This sub is for everything related to charting your cycle while trying to conceive.
Charting pros! We need your temping expertise! New to charting, have a question, or using charting as a way to avoid conception? Welcome!!!
This is a sub where anyone can share their charts, ask for advice, and compare results! If you haven't already, sign up for FertilityFriend for easy peasy charting (they have apps for that, too!).
How to share your FertilityFriend chart!!
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Update: I posted two days ago, and when I got another day of decreasing temps, I thought maybe I just had a weird jump and didn’t actually ovulate.. but it went back up again today ever so slightly… I guess I’m still in denial or something because it may not be the prettiest chart, but it still feels like confirmed ovulation 🤷🏼♀️😂 I’ll be back in a few more days with a final update for science! This is the most mountainous shaped potential luteal phase I think I’ve ever had hahaha
4DPO spike may be a bit off as I kept getting woken up. This is my first time ovulating on CD14. Doc put me on 5mg of Letrozole as well as Estradiol on cycle days 8-12 and progesterone oral pills starting on CD17. I haven't had any symptoms at all since the day after ovulation (tender nipples) and that was it. The last two cycles I ovulated on, I had sore nipples all the way until my period started. I was convinced I was pregnant. But this cycle I'm feeling nothing. I've felt little twinges here and there that almost feel like super mild cramps for the past two days but that's it.
I went for my CD21 progesterone blood draw today and hoping it's at least a 10 ng/mL (last month was .5 ng/mL because I didn't ovulate).
Any cycle twins?
We have been trying for the #2 for 1.5 years, having the diagnosis of unexplained infertility (the first came easily). The DPO 8, 9, and 10 temps were a bit disappointing, but you can imagine the thrill of seeing the temperature today. We finally made it 🥰
Added my temps from my first pregnancy as a comparison just for science.
(We were supposed to do our 2nd IUI this cycle, but they don't do it on weekends here, so we were on our own. Tried something new: first sex on the day of positive OPK, and focused on keeping me warm all the time (read about cold uterus; I am constantly cold).)
Rising temps + three days of positive OPK’s at the same time? Never had a cycle read like this before did I ovulate or not I’m confused, or maybe I did but earlier than I thought around CD11?
period is supposed to come sunday.. still testing negative
Having a really hard time deciphering this… in terms of mucus tracking, I think I may still be waiting for ovulation to happen, but this chart is really throwing me off. Any input/advice is welcome!! I am new to BBT tracking and am getting more and more confused by the day 😫
Hello guys! Fertility friend is saying i’ve already ovulated and I have not. I have gotten negatives with OPK. Also I never ovulate this early. My last cycle with letrozole I ovulated CD 17. Can I manually override this??
After a little dip, BBT is back up! 🤞🏻👀 Getting so impatient, I hate waiting!
I think waiting so harder because my cycles are longer than average, so less chances to try 😭
Please ignore the marker on day 19. That's when the app predicted I would ovulate, but my cycles are irregular so it's not accurate.
Does anyone have any thoughts on what day I would have ovulated? My charts are always a bit all over the place..
FF says yes. Temp drop says no. So far, I don’t like the temp drop app at all, but I like the use of the armband so I may just let go of the premium features. Husband has MFI but of course -delulu- there’s always a chance. His numbers have increased dramatically recently, as well.
Could this finally be happening?? 😳😃
I ovulated on CD16, could this dip & then rise in bbt be an implantation dip on cd22? 🤞🏼 third month tracking bbt, 1st TTC #2. 10dpo and tested negative.
I don’t know why I’m posting.
I’ve been bad with data this month but it’s been feeling healthier and not too obsessive. But FF doesn’t love it lol. I don’t care. TWW LFG!!!
I hate this waiting game, almost as much as I hate the wait for fertile days!