
Photograph via snooOG

Botany is the scientific study of plants. Topics may include: Evolution, Ecology, Morphology, Systematics, and Physiology.

Please use r/whatsthisplant for all plant identification requests.

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Looking for a calendar of seeds harvesting

I am looking to harvest seeds from my medicinal plants mostly. I am struggling to find good summarized resources about that, especially the calendar about when is the best time for each, how long to keep the seeds, in which material... So if you have book/website/other recommendations that would be very appreciated :)

11:31 UTC


New to plants but would love to learn more !!

Hi everyone ! I’m currently pretty new to botany, horticulture, really all things plant related but have really been looking to learn more about anything and everything ! I’d love to find some work at a nursery but am having a bit of a hard time, so was hoping to at least educate myself until then! I’d appreciate any book recs or educational websites or even free courses ! I’m open to all kinds of learning and really just want to get familiar with everything I can in hopes of pursuing a Masters in plant pathology down the road!

1 Comment
03:43 UTC


Why do almonds require a lot of water?

Almonds are frequently criticized for using too much water in California, particularly in the hot and arid San Joaquin Valley. So, I checked the originating location of the species to find out what climate zone they come from. It turns out, its native range is centred around Iran, which also has a hot and arid climate. So, once mature, those plants should require absolutely no supplemental irrigation outside of droughts.

So, why do almond trees require so much water? Are they riparian species? If so, this alone would solve the question. Do they really absorb a lot of water, or is the high amount of irrigation due to terrible agricultural practices? An example of a poor agricultural practice is using flood irrigation or long-range sprinklers, either of which have virtually all water wasted before it reaches the roots due to evaporation. Do they actually use a high amount of water in practice on current California farms, or are they just targeted by haters using intentionally false statements?

02:29 UTC


Any Plants That Turn Poisonous As It Ages?

I’m doing a little research and Google is no help. Are there any flowers that are safe while young but become poisonous as it ages? Or any that become poisonous because of their environmental conditions? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

22:42 UTC


can any plants grow in (freshwater) sand?

i have had succulents, bonsai trees and other easy to maintain plants before. but i'm clueless when it comes to anything else. i was at a freshwater lake and found gorgeous sand, and wondered if i could pot it and grow anything in it? i know saltwater sand isn't habitable, but didn't know if anything could thrive with freshwater sand. thank you!

19:57 UTC


Any good narrative style book recs related to plant medicines?

I do research in traditional medicines and am looking for a fun yet informative read!

18:06 UTC


What makes zuchini/summer squash give rashes?

I was just suffering from having worn shorts and a short-sleeved shirt to work today only to be sent to pick zuchini and summer-squash and I was curious if it was caused by the sap or if its just the hairs/spines themselves still in my skin? Also curious if anyone had any suggestions on how to avoid or remedy the stuff besides not wearing shorts and no sleeves.

Sorry if this is against the rules in any way but its not for plant care so I figure it's fine? Im going to try to consult Wikipedia but I thought I might as well ask.

03:29 UTC


Stoma, 400x

22:04 UTC


Seeking advice : Irish Botanists flora book

I'm planning to go to Ireland (west coast) in August, and I'll definitely be botanize in Kerry and Burren.
I would like to know what is the reference work for Irish flora? I've seen "Stace's New Flora of the British Isles", but I wonder if there might not be a more synthetic field book ? If you have any additional tips and tricks for these sectors, I'm interested.
Thank you very much in advance !

14:28 UTC


What are these mushrooms?

Noticed them growing in the garden, just curious is all.

12:57 UTC


A question about nuts. More specifically, growing hybrid hazelnut from seed. I have some seeds did not generate a taproot like the others but the nut cracked open and grew a small network of long, thin roots that have not resulted in a plant.

What is happening? The roots are much like what you would see on a small tomato plant or a lavender plug. I am wondering if these will ever turn into a plant? Should I continue to care for them or let go? It seems silly to be watering empty pots all the time! It has been a few months and their friends have long been transplanted into the garden.

03:48 UTC


How do plam tree trunks get wider?

Palms are monocots and therefore don't have vascular cambiums. I know they must start as thin little saplings, and eventually have big thick trunks. I know at a certain point the trunk can't get wider and its why palm trees have cylindrical trunks, but how does it get to that?

01:09 UTC


Looking for a fast evaporating liquid that doesn't kill leaves.

Ignore the application. I already know this idea works. I just need another chemical.

I got a coating of graphite on leaves using ethanol, but the ethanol killed them. What other chemicals can I use?

13:18 UTC


"Sepals distinctly bristle tipped"- what does this mean exactly?

Any picture guides to sepals out there? I assume it could mean hairy/spikey, or narrowing at tip?

07:29 UTC


What’s wrong with my avocado tree?

I showed one of the few branches that is unaffected on the right. It’s in LA California.

02:05 UTC


I'm trying to make the surface of a leaf conductive. Any tips? Any chemicals that evaporate quickly without harming plants? Ethanol and graphite killed the leaves.

CA glue seems promising, but I'd prefer something evaporating rather than curing- I want it to be fast for science reasons.

I do have an airbrush setup if anyone has suggestions of what to put in that to make conductive leaves!!!

17:58 UTC


do plants absorb micro- or nanoplastic particles from the soil when potted in plastic pots?

can they accumulate such particles in leaves? are there some research papers on that topic? i'm afraid to eat my basil lol

p.s. i just ordered a transparent acrylic sealer for my terracotta pots hoping it will solve microplastic issue mostly.

15:04 UTC


Concern for some trees turning colour

Hey ! I live in southern Ontario (zone 6a) near Kitchener for those familiar with the area. In early/mid june we had a few days where the temperatures at night dropped close to zero. I have noticed that since then a lot of maple trees are turning red and some almost fully turned. This morning on my drive to work i noticed some shrubs also turning colour. This has me feeling concerned for the trees! so few questions:

  1. is tempt one of the main factors that turns the leaves? i thought it was mostly related to the light hrs.
  2. are these trees done for the year? will new grown come ? are they starting dormancy?
  3. will these trees be ok?

Just some thoughts i have on my drive to work as i passing loads of red trees.

16:51 UTC


LICOR LI-6400 Help

Idk where else to post this. I’ve got this LI-6400 (I know super old model) and I can’t make heads or tails with the manuals that are given. I’ve tried finding stuff on their website but it’s only information about new models and there’s next to nothing online when it comes to help for it. Is there anyone who can help or at least point me in the right direction.

EDIT: Turns out the manuals were outdated and it didn’t align with the current software

16:43 UTC


How far does indirect exposure of poison ivy/oak go? Interested in studies/experiments on the topic

Wasn't sure where else on reddit to post this--please let me know if it doesnt fit your sub and I can remove it if needed!

I was learning about urishiol and I was wondering if people knew how much it can spread from item to item--say person 1 touches a gardening glove with urishiol on it, and then touches a tshirt with that hand. Then, person 2 touches the tshirt and touches a countertop. Then, person 3 touches the countertop. How pervasive is urishiol? How much of it can reasonably transfer from surface to surface? I assume the amount transferred depends on a few factors, like vigorously rubbing it on your hand vs lightly brushing against it. Just thought it was an interesting thing to consider how far it could conceivably spread?

I am recalling a pop-science-y study done on the "five second rule" where they claimed it is a perfectly good rule for dry foods. The amount of bacteria you will get on a cracker if you pick it up within a few seconds (according to the study) was minimal, whereas if you waited a minute or two, there was a greater chance of something hitching a ride.

16:10 UTC


Tree blindness?

Recently I’ve been reading The Overstory by Richard Powers and often the idea of tree blindness comes up, how many people pass by trees without every really looking at them or learning any more about them. This got me thinking that I myself can’t really distinguish one tree for another. Of course I can tell a palm from a redwood, but there are many trees around my city that I could not name.

Are there good websites or places to look to learn more about local trees? I’m from Northern California but I was wondering if there was a tool that would help me in searching for trees in my specific region? I just want to avoid just trudging down a list of all trees and looking at every single one.

00:06 UTC


Why does a branch like this grow with such a major change in direction?

00:05 UTC


Where can i find a good source of information about native north american flora?

As the title said, i wanted to perform some research in my own free time about the subject, as i wanted to read about various plants native to the region and their historical uses, but i havent been able to find any good sources

Books would work as well for me, thank you in advance for the suggestions.

19:23 UTC

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