is the first time I’ve bought a binder so maybe they’re just hard to put on in general. It’s not really a big deal.

It fits me pretty well, little to no discomfort, I can breathe very well in it, and I’m very flat when wearing it!! I’m super happy with my purchase!

If you’re thinking of purchasing a Spectrum binder I’d say go for it :)

00:07 UTC


Need Help achieving a certain look!

I’ve tried to go for an “Emo 2000s twink” vibe but I’m having trouble making it look masculine

00:03 UTC


my bf lied to me about someone being transphobic to me and i don't know why

this happened a while ago but it's been kind of bothering me. a while ago my boyfriend (who is cis) ordered a game online and asked me to go pick it up for him. we are long distance and the game was unavailable in stores near him, but available in a store near me. when i went to pick it up, i told the guy i am picking up a game for my boyfriend and showed him the order number in a confirmation email under my boyfriend's name. he told me i cannot pick it up for him, and my boyfriend needs to come in with his own ID to be able to get the game. i said thank you and left, no big deal.

i told my boyfriend that i wasn't able to pick it up for him and explained what happened, and he was reasonably frustrated about it, but then he said something that has really confused and bothered me. he said he called the store to cancel the order, and that the guy on the phone was being rude. he told me, "and he also made a comment that really pissed me off that i'm not going to repeat because there's no reason to". obviously now i want to know, so i ask, and he tells me that while calling the store, he told the employee "it should have been (my preferred name) picking it up." he said the employee replied with, "who?", my boyfriend told him my name again, and apparently the employee said "that's not her name, her name is (deadname)." my boyfriend said he told him that is not my preferred name and that the employee replied, "that's what was on her ID."

but the thing is, i never showed the employee my ID. i never even told the employee my name. our interaction was very short. i showed the email and said im picking this up for my boyfriend, he said he cannot accept just the confirmation email, i said okay thank you and left.

this happened a couple weeks ago..... at first i just let it slide, but honestly it's been kinda bothering me now. my boyfriend lies about silly things i think to impress me sometimes, like once he said he got a bunch of items for me in a game that he worked rly hard to get to "impress me", but they were items he stole from my friend (he was really drunk so i let this slide lol), lied about using a cheat sheet he allegedly made when playing through a game for the first time when we were playing it a second time together (he was just using fextralife), lied about completing certain challenge runs in certain video games but then eventually contradicting himself by saying he actually hasn't done one in that certain game yet..... like none of these are really serious lies but this lie about someone being transphobic really irked me. i get maybe why he did it, to show he supports me, but like why lie about that?

i don't know how to approach this. so much time has passed, do i bring it up? we've been arguing a bit lately and im worried that bringing it up will start another argument or make things awkward or just make things tense. even though we argue sometimes we still really love each other. i ignored it for so long, so would it be weird to bring it up? im not sure what to do. is this weird of my boyfriend to do or am i overreacting??????

23:34 UTC


Anxious about increased sex drive on T

I’m starting T in like 2 weeks and I’ve obviously been doing research about everything, and one of the primary grievances people seem to have is the horniness. I’ve also heard some people really enjoying their increased libido/just joking about how it can be annoying sometimes, but there are also stories that just seem like everyone feels really out of control in their bodies because of their libido. This makes me so anxious as someone who struggles with OCD stemming from the need to feel in control in my body. During puberty #1 I was pretty much constantly horny, often masturbating 1-2 times a day, but it wasn’t debilitating in the way some describe T horniness. It’s just freaking me out and I just need to know if it’s really as intense as some people say it is? I know everyone’s body will react differently but does anyone have tips for actually enjoying yourself instead of feeling out of control?

23:26 UTC


Traveling to Morocco?

Has anyone been to Morocco? I’d like to go with my dad and brother but nervous because while I’m not exactly going to be committing crimes I’m worried about even just the bathroom situation and whether I’ll be giving problems

Thanks in advance for any advice?

23:16 UTC


Trans tape scars

I used trans tape consistently for about 2 years and because of that have pretty bad scaring/discoloration. I’ve stop taping and won’t be doing it again because I want to get top surgery hopefully in the next two years if I make enough money. I want to get my skin in the best condition possible. Does anyone know how to help these scars and severe discoloration?

1 Comment
23:14 UTC


Does anyone else get intense cravings on T?

I stopped taking mine for a couple months because adhd and I started taking it again and the cravings are KILLING me. All I want to eat are cupcakes, pizza, hot dogs.... Basically anything with lots of carbs and fats. I'm on a diet and those cravings are just ruining it. I ate two boxes of mini cupcakes yesterday and i feel horrible about it. Ugh.

Does anyone else get cravings like this? Not just increased hunger, but specific cravings. What do yall do about them?

1 Comment
23:13 UTC


FTM Historical Context??

(I will tag this as a TW if this seems to be too sensitive of a topic) I saw a tiktok video a couple of months ago from a trans woman who had been transitioning since the 70's; someone asked her if she knew of any trans men who transitioned along side with her and she stated that most(or all) of the trans men she knew had died very young.

I was wondering if anyone out there who is more trans history savy can explain why this seems to be the pattern? I know the AIDS epidemic, drug abuse, and hate crimes were prevelent for all queer people during the 70's-80's but is there any reason why it seems trans men had seemed to all 'die out'(for a lack of a better word). Was there just not many trans men around during this time? Was there any specific attitude against trans men that caused them harm during this time?

I know a little history background, like the life of Brandon Teena, but I haven't seen much about this specific phenomenon.

23:12 UTC


DAE kinda like the “boy smell”?

so i’m about seven weeks on t and the changes are DEF setting in. most notably i have definitely picked up on the changes in BO that some guys get. and i honestly…dont hate it? its def stronger, but its not as like…sharp i guess? especially when i work out. idk.

obviously im picking up new showering/deodorant habits so im not subjecting the people around me to it but idk, i kinda dont mind those few moments before a shower when my clothes and i just kinda smell. i hope im not too much of a freak for that lmaoo

23:11 UTC


Lessening dysphoria

My dysphoria is getting worse the older I get and I can't medically transition for 2 more years. I feel like I've tried EVERYTHING to get my dysphoria to be manageable but it either only temporary helps or not at all.

Ive cut my hair (which made me feel so euphoric omg), only wear masc clothes, learned masculine mannerisms. I even got new glasses because my old ones felt to fem🥲

anymore ways to change my appearance to be more masc until I can get on T?

23:07 UTC


post orgasm dysphoria?

(nsfw and possibly a bit tmi)

for context, im pre-T

whenever i jerk off and cum, i immediately dissociate and experience what i can only describe as post-nut depression, and usually also feel sex repulsed for a bit. i have no idea why. im an extremely horny person and i jerk off all the time, but am always interrupted from basking in any good feelings due to what comes after when i cum. for a decent bit now, ive just assumed this is rooted in dysphoria and is something thatll be alleviated once on T. out of curiosity, has anyone experienced anything similar to this, and is it indeed a dysphoria issue?

23:03 UTC


is it odd i want to medically transition before my family change how they refer to me?

hello! so i’m an 18 year old trans guy, i’ve been out since around 13 to friends and family. i’m currently in the process of seeking private medical care for HRT.

my family have been relatively supportive (they’re quite catholic) and have said they’ll refer to me correctly. however, for some reason, i feel really awkward and almost uncomfortable if they start referring to me as james, he/him etc until i start to go on hormones. the weird thing is, i don’t feel the same awkwardness when it’s my friends or partner, who have referred to me properly for years now.

it makes me a bit worried that somehow i’m secretly not trans if it’s a bit odd when my mother does make remarks about me being her son etc, because atm i’m so awkward about it all and feel weird that she’s doing this when i’m pre-transition.

for clarification: i very much want to transition lol, like i’m in the middle of trying to do so right now. anyways, was just wondering if anyone else experienced this or maybe could offer advice as to why this is happening.

1 Comment
23:03 UTC


Started T Today 🥳💉

I’ve officially started medical transition ! I’m so happy and I genuinely couldn’t stop smiling once I did the injection :) I can’t wait for the changes lol and it’s only the first day haha. I’m very very very grateful to have access to this because i’m only 16 and I know most start later than I am

22:57 UTC


starting my name change journey tomorrow!

finally have the forms I need, the docs, and the money to get my name legally changed and will be getting that done tomorrow! I'm crossing my fingers things go well, I'm full of nerves and have to get up early to do it before work but either way I'm excited

22:55 UTC


A good dating/hook up app for ftm?

Ever since I started t I've been incredibly horny and while I'm all good with self pleasure I really want to bone someone and or have a nice relationship but I've been too scared to try anything in fear of transphopia and all that is there any online place yall recommend?

22:47 UTC


Tips on how to masculinize my face?

And furthermore, Will my face (specifically my jaw) get more masculine on T? I have a relatively round and small head and it’s one of the root causes for my dysphoria, so I’m wondering if T will make it any bigger by chance. Or at least change the shape of it

22:46 UTC


Most realistic toy for receiving BJ's

I have recently wanted to explore receiving BJ's from my partner with a strap on. She said that the current dildo I have is too hard though. I'm looking for one that's the most realistic seeming for fellation for both her and myself.

1 Comment
22:39 UTC


Not sure if I regret transitioning, or if it’s my anxiety


This is my first time using Reddit, so apologies if I’m not up to speed with everything

I (ftm 20) have been on testosterone for just over 3 1/2 months while identifying as a trans man for just over a year.

I’m currently near the end of term at university and plan to visit home (my university isn’t close to where I live at all). I’m not out to anyone back home, so this is very nerve wracking. I’m also currently coming off of my anxiety medication, causing me to be extremely anxious about practically everything at the moment ://

My biggest trigger at the moment is the fact that I’m obviously Not A Girl and that I’ll have to tell everybody. Who I’m most worried about is my mum, as she has a tendency to make me regret almost everything, which has caused me to spiral and wonder if I’m actually trans or if I’m faking everything and that she could hypothetically be right (she doesn’t even know though… thanks anxiety)

She isn’t transphobic, just a boomer who has issues comprehending people she knows being part of the lgbtq+ community. While she probably has suspected that I’m trans in some way, it’s the hormone area that’s causing distress. I’m scared she’ll make me regret what I’ve done so far, and that I’m only doing this because I can and not because I actually want to. I’m partially financially reliant on my parents too, as well as planning to move back home after graduating, and since I’m getting an art degree I’m not confident with housing ect

Basically she doesn’t know that I’m trans and I’m on hormones, and I’m very scared of her reaction, although I don’t expect her to react negatively. It’s just that my family aren’t very emotional to each other, so the idea of sharing such a personal thing about myself sounds like an almost impossible task. Due to having such a complex relationship, I can’t help but fear the worst

So I’m here to ask is if anyone else has had these experiences and how they’ve dealt with them, as I feel like I might implode if I worry about this any more than I have already…

Also advice about coming out would be very helpful!

I just want to apologise if this isn’t very well written, I’m dyslexic and writing this during a mini anxiety attack :,))

1 Comment
20:31 UTC


Worried About My Hormone Therapy as a Previous Late Bloomer

I'm turning 21 in a week or so and have been on intramuscular HTR for a year and 6 months, but almost NOTHING has changed. The only things I've seen have been more leg hair, some hairline changes, a tiny frail barely dark line of hairs on my stomach and acne. My voice hasn't deepened unless I force a lower pitch on purpose and even then it's not much (I still get ma'amed on the phone), and my doctor has me on the highest dose able to prescribe. I started on small amounts and went up, so the dosage isn't the problem. In fact my levels were too high so she put me on a lower dose, but that's recently. So it shouldn't be the issue either- it's been from the begining.

Let me clarify that my original puberty didn't really end until I reached 18 and I started normally around 10. It took 9 years where the normal range is 6. I also didn't get curves until 18. Idk if there is something wrong me, as there hasn't been any function issue or need to see a endocrinologist, but I'm really worried I won't have any effects on T.

I'm scared that it just won't work or take the same amount of time as my first. Being on T for 3 or 4 years and just then getting basic milestones down makes me feel hopeless and depressed. I already can barely enjoy living around others and being myself so I'm a little frazzled.

Thanks if anyone has any info or similar situations. I've searched this problem for hours and nothing seems to match lol.

21:23 UTC


Syringe Question

So I've been on T for almost 2 months now, every does I've had has been itchy and red except this time around. No reaction. I just switched to a different brand of luer lock syringes this time. Is it possible to be allergic to the plastic syringes and not the oil the T is in?

22:28 UTC


Will I be lonely forever? ☹️

Sorry for switching between formal and informal language idk how to word things sometimes. 😭

So I have rlly bad bottom dysphoria, especially regarding sex. The only sexual experience I've had is giving oral to someone with a vagina and while i did consent to it, I felt rlly uncomfortable.

Nothing against vaginas cause they're cool but it just reminds me of what's in my pants and makes me feel bad.

Ive realized I'm not attracted to women or vaginas.

I don't feel comfortable being penetrated or penetrating someone via strap. I don't feel comfortable receiving oral either. Really the only thing I MIGHT be comfy with is sucking dick. But I'd have to experience it to know for sure.

Here's the problem:

Is there going to be a cis guy out there who is #1 okay with dating a trans man #2 okay with very minimal to none sex or types of sex??

In my experience most ppl I've been around like sex and like to experiment and like different types of sex. I feel like in every relationship my partner is going to want more than I can give.

Should I try to become more comfortable with more things and get over it or just keep looking? Idk or maybe there's a solution I'm overlooking. I'm definitely overthinking this lol.

22:23 UTC


Issue with Chosen Name

This is my first time posting here and I'm having a small issue with my chosen name.

I am in my early 30's and am starting T, and have been playing around with new names to see what fits, mostly because my name given at birth is very feminine and it feels weird now.

I found one that I really like, "Jude". I've been using it online and with a few friends for a month. I got it from a character I thought was very cool in Cyberpunk 2077.

Here's the problem: my mom's side of the family is not religious but culturally Jewish and my mom named both me and my sibling Hebrew names. She's been very supportive of my queerness my whole life and I wanted to pay tribute to her choice even if it's not the right one for me now. My last name is also as German as it gets but both sides of my family have been in the US for a long time generationally (mid-late 1800s) so we have no connection at all to WWII.

I tried googling it for fun and saw people really tearing it apart on baby naming posts about the Holocaust and how they would never name their kid that etc etc. I don't have any Jewish friends to run this by and I'm not about to ask my family because I'm not ready to.

I guess my question is how bad do you think it is to pick that name? I really love it, and it feels like the right fit for me, but I'm now suddenly worried about it's association with antisemitism in Germany, even if the pronunciation is different there (Yoo-dah)

If I had to change it at this point it would feel like starting everything all over, but I'd be willing to if it's offensive.

I'm also open to suggestions of alternatives if it is extremely problematic!

1 Comment
20:14 UTC


where to apply testogel when in a relationship

hello! so i'm starting with testosterone tomorrow and i'm wondering where to apply it when you're in a relationship. my girlfriend is also trans and on E, so it would be unfortunate if i mess with her progress so far :,) normally you would put it on your shoulder area but i already know that that's not gonna work out for us because we hug a lot, i do tend to be more cautious but she is more clumsy and forgetful so i'm scared she'll just forget often. i was thinking i could apply it maybe somewhere around the thigh area, or maybe my chest, or my stomach but i would rather not as someone with IBS and i don't know if the hormones will clash with my IBS in some way. also i'm thinking of applying it in the afternoon, around 5pm-6pm because that's when i actually have the time to shower but also not too late at night. any tips are welcome!!!

21:31 UTC


Anyone know LA Fitness's locker room policy?

I haven't had top surgery yet, and I have no current plans to complete bottom surgery past the hysterectomy I already had, plus my facial hair hasn't come in yet (though other body hair has), so currently I still pass as female when I need to.

My worry is for down the road, once I'm coded much more male. I don't want to make other folks uncomfortable, but I also don't feel safe using the men's locker room.

1 Comment
21:29 UTC


Jocks and Thongs

Look for underwear that doesn’t have a pouch for penis and balls. A good brand is Zük but they have a limited selection. Any other brands out there?

21:26 UTC


Uneven facial hair


Just curious. When I let my facial hair grow it is much heavier on the left side of my face. Has anyone else experienced this? If so how long did it take to even out?

21:18 UTC

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