
Photograph via //r/snapchat

Welcome to r/Snapchat! Please read the rules before participating. Please note we are not associated with or work with the app developers.


A subreddit to exchange Snapchat usernames and discuss the app itself. Snapchat is an image sharing application for iOS and Android where images are only viewable for a certain amount of time.

Account-age and karma requirements.More Info Here

Please adhere to rules before posting. Do not post or hint at your username. If you do not comply, your comments will be removed. We exchange information via PM only.

Make sure that your posts title follows the format below; or else it will be automatically removed by a bot:

Your Age [R4R] - Post Title

Full formatting guidelines can be found here.

Rule 1 - Be civil: No racist, sexual, transphobic, homophobic, or otherwise offensive and hateful comments are allowed here.

Rule 2 - No NSFW content, accounts, or sellers: No NSFW content will be tolerated in this sub. Accounts with NSFW posts/comments will not be allowed to participate. THIS APPLIES TO THE ACTIVITY ON YOUR PROFILE.

Rule 3 - No Snapchat usernames: PM each other for your Snapchat usernames. This includes profile/bio references. Posts and comments containing a username or hinting at one will be removed and you could be banned.

Rule 4 - Minimum age = 18 years old: You must be 18+ to interact with the /r/snapchat community. This includes posts, comments, and messages.

Rule 5 - Questions - Title formatting requirements: For ease of use, all posts must follow the same title formatting. All posts that do not use this tagging system will be removed.

For posts regarding general questions or questions about the app, the following title format must be used:

[Question] Your title here

Post flair must match the title.

Rule 6 - Personal posts - Title formatting requirements: For ease of use, all posts must follow the same title formatting. All posts that do not use this tagging system will be removed.

For personal posts, the following title format must be used:

AGE [GENDER4GENDER] Your title here

AGE = Your actual age

Gender key F = Female

M for Male

R for Redditor

NB for Non-binary

T for Transgender

A for Anyone/All

Post flair must match the title.

Rule 7 - No No catfish accounts or artifically gained karma: This includes accounts with artificially gained karma allowing you to post i.e. using karmaforfree subreddits.

Rule 8 - No social media or brand promotion: This includes, but is not limited to looking for followers to promote your business, music, services or social media.

Rule 9 - Limits posts to 1 per day (24 hours): Users are limited to posting one post per day (24 hours) on this subreddit to reduce spam.

Rule 10 - Mod discretion: All content is subject to further moderator discretion.

Disclaimer: This subreddit is not affiliated with Snap Inc. and/or with any assets that involve Snapchat trademarks; including but not limited to the Snapchat logo, the color yellow or the word Snapchat.

Warning: This subreddit is for 18+ and only SFW! Nudity of any sort will not be tolerated on this subreddit. Head over to /r/DirtySnapchat if you're looking for 18+ fun. Those who do not comply should be reported to the moderators with substantial evidence so appropriate measures can be taken. Any violation will result in the appropriate consequences.


392,209 Subscribers


33 [M4A] just looking for sone dope conversation.

1 Comment
08:57 UTC


41 [M4F] British guy seeks new snap friends.

I know my title wasn’t very interesting, if you’re here I swear it will get better! I’m active and in shape. Love swimming, woodwork and music. Location doesn’t matter. It’s always nice to chat with someone from new areas.

1 Comment
08:10 UTC


[QUESTION]What does this mean?

If it says on someones profile next to their snapmap that they "Drove from X to X", does that mean today or can it be like a week old?

1 Comment
08:25 UTC


21[M4A] i am introverted guy want to make friends and have nice conversations

1 Comment
08:25 UTC


35 [M4M] wanting friends! Please read post first! Thanks!

Hi there, I'm Ryan!

I'd love to make some platonic male friends! I'm from the pacific northwest in the USA!

I love most sports, music, performing arts, movies, TV, cooking, baking, outdoor stuff, travel, some video games ( own a Nintendo Wii), Disney & Disneyland Park, reading, shopping, etc.

I only ask 4 things of anyone who is interested in DM'ing me :

  1. Anyone interested be no younger than 26 and no older than 36. I have the age range as I feel uncomfortable talking with people younger than that age or older than that age. Please respect my comfort level

  2. If your posting/commenting history is all or mostly sexual please don't DM. I only want platonic friends and nothing sexual please

  3. If you're going to ghost me at some point or delete your profile, please don't DM as that's just plain rude and inconsiderate

  4. Please, if you align yourself politically with the republican party, please do not DM. I don't want to argue about politics

Looking forward to hearing from people!

1 Comment
06:45 UTC


28 [M4A] love chats

1 Comment
05:49 UTC


18 [M4A] looking for people to talk to

I get into a lot of unorthodox situations and post about them on snap, generally pretty funny. Also need more people to talk to, snaps kinda dry right now.

1 Comment
03:27 UTC


28 [M4F] Pennsylvania/Anywhere Single cat dad looking for new people to chat with!

Looking for new people to chat with, not interested in streaks or stories so shoot me a message if interested!

1 Comment
02:19 UTC


25 [M4A] Korean M looking for friends

Looking for friends to talk to.

1 Comment
02:43 UTC


31 [M4F] USA/California- Honestly I’m lonely and want your attention and affection

Want to feel loved, wanted, affection, sweet good morning and goodnight messages, to be excited when you get a message, to have deep conversations and be able to talk about anything without judgement and even encouraged to open up? I want to experience all of that too. Maybe we can experience it together. Maybe this is how we start talking and make something real

I am easy going and typically have a positive attitude. I like to joke around but I don’t want to take the jokes too far and be serious when it’s necessary. I am more of a homebody but I’m not opposed to going out and being adventurous. I’m a night owl. I also like organization and order so I’m not really the messy type.

I enjoy hanging out with family and friends, working out, watching stuff, video games, podcasts, being in the sun, etc.

If any of this sounds nice to you then shoot me a message! You never know until you try right? Either way, I appreciate you taking the time to read all this and hope you have a great day/life!

1 Comment
02:10 UTC


29 [M4F]

Looking for good conversation and company while I do my Nightshifts from home <3

1 Comment
00:52 UTC


20 [M4A] Streaks & Chats

Shoot me ur snap if your down for streaks or chatting. Have a variety of interests so ill talk about most things.

1 Comment
00:37 UTC


32[M4F] quiet Sunday looking to meet someone new!

Im very responsive! Can hold a conversation, up to chat about anything and enjoy sharing pics of my day to day! Im easy going, have a nice smile and am pretty good looking!

1 Comment
22:34 UTC



NAugust001 just looking for people to just talk to about anything and everything. I’m also single if any women really care as well. I’m a gamer, father, I work in a prison as an officer so I have stories and stuff to talk about. Just trying to find people to talk to to become friends and everything

1 Comment
22:08 UTC


43 [M4F] mwm looking to chat

43 mwm looking to chat

43 mwm, looking for a female to chat with. Preferably a married female. Open to chat about anything. Hope to hear from you if your interested.

1 Comment
21:46 UTC


45 [M4F] Looking to chat

45 divorced male, two teenage kids, and trying to enjoy life. I will be deploying in a few days and currently share a room with 30 other guys but I’m just looking for a chat to keep me occupied during down time. I’m easy going, don’t judge, and can chat about anything. Drop by and say hi!

1 Comment
20:55 UTC


31 [M4F]

I sent someone a snap, and 🎀 popped up for a few seconds where the usual red delivered arrow is, then changed back to the normal delivered arrow. What does this mean?

1 Comment
20:33 UTC


31 [M4F] White guy, looking for black girls to chat with

Just looking for girls to chat and talk to ab whatever

1 Comment
20:27 UTC



hello ive noticed this a few times and am not sure why it keeps happening. there is this person who i blocked from my stories a long time ago but after the last 2 years ive unblocked them. sometimes i notice this person doesn’t view my stories and ill find that there are blocked from viewing my stories. i have intentionally never tried to block said person for 2 years now because i want them to view it. ive considered this to be a glitch, but now im wondering if they’re on their end trying not to view my stories? is that even possible it would come up on my end like that?

if anyone has any answers or encountered this before please let me know!! yes i like this guy lol

20:22 UTC


32 [M4F] looking to add some new faces on Snapchat 🙂

1 Comment
20:07 UTC


23 [M4A] Looking for new friends to pass time with

Leaving for work soon but some of my hobbies are reading/listening to audiobooks, video games, and cooking

1 Comment
20:01 UTC


28[M4F] let's snap and chill while I game

Keep me company and become friends while I enjoy the day off!

1 Comment
20:04 UTC


40 [m4a]

40 male looking for fun interactions. Please be funny

1 Comment
19:27 UTC


37 [M4A] looking for new friends

Bored looking for someone to chat with about everything

1 Comment
17:27 UTC


29 [F4A] just looking for friendly conversation.

1 Comment
16:37 UTC


22 [M4A] NJ, USA - Tryna talk cars and see y'all car builds

Everyone be looking for someone and I'm looking for friends for snap. You tryna talk soccer and music too it's cool

1 Comment
16:21 UTC


18 [M4A] gonna turn 19 in the coming days

Whats the best birthday you've had

1 Comment
14:39 UTC


23 [F4F] EU

Just girls only. Really do no bother as a guy, cuz I will not add you :)

Preferably eu girlies, but overall all girlies are good!

I like to chat, game and animals (I adore dogs!) but I love to be creative like drawing or crochet!!

I speak English, Dutch, ~French but do understand German as-well. My grammar doesn’t exist there XD

So if you are another girly and perhaps you like similar things. Feel free to chat to me. I love to start snap spree’s!

1 Comment
14:24 UTC


33[M4F] Any F looking for someone new to have cool conv with (SFW) ? ⬇️

Hey, I’m looking for someone to have daily, or time to time conv depends on what you’re also looking for but i would love to have someone with whom I can connect and have daily conversations. So if you feel good vibes with my p.rofile feel f.ree to come say hi ☺️ and if you can guess my ethnicity that would be funny but it seems quite difficult to get dms here

1 Comment
14:22 UTC


34 [F4A]

Did I get this wrong? Is this only for physical attraction? Because my inbox is a whole damn mess.

Silly me thought that people could still talk.

1 Comment
13:19 UTC

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