
Photograph via snooOG

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22 would anyone be willing to look over my grad school statement essay

Basically what the title says. I'd just appreciate someone looking it over to see if it's alright and stuff. Obviously if you want to also chat that's perfectly fine!

1 Comment
13:36 UTC


Trying to find friends again, 19m

Heyy, use to post everday in this subbredit but gave it a break - until now 🎉🎉 Just looking for friends tk talk to. Finished uni (1st year UK) and at home for next few months. Too broke to go out or go on holiday 😭 About me i enjoy gym, music, anime, movies, golf and darts/pool. Currently in London rn :) All im asking is for a bubbly person to talk to. If thats you, dm me :))) 🗣️🔥🔥

13:34 UTC


Self Improvement Buddies/Friends? 19M

Been trying to improve myself lately, was wondering if anyone wants to chat? Maybe be friends and hold each other accountable? I’m not talking like crazy “alpha male tik tok” self improvement but just being a better student, staying healthy, reducing bad habits, etc. if anyone’s interested lmk! Ofc I’m open to chatting about other things (music, gaming, anime, etc)

1 Comment
13:34 UTC


artist dreamer looking for cool or uncool friends.sticker collector/photographer/poet/nerd(let’s talk about books and movies) Spooky ppl welcome

Make friends not war

Who needs coasts when you’re perfectly adrift?

I just finished watching “I Saw the TV Glow” and I wanna talk about it maybe.

M west coast


What can I say that won’t make me sound so weird.

!whats the saddest song you know?

Spooky shows?

I once got stuck at six flags after closing and I still dream about it.

About me. I collect stickers and old photos. Old Polaroids that belonged to people long since dead. And I want to leave a bunch behind for someone else when I’m gone. Just a box of weird photos that could have come from anywhere.

Life is weird lately.

I’m a professional artist/photographer always looking for friends in weird places.

I love sad songs and pretty music and scary movies.

Let’s tell each other secrets and dream about places we wanna go.

I’m open to writing letters too and sending you some Polaroids or handmade cards or something else.

When I grow up I wanna be a spooky house investigator



Did I ask if you believe in ghosts? I don’t but I want to.

Who needs coasts when you’re perfectly adrift?

Whimsical westward weirdo for Wiley wild adventures!(I tried)

What’s on your mind?

I spent all day making my own stickers and I kinda wanna stamp them up and send them out to new friends. Would you want one?


Did you have a book that scarred you for life as a kid?

What’s the weirdest place you ever got lost in?

What do you dream about when you have bad nights sleep?

Do you believe in ghosts and if so have you ever seen one?

About me

I don’t believe ij ghosts but I wish I could. I’m a professional artist and I make pretty things for a living.

I’m looking for friends from anywhere to talk about anything.

Things I like:

Scary movies

Sad books

Sad movies.




Things I want to know more about:




Cucumber lemonade

Sugar free cola is the best unless it’s Mexican soda then gimme

Would really like to play baldurs gate 3 with someone. Or Fortnite? Or do a Spotify listen

I’m a guy with too much free time so hmu.

Don’t be rude Tell me what’s on your mind Favorite candy?

My favorite song is

1 Comment
13:33 UTC


20 bigender, what’s your favorite way to spend a summer day?

Hiii my names Michaela! I’m 20 and bigender! Sooo what’s your favorite/ dream summer day! I’d love to hear about it! I need more friends so what I’m into are pokemon, Minecraft, Star Wars! I’m kinda nerdy but I’m also an outdoorsy person! I like hikes, camping, the beach, swimming! Soooo if I sound like someone you’d like to be friends with don’t be afraid to message me! I don’t mind age or gender! Guys, girls, lgbtq+! Anyone can be my friend!!! Hope to hear from you!

1 Comment
13:30 UTC


27M Ireland/Anywhere - Why is it so hard to make new friends in your 20's?

Forgive me for how bad this is because I'm awful at writing posts especially about myself but I'd love to meet some cool friends and have some chilled chats about anything!

Here is some basic information about me if you're interested:

I'm Rory from the North Of Ireland and yes, I've got a weird accent

I currently work for the government, unfortunately I'm not a spy or anything exciting like that (or am I...)

I love music and I'm always going to gigs but my taste changes all the time. Some of my favourites lately are IDLES, Viagra Boys, Kneecap, and Fleet Foxes.

I'm a big traveller and try to visit a few different countries and cities each year

I'm a bit of a gamer and play PS5/PC but I'm a bit of a loner in that department and would be down to play with some new people

I have a unhealthy addiction collecting vinyls

I'm constantly rewatching the same tv shows such as the office, it's always sunny in philadelphia, peep show, and the thick of it but I'm open for more recommendations

I enjoy listening to podcasts or watching documentaries on true crime and Irish history because I'm a loser

If none of the above interests you I have two dogs who are the best bois in the world and I can just provide pictures of them

I don't know else to say and feel like I've rambled on enough so hit me up if you'd like to! Slán :)

1 Comment
13:30 UTC


46M, looking to make make long term friendships, with interesting, witty open minded people..

I'm a down to earth, young in heart & mind kinda guy. If you're a TV series lover/Sci-Fi/Fantasy buff with a great sense of humour, a witty intellect and can hold a decent conversation then please take the opportunity to get in touch (18 & over please). If you're into one session chats then unfortunately we wont be such a great fit. Nothing is off limit to talk about. I do respond to all messages and requests.

I love learning about new cultures and hearing about life experiences, it doesn't matter where in the world you're from. There's a lot more to me, but I'll save it for our chat.

Look forward to hearing from you.

1 Comment
13:29 UTC


37M sunny weather connections #Toronto #Online

Hey! Looking for a new friend who's up for anything, from deep conversations about life and the universe to light-hearted banter and playful debates. I’m someone who enjoys the company of people with a sharp wit, a good sense of humor, and a dash of mischief.

If you like talking about the latest Netflix binge-worthy series, comparing notes on the best street food, or sharing travel stories, we might just hit it off. I'm all about spontaneous chats that can go from zero to hilarious in a matter of minutes. No pressure, just good vibes and good times.

I also love diving into intriguing topics, so if you have some weird facts or hidden talents, I’m all ears. Let's skip the small talk and get to the fun stuff—like swapping stories or making each other laugh until our stomachs hurt.

If you think we’d make great chat buddies, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m excited to meet someone who can keep up with the energy and isn’t afraid to let loose. Let's make our conversations unforgettable!

1 Comment
13:28 UTC



Hi there,

Im looking for some new people to talk to and maybe become friends??

A little about me: im from the UK, I like football(soccer for some lol), I like to draw even though its been a while since i last drew anything. I like to watch a bit of Anime/Shows too. Youll get to know more about me i promise 😭

Lets chat!

1 Comment
13:25 UTC


20M — Just woke up. Anyone else? Could use a chat.

My name is Ariel. To tell you the truth, I'm a little too much of a nerd. I've always had a hard time socializing in real life or on the phone. That's why I prefer texting, because it allows me to open up and express myself better. As a matter of fact, I am on the autism spectrum. Other than that, I'm extremely passionate about my interests, which range from video games, movies, TV shows, comic books, and writing. I have some specialties, like I can cook thought nothing too elegant, and I also have proficency in the English language. I hold a Cambridge First certificate at the highest level, which is C1.

So yes, this is all me. Drop me a DM if you want. I also have a Discord

1 Comment
13:25 UTC


20 M Amateur Photographer and a Psychology student

Hello hello! You can call me Harsh. I’m 20 years old, living in Australia. I’m currently studying a bachelor of psychology!

I absolutely love photography and I can talk about it for hours on end.

If you love to yap, i love to listen, so I’m always up for it!

I love video games as well! I have an xbox one x, and gamepass! I also play on my laptop (minecraft, sims, terraria and simialr stuff) I can’t run many high end games unfortunately. One day tho.

I’d love to find someone to play chess with if you’re interested!!

1 Comment
13:24 UTC


M21 looking for friends haha..

Hi, I'm Priyank from New Delhi, India. I'm a bit of a nerd and usually at home, indulging in my favorite hobbies. I enjoy playing video games, watching thriller and horror movies, and hitting the gym occasionally.

I'm also passionate about traveling and dream of exploring the world and capturing my adventures on film. If you share similar interests and are looking to make a new friend, feel free to hit me up!

1 Comment
13:22 UTC


M28 UK Looking for Friends to chat with or play games with


Have had some decent chat with people form here previously but either not clicked long term, lost contact or been ghosted but thought I'd try again.

Looking for people to chat with preferably long term. Or people to play games with. I am 28M from the UK, would prefer people around about my age, 23-33. But flexible as long as you're 18+.

I have kind of lost enjoyment for gaming in the last year or so but been enjoying playing the Fallout series again after watching the show. So, looking to get back in to see what I've missed. I mostly enjoy RPG and FPS type games but haven't played any competitive type stuff for ages. Some games I would be interested in are the likes of Minecraft, Fallout 76, Football Manager, GTA, Pokemon but open to most games similar to the ones listed. I have a PS5, Switch and Laptop that is capable enough for most modern games.

Other things I am into include sports, movies and card collecting. I have a decent amount of sports, Pokemon and some magic cards, which I am happy to show. I don't know how to play any but would be keen to learn.

Please drop me a message if you want to chat about anything above or just anything in general! If Discord is easier my Discord is: bruskibroski :)

1 Comment
13:22 UTC


25F - Hey let’s chat, I’ve got a few opinions let’s see if you can challenge them

Try to change my mind on a few topics, if your arguments are valid, then we would’ve both helped each other get out of this boredom and exchange knowledge !

13:20 UTC


31m kansas city looking to talk

It's Friday and a slow day at work. I would really like to find someone to chat with for the day as it's only 820 am and don't get off until 3. Gonna be a long day.

1 Comment
13:20 UTC


23/m HEY YOU! Irish guy here looking for cool people and fun peeps to chat to!!

Salutations everyone ! How are we all ? We better be good !!

I’m here today on the look for friends! (short term / long term) Here’s some interesting stuff about me !

Well I’m from Ireland and I’m in uni ! And I’m 23 I’m nerdy, heavily enjoy fantasy and grimdark settings, so massive LOTR, elder scrolls, GOT/HOTD and Warhammer fan. I play on PC (total war, arma 3, Hoi4, stellaris and many more ) and ps5 (Elden ring, battlefield) Im also big into history, specifically military history!! I’m a pagan

My fav food is a toastie and I love coffee n tea!

I hope to hear from someone soon and if you have read this far, no hey, hi or hellos, write a introduction!!

1 Comment
13:18 UTC


23/Southern Girl/Looking for friends!

Good morning! My name is Courtney, but everyone calls me Court. I am a 23 year old southern girl from Mississippi, with a 22 month old son and a 13 month old daughter and they mean so very much to me! My hobbies are: listening to music of any kind, watching anything horror, reading horror stories, riding around or driving, cross stitching & diamond art. About myself: I am a very sweet, out going girl, that loves to talk! I do enjoy voice calling, sending voice notes or FaceTiming! Anyways, I’m looking for positive group of friends who love conversation, and enjoys voice calling or FaceTiming too! I don’t want a friend who will only talk to me once, then leaves, I want a friend who will constantly talks to me and be there for me and let me be there for them. Don’t be afraid to message me!

PS. currently going through a really really hard time, depression, heartbreak, anger, sadness, :( so if anyone can voice call, it may help.

1 Comment
13:17 UTC


[26M] looking to have a cool chat

hey! I'm 26 and I'm looking for a fun convo. I'm into video games, music, philosophy and psychology. Please feel free to send me a chat request. I only ask that you be 23+, thank you!

1 Comment
13:17 UTC


17f looking to meet new people.

Just looking to kill some time with people today, not expecting to make some lifelong friend, but I guess you never know. A little about me, I live in the EST usa (and thats all the location info you'll get), I have autism and can sometimes be very blunt, not trying to be mean but sometimes I just say what I think, I don't game really at all, I like to read, I watch mostly documentaries, I'm spending my summer working a little bit and hanging out a lot, I don't have many friends and I enjoy meeting people online. I don't share pics until I am comfortable so please don't ask for any and I do not give out my other social media. Please tell me more than hey or hi in your message its ridiculously lazy. Have a nice day.

13:15 UTC


30m looking for friends to share experiences hobby related

My hobbies: Premier League Football F1 Stock market Investing EU and US politics Books Finance (finance controller here)

If any of these sounds like you - hit me up

1 Comment
13:15 UTC


15F femcel looking for friends to chat with ;3

helloo hello 🙇‍♀️ my name is adelaid (or just addie) and i love talking to people but its summer break so i have nobody to talk to :c

some things im interested in are; -anime -manga -roblox -valorant -ferrets -music -alternative fashion

so yeah! i dont care about age by the way, just dont be weird and dry! 🙏

1 Comment
13:15 UTC


34M - if you like dad jokes and oversharing, look no further.

Hi! I am an east coast transplant living in California who has realized since moving that my social circle is really small. I enjoy getting to know new people and don’t get much of a chance to do that anymore.

I work in marketing and really enjoy what I do. I love helping small businesses grow and reach their goals.

In my free time, I enjoy music - both listening and writing, - gaming, cooking, and getting out to explore my new hometown.

If you are looking to get to know someone, send me a message with a short introduction! I have pictures in my profile as well!

1 Comment
13:14 UTC


anyone from the middle east/egypt ?

19M looking for friends in that area, I'm from egypt tho ✋, want to make a long-term friend with an actual emotional connection, so we can talk everyday about everything we want and basically future plans and normal everyday events, dm me!

1 Comment
13:13 UTC


f23 looking for someone to talk to and new friends

hello 23f and I'm from USA, I love cats and I have one her name coco, I also love to listen to music, I'm looking for someone to talk to and if you're interested dm me and let's get to know each other!!!!

13:12 UTC


[28/M] Just another dude from the Middle East

I'm a 28M from the Middle East looking for friends to talk with about all sort of random stuff.

Some of my hobbies are reading, playing guitar, playing games, watching series & anime, I also enjoy tinkering around with stuff that are related to IT.

Looking forward to talking you all!

1 Comment
13:12 UTC


29M - hey you ! Yes you, let’s be friends :)

Hey, happy Friday! how’s your day going so far ? I’m relaxing allllll day today so I have time to chat 😋 I love meeting new people so don’t be shy, send me a chat request !

I just moved from NY to FL so I’d love to make some new friends in Florida or even online I don’t mind ! Let’s get to know eachother. Come say hi.

A bit about my self. I’m a competitive powerlifter, I’ve done bodybuilding, I love going to the gym lol I loooovvveee food. I’m a big foodie. I love coffee, going for walks .. I’ll tell you more in the DMs

Please include your ASL

1 Comment
13:08 UTC


M23 looking for long term friends/gaming buddies

I’m from the states (PST) just got a pc & need some gaming friends that can hop in discord I play overwatch, apex, Minecraft, valo, & cod. Very open minded, or just friends I can chat w/on discord or whatever. A lil about myself I love music. A couple of artist I listen to are The Weeknd, Lana del Rey, Pierce the veil, Kendrick Lamar, lil baby (I listen to literally all types of genres) I enjoy cooking, vg, sci-fi, astronomy, & I work on cars for living (love & hate type of relationship lol) but hoping to make some friends long term. Wondering what I look like I have a photo of myself in my profile. 🧍🏽‍♂️

1 Comment
13:08 UTC


30M UK - let’s chat and talk!!

30M UK

WFH today in this heat!

Interests ;

Reading Fashion Travelling Cooking Finance in general

1 Comment
13:07 UTC


27 M looking to chat and make friends!

Hey hope you're all doing good!

I am posting here looking for someone (F) nice to talk to. I enjoy discussing things and since I'm working from home and traveling at times, it would be great if I can find someone to talk while I'm not too busy. Hmu if you'd like to chat. Looking forward to getting to know you. ✌️

1 Comment
13:06 UTC


27M from USA. Looking for someone to chat.

Hello, I’m 27M from USA. Looking for someone to chat.

Long day at work and just got back from the gym. Hmu if you wanna talk.

1 Comment
13:04 UTC

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