A subreddit for all things relating to Google's social networking service, Google+.
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Subs to check out:
/r/google for more Google news and discussion.
/r/GoogleViews for Panoramas and Photo Spheres
Hello! I was in a community called draw my oc 2.0, and that was honestly peak for me. back in 2019 when google plus shut down, i lost all my passion for art. i was wondering if anyone knew of a social media like google plus? What I liked was that when you posted in a group it would go to the top as most recent instead of only showing the most popular posts. I haven’t found an art community as active since its shut down. let me know!
If so i was a moderator in TWD communities i think about two of them. (They were locations from the show)
And in marvel i was Rocket Raccoon
I miss childhood 😂
I'm going to write this post in my language (italian) instead of English because i also used to spend a lot of time on Google+, especially during 2015/2016 and all of the people i knew were all italians and back then my English sucked so hard so
Su google+ avevo un account con il mio vero nome (Lorenzo Lemmi), avevo anche una foto profilo di inside out e la foto copertina del personaggio Tristezza e mesi più tardi misi come foto profilo il logo della Pepsi Cola (che ho tutt'ora), durante quel periodo mi sono fatto molti nemici perché allora non ragionai, fui un bimbominchia totale, insultavo persone che... come dire, non mi aggradavano senza conoscerle a fondo, però col passare del tempo siamo diventati amici, altri ancora sono rimasti miei nemici e altri ancora me li sono fatti mesi dopo essere cambiato. Non voglio scrivere proprio tutto quello che è successo poiché se lo facessi ci metterei circa 6 ore e anche per evitare di causare drammi, diciamo solo che non ero uno con la testa posto. Detto questo mi limito solamente a fare i nomi di persone con cui mi sono trovato più o meno in confidenza. Carissimi/e PicturesChannelMlp/Rainbow sky the pony/It's Ely, Mlpnetworkmemy, mlplovefluttershy, gatto speciale, toychica, malodysparkletm e altre persone di cui ora mi sfugge il nome e in caso fatemelo sapere, semmai leggerete questo post sappiate che mi mancate tantissimo, nonostante tutto ho passato dei bei momenti su Google+, ero felicissimo e non lo sapevo e adesso che non c'è più e la Nostalgia mi sta pian piano distruggendo voglio dirvi una cosa, ossia grazie per essere stati parte di me :) siete delle persone speciali, anche se ci conoscevamo solo dietro a uno schermo per me era quasi come stare a casa, considero più amici voi rispetto a certe persone che ho conosciuto a scuola e con le quali uscivo spesso ed erano delle persone poco raccomandabili... come io da ragazzino del resto XD detto questo vi auguro una vita piena di felicità e amore a più non posso, care persone che ho menzionato poc'anzi 😉
Caught myself thinking about this app again so might as well reach out. If anyone remembers a foxyfox24/foxyfoxdraws/parkjiminie/etc, that, unfortunately, was 3rd-5th grade me with unmonitored internet access. If anyone remembers interacting with me pleaseeeee let me know! It’s weird talking about it because I have literally nothing left from that era of my life other than some pictures my mom let me post on Facebook of my drawings and my old YouTube channel that has a literal gold mine of songs I used to listen to when I was younger. Thankfully, due to time, you’ll be interacting with an almost 17yo foxyfox24. Please PM me if we’ve talked
Is there anyone who was in the following communities:
- Anime Zone.
- Super Mario Bros.
- Kinky Paradise.
Or anyone in general at this point?
I used to go by SonicPlushBros, Sonicfan101, ThatVideoGamer, Akita, Rem, and Arfoire. I used to post a lot of meme, anime, and Sonic posts. I had 2.7k followers and I was typically popular in Dank Memes. I have a Discord, MeWe, Steam, and Twitter if required.
If you missed it, the DOJ recently recommended Google sell Chrome over online search monopoly issues. Google has already said this would harm consumers and developers and proposed to make its contracts with browser companies and Android device makers more flexible.
While today’s focus is on Google’s search monopoly, it’s not the first time the company has faced scrutiny.
In 2018, WSJ reported that Google found a "glitch" in Google+ earlier that year, which affected data security. Between 2015 and March 2018, this glitch allowed outside developers access to almost 500k (!!) users' data.
And despite discovering these issues in March 2018, Google didn't inform anybody about them to avoid regulatory issues. Simply - they didn't want "problems with regulators which can affect their reputation" as they said.
They were hit with many suits due to this, and finally, they resolved with $350M the one for the investors over stock drops, so if you invested in GOOG you can check it out (they are also accepting late claims even after the deadline).
Now, Google claims that selling Chrome would make it harder to keep it secure. The court hearing is set for April 2025, but the company already said it will appeal ahead of it. So, we’ll see how they navigate this whole ‘monopoly’ situation in the coming weeks.
having a conversation with a friend about google plus and remembered there was someone that broke the character limit restrictions for their username and had a SUPER LONG name with a bunch of numbers that anytime they would post it would end up in peoples feeds and they would talk about how their posts took up like their entire screen because of how long the name was. also there were a few specific images people would post that were super stretched out that would also do that same thing- take up the entire screen and you would have to vigorously scroll for a while to pass them. does anyone else remember either of these???
Could the same thing happen with their Google account name that are in Google+ notifications? Because that way it would be much easier for me to find them again online
If you know, you know
If you missed it, the DOJ is set to present its final proposal against Google’s “online search monopoly” this week. News suggests they might recommend selling Chrome, though Google already said this would harm consumers and developers. While today’s focus is on Google’s search monopoly, it’s not the first time the company has faced scrutiny.
In 2018, WSJ reported that Google found a "glitch" in Google+ earlier that year, which affected data security. Between 2015 and March 2018, this glitch allowed outside developers access to almost 500k (!!) users' data.
And despite discovering these issues in March 2018, Google didn't inform anybody about them to avoid regulatory issues. Simply - they didn't want "problems with regulators which can affect their reputation" as they said.
They were hit with many suits due to this, and finally, they resolved with $350M the one for the investors over stock drops, so if you invested in GOOG you can check it out (they are also accepting late claims even after the deadline).
Now, Google claimed selling Chrome would make it harder to keep it secure. So, we’ll see how they navigate this whole ‘monopoly’ situation in the coming weeks.
I used to go by my IRL name (Chris Edwards), but then I added different fandom chars like Fredbear, Gaster, etc
I was way too young to have been using G+ (I was 11 at the time)
I'm 21 now
I've made friends who I still know now, like Saltine and Oscar (yes, the Cacodemon guy), but I've made enemies (the Disciples of Link was one notable community that basically harassed me for years)
As much as I missed it... I do not miss my edgy kid phase, saying slurs like it was going outta style
Hey guys, I guess there are some Google investors here. If you missed it, they just announced that third-party tracking cookies will not be phased out in Chrome (though they said differently in January). But now they’ve moved to a “user-informed choice”. Btw, this isn’t the first time Google has faced scrutiny over privacy concerns.
For those who are new to Google somehow, that's the deal: in 2018, WSJ reported that Google found a "glitch" in Google+ earlier that year, which affected data security. Between 2015 and March 2018, this glitch allowed outside developers access to almost 500k (!!) users' data.
And despite discovering these issues in March 2018, Google didn't inform anybody about them to avoid regulatory issues. Simply - they didn't want "problems with regulators which can affect their reputation" as they said.
They were hit with many suits due to this, and finally, they resolved with $350M the one for the investors over stock drops, so if you invested in GOOG you can check it out (they are also accepting late claims even after the deadline).
Anyways, do you think this tracking cookies thing is going to be solved any time soon? And has anyone here had $GOOG when this “glitch” happened? If so, how much were your losses?
maybe some engines? some leaks?
sorry if this were already asked
If you are looking for a social media similar to G+ i would recomend you to take a look at Openspace. It has a lot of the functionality that you remember from G+(Circles, comunities etc). It has startet to get some traction now it has built up a good userbase and traffic. I would realy recomend all of you to give it a try.
Link to site: https://openspace.social/
I didn’t get o sign up for google plus in time so I never got to experience it :( but really, does anyone know?
I was heavy into these communities with roleplay and had a lot of followers, and made a ton of friends before my parents back then took my devices for talking to strangers online hahha , I went by usernames such as: PayIsGay (eddsworld) , Queenofkawaiipaige, KawaiiYummy?
By any chance, I used to interact with a person called ‘pinkguy’ ‘mortythebitch’ with a filthy frank profile picture, who later quit because they thought I died and was never able to get hold of them again!
Enlightened Agent XlRCON here, maybe the last two parts of my Reddit name will jog your memory, I used to just post random stuff I found interesting...
I had an obsession with all of those different takes of megalovania-
i was watching some video and it showed some deep story meme and i thought about google plus for the first time in like 6 years and everyone i asked around me has never used it 😭
When I was around G+ I was all over the site, creating stupid polls, creating drama, posting porn, trolling people. Most importantly I was more active and more social in G+ than I am currently in reddit or any other site in this day and age.
I used to hang out with a myriad of different people and different groups. Cartoon Fight Club was a community I used to hang out a lot and met a lot of people as a result. And made a lot of friends and enemies.
My username in G+ was Lorax the Racoon, I had a two legged stupid lorax as the picture, which I edited smoking a cigar and wearing a top hat. I was known to be a notorious troller and a meme maker at the time. Many of the memes were quite infamous but now forgotten pieces of lost media, the most noteworthy one I've seen still being posted around being this. I used to make a lot of them, especially for trolling furries.
Of which I was also known for nuking an entire furry community off the map of the internet. I have forgotten the name but it was one of the largest furry communities on G+ and Discord (the latter having more than the former). Previously attempts I would just glitch spam the community into oblivion with unfunny memes or stupid shit until I got banned, but in this instance I wanted to try something more interesting. I went undercover and infiltrated the community on both the G+ and Discord. I spent a good few months building a relationship with the community at large of them and met a lot of artists that I still follow to this day without the knowledge of what I had done to them. Of them I made good friend with the mods and admins and I rose as a co-admin of the G+ community very quickly. I could've nuked the G+ furry community there but I wanted to go for the discord as well. It took a lot longer, like half a year and some questionable things to get to the position I could comfortably ask the admin to make me the admin as a joke, which he did.
To my edgy teenager phase, I without a single thought nuked the server clean off the site. And so did I to the G+ community. At first I was filled with excitement and joy for completing a year long mission I set myself to. But after realizing what I had done and how many friends I had lost by doing this... I just became depressed. It never occurred to me just how much of toll this would take on my mental psyche, having shared memes, made friends, had conversations and shared topics. This had a heavy, heavy toll on my psyche ever since. I still think about how many friends I had made during that time and how I broke their hearts and made them unsecure about trusting their own friends.
I have grown past that and owned my mistakes but that thought still lingers to me...
Yeah, a bit of a long tangent but TL;DR G+ meant a lot to me and it had a great impact on my life. Hopefully we could have met before or shared a meme or two with each other.
edit: found
I've been going through my old 'Social' emails for the past half an hour trying to find a link or some kind of string of letters that were apart of my old Google+ profile link. I know for a fact that I've done it before, and I actually pasted the link into archive.org and actually found a snapshot of my profile from like 2017 (so much cringe was on there) but my stupid ass never actually saved or bookmarked that link so I can't find it anymore.
On the links I found through looking at old emails, they all started with a string of numbers, but it started with 0 which I didn't think it would start with. Some of the emails were then followed by a number that was too short to be considered a profile link. Also for the record the only page that was archived on Wayback Machine was the link to my profile, no separate posts or anything. Can someone please tell me what the link to a profile would look like or what part of some of the links I found would contain the ID to my profile?
Here is an example link, I changed just a few numbers just incase someone tries to view my cringe posts from when I was younger (you would probably die from cringe)
Any formal fnaf google+ users? I remember being like 11 or 12 on the site lol and used it for many fandoms, my main one being fnaf and my main name having sommat like sky the fox or sommat lol, ik it's a long shot but I'm just curious
Hey guys, I posted about this settlement already, but in case you missed it, I just found out that they are accepting late claims, so you can still file to get payment even if the deadline has passed.
For those who are new to Google somehow, that's the deal: in 2018, WSJ reported that Google found a "glitch" in Google+ earlier that year, which affected data security. Between 2015 and March 2018, this glitch allowed outside developers access to almost 500k (!!) users' personal data.
And despite discovering these issues in March 2018, Google didn't inform anybody about that to avoid regulatory issues. Simply - they didn't want "problems with regulators which can affect their reputation" as they said.
They were hit with many suits due to this, and finally they resolved with $350M the one for the investors over stock drops, so if you invested in GOOG you can check it out (they are also accepting late claims even after the deadline).
Actually, I think that Google+ was over even back then, in precovid times, so, they didn't even have a chance to compete with any other platforms so it was kinda predetermined for them. And it's good that they are paying at least something due to this mess.
Hi I'm new in reddit so I'm really sorry if this has been asked before, but I know that the wayback machine (?) has backed up some data from google+, I tried to at least take a look at the page but it instantly sends me to sign up, and nothing ever happens. Is there anything that can be done? D: