Slime Molds. All about Myxomycetes.
Slime molds, nature's favorite schizophrenics, come out to play!
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I moved recently and forgot to take my agar powder with me. Is there a different substrate that can be used to grow slime molds?
I have considered using peat moss and letting the slime mold grow on top of that, but the oats seemed to get moldy before the slime mold could eat it.
Hello there,
I am working on a project regarding Physarum polycephalum and networks. Me and my partner don 't know alot about this slimemold.
Does anyone have any information regarding the best conditions to grow it in. Such as temperature, humidity etc.
Does anyone have any good sources to get our hands on the slimemold itself? We have found some links on etsy. But non of the universities in our country have them.
How does the slime mold react to for example obstructions in the agarplate (for example the removal of a channel of agar)? Or is agar even the best medium for this slimemold.
We've heard it is best to create network nodules for the slimemold to work on with oats. Is this correct? Or is there a better foodsource to use for this purpose.
Thanks alot
Found on large conifer log, western Washington state, USA
found on dead oak
Found on conifer log in western Washington state, USA. It was in a well shaded spot in the forest.
Does anybody know what this is? I found it above a sash window in a listed building I live in
How to cope with being stupid?
Preferably more than Physarum Polycephalum and Badhamia utricularis, as I've seen someone selling them :D
do people sell them please i want.
one i have mushrokms and wnat mold