
Photograph via //r/ArtEd

🎨 A community for Art Teachers to share lessons, strategies, student artwork, seek advice, and support each other in the field of Art Education! 😃 Let’s make Reddit more colorful!

🎨 A community for Art Teachers to share lessons, strategies, student artwork, seek advice, and support each other in the field of Art Education! 😃 Let’s make Reddit more colorful!

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White watercolor?

I teach elementary art and I have BOXES of prang white watercolor pots. No use for them. Anyone have any fun or bright ideas? I know I could use them to teach tones tints and shades but I only have liquid black and I’d prefer not to deal with both of them.

14:34 UTC


Rats and paper mache

My school has a bad rat problem that recently got much worse. My 3D class is making big paper mache projects for a haunted hallway happening right before Halloween, and for our school play happening later this year. I've put the flower in a plastic bin to protect it. Over the weekend several old paper mache projects got recked by rat's eating them. They pooped all over where I keep my cardboard.

I don't know if trashing the contaminated cardboard and finding a really strong sealant for finished work is enough or if I should give up on the haunted hallway and have students ditch work that may have been contaminated before I realized it. The masks weren't eaten before the weekend, they were up with the cardboard, after they were eaten I got on a step stool to look at the extended damage and found lots of rat poop. (Rat poop can carry deadly hunta virus)

What do ya'll think? Are there really strong sealants I should consider, and how much of the work and materials should we be weary of? Obviously the curent cardboard pile should not be used it's contaminated.

12:52 UTC


Can someone walk me through what your clay unit looks like?

We are starting clay next week and I’m feeling a bit intimidated! I have 7th and 8th graders. My plan is to start by reviewing the fundamentals of clay, types of sculpting, tools, and clean up/safety expectations. I’m going to post the review on Google Classroom and then have kids take a correlating quiz (required to work with clay).

But after that… do I just jump right in? Do we start with projects? Or should they have at least 1 class just practicing building things with clay?

Once we start our projects (Tic-Tac-Toe boards for 8th grade and Dragon Eyes for 7th), how much time should I expect on building and glazing?

I bought a few lesson plans but a lot of them seem to be lacking a genuine timeline so I’m just struggling to grasp what the day to day looks like of clay! I have 6 classes, I see them all 4 days a week - with 2 of those days being 45 minute classes and the other 2 being 75 minutes.

01:21 UTC



Hi everyone, first year art teacher (24F), I teach middle schoolers in FL. I need to pass the FTCE by April, and probably need to get started on studying and testing now.

Have any of you used a study guide resource/book for the subject area exam? Any tips would be helpful :) TIA

17:12 UTC


How do I get an art teacher to teach me one on one to draw? Specifically a mangaka.

07:08 UTC


Non Public School Experiences as Art Educators?

Hi All-- Am wondering if anyone here teaches (or taught if it's past) in a private school, and/or a non-traditional school like a center, and what it's like for you.

What is your curriculum like, and is it given to you pre set or do you create it? What is your relationship to your admin/people running the school? Do you have autonomy, or are things run in a way that are very managed? Does anyone here work in a small environment, and/or, have any situations that may not intentionally be click ish? Lastly, does anyone have the experience of not infrequent group or individual texting by highers up, and/or navigating being sm friends with admin and/or coworkers?

Would love to hear people's experiences. Thanks for reading.

23:50 UTC


National Art Honor Society (high school)

Hello! I am a high school art teacher who has some questions about how other schools are running NAHS.

We (me and the ceramics teacher) currently prioritize seniors joining the group and doing their volunteer hours. That way at the end of the year seniors pay their dues and get their special NAHS graduation cord.

However I have students in other grade levels wanting to join and I'm just not sure how volunteer hours should work for underclassmen. Curious if anyone else runs NAHS and has expectations set differently for different grade levels?

Looking for feedback, thanks friends!

19:44 UTC


Grants for art teachers post-Hurricane Helene

Hi everyone. I teach at a k-12 school just outside of Asheville, NC, and during the hurricane we lost our entire k-4 building, including the art room and everything that was in it.

I teach middle and high, so I’ve still got my room and supplies, but my colleague who teaches k-4 has lost 15 years of materials and has to start again from zero.

Does anyone know of any orgs who would donate art supplies to our k-4 teacher who lost it all? Or grants that we can apply for? I’m sure we’re not the only art department that was effected.


20:51 UTC



Is a membership with naea worth it?

20:47 UTC


Need help salvaging a collagraph project!

First year primary school art teacher here.

We have a whole school carnival coming up and I am working on creating a whole school art project to display alongside all of the students works.

I decided to do printmaking / collagraphs with all students printing onto a large landscape, with the prep/1/2 students doing natural collagraphs by adhering leaves and small twigs to a cardboard plate which I was then going to print onto a painted background. The older students are creating insects and wildlife.

My test prints for the creatures using cut out cardboard work just fine, however, I have run into a large problem after testing my own printing of the foliage.

The leaves just do not stamp well. The variation in the height of the glued down parts makes nothing print correctly and am barely getting any texture from the leaves even if I press the paper directly onto the collagraph, making sure I really squash the paper into the paper.

The page they were going to print on is very large and seems impractical to try and print 60+ collagraphs with the paper facing downwards, and I really wanted the students to be able to do the printing onto the sheet themselves but using it like a stamp just doesn't seem possible.

I am hoping that someone here might have an idea for how I can salvage this project with another way I can use their collagraphs.

The only idea I have so far is printing onto individual pieces of brown and green paper and then cutting these out to glue onto the larger piece, however this may look terrible and out of place once the older students print onto it. Also, the very young students don't quite have much dexterity.

At this point the only thing I can think of is to kind of do it myself and also 'cheat' a bit by getting some extra leaves and bits myself and adding to it after the students have printed their works onto the page.

Any and all ideas are appreciated as I really don't want their efforts so far to go to waste!

thank you

01:32 UTC


Principle of Balance Lessons/Activities?

I’m currently teaching a unit on shape and balance (high school). We just finished the shape half and we’ll be moving onto balance next. During this half of the unit I will have an evaluation! Curious to hear about any successful/engaging balance activities other teachers have done.

22:20 UTC


What supplies to buy

Hello, I am a middle school teacher! I have a little over 500 students and I was recently giving a budget of 2800. It’s hard for me to think more than a week of head. All we have in the classroom is paper, crayons, erasers, markers, and paint brushes. No kiln. What should I be buying?

21:57 UTC


Gimmie advice

Okay so,

Always been wanting to become an Art teacher. Long story short, did not pursue and obtained a bachelor's in Biology.

Not in school but I've been subbing for my local elementary school and fell in love with the art class and students. This is the exact vibe I've been looking for.

I'm in NC, have a biology degree, graduated from ECU. How do I go about becoming an elementary art teacher?

Please be kind 🫶🏼

18:08 UTC


Not sure if want to take the job

Hello! This is kind of me just rambling and wanting opinions from people working/have worked in art ed. For background, I'm 24, I have an unrelated degree and I illustrate on the side. I've been a long-term sub for high school art (4 months, made my own lesson plans with 0 experience in education and got through it) and have subbed at the elementary in pretty much all grades and subjects, although I only subbed for art once. Don't have a formal education in art or education.

Recently the elementary (K-7th) asked if I could long-term sub for art for them, and made it seem like if I requested it, it could be a long-term thing where they will help get me certified as I work there and guarantee me a spot as their art teacher once I have all of the requirements.

I'm grateful for the opportunity, but I'm on the fence.

After a year of subbing I thought I wouldn't do public education again. I love art, and the kids loved me when I subbed for them, but after each day I was always thinking "never again". I'm pretty awkward, I hated having to yell on top of a room full of unfocused 3rd graders to get their attention, 7th graders throwing crap around breaking things, etc. I know that's just par for the course but having to deal with that every day might drive me insane. That could've just been because I was completely new to ed, knew nothing about classroom management, and they had me subbing all subjects. They did say they could work something out where I get extra support for a bit while I get the hang of things better, but I'm afraid that would realistically mean "a para who should be in a classroom that has more difficult kids has to now be in your classroom because you're inexperienced and want help".

I love the thought of a 50k+ salary doing arts and crafts with kids, but I feel like I could get that salary or better if I keep trying to find what I really want to do with my life. I've been building the skills to WFH running a business while freelancing and working a part time job. But if I keep doing that then I don't get benefits, and tbh it's going very slowly and the extra income would be nice. I feel like this job would be something I do "in the meantime" while I work towards something else. I've never had the strong desire to be a teacher, this is just where I've ended up because I have no idea what I want to do, I just love art and the nearby school ended up needing someone like me. I'd feel bad if I took the job on the premise that they'll hire me long-term, but then end up leaving after a year hating it, and then them having to find someone else all over again.

The elementary school had its ups and downs, but they really do have their crap together when it comes to phone policy. The art room itself wasn't bad at all. It's a low-income district but it seemed like they treat the arts well based on the year I've been there, although it's probably best to get the past art teacher's opinions on that. There have been a few art teachers in and out in the past 5 years which is a bit of a red flag potentially.

I appreciate anyone who took the time to read this! TLDR I'm young and have no idea what I'm doing and not really sure if I want to be an ES art teacher or keep looking for better opportunities.

13:57 UTC


Students destroying supplies

My students completely destroy any and all supplies. Im about at the end of my rope with my super limited supplies.

Breaking rulers, snapping pencils, crushing oil pastels… by the time I get to my 6th period i can barely cary on with the assignment, let alone return to it the next day.

Beyond that the behavior of kids is just awful. Nothing like I’ve ever experienced.

Considering just giving each student a pack of crayons and telling them they are responsible for them and if they lose them or destroy them, thats their loss.

09:56 UTC


Last day before fall break

I am desperate DESPERATE I want something fun for my middle and high school art students to do the last day of class before fall break

1 Comment
20:40 UTC


4-5 year olds can’t finish the class

I teach art in the evenings to kids from an artist run center. I have a class from 17:00-18:00pm (we live in Europe so our big meal is at 2pm and then 7pm). The kids I teach are 4-5 years old, and the 4 year olds can’t really focus for more than 30-35 minutes. The youngest stops at the 35 minute mark and says I’m done, I want my mommy. Then the other kids all start to emulate her, and I cannot get them to continue the project, or get them under control.

They then proceed to see their moms outside at the playground across the street and they start coming over to grab them at around 5:50. One mom became cross with me and said, what time is class actually finished because it’s not even 6 yet and all the kids are gone! (It was 5:53). I don’t know how to handle this situation. Any advice?

18:55 UTC


Missing student artwork?

So this is my first year teaching, and I have 7th/8th graders. On one of my first weeks, a girls painting went missing. We have now completed a printmaking project and three different students are missing their prints and I watched them make the prints in class but they are no where to be found. I also noticed today that some seating chart pages I had printed out are missing.

I’ve struggled with adhd my whole life so my first reaction is to blame myself, but I try very hard to keep the art room organized and all student art separated by class and type.

Has anyone had this happen? What do you do for the kids whose work is missing? Have them do it again?

Im just feeling kinda defeated right now and feel bad making kids do double the work.

There are three days a week that after school clubs use my room. My only conclusion is that someone has taken it after school when I’m not here. But I don’t see why that would be happening?

Really just trying to see if this is something that happens often or if I’m alone in this scenario.

18:07 UTC


Need Help Lesson Planning


I'm a senior in high school and am student teaching with my art teacher as a part of the future teacher program I'm in.


Next week, my mentor teacher wants me to help him co-plan and co-teach a lesson on watercolor and ink. The class has already done a watercolor project and is currently doing an ink project. So, I'm looking for ideas/inspiration for a watercolor and ink project for a high school art class.

17:36 UTC


Senior struggling with that first lesson

Hello! I'm in the final year of my art education degree and I'm working with a CT in a middle school and trying to do my unit plan, my CT runs more choice-based lessons which isn't possible with my lesson, and the students just aren't participating as they used to. For my class, it's a lot more traditional lesson but my CT allows students to do whatever they want as long as they are creating art. So in comparison, my lessons are boring and strict and they just don't mesh with it even with me allowing them to branch out and include their interests (anime, Sanrio, etc.). Seems like students who enjoy art and are more advanced are having a blast learning more intricate lessons but that's a small portion of the class so as a whole, it just feels like I'm not teaching it in a way that the other students can learn no matter how many times I reteach it. I know it's my first time but if anyone has any suggestions or words of wisdom it's VERY appreciated.

16:22 UTC


Transitioning to Teaching Graphic Design with a BSc in Printing

Hello everyone,

I'm looking for some guidance regarding a career transition and further education path. Here's a bit about my background:

I have about 10 years of experience working as a graphic designer, and now I'm considering moving into teaching or becoming a lecturer in the field of graphic design. My goal is to teach at the university level or possibly become a research assistant.

My bachelor's degree is in teacher training in printing, which has given me a solid foundation in technical and practical skills. However, I'm wondering if pursuing an MFA (Master of Fine Arts) abroad, most likely in Europe, would be the right step to help me transition into teaching graphic design.

I'm unsure if my background in printing and my professional design experience are sufficient to make this move or if an MFA is necessary for teaching graphic design at the university level. I’d love to hear your thoughts or advice on whether this is the correct path, or if there are alternative steps I should consider.

Any insights or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you

13:32 UTC


Sta Flo discontinued ... alternatives?

I've been using Sta Flo for years for sculpture projects and was super bummed to see it discontinued. Does anyone has another alternative that requires little to no preparation like Sta Flo?

02:49 UTC


In what order would you color the mural?

We have sketched out a mountain landscape on a 10 foot long sheet of stiff card. Students will each add little drawings to the mountains (cows, people, etc). Should we somehow (ideas?!) color the background before they color in their details? Or details before the background?

16:14 UTC


How the heck do I teach kids with autism how to draw?

Hi friends, HS teacher in Texas here. Still technically my first year as I started last school year in the second semester. Started off this school year and established my own boundaries and procedures and everything is going great! I feel much more confident as both an artist and an educator. However, I'm still struggling with students who are in my advanced classes but their skills don't reflect that. I'm not a harsh grader at all, but some of these kids are not doing the bare minimum or showing that they understand the concepts I'm teaching them.

It mainly has to do with the poor craftsmanship and lack of ability with my kids with autism. I know autism presents differently for everybody, but I have 3 in the same class who all draw like 2nd graders. I know I can't magically teach them to be da Vincis, but surely if they are in their third year of art, they should at least not be drawing cartoon flowers or trees?

Does anyone have advice on how to teach these concepts better? I'm trying to prepare them for AP Art. Currently I'm struggling with teaching space/depth and one point perspective to my kids who don't seem to understand beyond slight overlapping, even though I taught them atmospheric perspective which they seemed to understand.

I just feel frustrated that my methods aren't getting through and I'm not seeing the results I want from them. How can I make sure to accomodate to their skill levels while still making sure they learn and reproduce the techniques I'm looking for?

Also none of them have accomodations for electives; most/all of their accomodations are things like calculator use or oral admin of tests, i.e. nothing that applies or is helpful to me.

14:42 UTC


Tempera cakes on Bulletin board paper ???

Has anyone done this before for a large collaborative mural would it work or would it be too wet ?

13:16 UTC


Tempera Paint Brand Europe

I teach art to children after school at an artist-run school. The children are mostly 4-6 and I’ve been using tempera paints because they are washable, but the brand I bought was pretty horrible. I’m looking to replace them with a better quality paint . Does anyone have any experience with any of these brands?

-Jovi -Giotto -Primo -Lefranc -Artist & Co -Carioca

They are all similarity priced. Thanks 🙏

02:47 UTC


Film Suggestions

I would like to have students view a film about an artist for Hispanic heritage month. There are so many great Latino y Hispano artists out there to share with students! Anyone have suggestions?

It also has to be appropriate for 6-8 middle schoolers. I know it may be a stretch but your help would be invaluable! TIA, from a first year art teacher!

18:55 UTC


Building our own “Pinterest” ? Am I crazy? Ideas?

Hello, hello!! Tech fairy here. I miss the old Pinterest, and we all know how the ads and stuff ruined everything. The alternatives out there haven't really clicked with me, also I'm the person who still misses polyvore. so l thought... maybe I could make something myself? Of course, it won't be as pretty or as practical as Pinterest is now, but we've got to start somewhere, right? I was thinking about listings with pictures by categories. Something like if a board was a list (because that's easier for me to build), like little magazine articles that we could share with friends or just keep for ourselves. Is it worth it? Would you test it? Am I just crazy? Ideas??????

15:48 UTC


This is going to sound stupid…

I know this sounds dumb but how to you teach drawing? I’m new and struggling to get my kids effectively sketching. We do stuff like blocking in and loose gestural drawing of sketches before starting on our actual drawing. Idk I struggle with getting the students where I’m wanting to get them😥

02:45 UTC

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