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Is it worth upgrading very fast from a pixel 8 pro to a pixel 9, 9 pro, 9 pro xl

I have pixel 8 pro from Verizon and I want to upgrade my phone to the one of the three and I don't know what to do and as well I was wondering if my pixel 8 pro is going to get the same features as the pixel 9, 9 pro, pro xl through Android 15? One other thing as well is will the 8, 8 pro get satellite SoS / Roadside assistance stuff cause I heard that the pixel 8, 8 pro is getting satellite stuff though android 15 cause I saw the newest beta of it and I saw how it has satellite.

16:29 UTC


Send yourself a copy when emailing collaborators

Google has recently removed the ability to “send yourself a copy” while utilizing the Email Collaborators section in docs/sheets. This was something our business relied heavily on. It is our opinion that Google made a major mistake by removing this feature. If there are any Google management team reading these threads, listen to your users and reinstate this as soon as possible.

15:45 UTC


I lost all my tabs someone help please

While I was watching a yt video my chrome randomly closed (it was doing that since a few days for some reason) so I reopened it and clicked the button that appeared to get all my tabs back. It didn’t do anything I restarted my laptop and now I can’t get them back. Some of them were months old so I can’t find them easily in my history.

There ware mostly yt stuff, some of them ere removed but I wanted to watch them on way back machine. Is there any way to get them back? Someone help pls they were really important to me

Edit: Guys on my voyage to get all the data (links) back I stumbled across myactivity website from google and there is literally everything on there.. going back to 2014 I can literally see my first google search results, the websites I played on when I was a little little kid and it also involves all google apps, my map’s searches ect. My first search is about the sims 4 on October 16 2014 while it is creepy now I know that with enough time I’ll get all or most of my YouTube tabs back

15:43 UTC


Google’s Largest Acquisition: Alphabet Eyes $23 billion Deal for Startup Wiz

1 Comment
13:04 UTC


No response from google on my appeal to remove suspension | 10 days hv past | Pls help

My GMB profile got suspended for deceptive content since then I made all the necessary changes to contact and business info that i thought could hv caused the suspension. I also submitted an appeal with required business certificate )(UDHYAM business certificate for India)( and even attached a video of my office space for thorough verification. Its been 10 days now and i have been unable to get any reply from google. It just show in progress and wont even let me re appeal. I dont know what to do to get Google's attention on this . Pls if anyone has any experience with this or any tips or suggestion pls help me reinstate my profile.


00:51 UTC


No response from google on my appeal to remove suspension | 10 days hv past | Pls help


My GMB profile got suspended for deceptive content since then I made all the necessary changes to contact and business info that i thought could hv caused the suspension. I also submitted an appeal with required business certificate )(UDHYAM business certificate for India)( and even attached a video of my office space for thorough verification. Its been 10 days now and i have been unable to get any reply from google. It just show in progress and wont even let me re appeal. I dont know what to do to get Google's attention on this . Pls if anyone has any experience with this or any tips or suggestion pls help me reinstate my profile.

1 Comment
17:23 UTC


Google refine search won't let see items over the reccomend price.

Example- my paper is 18"x24" roll that costs $80-$200 dollars. But when I search I only get $0 to $40 as google is refining my search & only shows me items that are between $0 & $40 dollars.

It's like the AI is deciding for me what I want & is only allowing me to see junk!

16:25 UTC


Google is Destroying Publishers

Google is out here destroying sites and destroying livelihoods. Absolutely sickening. I had a site that was getting amazing traffic and they've demolished 90% of my traffic after the Oct 2023 update. And there's thousands of sites just like mine who had the same fate. In its place? Reddit, Forbes, and sites with millions of visitors. Content quality doesn't matter, SEO doesn't matter, being first by a mile doesn't matter, having the most relevant result doesn't matter -- the only thing that matters now is rewarding the very top sites. Small and medium size publisher sites are dead. Ridiculous.

I still get SOME traffic because my brand was big enough to have a following. That's how pathetic Google Search is now. An established brand, an authentic site, a site that is top 5 in bing and duckduckgo, Google treats like sht. Absolutely insane what these core updates did to sites. The system is rigged. It's not about creating quality, it's a about corruption and collusion.

11:39 UTC


Changing OAuth screen

Hey guys,

I want to change somethings on my OAuth screen but I’m afraid it’ll affect some backend functions.

What are some things that can go wrong when making changes to it?


22:21 UTC


if you search up old web hosting site geocities, everything turns into comic sans (you can also search up "comic sans")

18:53 UTC



Guys, i need you to tell me all the software problems you had or features you want so i can make a software to help you please share this post so i can reach the biggest amount of people Thank you

17:45 UTC


Time to rethink Google One

I signed up for Google One when I got my P6Pro back in March 2022. I figured the extra storage would be worth it, along with several other benefits. The VPN was cool, dark web monitoring an extra layer of security...

Flash forward to July 2024 and the only benefits left are the cloud storage. Personally speaking, I think it's time to Google to add other services as part of One to make it a worthwhile subscription.

12:33 UTC


Bring back the old Google Assistant

Is it just me or Google assistant has become more meh after its integration with Gemini. In the past, quirky features like "Can you roll a dice for me" were amazing. The soft sound of the dice rolling was a really nice touch to it. When you ask it to tell a joke, it does give you a joke. Right now, when you ask it to roll a dice, it asks u how many sides should the dice have. Like bruh why, why ask me that. When you ask it to tell a joke, it gives u the link to the joke?? Just bring back the old Google Assistant without Gemini integration. It was fun using the old Google Assistant, now it just feels dull.

11:03 UTC


Gemini got it wrong

I use "Hey Google" to do some tasks hands-free, and I was asked to try Gemini today. Searching for Wimbledon matches on Google will show you that the women's singles finals match is today. I don't know why Gemini got it wrong.

07:08 UTC


Samsung is Not Cloning Apple Products

Is Samsung Cloning Apple Products? NO! Apple, Google, Samsung, they all copy each other's homework. Here's how.

04:25 UTC


Google can kill anything at any moment

Seriously. Google is only good for youtube, gmail and search

03:18 UTC


Goodbye Gemini

Last straw today was driving said ok Google play music.... I'm sorry I'm not setup for this yet yadayadayada so your disabled and I'm back to assistant you can't perform simple tasks set reminder alarm play my music etc. I just keep finding more and more reasons why this isn't it can't perform simple tasks then I say how I feel and to send the feedback I'm sorry I cannot send feedback 🙄 it's a joke and then u want ppl to pay for an advanced version of hot garbage yeah no thanks get it together Google work on your core areas your three steps ahead but actually 4 steps behind

00:55 UTC


Google certificates

Hello everyone, I want to ask which Google certificate is more beneficial; project management or data analytics? I’m currently a student of Business Administration and Finance and I’m actively looking for a job. I’m interested in both of these certificates but I can choose only one at the moment. What do you think, which one would make me more favorable in the job market if any?

19:18 UTC


Faulty Keyboard on General Google App when Using iPhone.

I’m frustrated and could use some tech input please. For the past week my keyboard has been acting up whenever I use the general Google app on my iPhone.

The cursor skips ahead, puts the letters that I type in the incorrect order, adds a space where I do not need it, and/or it predicts what I’m trying to type and adds a non relevant word without my agreement. I have cleared my browsing history and tabs on the app. I have also restarted the phone multiple times.

Do I need to uninstall and reinstall the app altogether? Is there a setting that I need to change? I’m tired of typing and it automatically getting messed up. Thank you in advance for your response.

15:02 UTC


People are going crazy over Google Search.

04:21 UTC


Lost Google account

The strangers hacked it on X

22:48 UTC


Which course is better ?

I'm stuck between these 3 courses idk which one to get

Edleak godtierads Aaron young google ads course Ezra firestone smart google ads

Which one is the best?

21:32 UTC


"hey Google" timers not going off

I ask for the assistant to set a timer, she confirms the timer is set and yet, it never goes off.

Tried it again and right after asking for a timer to be set, I asked it to show the timer and nothing is shown.

01:24 UTC

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