The goal of r/Education is to provide a community in which educational stakeholders can participate in meaningful, reflective, and thought-provoking discourse about educational policy, research, technology, and politics. Additional Keywords, teachers, students, education
The goal of r/Education is to provide a community in which educational stakeholders can participate in meaningful, reflective, and thought-provoking discourse about educational policy, research, technology, and politics.
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I’m an A-level student currently using The Feynman Lectures for physics revision and a website called Save My Exams for other subjects like math. I really like these resources because they’re intuitive and help me stay ahead of the game.
However, I’m wondering if there are similar resources available in Mandarin. I struggle with English, so having materials in Mandarin would be really helpful. I’m open to any format—websites, YouTube channels, books, etc.
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
I've been homeschooled sense 3rd grade and at this point I feel It's important to get my GED and hopefully go to school for nursing, I just have no idea where I should actually start If I should take classes online in person or just study and take the test I'm honestly not sure, I just don't want it to take forever so I was wondering what would be the smartest thing to do In my position?
Our video has gone missing and we need the video to finish our course! Thanks!
Recent research has quantified the costs and savings of offering a free first year of university education in the U.S. Using open-source virtual classes and national exam proctoring, the total cost would be $331 million—less than 1% of the U.S. Department of Education’s annual budget. In contrast, students would save $63.4 billion per year in tuition and living expenses. Does this evidence prove that free education is financially feasible, or are there hidden challenges that make implementation unrealistic?
(sorry if my English is bad; I'm writing this in the early hours of the morning h aha)
So here are some facts about me:
-I am in top set for English
-I had the same English teacher for three years, however this year I have a different teacher.
- My grades have gone from averaging 85%, 14/20 being my WORST ever score in English, to getting 6 minuses (this may not seem bad, but my teacher is acting like it's bad, that I have time to improve etc).
- I am not disappointed with my scores in any way, so please don't feel like you are a failure and are useless ( I feel like this often)
- I am a worker
Anyways, let me get to the point:
I used to look forward to every upcoming English lesson, wishing I had it every school day rather than four days, now I cannot stand it one bit.
I keep trying to make it more interesting, but I just can't.
It's the teacher, not the subject; whenever I have supplies and work independently I enjoy it.
I had such a great teacher. I don't know whether I'm praising who I had since I had her for over three years, but everyone who has her likes her and most importantly, her teaching method.
I was lenient towards her, based upon my opinions, at the beginning of the year, since maybe it was because I was not used to her teaching method and everything would pan out after the first few months.
Well, it hasn't.
It's only been five months, but nothing has changed. I feel even more clueless.
I don't like asking teachers for help, or when I'm struggling as I don't want to annoy them, however I have asked her multiple times.
She hasn't once helped me. She always says she will, but either forgets or pretends to. I have her everyday, and I always have a clueless face, so it wouldn't take a genius to figure that one out.
I have asked to move down two sets, but they have refused :(((
My mum is friends with my English teacher, since they work as teachers in the same school, which makes the scenario even worse.
Some people find her helpful, others don't.
We got our A Christmas Carol assessment back, and she said to another boy (WHO GOT HIGHER THAN ME)
'oh, so you didn't revise did you?'
How does that make me feel? Excuse me?
The average score was a 6, bare in mind this is a top set class- people from bottom set were SCORING HIGHER!
1 person got a 9, but they used their own method, they said.
My teacher has admitted to being a strict marker, but that's not the problem.
I did a lot of revision, but i felt as though we hadn't really been taught/ covered anything.
She just gives out worksheets and expects you to do them, rather than teach.
Whenever we annotate, we have to use her annotations and when people tell her their idea, she's like ' oh, no, that wouldn't fit' so i feel like i can't use what i want and feel limited.
I feel like whenever we do exams, everyone's points are the same, whereas with my old teacher everyone's points would be varied. This meant that loads of people would do really well, some would do average and there would be some lower ones, being a 5 etc. However a 5 is just below our average class score, and I don't know what was the lowest but she said those who have to resit don't have to.
I feel unmotivated for English.
I don't know what to do.
I know I'm capable of scoring better, but whenever I have English I have no idea what she's on about/ don't understand her techniques.
Days preceding whenever I have a test in English, I have a gut feeling that I'm not going to do well.
I don't know why - I think it's since I feel like I'm waffling, but that's due to not being taught very well.
Hi all, was wondering whether you can recommend novel uses of chatgpt to help with staff workload?
So i am a accounting student doing professional degree for 3 years but for last 2 years i am continuously failing. Literally gotten used to failure and have totally forgot what it feels to be a achiever. Won’t say that i am not the one to be blamed for this but now i wanna fix stuff!! Will continue to take my professional exams but i also want to learn a skill or something that can help me get a cooperate job. Here to seek advice regarding my situations. Also what is something i can get a degree or diploma in a short time also something that doesn’t demand my full time attention so i am do it side by side to what i am already doing x
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows whether is it possible to do a double degree in Ireland when your university doesn't allow you to do a second one / are there any websites which one can do another degree on (preferably not extremely expensive but I understand that that's usually the case)
Hello, I want to present some thoughts on our western contemporary school systems. To make it short, I am not a proponent of them, I am for reforming them greatly and disestablishing the current system of forced education for specific ages. Instead I have the vision of an education system where the tests and exams are separated from the learning process, where people can learn in different models at any stage in life to qualify for different fields of expertise. To keep up the social process in society that was defined by school, I dream of replacing it with shared social activity across generations instead, which can be part of learning, but where everyone can chose their own place and where people are not assessed or graded for.
Honestly, our current western school system with classes, grades on all aspects of compliance and final marks and assessment every year in all it's flavors from rigid to liberal originates from experiments during monarchy and the beginning of the previous century. I believe the nature is more to discipline the children, than actually putting the gain in knowledge and ability and the social competence into the foreground.
I'm writing this as a Christian, but don't have the homeschooling movement in mind so much. I believe it's not good to deprive children of knowledge and would want to make sure that children get the support to learn the rules of and the truth about our world in a fair, accessible way. I believe it's a chance of individualizing the learning process and liberating it from social constructs, and while it may help homeschooling parents I want to make clear that in a world where certain common knowledge and basic science modules are mandatory to be known and tested for any higher education, as I envision it, people who refuse to accept it would have little chances to comply to society and really pose a problem that needs to be dealt with somehow.
I am an enemy of our school systems and view them akin to forced child labor and militarization and forced indoctrination of children even in their mild forms. I criticize them mainly because of the injustice of forcing such differently predisposed children and young people into arbitrary social constructs which separate people into winners and losers. I believe it is an oppressive system - true merit of social kind is not really rewarded, but only by strict compliance to arbitrary rules, and performance in complying with the taught disciplines.
One aspect of the school being a mandatory, involuntary process is that of great demotivation. The system tries to brush all children over the same brush, but people are very different, and this sets up most pupils to actually hate our schools at least some of the time of their school career, some hate it completely. Some pupils may be motivated, but honestly, most are not, it's common if you talk to teachers that they complain about it and name it demotivating for themselves. I believe this stress, the involuntary situation, the pressure of being compared with each other according to an arbitrary performance, is what breaks and spoils so many, and builds up steam that some people will systematically direct towards weaker individuals of their groups in school.
All these random pupils come together with weaker pupils of similar age, who are damned to fail these tests. I cannot understand or know, how such a cruel system can exist in our modern society without it being spoken out every day, our state systems force young people into schools where they are obviously bound to be losers and underdogs of the system, their failures being a tough strike to their lives. It is known that so many cannot succeed at the set pace - why must the state force these pupils into the school and into this pace and demands, when it is such a nightmare for so many. Children have to live between hard expectations from side of the teachers which they cannot always fulfill on one side, and the massive peer and other pressure from other frustrated pupils, up to resulting in life-threatening bullying. It's literally the state forcing innocent victims into a hell of abuse and psycho terror every day even under threat of punishments. I believe many people don't belong into these schools, they belong to other places and deserve being given the chance in a different way that is more fair and just for them. Who is bullied in school, is traumatized and should not be forced to go to the same or similar places. I dream of different ways of learning, where children are no longer forced together into groups where they would not want to participate, other than in the mandatory tests/exams.
So I believe this all must be prevented and people freed from a system that was once made and thought to discipline children like soldiers. It's time to free our children and give them the fair and righteous chances they deserve, even later in life when they didn't manage it at first - self responsible and safe from people who would direct their aggression towards them due to peer pressure, safe from being put into situations that they are not made or able for in front of many other persons.
I believe in a system, where there is no more forced school at all, also no school with children grouped according to age other than maybe pre- and elementary school like groups, and a general separation between children, teenagers and adults in learning groups. The tests and exams should be completely independent of age, but only dependent on necessary qualifications. I would want the responsibilities of citizens be decided by their ability to cope with the situation, and this system could be used to reflect it in a proper way. I.e. I'd want even for basic rights like making contracts and going for elections a simple test that makes sure any person of full age is witting and educated of the basics of life, reading, writing, political system, financial and legal aspects of life etc. All further qualifications similar - different modules of common, technical, manual, scientific and special knowledge. If you want to make a qualification for a job, you must first prove qualification for the necessary basic knowledge modules, then for the modules necessary for the job, or stages of responsibility within that job, depending on your knowledge and ability. This could be controlled by state authorities and guilds or other professional groups who define the state of common knowledge in the working and academic domains. All qualifications just go by tests/exams qualifying you as a result, where you can (publicly visible) know beforehand what catalogue of knowledge is required - anyone with the necessary prerequisites should be able to just apply for a test and then go get tested for it, no matter of the previous attempts if just the proper prerequisites are met and the testee has valid prospects of not failing the test. I would greatly try to rethink and revise the catalog of required knowledge for each citizen according to their responsibility, and rather try to involve all citizens in common social activities where they can experience these important things like the values of society and the common state of politics, culture and science without pressure and fear of failure in tests. Rather I'd focus education and learning full on specializing people for their jobs and the requirements thereof, and on involving people into actual real world work situations early on where it is desired, as part of learning.
Different social constructs and learning methods must then evolve, to aid in the attempts of each citizens to qualify for the desired exams. I would for example not think of abolishing schools all together - instead many would want to keep the system, and I'd just try to modify it so it would reflect the corresponding qualifications along the school years, leading to the official tests at certain points. I believe though many people would want more freedom in their learning, kind of similar to the change that Covid brought to many people in regard of home office practices. Some people may think, that children would not learn handling social situations well enough without the school system. But please rethink, that our system has so many losers, the bullied, misfits, dropouts who should have learned it a different way, who didn't even fail out of their own fault but just of inability to comply with the form of authority presented. I rather think, that common social activity should be mandatory for people and also bring people together across generations in real world situations that actually help making people's lives better - where each can choose their field of activity and go to a place where they are not bullied but accepted as they are. The necessary social skills for professional activities, I believe are best to be learnt and qualified like other skills or modules, i.e. in courses and internships for the abilities of teaching or managing groups of pupils or being in leadership positions, dealing with foreigners, children, elderly or disabled people, representing or talking in public etc. So a person applying for a job where it is necessary would have to learn and get tested for the ability, first, but only if you really need it.
So this is basically freeing anyone from school and university system. There are different methods possible how one would qualify and how the society could help. Some people would just want to learn on their own, and then apply for the tests. Others may need help, and could go to the former schools which in part could change to offer courses and personal coaching. The teachers would be in a different place, of helping people to be self-responsible of their learning and assisting them in meeting the exams, being a friend and not being their disciplining authority whom the pupils would have to fear for their judgement also of social behavior. A new kind of authority would have to be established, that is a tester who is able to know if somebody is able of an art or skill or knowledge. I can imagine many people would want to continue like we do today, and would allow them to run schools, but I'd say that children old enough, say like 12 or 14 should be able to be educated about their own decision for their own future of learning, whether they want to stay in such a system, or go for a more free way of learning.
I'm interested in your thoughts on this, and I can myself already see some problems. One is, what about people who deny learning and boycott school because they want their children deluded, like some religious extremists might desire - caring for people also means making sure everyone has the fair chance to educate themselves and that children should not be kept stupid or be lied to about our world. I would want other social instruments that make sure that the children are not left behind and their parents also watched over what they do with them until they may decide for themselves. Another question is, currently school is one big social aspect of most people's lives, their whole childhood and youth is defined by it. Even when it has losers, the love, friendship and stories lived through in school is something many people never forget for their whole life. People need something like this, just I'd want something that has less losers in the end and is more just...something more centered on solidarity and helping each other and the weaker parts of society, than on comparing each other and on one's ability or ego.
This is also a bit personal post for me. In the past I've been school-denier and drop out from higher school, I quit school on my own, because I felt it was breaking me to have to obey mindless rules and rites which I believed were pointless for my whole life. I was not really bullied, but saw many others being bullied and downed for no reason, and I silently suffered with them. In the end I couldn't take it any more, and quit it when I had fulfilled the necessary time for it, eager to now live in freedom and teach myself what I needed to work, I wanted to become a computer programmer. I taught myself, but then soon got too sick to be able to get anywhere with it, and my dreams were destroyed. School was not for me, it broke me down...today like back then I always said, I'd have just needed a computer, the right books and some professionals to set me up on it and teach me to be useful for others with it. Maybe a social club for common knowledge and not to lose faith in humans...but school just broke me down, I wasn't like a social soldier, but autistic, and our school system is thought for a completely different type of human who learns and adapts socially instead of rational and experiential like I prefer.
This is also a matter of being traumatised for me, with heavy symptoms. I have in part also been traumatized by this school system, and I know. I am diagnosed psychosis and currently in rediagnosis - I experience voices of former oppressors and sometimes fantastic stories unfolding in my mind, constantly choking me with what seems like dehumanizing attempts to subdue me with psychologically oppressive methods. One story voices in my head keep showing me is that after quitting school for hating the school system, I was poisoned and cast inside a magic school for discipline, without me knowing and against my will, which I then kept refusing completely due to my faith in Christ... Like I have to experience through these voices as if my former friends had deliberately cursed me and botched up my life, bound me to magic and to a hidden school without my knowledge and manipulated my mind to be completely blocked out by voices and magical vision terror, so I would have to fail any life challenge that I was overloaded with in a set-up for refusing their rules and wanting to go my own way instead. Very evil stories, and this is one trauma that school has done to me, among some others though that have to do with broken trust and exploited feelings in friendship.
Some people may thrive in school, but I didn't, and wish I would have been given a different, more fair and just chance, which would have enabled me to be of much greater use for all humanity than I was in my nearly half century of life time...I take it all with Albert Einstein, who was not seen favorable at school in the beginning and even dropped out in resistance to the strict rules which choked him, but later found support due to his special abilities, had a way interesting job and was left alone with his unique mind and enough stimulation and time to think - he could make something really worthwhile with it. I believe countless people like him who could have done a great merit were just stomped on by our system and left behind by society, and I wish this would stop and people no longer be drilled like soldiers under threat of being disqualified when it's just about finding a friendly place to live in and being a useful member of humanity.
Thanks for reading and your honest opinion on my ideas or any suggestion for further thoughts.
Hello, I want to present some thoughts on our western contemporary school systems. To make it short, I am not a proponent of them, I am for reforming them greatly and disestablishing the current system of forced education for specific ages. Instead I have the vision of an education system where the tests and exams are separated from the learning process, where people can learn in different models at any stage in life to qualify for different fields of expertise. To keep up the social process in society that was defined by school, I dream of replacing it with shared social activity across generations instead, which can be part of learning, but where everyone can chose their own place and where people are not assessed or graded for.
Honestly, our current western school system with classes, grades on all aspects of compliance and final marks and assessment every year in all it's flavors from rigid to liberal originates from experiments during monarchy and the beginning of the previous century. I believe the nature is more to discipline the children, than actually putting the gain in knowledge and ability and the social competence into the foreground.
I'm writing this as a Christian, but don't have the homeschooling movement in mind so much. I believe it's not good to deprive children of knowledge and would want to make sure that children get the support to learn the rules of and the truth about our world in a fair, accessible way. I believe it's a chance of individualizing the learning process and liberating it from social constructs, and while it may help homeschooling parents I want to make clear that in a world where certain common knowledge and basic science modules are mandatory to be known and tested for any higher education, as I envision it, people who refuse to accept it would have little chances to comply to society and really pose a problem that needs to be dealt with somehow.
I am an enemy of our school systems and view them akin to forced child labor and militarization and forced indoctrination of children even in their mild forms. I criticize them mainly because of the injustice of forcing such differently predisposed children and young people into arbitrary social constructs which separate people into winners and losers. I believe it is an oppressive system - true merit of social kind is not really rewarded, but only by strict compliance to arbitrary rules, and performance in complying with the taught disciplines.
One aspect of the school being a mandatory, involuntary process is that of great demotivation. The system tries to brush all children over the same brush, but people are very different, and this sets up most pupils to actually hate our schools at least some of the time of their school career, some hate it completely. Some pupils may be motivated, but honestly, most are not, it's common if you talk to teachers that they complain about it and name it demotivating for themselves. I believe this stress, the involuntary situation, the pressure of being compared with each other according to an arbitrary performance, is what breaks and spoils so many, and builds up steam that some people will systematically direct towards weaker individuals of their groups in school.
All these random pupils come together with weaker pupils of similar age, who are damned to fail these tests. I cannot understand or know, how such a cruel system can exist in our modern society without it being spoken out every day, our state systems force young people into schools where they are obviously bound to be losers and underdogs of the system, their failures being a tough strike to their lives. It is known that so many cannot succeed at the set pace - why must the state force these pupils into the school and into this pace and demands, when it is such a nightmare for so many. Children have to live between hard expectations from side of the teachers which they cannot always fulfill on one side, and the massive peer and other pressure from other frustrated pupils, up to resulting in life-threatening bullying. It's literally the state forcing innocent victims into a hell of abuse and psycho terror every day even under threat of punishments. I believe many people don't belong into these schools, they belong to other places and deserve being given the chance in a different way that is more fair and just for them. Who is bullied in school, is traumatized and should not be forced to go to the same or similar places. I dream of different ways of learning, where children are no longer forced together into groups where they would not want to participate, other than in the mandatory tests/exams.
So I believe this all must be prevented and people freed from a system that was once made and thought to discipline children like soldiers. It's time to free our children and give them the fair and righteous chances they deserve, even later in life when they didn't manage it at first - self responsible and safe from people who would direct their aggression towards them due to peer pressure, safe from being put into situations that they are not made or able for in front of many other persons.
I believe in a system, where there is no more forced school at all, also no school with children grouped according to age other than maybe pre- and elementary school like groups, and a general separation between children, teenagers and adults in learning groups. The tests and exams should be completely independent of age, but only dependent on necessary qualifications. I would want the responsibilities of citizens be decided by their ability to cope with the situation, and this system could be used to reflect it in a proper way. I.e. I'd want even for basic rights like making contracts and going for elections a simple test that makes sure any person of full age is witting and educated of the basics of life, reading, writing, political system, financial and legal aspects of life etc. All further qualifications similar - different modules of common, technical, manual, scientific and special knowledge. If you want to make a qualification for a job, you must first prove qualification for the necessary basic knowledge modules, then for the modules necessary for the job, or stages of responsibility within that job, depending on your knowledge and ability. This could be controlled by state authorities and guilds or other professional groups who define the state of common knowledge in the working and academic domains. All qualifications just go by tests/exams qualifying you as a result, where you can (publicly visible) know beforehand what catalogue of knowledge is required - anyone with the necessary prerequisites should be able to just apply for a test and then go get tested for it, no matter of the previous attempts if just the proper prerequisites are met and the testee has valid prospects of not failing the test. I would greatly try to rethink and revise the catalog of required knowledge for each citizen according to their responsibility, and rather try to involve all citizens in common social activities where they can experience these important things like the values of society and the common state of politics, culture and science without pressure and fear of failure in tests. Rather I'd focus education and learning full on specializing people for their jobs and the requirements thereof, and on involving people into actual real world work situations early on where it is desired, as part of learning.
Different social constructs and learning methods must then evolve, to aid in the attempts of each citizens to qualify for the desired exams. I would for example not think of abolishing schools all together - instead many would want to keep the system, and I'd just try to modify it so it would reflect the corresponding qualifications along the school years, leading to the official tests at certain points. I believe though many people would want more freedom in their learning, kind of similar to the change that Covid brought to many people in regard of home office practices. Some people may think, that children would not learn handling social situations well enough without the school system. But please rethink, that our system has so many losers, the bullied, misfits, dropouts who should have learned it a different way, who didn't even fail out of their own fault but just of inability to comply with the form of authority presented. I rather think, that common social activity should be mandatory for people and also bring people together across generations in real world situations that actually help making people's lives better - where each can choose their field of activity and go to a place where they are not bullied but accepted as they are. The necessary social skills for professional activities, I believe are best to be learnt and qualified like other skills or modules, i.e. in courses and internships for the abilities of teaching or managing groups of pupils or being in leadership positions, dealing with foreigners, children, elderly or disabled people, representing or talking in public etc. So a person applying for a job where it is necessary would have to learn and get tested for the ability, first, but only if you really need it.
So this is basically freeing anyone from school and university system. There are different methods possible how one would qualify and how the society could help. Some people would just want to learn on their own, and then apply for the tests. Others may need help, and could go to the former schools which in part could change to offer courses and personal coaching. The teachers would be in a different place, of helping people to be self-responsible of their learning and assisting them in meeting the exams, being a friend and not being their disciplining authority whom the pupils would have to fear for their judgement also of social behavior. A new kind of authority would have to be established, that is a tester who is able to know if somebody is able of an art or skill or knowledge. I can imagine many people would want to continue like we do today, and would allow them to run schools, but I'd say that children old enough, say like 12 or 14 should be able to be educated about their own decision for their own future of learning, whether they want to stay in such a system, or go for a more free way of learning.
I'm interested in your thoughts on this, and I can myself already see some problems. One is, what about people who deny learning and boycott school because they want their children deluded, like some religious extremists might desire - caring for people also means making sure everyone has the fair chance to educate themselves and that children should not be kept stupid or be lied to about our world. I would want other social instruments that make sure that the children are not left behind and their parents also watched over what they do with them until they may decide for themselves. Another question is, currently school is one big social aspect of most people's lives, their whole childhood and youth is defined by it. Even when it has losers, the love, friendship and stories lived through in school is something many people never forget for their whole life. People need something like this, just I'd want something that has less losers in the end and is more just...something more centered on solidarity and helping each other and the weaker parts of society, than on comparing each other and on one's ability or ego.
This is also a bit personal post for me. In the past I've been school-denier and drop out from higher school, I quit school on my own, because I felt it was breaking me to have to obey mindless rules and rites which I believed were pointless for my whole life. I was not really bullied, but saw many others being bullied and downed for no reason, and I silently suffered with them. In the end I couldn't take it any more, and quit it when I had fulfilled the necessary time for it, eager to now live in freedom and teach myself what I needed to work, I wanted to become a computer programmer. I taught myself, but then soon got too sick to be able to get anywhere with it, and my dreams were destroyed. School was not for me, it broke me down...today like back then I always said, I'd have just needed a computer, the right books and some professionals to set me up on it and teach me to be useful for others with it. Maybe a social club for common knowledge and not to lose faith in humans...but school just broke me down, I wasn't like a social soldier, but autistic, and our school system is thought for a completely different type of human who learns and adapts socially instead of rational and experiential like I prefer.
This is also a matter of being traumatised for me, with heavy symptoms. I have in part also been traumatized by this school system, and I know. I am diagnosed psychosis and currently in rediagnosis - I experience voices of former oppressors and sometimes fantastic stories unfolding in my mind, constantly choking me with what seems like dehumanizing attempts to subdue me with psychologically oppressive methods. One story voices in my head keep showing me is that after quitting school for hating the school system, I was poisoned and cast inside a magic school for discipline, without me knowing and against my will, which I then kept refusing completely due to my faith in Christ... Like I have to experience through these voices as if my former friends had deliberately cursed me and botched up my life, bound me to magic and to a hidden school without my knowledge and manipulated my mind to be completely blocked out by voices and magical vision terror, so I would have to fail any life challenge that I was overloaded with in a set-up for refusing their rules and wanting to go my own way instead. Very evil stories, and this is one trauma that school has done to me, among some others though that have to do with broken trust and exploited feelings in friendship.
Some people may thrive in school, but I didn't, and wish I would have been given a different, more fair and just chance, which would have enabled me to be of much greater use for all humanity than I was in my nearly half century of life time...I take it all with Albert Einstein, who was not seen favorable at school in the beginning and even dropped out in resistance to the strict rules which choked him, but later found support due to his special abilities, had a way interesting job and was left alone with his unique mind and enough stimulation and time to think - he could make something really worthwhile with it. I believe countless people like him who could have done a great merit were just stomped on by our system and left behind by society, and I wish this would stop and people no longer be drilled like soldiers under threat of being disqualified when it's just about finding a friendly place to live in and being a useful member of humanity.
Thanks for reading and your honest opinion on my ideas or any suggestion for further thoughts.
The public school my son went to in California was only closed for a few months, March -> June 2020 but reopened that August so he only missed a few months of in class learning. I'm reading now that some schools were even closed until 2022. What determined how long a school was closed for in person learning?
I would hope that going to a private school meant your chances of getting into a good college increases or at least you have aspirations to do so. For example I live in CA and I want my kids to go to a UC but I don't think they're gonna get into UCLA, Cal, Stanford, or any good school in state. It seems like Cal State's are realistic and I can't help but think if that's the route they're going then why did I waste money having them go to a private school? They could've went to a normal public school and easily gotten in to a Cal State school.
I live in uk and I have a math Test coming up and one of the subjects there is generating sequences , I know this is a bit of a dumb question but I’m not sure if I’m meant to Write down all the numbers of the sequence till I reach the amount or if I just need to repeat one for example if it asked me to generate the 5th sequence of nine do I just right down 45 or do I write down 9,18,27,36,45
Trump has issued two executive orders that could significantly affect K-12 education:
1: Threatening Public School Funding – Schools that the administration claims promote "gender ideology" or "discriminatory equity ideology" may lose federal funding. The 1776 Commission is also reinstated, promoting a government-mandated version of U.S. history.
2: Expanding School Choice – Redirects public funds to private and religious schools, potentially reducing resources for public education.
Official Executive Order:
White House
News Coverage:
NPREducation WeekCNN
These policies could affect curriculum, funding, and student support systems—especially for LGBTQ+ students, students of color, and immigrant families.
Take Action
I’ve drafted a letter for parents to send to their local school districts, state education officials, and policymakers. If you’re concerned about these policies, feel free to use, share, or adapt it.
Letter Template: Google Doc
Even if this doesn’t directly impact your child, it affects the education system as a whole. Protecting public education is a collective responsibility.
Would love to hear others' thoughts!
School systems are getting so desperate to increase math scores, they actually will pay students.
Good move or not?
Many factors can be attributed to why preference to group discussion should be given including fostering a dynamic learning environment that goes beyond passive listening and rote memorization, leading to a deeper understanding of the material and better scores to enhanced understanding and retention
Today I caught my students trying to play ddakji and red light green light like squid games. Now I've seen the show and like it myself but considering their age is from 4-6, that show is highly inappropriate for them. I tried to put a stop to the games and took away their paper squares but the discussion around being the doll from the show and dying after losing a game keeps being an issue. I'm not sure how to go about this issue what i should tell them or do so that this isn't a focus when they play. Just to go on a little tangent I find it crazy that a game like red light green light is now seen as a part of squid games, when I was a kid it had nothing to do with that but now the students make that connection and a lot of them think it's from squid games no that it is a children's game.
I'm currently looking at applying to university for a Master's degree (my bachelor's is in Japanese). I'm just wondering if anyone post- higher education is able to gauge for me whether International Trade or Communication/Translation will be more valuable in the job hunt? What degree is more valuable or flexible?
I'm currently leaning toward Translation as it has definitely held my interest for many years but I fear with my perceived ability +the increase in AI translation recently that bottlenecking my way through a Masters in Translation may be a death sentence job wise. However, I don't really know the first thing about business or trade.
Any thoughts? Anything helps!
At my wife's school, they don't even get a contract available to sign until like DECEMBER. Thankfully it is retroactive back to beginning of the school year and they get a bonus on their check in Jan.
They just kind of roll their eyes as they're [unfortunately] used to it, and they see little point in complaining. So they just joke about not knowing how much they're going to get paid this year until halfway through.
But I'm curious if this is a common thing across districts and states, or if this is somehow unique to their district.
Young teachers need to complete a mentoring program to hold a teaching license. Due to a lack of funding, some teachers mentor for free or districts have to cover the cost.
To read more click here.
Young teachers need to complete a mentoring program to hold a teaching license. Due to a lack of funding, some teachers mentor for free or districts have to cover the cost.
To read more click here.
Here are slides to help inform students about their rights and responsibilities when they have contact with law enforcement….law enforcement like ICE for example.
The slides were created for middle schoolers with a large population of ELLs and reflect the law in California. So you should probably copy and edit accordingly if you use them for your students
Hello everyone!
My team and I are developing a new platform (and eventually, an app!) designed to transform the way kids learn and practice their skills, all while making life easier for teachers and parents.
Imagine this: A website where AI takes over the tedious tasks of creating unique practice questions and grading them, freeing up valuable time for educators and parents. That's what we're building!
Here's how it works:
Our platform uses advanced AI to:
Automatically generate personalized questions: Teachers and parents can specify the subject, difficulty level, and even the learning style, and our AI will create engaging questions tailored to each student's needs. No more spending hours creating worksheets!
Instantly grade assignments and provide feedback: The AI will analyze student responses, providing immediate feedback and identifying areas where they excel and where they need more practice.
Track student progress and performance: Detailed performance metrics are tracked over time, giving teachers and parents a clear picture of a child's learning journey. This allows for targeted intervention and support.
Separate Accounts and Classroom Functions: We offer separate accounts for teachers, parents, and kids, ensuring privacy and a tailored experience. Teachers can even create virtual classrooms, assign simultaneous tests, and manage their entire class through the platform.
Benefits for everyone:
Teachers: Reclaim your time! Focus on teaching and providing individual attention instead of being bogged down by administrative tasks.
Parents: Gain valuable insights into your child's learning and support their academic growth with personalized practice.
Kids: Enjoy a fun and engaging learning experience with tailored questions and instant feedback that helps them learn and grow.
We're seeking your valuable feedback!
We're passionate about creating a tool that truly empowers the learning community. We want to hear your thoughts, ideas, and concerns to make this platform the best it can be.
What are your biggest challenges when it comes to helping kids practice their skills?
What features would be most valuable to you as a teacher or parent?
What are your thoughts about AI in education?
Are there any potential downsides or concerns you see with this type of platform?
Any suggestions on what to name this project?
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated! We believe that by working together, we can create a powerful tool that revolutionizes learning for the next generation.
Thanks in advance for your participation!
My CGPA upon graduation from my Economics bachelors will probably be around 3.1 Btw the masters in econ wouldnt cost me money its fully funded and its 1 year program... would that be a good idea ? Would it help my application?
With my Colombian kindergarten students and a class of American kindergarteners, we are going to do a sort of language exchange over the next 4 months. We need a platform where they can download videos and pictures and be able to share with a partner. Ideally it will be easy to navigate for 5- & 6-year-olds. We don't want to do Canva or Google slides, as we want something the students can take more ownership of and with those programs the teachers would be held more responsible to put things together. It also needs to be free. ANY ideas are welcome! Thanks in advanced!!
This school district wrote a solid plan to avoid disruptions from immigration enforcement -
Last year, I was a senior in highschool. I was incredibly burnt out because of Dual Enrollment classes and college applications. Got into the top 5 schools in Virginia and let fafsa decide where I got to go to. I went to my least favorite school out of all of them because it had a very good curriculum and was financially feasible. I had tons of friends, but the academics were too rigorous and stress inducing for me. I basically had a mental collapse. My previous diagnosis of General Anxiety Disorder had never been treated with medicine, and it turned out I had severe anxiety especially related to school. I started on anti-depressants and was allergic or had side effects to every one. I decided it would be best for me to transfer to a college near my home (30 mins) to get medical treatment for my mental health. While my classes have been going great so far and I am really enjoying them, the roommate situation has not. My roommate is up and down all night and I cannot stay asleep and does other things, but I don't want to dwell. Eventually I asked my dad if I could stay at home until I get a medical accommodation for a single room. He insisted on me getting a single so I could develop into a normal college student. When I got into the dorm tonight, my roommate was playing her videos through a speaker and my earplugs could not block it out. I called my dad to maybe get the ok to sleep at home. I was yelled at over the (which I understand why he is frustrated) and then told to sleep at home. With everything that had happened, I am really considering all of my options for gaining independence. I don't know if I should transfer to a school away from home for fall 2025 or if I should get another job (I already work 20 hours a week) to become financially independent. I really don't know how to mature and not need my dad. Any advice is welcome. (I grew up with a very good home life and parents that supported me in everything I did, so I'm finding it difficult navigating through life as an adult)
Members of reddit,
Does anyone here actively work on promoting energy efficiency or sustainability in schools? This could either be through a committee, club, or whether this is a main focus of your position.
If so, would you be willing to have an offline conversation about it? It's a space that I'm interested in, but education would be a new setting for me. I am hoping to learn about some of the challenges and barriers associated with this line of work.
Bonus points if you also happen to be in Minnesota.
Thank you all!
We all know data is currently more valuable than coal.
How much data and information does the department of education automatically use or steal for “educational purposes” illegally?
What checks or balances does the department of education have?
They do not respect copyright laws They do not respect Private property laws They do not respect Constitutional laws They do not respect International human rights laws They do not respect World intellectual property organizations rights laws
Unfair ain’t a strong enough word!
“In our class discussion someone pointed out that a powerful white male had given a similar talk but he was not given negative, disdainful, verbal feedback. It was not that listeners agreed with what he said; it was that they believed he had a right to state his viewpoint.
“Often individual black people and/or people of color are in settings where we are the only colored person present. In such settings unenlightened white folks often behave toward us as though we are the guests and they the hosts. They act as though our presence is less a function of our skill, aptitude, genius, and more the outcome of philanthropic charity. Thinking this way, they see our presence as functioning primarily as a testament to their largesse; it tells the world they are not racist. Yet the very notion that we are there to serve them is itself an expression of white-supremacist thinking. At the core of white-supremacist thinking in the United States and elsewhere is the assumption that it is natural for the inferior races (darker people) to serve the superior races (in societies where there is no white presence, lighter-skinned people should be served by darker-skinned people).
“Embedded in this notion of service is that no matter what the status of the person of color, that position must be reconfigured to the greater good of whiteness. This was an aspect of white-supremacist thinking that made the call for racial integration and diversity acceptable to many white folks. To them, integration meant having access to people of color who would either spice up their lives (the form of service we might call the ‘PERFORMANCE OF EXOTICA’) or provide them with the necessary tools to continue their race-based dominance. For example: the college students from privileged white homes who go to the third world to learn Spanish or Swahili for ‘fun,’ except that it neatly fits later that this skill helps them when they are seeking employment.
“Time and time again in classes, white students who were preparing to study or live briefly in a non-white country talk about the people in these countries as though they existed merely to enhance white adventure. Truly, their vision was not unlike that of the message white kids received from watching the racist television show Tarzan (‘go native and enhance your life’). The beat poet Jack Kerouac expressed his sentiments in the language of cool: ‘The best the white world had offered was not enough ecstasy for me.’
“Just as many unaware whites, often liberal, saw and see their interactions with people of color via affirmative action as an investment that will improve their lives, even enhance their organic superiority. Many people of color, schooled in the art of internalized white-supremacist thinking, shared this assumption.
“Chinese writer Anchee Min captures the essence of this worship of whiteness beautifully in Katherine, a novel about a young white teacher coming to China, armed with seductive cultural imperialism. Describing to one of her pupils her perception that the Chinese are a cruel people (certainly this was a popular racist stereotype in pre-twentieth century America), she incites admiration in her Chinese pupil, who confesses: ‘Her way of thinking touched me. It was something I had forgotten or maybe had never known. She unfolded the petals of my dry heart. A flower I did not know existed began to bloom inside me […]. Katherine stretched my life beyond its own circumstance. It was the kind of purity she preserved that moved me.’
“The white woman as symbol of purity continues to dominate racist imaginations globally. In the United States, Hollywood continues to project this image, using it to affirm and reaffirm the power of white supremacy.”
bell hooks “Teaching Community” 3. Talking Race and Racism pp. 33,34