
Photograph via snooOG

A community of Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), Speech Therapists (STs), Speech-Language Therapists (SLTs), Clinical Fellowship Clinicians (SLP-CFs), Speech-Language Pathology Assistants (SLPAs), graduate clinicians and students. We discuss ideas, stories, information, and give general advice through our personal experience and research.

Please join /r/SLPGradSchool for pre-graduate school and graduate school related discussion.

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A community of Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), Speech Therapists (STs), Speech-Language Therapists (SLTs), Clinical Fellowship Clinicians (SLP-CFs), Speech-Language Pathology Assistants (SLPAs), graduate students, graduate clinicians, and undergraduate students. We discuss therapy ideas, share stories, share informative links, and give general advice through our personal experience and research.

Speech-Language Pathologists, sometimes called speech therapists, assess, diagnose, treat, and help to prevent communication and swallowing disorders in patients. Speech, language, and swallowing disorders result from a variety of causes such as a stroke, brain injury, hearing loss, developmental delay, a cleft palate, cerebral palsy, or emotional problems.

Speech-language pathologists work with patients who have problems with speech, such as being unable to speak at all or speaking with difficulty, or with rhythm and fluency, such as stuttering. They may work with those who are unable to understand language or with people who have voice disorders, such as inappropriate pitch or a harsh voice. Find out more about SLPs here and here.

If you have a speech or language concern, please contact your local speech therapist. You can find a therapist in your area using ASHA's Professional Finder. Speech pathologists can talk about language, development, and the field in general, but they cannot diagnose or treat in this subreddit.

Feeling burn out or job stress? Consider talking to a mental health professional or researching strategies for anxiety, stress, and depression. Just as we cannot diagnose/treat speech and language disorders in this subereddit, we can only offer support, not true mental health counseling. * NIMH: National Institute of Mental Health * NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness

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caramelcashew is a Speech-Language Pathologist who has worked in 8 schools in 3 states over the last 3 years. Ask Her Anything.

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Credit goes to /u/taximes for our logo.

Credit goes to /u/stophauntingme for our subreddit design.


49,191 Subscribers


What’s the funniest GLP phrase you’ve heard?

Mine is currently Getting into an elevator “It’s not delivery it’s DiGiorno!”

03:55 UTC


What certification would be most beneficial?

Hello there! AZ SLP here, I just finished my CCC’s and am at a private practice that wants me to eventually in time become certified in Myofunctional therapy, DIRFloortime, or gestalt. I work in a clinic that treats both children and adults currently and will get a raise for any I choose. Which one would you say carries over into most settings or would be most beneficial to have on your resume? Thank you in advance!

22:35 UTC


Who does everyone use for professional liability insurance?

22:06 UTC


Did grad school leave anyone else burned out/traumatized before they even began their career?

I'm about to start my CF and am excited but nervous! I'm mostly terrified of being bullied like I was in graduate school. My medical conditions were visible to others and I had supervisors and professors treat me like I was incompetent and some were even openly angry that they weren't allowed to fail me simply because they felt like it. What's worse is that some of the girls in my cohort joined in, rolling their eyes at me everytime I spoke in class. I won't lie, it broke me a bit to see those same classmates get rewarded for their bad behavior. They went on to win the awards at graduation (I know those awards are pretty meaningless though) and I was left completely burnt out.

I think something about watching those entrusted with society's most vulnerable people bully a peer with disabilities really got to me. I don't want to carry those feelings into my new environment, but I don't know how to let it go. I just feel like I can't unsee those things.

Did anyone else deal with something similar?

16:36 UTC


Mindset shift working in the schools

I am having the absolute worst Sunday scaries going into this school year. My school situation isn’t perfect (charter middle school) but I’ve waited too long to look for another option so I have to make it through this year. Does anyone have any mindset shifts or mantras to not let the little stuff bother me? I tend to stress over every little thing, take work home, over plan my sessions and overall just think about work all the time. But I cannot live like that this year and I really want to not let it affect my life outside of work 🥹

16:18 UTC


Courses to boost resume for med SLP/dysphagia job opportunities

Hello! I'm in early intervention/school as a CF and have hit a wall in terms of what I can get out of this job. I am in no way passionate about education, so this is truly not the right setting for me. I've always been passionate about dysphagia and I really would like to find a job that primarily focuses on dysphagia. Didn't get a medical placement in grad school unfortunately and never heard back from any medical jobs I applied to previously for CF, so I need help getting noticed and becoming more of a competitive candidate.

I've been considering doing an in-person FEES training but I've read this may not totally boost your resume unless you're in a facility that does FEES. I love FEES though, so I'm considering doing it anyway. But if any of you would recommend taking other courses in lieu of this, I can certainly do that instead. Some other courses I've considered include Northern Speech Services such as Dysphagia and Free Water Protocols and Oral Hygiene for SLPs. That site also has a few more that I think may be beneficial.

I would eventually like to get a BCS, as this is my primary area of interest, so any guidance is appreciated.

16:03 UTC


Applying for C’s and CEU

I’m currently a clinical fellow and just have a few questions regarding all the applications/memberships through ASHA. As a CF, do I need to hold an ASHA membership in order to apply for my C’s? Does holding an ASHA membership make me more valuable as a clinician? I know most places after your CF will require you to have CCC’s, which is different from being an ASHA member. Also at what point in my CF do I apply for my C’s? And last question, do I need to have a certain amount of CEU’s as a CF or is that a requirement for after I have my C’s/if I’m an ASHA member? I know there is controversy with ASHA atm but I’m just looking for honest answers to my questions! Thanks!

15:16 UTC


How did having a child change you as an SLP?

I don’t have any children of my own, but my partner and I are trying. How did you change as a pediatric SLP after having kids? Just curious! :)

14:01 UTC


Why are SLPs paid so poorly in Florida?

Especially with COL being so high.

05:37 UTC


I have finally lived longer than my parent. It scary, beautiful, terrifying, impressive, lonely and yet so very important to who I am and wherever I go from here.

Today I turned 48. Longer than my father and best friend lived. I have always lived in fear and terror of what life would be like for me. Can I do it, am I worthy of it. What sort of life will I have and can I expect of it. I am so grateful to break this familial "curse" I love my father so deeply. I want to live, to see what I can give, geriatric or not. I need to believe life can flourish in any capacity no matter the Barbs. I hope I am not a fool.

1 Comment
04:42 UTC


What would you do?

I’m currently a school-based SLP going into my 3rd year. I was offered $63,615 base pay + $2,000 stipend for having my CCCs. I also serve as Case Manager for one of my schools and receive a $1,500 stipend for that. All together, I’m looking at $67,115 for the year.

I also work at a private practice part time for 6 hours/week and make $40/hour, which comes out to ~$11,520 if I work every week (which I don’t, but I also pick up some shift so I think it kind of evens out). There was no financial hardship that led me to start working there, I just wanted to get more experience in other settings. I like that I’ve learned more medical terminology, different “lingo”, and different treatment methods.

Anyway, I’ve been at PP for about a year, and don’t really like the “corporate” feeling atmosphere. I also don’t like that it’s so..money driven for lack of better words. You don’t get to make your own schedule and when you’re there, you’re WORKING. The only downtime they get is if a patient cancels or they have a lunch break. What I do like however, is the pay. Their starting salary for CFs more than my salary now (about $75,000ish). I also have a friend who has the same amount of experience as I do who recently started working at a different PP where her base pay was >$90,000. They also get a bonus for certification/CEUs, a sign-on bonus, and she’s getting another bonus because she’s bilingual. So she’s looking at about $110,000 for the year.

So basically, I’m losing out on A LOT of money by staying at school. However, I make my own schedule, my caseload isn’t really crazy, I don’t have to treat if I don’t feel like it (however IEP service minutes are ALWAYS delivered by the end of the month), I don’t have to work over the summer, and I really enjoy the work. It has its setbacks, but I do really like the environment. I would be interested in pursuing more leadership roles at school, but a lot of them aren’t applicable to me because I’m not a SPED teacher and/or don’t have any classroom teaching experience. I think I’d be a good leader, as I’m a great Case Manager, but it just doesn’t seem like there’s a role that would fit my credentials outside of an SLP. It just feels like I want to serve in a higher capacity, but I’m stuck. I should also mention, another perk of working in school is the PSLF, which wouldn’t be applicable working at any PP or other settings in my area as far as I know.

I know comparison is the thief of joy, but sometimes I wonder if I should ditch school and follow the money? I’m wondering if anyone who’s been in my situation or has worked in both settings can provide any insight as to what they would do. Anything you can share would be greatly appreciated because I’m not sure what to do.

03:57 UTC


AAC and Tablet Games

I have a child who I purchased a tablet for and pay for CoughDrop on. They've had a traditional AAC in the past under the guidance of an SLP and BCBA. They were making great progress on it but it unfortunately broke during one of they're tantrums. We can't get another one right away and I don't want to take that ease of communication away from them so I bought the tablet. They downloaded games and played them in their spare time but recently they've only wanted to use it for games and gets upset if I switch to CoughDrop. The BCBA recommends it only be programmed for CD but I think if we can get back to where they only used games during their spare time it would be fine. Wondering what others think or experiences are?

1 Comment
03:42 UTC


Switching to Speech Pathology as a Career (Australia)

How are speechies finding their job. I am currently an ECT and looking into studying a masters of speech pathology. Is it worth switching to and is the work life balance good.

02:31 UTC


SLPs who stutter

I’ve read the other posts about SLPs who stutter but didn’t find what I’m looking for.

I have a CSD student who stutters. I’m looking at how I can support this student through their SLP training. Initially the student will be in the university clinic so that is a very insulated experience, but they will eventually have off campus placements, and a non university supervisor.

I want to preface this that I am writing from a place learning and am not trying to come off as ableist and offend anyone. Please approach this with grace as I really am trying to support this student and give them the tools to advocate and be a great SLP.

How do you as an SLP educate patients/clients/families that you are able to perform the job? Do clients/families demand different SLPs or walk out of the session? How do you handle that?

Are there any accommodations that your employer and you have come up with? (Lower productivity, being excused from presentations or iep meetings, presenting everything written, etc?)

Have you found a certain setting that is more accommodating and accepting than others?

01:43 UTC


SLP-A yearly salary working in a clinic

Is it possible to make as high as say, 80,000 a year if working 40 hours a week in a clinic setting (therefore working summers) in some states? What was your yearly salary as an slp-a?

01:37 UTC


Apps for iPad

New CF working in a peds clinic. I recently bought an iPad and was wondering what apps are good for speech sound disorders, receptive/expressive language, and social communication.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

00:04 UTC


Therapy help

I’ve been working in acute care/inpatient rehab for a month for my CFY and struggle with finding therapy activities. Would appreciate anyone and everyone sharing any go to therapy activities for a wide variety of patients! I know I’m new and learning but just having a lot of challenges planning, cueing, and providing feedback and appreciate any support. I haven’t gotten negative feedback from my supervisor but I just feel like I don’t know how to do therapy😅

1 Comment
23:58 UTC


Can anyone that lives in CT share their pay?

I graduate next year and I’m just curious on what to expect. (I live in the Fairfield County area)

23:03 UTC


Texas PreK Lang Assessment retest

I applied for PreK for my daughter based on ESL. Based on the language assessment she did not get admission. But I have concerns as my son went through the same. He had to join PreK when he was eligible for Kindergarten because of language/speech delay. (Based on my request they did language assessment and he got admitted to PreK though he was eligible.)

My daughter is often influenced by my son and hence my special concern. She is going to a Montessori for past 2 years and still couldnt make friends. Also, just recently after teaching her at home she is able to identify "A" and "B" Still she cannot identify "C" and few other letters. Not sure if its because she cannot understand what is taught in school or because she cannot learn yet.

I asked for a retest and but they said they do not do that and do not share the language assessment score as well. They referred me to evaluate for Speech Impairment(SI) if I still have concern. The categories described in SI do not match what I obsersve in her. What are my options now?

My son unlearned what he learned in IEP(PreK) when he didn't get the IEP attention in the new ISD after move. So I'm worried what if my daughter unlearns all the stuff that I have taught her during summer once I go back to work and cannot teach anymore.

  1. Can I stil insist for retest of language assessment?

  2. Can she get just IEP services without PreK admission?


22:01 UTC


Looking for teletherapy position

Hello! I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for teletherapy positions where I would be on a W-2. I talked to someone from E-Therapy and they offered me $45/hr direct and indirect 37.5 hours/ week. Any suggestions on what I should ask for as my hourly rate? Are there better companies?
I just finished my CF in the schools and recently received my CCC's. I am licensed in Illinois and New Mexico (currently reside in IL but looking to move to NM soon).

20:57 UTC


Help please

Does anyone know of a good, evidence based “crash course” in pediatric feeding therapy? I just started a new job with a whole caseload of feeding therapy and I never had a course in school that taught me any of this stuff. I think I feel a little more equipt to work on sensory feeding issues, but I have kids with oral motor deficits that are pocketing, aspirating, etc. and I’m not quite sure where to even start. I have an assessment protocol to kind of guide me through what to look for, but I have no clue how to even describe in medical terms what is happening and I have even less of a clue of what to do about it.

20:04 UTC


I just want my soul back at this point.

Existential dread about coming back for fall.

COVID year 1 teaching: Sends personal handwritten cards to all the families on caseload at the end of the school year while on quarantine. No responses. School conveniently forgets to include the SLP in May Teacher Appreciation.

COVID year 2 teaching: Sends small hot wheels and stickers to the few kids on caseload who did log in for Speech the whole year of quarantine distance learning. No responses. Screamed at all year by Admin for not getting kids to log in for services (as if my 30 emails/calls to parents was going to change that situation).

COVID year 3 teaching: Back in person because the Governor says so. Constant staff call offs all year because of all the surges and variants. Helped out around the school to fill in for vacancies, pick up trash, substitute teach subjects I'm not qualified to teach, etc. End of the school year and everyone is thanked in the community meeting: Reading Specialists, Social Workers, SPED teachers. School conveniently forgets to mention the SLP.

Quit in person because *soul* is gone at this point. Teletherapy wants me to see 5,7657 kids in groups on a computer and I want to gouge my eyes out. Sure, sure. Group 6 intense behaviors all together in different grades. Might as well be 17. I'm not doing anything here anyway. Nobody seems to believe me that my career has been this bad but social workers and nurses appear to empathize the most, admitting that everything is just broken.

How do we do this everyday and not become prematurely aged and bitter?

19:27 UTC


Resignation from school job

Needing feedback/advice: I just received my grad degree in May 2024 and signed a contract with a school district (so I will be a CF for them). I am three weeks away from my start date at this school position. I am coming to this district from another state for a long-distance relationship. I accepted the position in May and signed the contract in late June. Big wrench in all of this is that my dad was diagnosed with fast spreading (and likely terminal) cancer in late June/early July. Since his initial diagnosis the reports of testing seem to get worse and worse. I am questioning leaving my home area at this time because of this. Other wrench is that the school district I am potentially employed with has other SLP vacancies. I do not want to leave students hanging and potentially do anything deemed ethically wrong. How gracefully might I be able to get out of my contract? Nothing is listed on the contract about resignations. Any all advice greatly appreciated! Thank you!!!

19:21 UTC


PLS-5 scoring (finding accurate ceiling)

TLDR: Is PLS-5 ceiling the last of the 6 consecutive zeros (test item #24) OR is it the item I technically started on (test item #39, age start point for 4y6m child)??

SOS! Probably overthinking this, but... I'm scoring a PLS-5 for 4y6m with severe deficits and want to make sure I have the accurate ceiling. Basal has already been obtained. Struggling to find answers in the scoring manual for this particular scenario. Which of these two options is the accurate ceiling?

Option 1:

Start at age start point (test item #39), get a zero score, proceed backwards to next age start point, continue backwards in same fashion until I reach 3 consecutive scores of "1" (basal), then proceed forward until I reach ceiling of 6 consecutive "0" scores. Ceiling = Test item #24

Option 2:

Start at age start point (test item #39), get a zero score, proceed backwards to next age start point, continue backwards in same fashion until I reach 3 consecutive scores of "1" (basal), then proceed forward until I return to original start point and answer all questions not yet addressed within child's age range. Ceiling = Test item #39

19:18 UTC


ABCD Goal Formatting?

Just to clarify, goals written in the ABCD format do NOT have a time component, right? I wouldn’t say something along the lines of within one IEP year, by the end of the semester, etc.?”

1 Comment
19:12 UTC


Did speechpathology.com's price go up?

I got a notification to renew my membership and it says $129 for the annual fee. But it used to be $99 - has it just gone up? Or does anyone know about any discounts? Thanks in advance.

18:04 UTC


Cost of Living

I’m in between jobs and looking to move to a more bustling area, so I’m curious - people who live in California, DC, NYC, etc, do you think your higher salary overcompensates for the cost of living, or does it likely equal out no matter where you live? For context, I’m in NC and have averaged about $55,000 a year. Up until recently, that was more than enough to live comfortably, but with rent increasing things are a little tighter. Just curious if $130,000 in California is more like $55,000 in NC, or if there would be a noticeable pay increase!

16:34 UTC



Hello, I am doing summer work and my school outsources their Extended year program. My school is not running the program. In the past my school paid me to do their Medicaid billing for students. This summer they do not want to pay for Medicaid billing but asked me to send them my notes, times, group information, etc. I think they will bill on my behalf. I will take data regardless but I was thinking about sending them the minimum (name and note). What are your thoughts?

15:19 UTC


New amendment effective July 16th

Got this letter from work. Does anyone know what they’re talking about? Agency based therapist

15:15 UTC



is anyone having issues with getting their license with TDLR (Texas)? it’s been 7 weeks for me and I am supposed to go back to work soon.

14:43 UTC

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