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Hot Chicken, Disc Golf, Music, Traffic
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Take off your shoes and stay a while!
(You can leave the cowboy hat and boots at home, though.)
Please direct visitor questions/recommendation requests to /r/VisitingNashville.
Where do I go to find jobs?
Drink, eat hot chicken, play disc golf
In no particular order
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Nashville Area Gaming Association The Nashville Area Gamers Association is an open community of gamers who work to foster games in Nashville by connecting fellow gamers and providing support for gaming related events and activities. We aim to be a resource for existing gaming communities as well as foster new ones.
Topics about Living or Visiting Nashville
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/r/nashvilletransit - transit discussions!
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Nashville Sports
Other City/State-Based Subs
I’m looking for someplace that sells a wide range of baseball jerseys and they’re in stock. I’m specifically looking for St. Louis Cardinals merchandise. I’ve looked online (for stores in Nashville) but can’t find anything other than normal sporting goods stores and such items are normally seasonal. Can anyone help me please?
I tried to take a picture, but it didn't do justice.
A place you can discuss your small business or find one to use!
So I’m from Chattanooga and I’m in need of some advice/help. I’ve been in and out of the mental hospitals here in town with my most recent stay in June. I need to go back inpatient to get my meds adjusted and to help me stay safe since I am really struggling right now. I feel like I need new eyes and ideas on my treatment. I was interested in going inpatient up in Nashville but I don’t know any resources up there. Which mental hospitals are the best. I can’t do a PHP/IOP program because I live 2 hours away so I’m only looking for inpatient services. Any help would be best. I’m diagnosed with bipolar 2 (currently depressed last hypomanic episode 4 weeks ago), ADHD, GAD, OCD, and insomnia. I’m a 30 year old female who currently smokes cigarettes and weed but no alcohol use or other drug use. Thanks for all your help!
Do we have any in nashville? Thanks
Any help appreciated
I am traveling next weekend to see my infant niece for the first time. I was able to get a flu and TDAP shot at Walgreens for under $100, but quoted me $200 for a Covid shot. I do not have insurance. Any suggestions?
Hello all,
You may have seen me posting around quite a bit in this election. I'm pretty open about my positions, but if you don't know, I'm the President of the Davidson County Young Dems and a member of the Board for the Davidson County Democratic Party.
I've been seeing a lot of "how do I get involved" posts, and I may be biased, but direct involvement with the Party writ large would be a good way to do it. While Tennessee's results were pretty rotten, Davidson County did a pretty good job, shifting to one of the lowest degrees in the state (no County didn't shift left, I'd argue a consequence of the State Party not being effective), keeping an all-blue State-level delegation (outside of a small sliver districted to be with Wilson, that wasn't up this year anyways). I would argue that this was, in part, because of an active Young Dems and, especially, County Party, who did door knocking and phone banking throughout the campaign for transit and vulnerable seats. I'd argue we've proven our effectiveness in a state where that's rare amongst Dems in a year where it feels like not a lot was effective, and are now looking to keep it going in 2025 in the community, even as there isn't an election outright.
How to get involved? I'd first recommend following the Young Dems on Insta and signing up for our newsletter (we have literally never sent more than three emails a week, and that was during the TN Three controversy). Why them first? First, I'm Pres, so I'm admittedly biased. Joking aside, Reddit trends younger, so this would be specifically good for this crowd. We also have regular social hours where you can connect and network with like minded people. Finally, our newsletter and stories promote both volunteer and social events from us and from other Nashville progressive groups (i.e. TIRRC, Equity Alliance, Central Labor Council, Planned Parenthood, et al). I don't know of a similar centralized source of info in the area (or state, frankly). So, follow us and sign up to get the newsletter.
Second, there is the County Party of course. We have a ton of resources to bear (probably the most in the state, State Party included), has shown itself to be active and willing to get involved and should have even more opportunities in the coming year. Sign up here to follow us and sign up here to get on our mailing list (mostly the County Party's own events, but they have plenty).
Obviously, both are coming out of campaign mode and still working on what we do post-election (especially an election like this), so stay tuned, and sign up to be the first to know!
Anyone have advise on nice, mental health retreat / care centers around Nashville , googled a few but real world feedback be nice
I need help processing emotions stop feeling need to not live. I recently dated and fell hard, feeling attractive, wanted and just physical touch was nice ❤️❤️. Now having trouble processing I may never have that again, I have dated like 5-6 times in my life
45, gay, feel like I will never find it again and just feel like not being alive would be better
Also any way to meet other gay people, not drinking , but to be part of something. Live in Huntsville AL and we have nothing :/(
Where does everyone get firewood near the Nashville zoo? I’ve tried Walmart, gas stations, etc. and no one seems to be selling bundles!
Hi all, we need to enroll in ACA next year. I had planned to do this all on my own, but as an educated adult with a lot of experience with insurance and such--the process is NOT straight forward. I understand that there are "health navigators" who are paid to help you navigate this process. Has anyone had luck with one of those? Any recs for someone local? Thank you!!
Hey, i’m a young working person looking to join some activist groups after the results this week. I object to a lot of the policies that will likely be implemented come January and I would like to join a group where my voice will be heard and my hands will be of use. Does anyone know of any groups that organize protests and events specifically here in the city? Thanks in advance.
Hi! I’m looking to find new primary care ideally for the whole family. I specifically am looking for someone who is experienced with ADHD and its co-morbidities. I haven’t had a GP in a long time and haven’t had luck with the one I last saw. Anyone who is holistic or crunchy is what I’m looking for! This is a shot in the dark but if you have someone great who works well with those things please share!
Fucking starving and need y’all’s help!
This may be a long shot.
But I have been desperately trying to find a work from home position. I am a full time mom, student, and I homeschool. I am a junior in college; working on my BA in Graphic Design and media with a concentration in web design.
My car broke down and then I had to sell it. So I am car less. I have no family, I’m on my own. It’s just me and my two sons, 5 and 1.
I have time management skills, type 42 words a minute, design skills.
I have applied for everything I can on indeed, LinkedIn, behance.
I’m at my Witts end. So if anyone has suggestions, that aren’t hateful, I would really appreciate it. 🖤
Edit: I also have my life insurance license in Tennessee and South Carolina. Currently I’m commission only, and it’s just not working out. I’m not getting any sales. Most people think insurance is a scam and hang up on me. 😪 So I have tried multiple industries. I’m open to try anything.
Hi y'all, we opened a tiny used record shop in East on Fatherland. All used, no new releases, stuff from $1-$1000. All genres, all in nice shape. Right now we are open 11-6 Thursday-Sunday, but that will eventually expand. Hope to see ya soon!
Daydream Records
1006 Fatherland St #203
@ daydreamrecordshop on ig and fb
Edited to add: when I say tiny, I mean the space. There's 3,000 lps and around 1,000 45s in here :)
I dog walk over in germantown/salemtown area and the air is NOXIOUS. Anytime i’ve been over here day or night it smells like thick fart air. Is that the Metro plant now or what the heck is up with that. I feel like i need a gas mask lol
Hi! Does anyone have any recommendations for reproductive endocrinologists and MFM who are LGBTQ friendly? Appreciate your help!
Looks like someone is filming a movie in the back parking lot of Nashville State Community College
Does anyone remember which jewelry store was in the Mall atrium in the 80s?
Just bought my first legit camera, but I have no idea how to use it. Anyone willing to show me the ropes? There is a six pack everytime you teach me.