
Photograph via snooOG

A place for pregnant redditors, those who have been pregnant, those who wish to be in the future, and anyone who supports them. Not the place for bump or ultrasound pics, sorry!

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About /r/BabyBumps

A place for pregnant redditors, those who have been pregnant, those who wish to be in the future, and anyone who supports them. A place to ask and answer questions all related to pregnancy. A great place to come for post-partum depression, breast or formula feeding issues, and body image. It's one of the biggest changes of your life and we're all here to support one another!


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I find it exhausting to tell people I’m pregnant.

If I could get through this entire pregnancy without telling anyone other than my husband, I would. It’s so overwhelming. It’s my mom’s first grandchild, so she is going nuts. Asking question, trying to plan things, wants to buy stuff already. The worst though, is she keeps asking me when I’m going to tell everyone. How I’m going to tell everyone. Omfg I can’t even bring myself to get excited to tell people. Only a few people know and I like it that way. I haven’t even told my siblings yet and I’m 12 weeks, lol. I like keeping this as a secret. I know I’ll have to tell my coworkers but I’m waiting until as long as possible. Does anyone else feel this way?!

10:02 UTC


Introduction and Daily Picture Thread

Are you pregnant, supporting someone who is pregnant, or planning on getting pregnant in the future? Then welcome to r/BabyBumps! This is a daily post where you can introduce yourself and share any photos that you want to share. This is the ONLY place where photos are allowed, please do not make a standalone post with your bump or ultrasound.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our rules.

  • We do not allow spam, advertising, solicitations, or the sharing of any personal information.
  • Polls/surveys/market research must be authorized by the mod team prior to submission.
  • ALL bump pictures, ultrasounds, and announcement pictures remain in this daily sticky only.
  • If you post a picture of your baby you, do so only as a bonus to other meaningful content (like a birth story). No pet pictures or pregnancy tests either.
  • No medical advice. Do not post pictures of your bodily fluids or rashes.
  • Please do not ask us if you are pregnant, could be pregnant, or what symptoms others have experienced prior to confirming pregnancy.

We have some fantastic resources available to you over in our Wiki. With links for those of you trying to get pregnant, answers to common questions and concerns regarding pregnancy, resources and lists pertaining to pregnancy and/or common symptoms, conditions, and complications thereof, resources pertaining to birth, and a list of acronyms you may run into, we hope your immersion into our community is as seamless and supported as possible.

If you're looking for your Monthly Bumper Sub you'll find links here. Please note that these subs tend to go private and that the moderators of Baby Bumps are not affiliated with private subs. We cannot add you or request that you be added. You'll have to message the moderators of your private bump sub and ask to be added; instructions for how to do this can be found in the link provided.

Flair is awesome and helps you find stuff.

If you can't find what you're looking for here, you may be able to find it in one of these Other Helpful Subreddits.

If you are not yet pregnant, are trying to get pregnant, believe your period may be late, or have questions pertaining to family planning, please check out the Stickied Weekly Introduction Thread over on r/TryingforaBaby. It's amazing. You'll learn more about reproduction than you ever thought was possible.

10:01 UTC


Self Cervical Checks

It just dawned on me that not everyone does this. I was curious how many others can/do/did in labour? I don't think its that unusual?

I didn't learn specifically for labour, it was something I started long ago when tracking cycles and when I had a copper coil IUD. Then when I started looking into fertility & pregnancy the effacement/dilation made sense. I've checked my self during the last few weeks just to monitor changes but not in expectation of anything.

I don't plan on having cervical checks by other people during birth as it makes me really uncomfortable. Knowing I could check if I'm curious and not in the middle of a contraction is reassuring. Anyone else the same?

10:00 UTC


Need to know how painful a foley balloon is!!!!

My midwife wants to do a foley balloon tomorrow. She gave me a cervical sweep today. The day prior just did a cervical check. The cervical check wasn’t as bad as the sweep. The sweep left my legs shaking and it was so incredibly painful. I also cried idk if from pain or from a past experience as a child with a catheter and having my bladder inflated with a dye or both. She swept 3 times and after each sweep was able to get a contraction out that was the equivalent of the most severe period cramp I’ve ever felt. Is the foley balloon as bad as the cervical sweep? I’ve read it’s uncomfortable but not painful and then I read it was the most painful experience ever. So far for me the cervical sweep takes the cake. Also how long after the balloon is inserted does labor actually start? Or baby arrives. I’m a ftm and am being induced do to high blood pressure. I just like to have a heads up on the pain scale or anything you can relate it to pain wise. I got a taste of contractions and those were pretty painful but not unmanageable. I’m also not usually sensitive down there in my cervix but I guess during pregnancy I am. Thank you in advance!

09:15 UTC



Has anyone else got bad pain in the right hand side below breast with cholestasis

09:14 UTC


Special celebration ideas

So I'm a lucky one - my mother is throwing me a baby shower and my MIL is throwing me another (different states). Feeling well loved, but also, not my events and there's an acceptance on my part that this is a sweet thing they are doing but it is very much their party (their theme, inviting more of their friends, etc). And that's fine. I had no big vision of what I wanted baby shower to be and there's more of a chance we'll get some big ticket things from our registry.

However, I do want to do something intimate and special to me to mark my first pregnancy. I don't have enough time off for a babymoon or something like that so was wondering if anyone could share unique ideas for celebrating. Maybe a fun/unique ladies outing or dinner with my best friends, SIL, MIL, mom? Maybe something special with the husband for the day or weekend? Maybe something just for me, by me, and attended by just me?

All ideas and suggestions welcome!

09:11 UTC


How am I supposed to deal with the constant nausea?

I'm 7 weeks and I've been nauseous for a week straight. I get so overwhelmed knowing it's not going anywhere for another 6 weeks or so best case scenario. I've only vomited once thankfully, but I just have this constant low level nausea and I don't love food anymore. I'm doing all the things - I sip ginger ale, keep crackers at my bedside, eat small frequent meals even though I don't want to eat at all. It just sucks. I want my appetite back. I want to want food. I've lost a little bit of weight too and I know that can be normal, but I hate it. I feel like I'm not feeding the baby enough.

08:16 UTC


Pain when holding in urine

I'm 37 + 4, and in the past 2 days I had to separate instances of this phenomenon that I wasn't sure was Braxton hicks or something else. Yesterday while we were buying a new car, I had to pee really bad, a pain was in my lower back. It was hard to get comfortable, but I felt better once I peed.

Just now, I woke up with a sharp pain in my back, I walked to the bathroom and had a sharp pain so bad I couldn't sit to pee at first. It went away as soon as I peed, but now I'm worried about drinking any water if I'm not near the bathroom.

I have an appointment tomorrow with the obgyn, but I was wondering if anyone had similar experiences. My MIL thinks they're Braxton hicks but I think it could possibly be a kidney stone?

07:54 UTC


My husband's reaction doesn't help at all

I am 22w5d. Over the last two weeks I have noticed my baby has less intesity in his movements. Yesterday I only felt two very weak kicks and today some weak movement. I called my OB's office and they said to come immediately.

I don't know what to do. I didn't think they were gonna tell me this. I thought they were gonna say it's normal and not to worry, and I just needed that reassurance. I am at work 1h30 away from my OB's office. I could go in the afternoon without trouble but leaving work right now makes me anxious. I suddenly stressed a lot and called my husband crying cause I didn't know what to do.

He said I was overreacting, that I am always worrying over nothing, he said he would come and take me to the OB's office but he still thinks I am over stressing and looking for problems where there are none. He reminded me we are doing the fetal echocardiogram tomorrow and to just wait until tomorrow. He said that of course the OB's office would tell me to go immediately since it's their business. He said stressing like this will not help the baby, he said the adventure of going to the OB's office in the middle of the shift then going back to work is stressing and I should just stay put until tomorrow.

I know it's probably nothing and the baby's fine, but I am just so stressed right now and I needed my husband to help me decide what to do and he simply made me feel horrible about myself. I just wanted to hang up the whole call.

I am sad and I still don't know what to do

07:54 UTC


Post partum sizing

Maybe the dumbest question but I literally can't remember from my last pregnancy whether your stomach goes down immediately after birth (c-section). I'm trying to work out pant sizes for post partum 😆

07:46 UTC



So I am only in my 1st trimester but I'm thinking about bras. I have really big boobs. (34hh UK). I was wondering if anyone else with a similar size who is postpartum or further along in their pregnancy could recommend somewhere for me to buy them eventually. I know about molke and they are fine but couldn't wear them in the summer with a dress.

07:26 UTC


7 weeks almost 8 weeks

I’m super nauseous After every time I eat or drink water does any one have any recommendations because I don’t have my doctor until the 29th I got the preggie pops but I can’t even use those I’m just feeling so sick all the time I’m not seeking medical advice just any natural remedies would be helpful thank you in advance

07:22 UTC


Rapid weight gain

Hi, I am pregnant with mono-di twins. First trimester I gained maybe 2lb…but from weeks 16 to 20 i jumped up almost 15lb. I do have more of an appetite but i dont think im eating to the point that i would be gaining weight this fast. My OB also said that is a bit fast even with twins — she recommended I try to be more active. I was previously walking 30mins maybe 2 times a week and I increased to 30-60min 4-5 times a week but still feel like im gaining pretty quickly. I am now looking for a nutritionist but while I wait for that…has anyone else experienced similar during their pregnancy?

07:20 UTC


Receiving help when I have mommy issues

I'm a FTM, introverted, and live a few hours flying away from both my mom and MIL. My mom and I aren't close, I've had a lot of trauma from her and although we're cordial she triggers my anxiety and pisses me off a lot.

She wants to come help when the baby is born, and I plan to politely decline. Although she's great around the house (cooking/cleaning etc.) I feel like I don't want her around me in such a vulnerable state. She's got a ton of grandkids so I dont feel like I'm taking any big experience from her by declining her offer.

My husband is taking 2 weeks off to help me, and I love him and absolutely trust him to take care of me those 2 weeks. He works from home so he'll be around after anyways, too. My sister also lives with me, we have a good relationship and she'd be a back up if needed.

My MIL wants to visit for a month about 3-4 weeks after my due date. Although she has a loud type A extroverted personality, I think she's cool and I think she did a great job raising her children. This is her first grandchild so I'm more than happy to have her bond with the baby.

My question, since I don't know how to bond with mothers, is what the heck would a MIL do at my house for one month? Is the help really that necessary? I feel like my husband and sister will be coverinhg plenty of help I need, am I just going to be hanging out with MIL and baby the whole time? What was your experience living with a MIL?

So my mom doesn't get butthurt that my MIL was here, I was planning to ask my mom to come visit when I'm done with maternity leave (4 months later) which would actually help me a bit more than being here during/after birth. That way it's more of a baby sitter vs. here to take care of me while I heal. She may throw a fit about not seeing me before MIL does but who cares.

Any other ideas? I'm not sure what to expect on the level of help I need, whether I have enough coverage, etc. etc.

06:54 UTC


I'm looking for a stroller

Where can I buy a second hand stroller in brussels please

06:34 UTC


Sleeping on side , waking up gasping for air

I’m currently 24 weeks and in the last week or so I’ve noticed that I wake up gasping for air, sometimes 5-6 times a night. Each time I’m sleeping on my side. I first thought it was sleep apnea but now I’m not so sure. My provider was not concerned when I brought this up and said try propping myself up. It still happened and I’m awake now after a really bad bout. Anyone else have this? I feel like it’s because I’m pressing on my diaphragm with my belly when I lay on my side with my belly pressing into a pregnancy pillow.

06:28 UTC


Husband doesn't want to be in professional maternity pics

I'm not sure if I should or should not feel unsupported and kind of sad but I plan to take outdoor maternity pictures by a professional photographer and my husband at first agreed to take a few shots with me and now he's changed his mind. He is not into cheesy pics, kissing the belly etc which is fine with me but I just wanted something basic like holding hands and a couple other poses and the rest would be all me. Today he says he's not participating and it goes against who he is but he's fine with taking regular pictures like we had a random couple take some of us in a botanical garden we were enjoying one afternoon. I guess the difference is a photographer directing his poses. I just am really disappointed and it makes me sad. Anyone else have this issue or think it's no big deal?

06:14 UTC


NT measurement 2.5 freaking me out

I had my 12 week scan today, they measured me ahead at 13w2d. In fact everything looked great, very active baby, saw some of the organs you don't normally see this early like the kidneys. Really I should be all excited at such a positive scan but the NT measurement was 2.5 and I'm really upset by that. The person doing the scan said it's normal, the person who took my blood after and explained the combined test to me also said the measurement on its own is normal. She said anything below 3.5 is fine. But if I google it there are so many results saying this is high! Lots of people and studies saying a result 2.5 or above is higher risk. Most people seem to have a result less than 2! I'm convinced something is wrong with the baby and I don't want to announce the pregnancy or talk to anyone, I just want to curl up in a ball and be alone until I get the screening results. I've put me and my husband on a total downer now, this is supposed to be a happy day 😞

06:07 UTC


2nd trimester indigestion… remedies?

All of the sudden have been feeling so sick at night after eating dinner. I burp and grossly throw up a little bit. Does anyone have natural remedies that have worked?

06:07 UTC


Is anyone else having certain mild yet unexpected symptoms? Stuff that’s unexpected specifically because it’s not much compared to the other symptoms of pregnancy so people usually don’t think to mention it?

For me it’s been the swollen taste bumps/buds on my tongue that regularly occur. Looked it up and seems it is common symptom of pregnancy but no one ever seems to talk about it since it’s so insignificant compared to everything else you go through in pregnancy. I was also surprised by how my wrists hurt too much to casually lean on the way i would absentmindedly before pregnancy. I also knew about “pregnancy nose” as in the swelling, but I had no idea that included blood when blowing your nose.

What are some of the symptoms that are relatively insignificant but super surprising/random to you?

06:04 UTC


Tips for pain management during MC

I wanted to share this because I searched online while in the trenches and this may help someone. Full disclosure I’m not a medical professional.

I had a missed MC at 9w5d with baby measuring 6w4d. I elected to do the pills at home since it feels less invasive to me and dr said I was a good candidate for it.

First tip - take the first dose of pain meds and anti nausea tablets about 30min before you take the misoprostol. I started throwing up within an hour of taking it.

In terms of pain meds my doc gave me paracetamol with some codeine. This is my next tip - ask your doc for an alternative pain med if the initial one doesn’t help. Pain started within about 2-3 hours. I was in excrutiating pain, felt like labor. The paracetamol and codeine just did nothing. But then out of desperation I took an ibuprofen and that changed everything for me. What a relief.

Next tip - have a hot water bottle or some heat pack. This is truly essential, helps so much.

Also expect to initially have some chills so have a warm blanket. It doesn’t last too long, about an hour for me.

Also try to get a labour comb or something similar. This really helps distract from the cramps.

Final tip is don’t be scared to tell people what you need, whether that is space or company. If your’re reading this because you are about to or did go through this I’m sending you all my love, you can do this! Xx

1 Comment
05:57 UTC


Does eating dates help if you're supposed to be induced for an early delivery?

05:45 UTC


Baby name help

I’m 30 weeks with my first baby, we are having a girl! I have a few names I really like but I feel like no matter what the name is I can find something I don’t like about it or it starts to sounds funny if I think about it too hard. Super stressed I will have a no name baby for weeks because I’m so indecisive and a major over thinker.

These are the names we like so far, but I want some opinions on what ones you guys like. Also open to more suggestions too. I do like different names so no judgement please. I was set on Dempsey but now I’m worried she won’t like it or others won’t like it (I know I shouldn’t care). I’ve never heard the name before and think it’s cute and unique but also don’t want to regret it in a couple years. Opinions please!

Dempsey Mae Mcisaac or Dempsey Monroe Mcisaac (Demi for short)

Penelope ____ Mcisaac (poppy or Nellie for short)

Valley Ray Mcisaac or Valley May (Ray is my dads name so cute for a middle name)

Romee Monroe Mcisaac

Charlotte mcisaac

Isabel Mcisaac (I don’t like Izzy for a nickname tho)

Others I like but not on the top of list: Nora Rue Ivy Josie Hazel Luella Elise or Eloise Monroe Phoebe

05:30 UTC


So I am severely anemic & I need a blood transfusion!! Anybody who had a blood transfusion tap in please…

How did you feel after the blood transfusion ? I want to schedule the blood transfusion for a day before my babyshower do you think I will be okay for the babyshower? Also I am 34 weeks…

05:26 UTC


Can anyone relate? STM at 36 weeks and reality is setting in that I'm about to have a baby.

This is totally what happened with my first pregnancy, too. At around 32 weeks, reality just sunk in that I was about to have a baby. You would think that, with months to prepare, I would have time to accept the change that is about to occur, but that totally does not happen until the third trimester. It's like something shifts in me and I'm suddenly like, "OH, SHIT." I recall that my midwife from my first pregnancy said this is the "shit's getting real stage."

I've tried explaining this to my husband and he just does not get it. I've been showing him pictures of preterm 36-weekers and have basically been like "Wow, can you believe that thing is inside me right now? Like, that's an actual BABY" and he's always like "Yes, I have known for months that there's a baby."

Can anyone relate to this? I legit feel like panicking lol.

05:25 UTC


Worried about Toxoplasmosis

I was disposing some cardboard we used to house a stray cat and I was wearing gloves, and a mask but when I pressed down the cardboard into the trash can some air came up and I felt it in my face. I washed up throughly and showered.

Now Im worried it might have gotten into my eyes so I rinsed them thoroughly too.

I think Im just overworked about contracting it. What does everyone else think?

05:23 UTC


32 week smallish HC giant stomach

I’ve searched the history and it seems quite a few of us have had bizarre growth scans where measurements have fluctuated quite a bit! I learned that the margin of error is quite high.

In my case the head circumference was in the 15-16th percentile while the stomach was in the 92nd. The rest of the baby was like ranging from 30-50.

Obviously my mind goes to microcephaly. But when I asked the MFM she said no this is totally fine, your BPD is normal.

But when I look back at older scans the head circumference was measuring higher. At 20 weeks it was 35.

How many of you just said fuck it and trusted the MFM and it turned out ok? I haven’t gone anywhere tropical at all. So no Zika risks. But I have a toddler so cmv and I supposed toxo is always something.

They won’t test for any of it since they say these number aren’t clinically significant.

Looking for hopeful stories .

05:14 UTC


I think I accidentally ate mold?!

I opened a fresh from the store pack of fruit by the foot and pulled out two, the first one I ate was completely fine and had no weird texture, but as I started eating the second one I noticed it did have a weird texture but the taste and smell was completely normal. However when I looked at it, it looked like a moldy Petri dish growing all over it, i immediately spit out what was in my mouth and didn’t finish it but now I’m a bit worried. I seen some old posts that said it could be weird sugar crystallization but in the case that it was mold should I be worried?! I’m only 6 weeks but I’m just super anxious it will have some negative effect on baby.

05:03 UTC


Sudden anxiety week 10

Hey lovely community, I’m almost 11 weeks and for no real reason, I started getting sudden anxiety last night. I’ve been pretty fine other than the normal crappy symptoms like constant nausea and exhaustion. I wasn’t expecting this sudden anxiety/heart palpitations that has so far continued through the night.

Is there any hormonal shift going on during this time as that’s all I can think of?

Thanks and wishing you all smooth, happy and healthy pregnancies. ❤️

04:49 UTC


Help gripe water made baby worse

I gave baby some gripe water less then 1ml as stated on bottle , but baby is 100x worseee , crying non stop more now, won’t settle, won’t take pacifier , no bottle What can I do to reverse effects please

03:58 UTC

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