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APUSH did this to me.

04:01 UTC


Vikings videos on YouTube

Hey Reddit, I recently made 2 Viking videos on YouTube and would love for any willing historian aka Viking expert to fact check them. It would be greatly appreciated and help me better my content in the future. Here is the links to my videos:



02:44 UTC


AP World History Interest


I am currently teaching middle school social studies and I have been fascinated by history. Later in my teaching career, I want to pursue teaching AP World History. I am not knowledgeable about all the subjects in this course and want to essentially study for it to teach it when a position opens up. What you guys recommend to study to teach this? What resources would you recommend? Thanks in advance!

13:50 UTC


Anyone care to help a student teacher in need? :)

Sorry if not allowed here. I am a student teacher working on my History Credential. For one of my assignments I need to analyze a lesson plan based on its cultural responsiveness and/or inquiry-based learning. I would like one that actually fills out a generic lesson plan template (I am aware most veteran teachers don't use these). I will NOT use it as my own work and I will credit you if you want. Feel free to link TPT in my inbox if you have something and want a few bucks for it. Thank you!

03:39 UTC


Causal Chain coming soon to HistoryMaps.

1 Comment
23:07 UTC


Is there a way to make history more entertaining?

I don't mean to sound rude or anything but it's genuinely the most boring class in my grade and I can only ever pay attention if we're talking about something I'm interested in-

05:16 UTC


Differences between teaching college and high school?

I have a master’s degree in history and occasionally work as an adjunct teaching entry-level history courses at my local college. Many of my students are high schoolers taking dual-enrollment classes. I love teaching, but unfortunately, my adjunct position is temporary.

I’ve been considering going back to school to get my teaching certificate so I can become a high school history teacher. However, I didn’t attend an American high school, so I don’t have much insight into what that environment is like compared to college.

What are the main differences between teaching high school and college? I’d really appreciate hearing from anyone with experience in either—or both—settings. Thank you!

18:53 UTC


Inquiry unit summative

Hi all, I’m adapting a C3 inquiry lesson for my World War 2 unit. The summative is a 5 paragraph essay answering the compelling/overarching unit question. Throughout the unit they will have gathered evidence, guided by supporting questions, from primary/secondary sources to answer the compelling question. My question for those that have done this is what do students get to use during their essay? They will need the evidence they took down, and I imagine copies of the documents just in case they need to look back in them for context. I usually do my assignments digital, but for this unit I may need to print out a booklet for them to keep track of their evidence so they can use that on the final essay and not cheat on their computers. Feels like I’m overthinking this but for those who may have been in the same boat I’m all ears!

15:02 UTC


Would this be worth the 4 marks in gcses or do I need to add more information?

I don't know if this is the right community to post on.

18:21 UTC


Does anyone play “Be Washington” online with their classes? I have questions

I tried playing “Be Washington” with my 8th graders this week, and the site was buggy as hell. Wouldn’t load well for single player, froze and never recovered during the portion where you listen to advisors … and the multi-player format was wholly unusable.

Wondering if this is normal? Should I try again next year or scrap it?

16:19 UTC


Seating charts high school?

Hi all, wondering how/if some of you high school teachers implement seating charts. I did in middle school, but not high. First semester, one large 11 grade class in particular was a lot rowdier. I’m considering a seating chart for this second semester, but would rather not, and prefer to resort to other strategies (all ears for those strategies). Advice, wisdom to share?

14:48 UTC


Anyone use The Writing Revolution for kids writing about history?

Although my child's writing isn't great, he really loves history. I've been using The Writing Revolution textbook's exercises for history topics and it's been pretty easy since he loves the content.

For those unacquainted with TWR, the book teaches to focus on writing a single sentence well using direct instruction. There are different types of sentences, which eventually moves on to paragraphs and essays.

A typical sentence will end up looking like "In 1941, the German military, a well-trained and organised force, launched an invasion of the Soviet Union to establish lebensraum in the east".

06:20 UTC


What other careers are available with a bachelors in history?

Decided not to go with the educator route. May consider getting my masters and teaching college, but other than teaching, what other jobs could I get with a history degree?

00:29 UTC


Age of Exploration primary sources

Hi, does anyone have a lead on good primary sources to use when teaching the Age of Exploration? A lot of Google links are coming up empty for me. Thanks in advance for the help!

04:01 UTC


Hero or Villain CERs. Should I do something else?

So, my yearlong plan (for sixth grade core knowledge history) includes 3 CERs that have a hero or Villain focus. Should I switch it up? My next one (end of next week) is Augustus. I am scrounging up resources on him (I am not doing a Julius one because the English department covers him more going to Shakespeare) and am curious if there is another angle to use the claim, evidence and reasoning?

02:41 UTC


good "what is history" or "how do historians do history" videos


I'm a new teacher taking over a 7th grade classroom midyear. I have aspirations to add some introductory "historical thinking" type work with primary source sets, conflicting evidence, inquiry questions, etc, in addition to learning the facts.

I started the year with Stanford History Group's Fight in the Lunchroom lesson, which is about dealing with conflicting sources for an event. But the kids are really not following that there could be a connection from sorting out who started a fight to how we do history -- or even that history is something that people DO, and it's not just learning facts and dates.

Does anyone have a little middle-school level video that talks big picture about what history is or how and why it's done? Hoping for something with good production value to keep the kids' interest. Anything else you've used to orient them to history as a discipline would be great too!

Thank you!

02:16 UTC


Praxis- 5081 help/ advice

I’m preparing to take the Praxis exam and have been using Study.com’s practice tests to familiarize myself with the content. My scores typically range between 66%-74% on these 50-question tests. I also took an official Praxis practice test, scoring a 158, just shy of my state’s requirement of 161. Economics is my biggest challenge, and I’d appreciate advice or strategies from others who’ve faced similar struggles. While I’ve studied extensively and feel confident in my preparation, I’m worried that I need to improve my Study.com scores before attempting the actual exam to ensure success.

Edit: I passed!!

18:44 UTC


Just took my praxis-5081, help determining scoring

I just took my Praxis 5081 - when I finished it didn’t give me a raw score such as a 150 or a 175 it gave me number like 14,17, 12,- I don’t remember what the exact numbers were but when I added them up it was a 69. Is this my raw score? Do I just add them up to get my raw score? Or is that totally different?

1 Comment
17:24 UTC


National History Day/Help

It’s my first time doing the National History Day project, with the subject “The Fight for Black Women’s Health Equity.” I need help with resources and advice on the best way to write using those resources.

If anyone knows, please help me.

14:58 UTC


AP Geo or AP Gov

Hey guys hoping you folks can shed some insight and sell me on one of these classes. I have the opportunity to teach either one of these classes next year: AP Geography or AP Government. I am torn on which way to go as I have no experience teaching either.

Currently in my 9th year of teaching. I teach AP Psychology (juniors & seniors), U.S. History (juniors), and Civics (seniors).

Some tidbits to consider. AP Geo is reserved generally for our Pre-IB Freshmen students. So most of the class will be incoming freshmen, albeit ones who are considered advanced and driven. Additionally, AP Geo or Gov would take the place of U.S. History or civics and not my AP Psych.

AP Gov is yearlong and seniors only. AP Gov covers our civics requirement for graduation, so most students who take this course are also considered advanced and high achieving.

For those of you who have taught one or both of these courses, what would you prefer?

21:43 UTC


I feel like a phony

I am in my second year of teaching, but I feel like I know very little of what I’m teaching and feel like I’m not a good teacher to these kids. How do you guys go about this feeling if you have this feeling. I need help…

20:50 UTC


Sociology resources from this decade?

Does anyone have any sociology resources that are up to date? Most that I've been finding are from 2007-2012 with pretty dated statistics.

I'm a first year teacher and I havnt even taken a sociology course before but I start teaching it tomorrow so any resources are welcome, but I'm trying to find something a bit more modern.

Free resources are deffently preferred, but if you know of anything fabulous on tpt I can go for that as well.

Side note, I have no idea what to do as a first day activity tomorrow. I have a backup if I can't figure something out, but I'm really hoping to find an activity that is more sociology focused.

I'm teaching 3 classes I've never taught before this semester so I'm stressing. (Sociology, 7th grade US, and AP world)

20:23 UTC


U.S. History Packet: Vocabulary, Aims/Essential Questions, Multiple Choice Questions!

For those starting a US History curriculum from scratch, I created a 31-page packet to get you started!


This packet can be used by teachers to:

Create lesson plans

Introduce relevant vocabulary words

Inspire Do-Nows or Exit-Tickets

Craft assessments

Make study guides

Prepare students for the New York State U.S. History Regents Exam!

This packet includes:

List of 17 main topics in the U.S. History curriculum

70 key vocabulary words used in the U.S. History curriculum

95 Aims / Essential Questions for U.S. History lessons

150 multiple choice questions taken directly from past New York State U.S. History Regent Exams, mostly in chronological order

1 Comment
19:58 UTC


APUSH Teacher Advice: Condensing Chapters in America's History (10th Ed)?

So, I have a question for some of the more experienced APUSH teachers in the room, but first let me give some background so you all know what I'm asking for: I've been teaching APUSH for almost 5 years now and I have gotten a pretty good handle on the test prep/relaying the content in a way that is engaging to my students but I am still grappling with the issue of the volume of content you have to cover post Reconstruction. I always make sure to give time to Reconstruction and the Progressive era because of how consequential they are, but I have a hard time determining which chapters/sections I should "abridge" and even which I should "skip" to ensure we get to at least the first gulf war with some time to spare for test prep.

Long story short, does anyone have any experience with the Edwards 10th ed book and which chapters can be easily "condensed" to expedite the process of covering the content? Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

1 Comment
19:31 UTC


Ap world in 15 weeks

I have to teach the entirety of AP world in 15 weeks and honestly I'm stressing. I have 19 students in the class and we start tomorrow. I have them for 90 minutes every single day so that is double the usual time, but it still feels so daunting. I'm a first year teacher and honestly world history isn't even my strong suit, but it's what I've been delt so..... yeah.

So far it seems like they basically will have 70-90 page readings weekly. And thats only counting the text. I was going to do short Wednesday reading quizes with notes being 1/3 the grade. I was going to do 4 timeperiod tests instead of 9 unit tests since that would be so much. Im not sure how many leq / DBQ. Maybe introduce week 2 or 3?

Anyway for resources I know of the Adamson Adventure (the teacher last year I think exclusively used this tbh) and OER. Any other resources I should take a look at? I'm basically building this from scratch. The other history teacher used to be a professor and is really big on intellectual property (i get it) but that means she basically refuses to share anything with me so I'm on my own.

Advice welcome (plz help, lol)

15:27 UTC


WWI, showing the violence without showing it

I have been searching for a youtube clip (no DVD access) of a film which can convey the horrors of trench warfare without showing violence. It can’t be from a rated R film. PG-13 even makes it problematic, but I could get away with a short clip on youtube.

The best I can come up with is a scene from Wonder Woman, but the context in a superhero movie doesn’t give it the gravitas that say a movie like 1917’s one shot for example.

Edit: High School Juniors 16-17 yrs old. We also can only show up to a 15 min clip. No full movies.

14:12 UTC


Selected Readings from World History

Hey all, im trying to find s book that has "selected readings" from world history. I can find loads of them for US history, but fewer for world. Any suggestions? Like a primary source reading companion.


14:04 UTC


What government/civics topics do you wish students had more background in?

I am gathering qualitative data for a project I'm working on. Not limited to the USA. All responses are welcome and valued :). Some questions for inspiration:

Are there any civics topics that you wish students had more background in to better understand history?

If you have taught or got to teach any kind of civics education, what did you/would you teach to students?

What do you wish young people knew more about with respect to government, civic involvement, and navigating politics in today's age?

Which civics topics do you think today's students are most lacking in? The mechanics of the government? Finding unbiased news? Becoming involved in politics?

Thank you!

03:58 UTC


Help shape the Future of Pedagogy in Social Studies: Your Insight Needed!

I am investigating the complexities of how social studies educators develop their pedagogy, including the critical thinking and reflective processes that shape day-to-day classroom experiences. As such, I am looking for volunteers to participate in this study. Participation means taking part in a recorded interview, brief journal reflections, and a focus group. By contributing, you'll not only help uncover new insights into effective teaching but also have an opportunity to tell your story and lived experiences as an educator. As a thank you, all participants will receive a gift card. If interested, please message me or click here to see if you qualify (30-second survey): https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SDBGFK2

00:03 UTC


What textbook should I use for self-studying AP World History?

I'm thinking of using
Bentley, Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past UPDATED AP Edition, 2017, 6e, Student Edition
but I'm not sure it's the best. Does it have easily accessible answer keys?

04:36 UTC

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