
Photograph via //r/Training

This subreddit is dedicated to learning professionals. People who are involved in education in the corporate world as opposed to academia. If you're a trainer, instructional designer, e-learning specialist, training coordinator, or have anything at all to do with adult learning, this is a sub for you.

Note: Posts about fitness or weight training will be deleted and user potentially banned.

This subreddit is for training professionals to discuss and share tips regarding adult learning, distance learning, presentation skills, training related software, instructional design, story boarding, e-learning, related technologies and strategies, and more.

Posting Guidelines

  1. This is NOT a subreddit for selling training services. It is forbidden to post advertisements for training services.

  2. It is okay to post free webinars that have to do with training, instructional design, and related strategies and technologies.

  3. If you are asking for other trainers to review your training program, you may link to it in a self post.

  4. Please add appropriate FLAIR to your posts.

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Introduction - Artificial Intelligence Risk management

10:08 UTC


Intorduction to Database Adminstrator Training

09:41 UTC



I have started a free community to help busy people (20-35 y/o) focus on their physical fitness and increase their energy levels, without disturbing their daily routine.

DM "Invite" and I'll invite you for free

15:51 UTC


Best LMS on a Budget

I just started a new Analyst role in Training and one of my (many) first projects is to source a new LMS with preloaded courses.

I'd say we might be looking at a 5-7k budget per year. Org size is roughly 550.

Most of the areas we could use training are in communication, technical administrative skills, leadership, and project management.

I've scanned through for some existing recommendations and checked with Gemini. A lot of what I've seen was far more specialized into content creation (also something I will be doing). I'm looking for a good balance.

Any recommendations?

00:46 UTC


Corporate Soft Skills Trainer Open Positions - JOB

Hello! We are looking for Corporate Soft Skills Trainers to join our Bundle team. Bundle is the only 1:1 live skills development solution that specializes in human-centered skills, designing and delivering curated content facilitated live by experts and driven by interactive instruction. 

"Bundle trainers are highly qualified with a minimum of 3 years' training experience in combination with professional experience, training, and degrees. Bundle trainers provide our learners with personalized support based on the learners’ needs in their professional soft skills development. A successful candidate will have a background developing soft skills in others and/or roles where they planned and facilitated professional development for a team or company."

You can apply here: https://jobs.lever.co/Bundle/6f7a3bf9-4a99-48c1-978f-99856958d237

14:48 UTC


Resources That Explain Formal Training Is Helpful for Workers?

I know, it's a wild idea. But, in this age of (non)on-boarding where employers just sling new workers at a few outdated documents at the bottom of a file cabinet and call that "training," got any resources that show formal training is really important for workers and employers? Bonus for resources that show formal training helps for building inclusive workplaces. Looking for more "respectable" resources (SHRM, academic, and so on).

15:46 UTC


AI in Materials Science

Does anyone know of any paid trainings that teach AI in Materials Science for those who have an MSc. in materials science and engineering? Preferably it be remote too.

1 Comment
18:22 UTC


Paid Ads for L&D - Free Report

We're producing a report on the paid ads landscape within the learning & development sector, and I'd love to send you a free copy of the report!

The report will contain benchmarking data from campaigns across ad platforms such as Google, LinkedIn and Meta, as well as an review of how other companies in the L&D sector are currently utilising paid ads.

To get a free copy, head to the link below & complete a couple of questions - it should only take 2 minutes & will help to shape the final section of the report.


Please let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for your help!

09:36 UTC


Advice needed on whether to take a new role

Hi fellow training professionals! I was hoping to get some insight on a potential new job that I’m wrestling with. I have 8 years total experience and have been remote NJ at my current company in L&D as a specialist for 5 years making 115k. I absolutely love my role and the people that I work with and can genuinely say that the company looks out for its employees.

An ex-colleague and friend recommended me for a role at a smaller competitor. They had me go through 8 interviews including a panel, but I figured it was because the role is a leadership role (head of L&D). They offered me the job at 185k (benefits are the same) and in terms of the job description, it’s pretty much what I’m doing now except a bit more facilitation virtually and I get to make decisions for the department.

Being that I’m very happy where I am, I feel hesitant to take the role (mostly because I am afraid of giving up the culture and what I’ve built) I guess it feels more risky in the current economic landscape with layoffs and the offer coming from a much smaller company that had a round of layoffs last year when my current company didn’t even stop hiring.

Can anyone offer some career advice or share personal experiences?

12:58 UTC


Why is management asking me to find a replacement for Kahoot?

I am a on-site training manager and I've been asked to look for an alternative to Kahoot by my manager. We have an enterprise subscription with them, but now it seems that we have to source a replacement locally. Honestly, I'm glad that they are doing so, but I am not so sure why.

anyone on the same boat? Please suggest some alternate tools that we can use for live trainings, quizzes and knowledge checks?

03:40 UTC


Best way to get in touch : Native French Translation Services L&D and HR with QC offices

Hi everyone,

I’m looking for advice on introducing my Native French Canadian Translation Services to Learning & Development (L&D) and HR departments in companies with offices in Quebec.

I specialize in translating training manuals, onboarding materials, and other key documents. Currently, I work with a $1.7 billion company with 85 subsidiaries, which has been fantastic. I'm looking to expand my clientele, but I'm finding it challenging to connect with L&D department heads due to the "who-you-know" nature of the industry.

For L&D and HR pros:

  1. What's the best way to introduce my services?

  2. What key points would resonate most with you?

  3. Any tips on what to avoid?

Any insights or success stories would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

23:23 UTC


Can you share your insights in learning and development? 

Hi, I'm a music teaching bachelor who later got detached from the music industry and gained experiences in NGO work involving training courses both as a participant and a facilitator, while taking a comprehensive coaching course that contained 17 live sessions (3.5 hours each) from an expert in the area and have coached several people and teams in non-professional setting (without pay).

Now I'm trying to understand how this knowledge and skillset can be used in a professional setting, maybe in a corporate environment. I thought applying for a master's degree in "International Management and Psychology" offered by Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences could be a relevant next step, though I'm still lacking a clear vision what is next.

Could somebody with similar experience share their journey and help me realistically evaluate my plans and possible outcomes I should expect?

10:05 UTC


Training tools

Hey everyone.

I’m really sure not sure if this is the right place - but I’m starting to manage my own team within a customer service role. I have worked up from being an agent for myself, and found that the most frustrating part is the training process so I’m basically looking to enhance the tools we have.

Essentially, I want a tool that offers different routes depending on how the customer answers or the information provided. For example:

  • Customer wants to return
    • Are they within their returns period
    • Yes: do this
    • No: do this

Does this make sense? I dont know what to search for to find the right tool so I'm really stuck

14:00 UTC


Training content for SME

I'm struggling. I'm in a startup without much of a training budget. I am a director and don't have a team reporting to me. All employees go through their onboarding training which I oversee and then they transition to their specific team and start their role specific training. I've been pulled to help with the role specific training framework for a new team because they need help building it, which is fine, but I am finding that they are depending on me to do the actual work in creating the content. I am not the new teams manager either.

I can't get them to answer comments within the deck, i try to email them and they don't respond. I get help on Teams but it's just so much extra work. I've tried to institute a deadline and Im the only one keeping this project afloat in terms of timelines.

How do I get people to take ownership of these damn slides?!!!

02:14 UTC


Training Audits?


How often is everyone auditing their trainings and checking for accuracy and updates? I was in a job interview today for a healthcare company and they asked me how frequently I would audit my training materials, and I had no idea what to say!

I’m curious how often you L&D professionals review your trainings for updates. Added points for anyone that works in healthcare and can share how they keep up to date with changes in healthcare regarding medications, vaccines, etc.


20:55 UTC


Which content library?

We're pretty far into launching Go1, but I'm looking at the available content and it looks pretty outdated and clunky. Are they a well known provider? I'm finding it hard to find content I'd actually want to recommend or assign to anyone.

I know cost was a big factor in the selection process. Does anyone have a recommendation for a low cost training content provider with good training?

20:54 UTC


UK How do you deliver certified training courses?

Hi all,

I have recently started as an L&D Coordinator. Part of my job is to try and introduce more face to face training. I have recently completed my Level 3 Award In Education & Training and have my Nebosh General Certificate In Health & Safety.

How would I go about looking to be able delivering certified courses, ie Highfield or Ofqual, IOSH etc. I realise this won't happen overnight but was looking at hopefully working towards this. For reference my company is not a registered training centre & I am located in Scotland.

Thanks. 😊

17:39 UTC


How do employees respond to training?

Hi! I’m in my first week of my new job as a Training Specialist. I’m curious as to your experience for how employees respond to training. I’m working for a non-profit with programs for the disabled. The company expressed to me that their onboarding of employees is disorganized and current employees do not always follow procedures. I feel scared coming in as a new person and telling employees how they should work. Has anyone else experienced this?

16:54 UTC


Training Delivery & Evaluation Course (train the trainer) ASS WORK

Hi all, (New to reddit as in this is my first post! … So glad to have found this forum and any help would be amazing!)

I am hoping to get some info/ guidance/ advice on the assessment work required to achieve this certification.

I have just enrolled for the QQI Level 6 Training Delivery & Evaluation course but it doesn't start til Mid July, and once completed I have 8 weeks to submit the coursework for assessment.

I am quite anxious about this for two reasons: 1- I am a long long time out of academia / no experience public speaking or in training deliveries and 2- Timing is not great as I will be starting a new position then at a new company and moving house so i expect to be a little stressed out!

I am not working at the moment and I am hoping to do anything NOW whilst I have time to help me i.e. some reading / research to get ahead of it and take off the pressure me down the track.

Assessment 3 parts :

  • Skills Demonstration = 40% (Presentation)
  • Written Assignment = 40% (3,000- 3,500 words)
  • Learning Record = 20%

The course provider says they will not be sharing course material until the day before the course starts.

If any one has any info on what i can be doing now to help me ( in particular around the presentation piece) that would be incredibly helpful!

Thanks so much in advance!

14:12 UTC


Ten days long in person trainings

In person training and meeting

Do companies still do the ten day or longer training and meeting for all its employees? Especially after pandemic.

For context, one of my friends is apparently working for Cadila Pharmaceutical since a year a and a half now. Till now, he has gone two of these trips. He would get flight tickets to Mumbai, stay in a five star resort for ten days or more and then be back. He claims that he goes there for training purposes and mind you, he is still early in his career so he is nowhere near Manager or anything remotely senior. My reason to doubt his claims are:

  1. 99% of the companies now prefer online method of training especially when they are such a large population.
  2. No training happens in the office. Even in Mumbai, they receive their training in the resort.
  3. This isn't the first time it has happened. Even in his previous company where he worked for 6 months, they provided same type of training.

Before I make any judgement, I want to know from you if this truly happens or not. The reason why I am not confronting him directly is because he has tendency to take things personally and hold a grudge. I also don't want to make any assumptions based on what I know only. Your answers will really help. Thanks in advance!!

1 Comment
09:24 UTC


How do you demonstrate to leadership the benefits of building a CL&D team?

I have an opportunity to present this idea to build a commercial learning and development team in a small startup. However I think because I'm efficient, deliver high quality consistently, and have just been doing everything myself this whole time the natural objection is why do we need to hire another person when you are doing it all perfectly fine? I don't know how to answer that from a quantitative perspective, to demonstrate value of even justifying one FTE to report to me. I am a director, independent contributor, and I am a one-man show. I'd love to focus on strategy and operations and hire someone to execute rather than me doing everything. Any advice to offer?

1 Comment
21:07 UTC


How do well established SMEs have outdated training partners?

There seems to be a lot of training platforms that have

  • poorly designed website
  • curriculum does not have latest technology training offering

Yet have some decent clients

I want to understand do orgs just pick any training partner just to be done with it.

Also how do I bag clients that might not be lets say well-established MNCs but SMEs atleast?

Though I am curious to know what does it take to get a chance to collaborate with MNCs.

Is it really a game of connections or about the quality of services you are offering?

13:01 UTC


Which LMS?

What LMS does everyone find is easier to learn? I’ve been looking at Canvas.

23:24 UTC


What has been your experience with Sana Labs? (LMS)?

Hello everyone! Are you using Sana Labs as your primary LMS or knowledge center?

Would you recommend it for its easiness of use, learning features and so on?

Thank you!

07:03 UTC


What are some ways to successfully continue your boss' conversation?

My boss and I sometimes do training together. When he speaks. Because of his vast knowledge of the material, I feel like I need to be all ears and listen completely. But every so often, he'll turn to me and ask what I can add to his (already covered-everything) points. What are some tactics I can fall back on when he asks? I know practice makes perfect, but we only do training together once or twice a month.

15:54 UTC


Promotion in learning and development

For those that have gotten a promotion in learning and development on a commercial or med affairs team....

What was your approach with your boss? What were you promoted to? Did you have a team under you? Any specific advice you could share?

1 Comment
00:17 UTC


Compliance Training

Does anyone have any recommendations for good training providers for mandatory compliance? Maybe your firm used a provider that didn't suck as much? Appreciate any suggestions or experiences you can share!

Update: thanks everyone for recommendations. we picked blocktrain.ai. They offer job based trainings in mandatory compliance, they are using AI for trainings segmentation and offering personalised videos for everyone in company based on their current skills and job position, trainings cut down from 8 hours to 1,5 to 3 hours. So far very happy with the choice.

09:00 UTC


Live Online Remote Desktop Logins

My department trains clients on how to use our software with our physical equipment. Most classes are live in-person, but we've also had live-online courses for a few years. Our setup for live-online is a regular meeting platform (Teams, LogMeIn, TeamViewer Meeting, etc.), plus an additional remote connection from each student to a physical PC in our office. Each PC is connected to both a piece of equipment and a web camera so they can watch it while they interact with it. I'd like some recommendations for software, systems, etc. to allow clients to login to make a remote desktop connection without giving them complicated instructions or making a large administrative burden on our end.

Our problem is that we use TeamViewer, which works great, except the licensing system is actually set up for the reverse of how we're using it; we have external clients initiating the connection to our TeamViewer-licensed PCs, but TeamViewer requires a license for the outgoing connection, not the incoming connection. From what I can tell, all the similar software is licensed in a similar way. Short of manually adding and removing every client from our TeamViewer account for a 2-4 day online class, does anyone have better suggestions?

Note: We were using TeamViewer fine until last year when they changed their software to require an account for the PC initiating the connection. Since then, sometimes it's fine if a student already has a TV business license or if TV doesn't flag their device as possibly using it for business purposes. We purchased licenses to cover their connections, but it seems like their licensing assumes we're making outgoing connections, not incoming.

1 Comment
14:00 UTC

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