A place for pregnant redditors, those who have been pregnant, those who wish to be in the future, and anyone who supports them. Not the place for bump or ultrasound pics, sorry!
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All Ultrasound/Announcement Photos belong in our Stickied Weekly Thread
All link posts must include content from the OP in the form of a comment. Pictures or links posted without content will be removed.
About /r/BabyBumps
A place for pregnant redditors, those who have been pregnant, those who wish to be in the future, and anyone who supports them. A place to ask and answer questions all related to pregnancy. A great place to come for post-partum depression, breast or formula feeding issues, and body image. It's one of the biggest changes of your life and we're all here to support one another!
I can’t tell if i’m nauseous or hungry 😅 i honestly couldn’t tell the difference. Im 9+3 today. First baby
I am in my fifteenth week of pregnancy. The amniotic sac around the fetus has ruptured, and all the fluid has drained out due to a urinary tract infection, and the bacteria have attacked the amniotic sac. The baby's heartbeat is still there, and I am in the hospital under care, i take antibiotic now but I do not know what the next step is. Is it possible for the baby to survive, or is it difficult for a baby to survive and develop healthily at this age? If someone has gone through this experience, were they able to get pregnant again without it recurring
My husband got a promotion which has relocated him out of town. So he’s currently renting a studio there while I hold my job here until we can get our hands on a house out there where he is. So I will be moving within the next few months before baby comes. I will, obviously, need a new job once I relocate. Is it stupid to start applying now or should I wait until closer to birth so I can give them a start date for after I’ve had some recovery time? There’s a good enough position I’d like to apply to that I COULD get started in soon, before going on leave, if they wanted to hire me. But I am hesitant to apply knowing that a 6 or 8 or 12 week leave of absence would probably dissuade them from considering me now or down the line, even if I’m otherwise someone they would want to hire.
My other option is to stay where I am now until going on leave, and then start seriously hunting there. We would, ideally, already have our new home at that point, we would just not have the option to list our current home on the market as I would need to live in it until going into labor, pretty much. But then since I’d have said job all the way through to labor I could take FMLA and then at least get some partial pay while looking for another job.
This is kind of a job-specific inquiry because there is one job listed that I would be qualified for now, the timing just sucks. If I wait and lose out on it then I don’t know if I will find something as comparable in pay.
I really want a work from home job and will be looking but I have to keep in mind that that just does not seem to be in the cards for me and I should make other plans rather than relying on that as a possibility. I also don’t want to wait and be stuck without an income because my current job would not be possible after relocating, and once baby is here my husband and I want to be in the same house/location, and things would get very difficult for us on one income until we can get our first house sold. 🥵 I realize it’s a complicated situation.
I’m sure this is not the right sub for this question but moms would be the ones to ask 🤷♀️
I went to urgent care for dehydration and was told I had a positive urine test. I was over the moon beyond happy. I have noticed a ton of changes in my body - sore boobs, weird cramps/discharge, hormonal, etc. - so it all started to come together and I was thrilled.
After the positive test at urgent care, I took an at-home one which came out negative. I didn’t stress since I knew I was very early and assumed urgent care had higher quality tests than the one I was in a bind and had to buy.
Went to OBGYN, another negative urine test followed by a negative blood test.
I’m devastated. It felt so real. I am so worried I won’t be able to have this happen for real again. I have a normal period and this was really the only month we took a chance so I have no logical reason to believe it won’t happen, but I’m so anxious and sad now that I lived on cloud 9 for two days.
All I want is to be a mom.
I guess I don’t need advice, I just don’t know where to turn.
I’m over being pregnant. It’s been one of the hardest times of my entire life. I’ve always wanted a child so I know it will be worth it. But she’s measuring 97th percentile and she’s heavy. No talk of induction or her coming early.
I’m sick of people saying she will come when she’s ready. I’m sick of people telling me I’m soo close and I’ll have a baby soon. Every day has felt like a million years. At least a month left. It’s a long time when you’re super miserable and your baby is likely already 7+ lbs inside of you already.
I’m going to stop answering people when they ask. I’m done responding to texts saying she will be here before you know it. If she was she would be here already.
I always wanted kids but this will be the only one I’ll have. I’ll consider fostering or adoption in the future. This shit is way too hard. If you view my post history you will see my stress, my pain, my struggles and my agony. For those who are having a great experience I’m so happy for you and glad it’s not like this for everyone. I’m sorry for the angry post but I’m at my wits end.
Anyone else in the late stages of pregnancy feeling a bit of cabin fever staying at home. I’m schedule to be induced at 39 weeks and feel like I should be doing more before baby gets here.
Honestly I haven’t the energy to do much. Even a short walk absolutely kills me. I’m filling my days reading books and playing video games. I’m aware I’m lucky I have this luxury but I also feel like I’m going a bit mad.
I can’t even go out for food really as I have GD and that’s a whole other ordeal. I’m looking forward to meeting my baby but not coping well with the waiting around 😅
I feel really stupid. I was half asleep and went to the washroom. Ended up having a really bad stomach ache so I pressed and squeezed down on my stomach out of habit to try to get the contents out. I realized what I had done after a few seconds. Is this harmful at this stage? I’m so worried.
Did your nausea / morning sickness start at 6-8 weeks, or did you feel it earlier than that?
At what week were you all able to hear heartbeat? My first appointment was pushed back a few days because they think it’ll be too early but I’m going crazy waiting for it! But I of course don’t wanna go too early and be freaked out if I hear nothing. I went yesterday (1/31) bc I had some bleeding (everything ok) and all we saw was the sac.
My last period was 12/19 so I’m confused if I’m 5 or 6 weeks. My appointment is Saturday 2/8- think maybe I’ll hear or see anything besides the sac?
Also posted in r/pregnant as I’m just looking for any support at all.
I’m 33w3d. I came into ED last night having shortness of breath, reduced fetal movement, chest pain, feeling very faint etc. They did tests and scans, and I have a pulmonary embolism. I was terrified of this, and hemorrhaging - both of which are now big risks. I have to have painful blood thinning shots in my leg twice a day, and they need to teach me how to do it as I now will be doing it at home for the next three months. It’s looking like an induction which I also didn’t want so I’m going to talk about a c section instead as that is also an option.
Anyway, after being admitted for my PE, I started having intense cramping pain above my pubic bone and they needed to assess if I was dilating and so they did a check with a speculum, like a pap smear. The OB did his job and due diligence, and I was going okay, breathing deep and relaxing, generally taking like a champ as I’m not squeamish in hospital environments. But then as he swabbed my cervix I got 100000/10 pain, immediately like being stabbed with a hot knife. I screamed uncontrollably like an animal and was begging for them to stop. My husband said it all happened very quickly but the midwife explained they can’t just yank out the speculum or they’d pinch the cervix and pain would be worse. It felt like it lasted a million years. I would’ve done anything to stop the pain.
I was uncontrollably sobbing in a way I have never experienced in my entire life. The tears just poured and poured out of me. The OB was very professional but clearly deeply worried about my distress. They both comforted me a lot and have given me strong pain relief.
It’s nobody’s fault, and the OB was apologising for causing me distress but I felt so violated. Not by him, just by the event. And the powerless feeling of screaming “STOP STOP” and it not stopping - there are no words.
I sobbed for half an hour after and couldn’t speak - I just sort of stared. I had a shower but I still feel very shaken and sick. They think I may have an infection which contributed to the severity of the pain. When I apologised for the hysteria the midwife said “No. Do not apologise. As women we are so often not taken seriously or play down the pain but these checks are absolutely awful and I have seen many many women react the same way. You are totally normal.” She stayed by my bedside wiping my tears for twenty minutes to help calm me down. My husband has been a rock here with me and has not left my side once in the entire time we’ve been here.
My baby is moving a lot so they’re struggling to get a decent read on her for the last 24 hours but she doesn’t appear distressed and I can feel her moving so I asked them to take the belly bands off.
I feel so traumatised by today. I have had cancer and I have endometriosis so hospitals aren’t a new environment for me although I don’t love them. I can handle being here. But that was just horrendous and it keeps playing over and over in my head, the pain and my scream.
Has anybody had a similar experience??
TLDR - I have a pulmonary embolism, have to have painful shots every day, my baby is acting up, I have a possible cervical infection and am feeling totally violated and traumatised by a cervical check that had me screaming in animalistic agony I’ve never experienced before.
Are you pregnant, supporting someone who is pregnant, or planning on getting pregnant in the future? Then welcome to r/BabyBumps! This is a daily post where you can introduce yourself and share any photos that you want to share. This is the ONLY place where photos are allowed, please do not make a standalone post with your bump or ultrasound.
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If you are not yet pregnant, are trying to get pregnant, believe your period may be late, or have questions pertaining to family planning, please check out the Stickied Weekly Introduction Thread over on r/TryingforaBaby. It's amazing. You'll learn more about reproduction than you ever thought was possible.
Excruciating cramps all the time Can't even check on baby's progress via ultrasound etc as its too early Doctors dismissive Anxiety over a miscarriage and the unknown Nobody knows you are pregnant so your turning down drinks and being tired makes you seem boring Time goes sooooo slowly!
How have you been fighting insomnia during your pregnancy? I'm a little over 16 weeks and keep getting into patterns of waking up between 3-4AM and having such a tough time going back to sleep. Trying to limit any medications besides prenatal vitamins but feel like at this stage, I need a horse tranquilizer 😩😩 please help!!!
I'm considering buying a new, unregistered Cybex stroller from another parent. They bought during Black Friday but missed the return period, and figured out the stroller is not working for them. If I want to register it, would I need the receipt?
I tried checking the process, but I can't access it without entering a serial number.
I am 30 + 5 today 2 days ago I started having contractions. They did check me and I was 4 cm dilated. I’m still in the hospital as of now no more contractions so far. Just came to hear other people’s experiences. I also wonder if I will be put on bed rest the rest of my pregnancy.
This is mostly a rant since I’m starting to panic, and I need to let it out somewhere.
I’m 39+6 today. I had no medical reason that required an induction. My doctor brought it up at my past few appointments and said they don’t like women going too far past their due date (even though I’m a FTM, and I know most of us statistically do go past our due dates).
My pregnancy has generally been smooth with no major complications except godawful anxiety. I have been terrified of something going wrong and especially of stillbirth. So when induction was brought up, I weighed my options and decided to agree to it.
Well I’ve had two rounds of the prostaglandin gel already, and my cervix hasn’t opened much. Barely 1cm and baby is still high so they can’t break my water. I’m having minor contractions. I’m really disappointed this isn’t going anywhere. They said they’ll try the balloon next and then we might be able to try the gel again tomorrow or I can opt for a C section, which I really wanted to avoid.
I was feeling very calm and positive when I got here, but I’m just so upset right now.
Has anybody had a similar experience? Were you able to give birth vaginally? Did the damn balloon work??
Hi! I would to read anyone’s experience about measuring behind in the first trimester between scans. I know it’s possible at the first scan to be measured behind, but this isn’t quite my scenario and the doctors are saying to have cautious optimism.
I was tracking closely with opks so I knew when I ovulated.
1/17- I should be 6week 2 days, measured CRL 5 weeks 6 days - no concerns (technician with better equipment)
One week later measured 6 weeks 2 days with a heartbeat of 95
Exactly two weeks later- I was measuring 7 weeks +-2 days based on a few measurements. I should be at least 7weeks 6 days from the first appointment. Heartbeat at 135
So they concluded baby is measuring behind and they do have some concerns but it could just be totally ok.
Has anyone experienced this?
My baby is due in the middle of August and it's my first. What do I dress them in?? I don't want them to be too hot. Do I go for short sleeve baby suits? Or do they still need 2 layers? Can't find much info online.
I’m 22 weeks and I found out I was pregnant when I was 19 weeks. My partner and I have been together for 5.5 years and weren’t planning to have kids just yet as we’re both 22. (We’ve both moved to NZ as my visa ran out and he applied for one to come with me. He’s from the UK, so his family are a long way away.)
I’ve come to terms with it a lot quicker since I’m carrying the baby but my partner seems to be on a complete stand still. He doesn’t want to talk about having the baby and actively avoids it. He thinks his life is ruined and he’ll never have any money and his future he planned has completely perished. I on the other hand know our immediate plans have changed but we can still accomplish what we want to later in life.
I sympathise with him but I also feel like he’s being selfish about it. Saying things like “My life is ruined” “I wanted to travel in my early 20’s” self centred kind of things.
I told him that it hurt my feelings because we’re going through the same situation and that I felt like I was having to be the strong one, when I shouldn’t be? It should be both of us…in a way I felt like I’ve ruined his life and that it’s my fault…it makes me feel very isolated.
We’ve just had a huge argument about it but we’ve always immediately apologised to each other and did the same this time.
I’m super understanding and I just want him to come to terms with everything even a little bit. He still yet has to tell his family and he said he’s waiting til after my anatomy scan (which is booked for next Wednesday as I found out so late).
I am excited. I’ve always wanted to be a mum, maybe not now but I’ve always wanted to have kids.
I’m currently 15 weeks pregnant and for the last 2 weeks I’ve been experiencing thoughts that my baby is no longer alive. These are not thoughts of myself harming the baby or myself.
It all started at 13 weeks when I had a bleed, it was red blood mixed with clear liquid. I went to A&E and baby was doing great with a strong heartbeat. The bleeding stopped after 30/40 minutes and I had a swab taken which came out with old brown blood on the cotton tip. The A&E dr told me not to worry as they had done 3 scans in 3 hours I was admitted, including a more in depth scan with a radiologist and baby was fine. They gave me progesterone via injection and also tablet form to take home for the next week.
I went to see my main Dr the next day as my bleeding started again but this time it was brown. She did another scan and baby was doing fine still with a strong heartbeat at 160bpm. She told me to take progesterone for the next 2 weeks and she booked me in for my regular check up in 4 weeks. I’ve had no bleeding since.
I have been feeling pains but not cramping pain, more like lighting shocks that last 2/3 seconds at most. But now everything that I feel has me feeling so much anxiety and dread. I keep dreaming that I’ll turn up to my next appointment and be told my baby has no heartbeat.
I’ve spoken to my husband about it casually but he thinks I’m just worrying because of my past 2 miscarriages and says that the baby will be fine but I’m struggling to stay positive. Every move I make, even turning over in bed is done with such thought about if it’s hurting the baby or not so I’ve been in bed mostly.
Can anyone give me any advice on how to deal with these thoughts? Has anyone else experienced this before?
Post-C-Section Constipation – Need Advice
Looking for some guidance—my wife recently had a C-section, during which an ovarian cyst was also removed. She’s on strong pain medications and narcotics due to severe pain and also has elevated blood pressure. It’s been four days, and she’s experiencing significant constipation. I’m hoping that once her bowel movements improve, it might help with her blood pressure as well.
Has anyone been through a similar situation? Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I am 8 months pregnant and I have craving on some Thai food most of the Thai food have msg I had some from last 2 days I want to know is it safe to eat msg during 3rd trimester ?
Due to a series of doctors rescheduling or cancelling my appointments since December and car issues , I'm just now able to get in to see one. Based on my last period I'm about 17 weeks, so what should I expect during the visit? The appointment is about one day before I will be 18w. I'm just a nervous FTM and really just kind of want to mentally prepare myself. I feel silly asking but this community seems pretty kind and I figured I'd ask. If it matters too much I'm age 30. Thank you in advance!
I’m 17weeks pregnant and this is my first child. I’m just gonna get straight to the point. My MIL keeps making comments about my baby, she keeps saying “this is my baby not yours” and “I hope the baby’s born on my birthday so you’ll always celebrate my birthday “ and honestly I have no idea what to say. I’ve been keeping my mouth shut and smirking when she makes those comments and I explain to my husband that it bothers me but he never stands up for me. This is my first child after multiple miscarriages and I may just be being over protective and sensitive but I can’t stand it cause to me it’s my baby. Me and my husband’s nobody else’s so I don’t want to hear those comments coming from anyone.
Please just help me figure out what to do and if I’m overreacting about it.
So I've debated sharing this story but ultimately just want to vent to other moms out there who, while not necessarily experienced what I have, but will understand how it feels to be going through something difficult while pregnant. I really just need some encouragement to keep going.
So I am a FTM, due in mid March. Very excited and grateful to be expecting. First 16 weeks of my pregnancy went great, no uncomfortable symptoms at all. Then after that I started getting migraines here and there which while uncomfortable weren't anything I haven't experienced before. But then by 20 weeks the migraines evolved into the worst headache of my life like pressure squeezing blood rushing to my head, feeling like it was going to explode. And ever since that day the weird head pressure/head tightness feeling has never went away. Some days it's really intense some days it's less intense but it's always there I wake up with it I go to sleep with it. Been to the ER multiple times and have been brushed off and told it's just a migraine. But I know what a migraine feels like and it's not this and a migraine shouldn't be constant for 3 months. Every. Single. Day. Doctors keep telling me it's just pregnancy related and they are reluctant to prescribe me anything and the one migraine med (Reglan) I got did not work. I've had CT scans, MRI - all clear. But still can't help but feel like something is wrong because I don't feel right and have been dealing with this non stop for 3 months now. To the point where it has triggered anxiety and panic attacks in which I don't feel like I can make it through and survive this. I've becoming dissociated and don't even feel real. I don't even know how I'm going to make it 2 months to give birth, can't even imagine myself giving birth when I'm feeling this way and having this weird intense headache all the time. It's not a dull headache either it's like my whole head is being crushed/compressed. I just don't know what to do and I am scared this will affect my ability to be a mother, because right now I can't even take care of myself. I can only go to the ER so many times. I've been seen by 2 neurologists and they keep telling me it's a migraine and want to treat it like that but I know it's not. And it's been on going for so long idk what would even break the cycle of the headache at this point.
Please tell me what would you do if you were me? I am barely functioning and just surviving everyday until the end. I know this is unusual and doesn't make sense but doctors are not helping me and idk if I should keep going back for them to do nothing or just wait this out I have 6 more weeks left.
Things I've tried: chiro, physio, massage, acupuncture. Absolutely nothing helps.
Please commiserate with me :(. Barely 6 weeks and throwing up in between seeing consults on hour 20 of a 26 hour call. How do people do this?