
Photograph via snooOG

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How to disable damned "Sign in to <website> with google.com"?

Is there any way to reliably turn this pop-up off? I've tried everything I've read online on how to disable this feature, but nothing has worked so far. Why does Chrome think it's a good idea to make an intrusive feature like this on by default? It really sucks.

22:10 UTC


Accessibility Internals Setting

Anyone know how/when/what checks (enables) the "Web Accessibility" setting in Accessibility Internals (chrome://accessibility/)? We are seeing some computers with this setting checked. And when it is checked, some web pages are crashing (usually status_access_violation). I thought it would be some an accessibility setting in the browser that may be turned on, but when I check the two different machines, chrome://settings/accessibility these settings are identical.


1 Comment
22:10 UTC


Chrome is updating WAY too much.

I updated Google Chrome this morning at 8:47, at 4:21pm it told me to update it again.

I understand that's not normal, but I have been getting updates at least two times a week.

Can someone please explain why it needs updates so frequently?

1 Comment
22:09 UTC


WhatsApp Web opens in a new tab on startup

Whenever I open Chrome on my laptop, WhatsApp Web opens in a new tab. How do I prevent this?

1 Comment
20:22 UTC


Can someone skilled at coding make a Chrome Store plug-in to restore the two row grid shortcuts on the New Tab Page?

I am so frustrated that all of the bookmarks on my new tab page are on a single row. I would like to go back to my 4x2 grid!!!! I've been looking for a solution but can't find one. Someone please help :(

20:04 UTC


Chrome won't install on Snapdragon X Elite Surface

I've tried every version of Chrome on the website. ARM, x32, etc. It either tells me I need to be running Windows 10 or higher (It's 11 22H2) or pops up this error:


There are no Google folders to delete. It's not installed at all. Is the ARM version broken?

18:49 UTC


block side bar pop up when shopping

Hello all,

Is there an extention or setting to stop the pop-up on the right side when shopping or searching.

Long ago it would "control click" into a new tab. when sourcing a lot parts, is is cumbersome to open in the side panel and then i click on it again to open in the actual website. Think about a classic car bid and searching for 100s of parts



1 Comment
17:50 UTC


Logo favicon. Le raccourci classroom

Bonjour , je voudrais avoir sur mon bureau le logo de l'application classroom au lieu de celle de google Chrome qui apparaît à sa place . En vérité j'ai aussi me même problème pour plusieurs autre sites . C'est toujours le même logo de google qui s'affiche et cela empêche de différencier les sites visuellement. Merci d'avance

17:44 UTC


PDF's automatically being opened by Adobe when downloaded in chrome?

Posted this in r/Adobe as well but thought I might have some luck here too.

Seeing an issue where PDF's downloaded in Chrome are automatically opening in adobe.

I've gone into the download settings and cleared the command to Open certain file types automatically after downloading
I've gone into site settings and changed the option for PDF's to only download.

I even added a registry item to adobe that should disable this behavior with no luck.

Any suggestions welcome

17:13 UTC


Is it possible to search the history by date?

Is it possible to search the history by date? A specific date or range. Maybe with a string to put in the search field.

14:31 UTC


Is there a chrome shortcut to open youtube?

If not, how can I create one?

Thank you

09:45 UTC


Any idea why the image stretches like this with chrome?


idk why this happens sometimes. It's been several years and seems like it is not only me experiencing such issue.

1 Comment
08:36 UTC


Can't seem to install any applications from the Play Store

I have a Chromebook that's less than two months old but I can't seem to be able to install any applications from the Google Play Store. None. It won't show my Chromebook in my list of devices to install too when choosing the program from the store. I've Powerwashed it, checked the BIOS to be sure it's not set up incorrectly but to no avail. I've discovered that I do not have the option to "Enable Google Play Store" in the settings like I should. How do I fix that? Do I have to install a different version of ChromeOS?

1 Comment
03:06 UTC


Entire Chrome session crashes when using "screen share"? Possible solution.

Yesterday, I encountered a problem when sharing my screen on applications like Meet, Zoom, Instagram Call, and other apps. Chrome completely crashes, and I couldn't find any solutions.

In various Google forums and other places, people proposed solutions such as downgrading or just waiting for the issue to magically stop.

In my case, disabling GeForce Experience was enough to fix the problem. Even after reactivating it, the issue was resolved.

I suspect it's a driver incompatibility because one of the most suggested solutions online was to remove the driver "swusb.exe," but it wasn't on my PC.

I hope this information can help someone, and if you have more possible solutions or reasons why this happens, it would be greatly appreciated.

1 Comment
23:46 UTC


Google Takeout exports only few last entries

I synced a Google account to a Chrome on Android that was saving history on the device previously and used Google Takeout to export history to json but there are included only a few entries like from today in it.

I should be able to do this on the whole history. How to fix it? Or how to get sqlite file from chrome on the phone?

22:23 UTC


bookmarks missing icons in chrome browser

ever since chrome updated all my bookmarks are missing their respective icons. and it isn't just on my main computer, it happened on my gaming rig as well. i tried uninstalling and reinstalling chrome on my main PC but the icons are still missing. as i have well over 100 sites bookmarked i really don't want to have to visit each and ever one of them to get the icons back. is there a way i can fix this or is it just a product of the latest update? looking for advice.

1 Comment
21:02 UTC


Volume control extensions that automatically make specific sites quieter?

I just started using SpaceHey, basically MySpace but not nuked.

You can add music to your profile using html, but you can't adjust the volume, so pages with music are deafening.

Because other sites I use are too quiet on my laptop, I don't want to adjust Chrome's volume in Volume Mixer.

I've seen quite a few Chrome extensions that let you adjust tabs' volume, but I haven't seen any that will make a specific website permanently quieter.

Any recommendations?

Also if this is the wrong flair, lmk and I'll change it.

20:48 UTC



I am getting error STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION on submitting a form on one of website from Chrome.

I tried 3 different PC but get same error, I tried Edge also and get same error. Google searches show me this error is local to the PC but I have tried different PCs.

Does this mean its related to website and not the PC?

20:15 UTC


HOW TO! Quickly Paste Frequently Used Web Links?

I’m looking for a quicker way to save some frequently used web links for faster copy/pasting. Similar to what a clipboard extension would do but just for a handful of commonly used links I have to send out in emails. Rather than having to go click a bookmark, copy the Dropbox link, then paste it back over in email. Any ideas??

19:37 UTC


Chrome Google translate this overlapp!

When search text in other langauage and get this annoying Translate this page text overlapp on text search results. The overlapping happens only if switch to Video and Books search results. But not in web search results. I have turned off Google translate in Chrome settings but it still shows up every time searching.
Anyone have any idea wtf is going on?
Ex: I search for ling cage 灵笼 and "(look at images). When click on the link to youtube video and this Youtube pop ups shows up. When click on accept all and nothing happens. Its just go on forever waiting. When llok at the web adress it shows: https://www-youtube-com.translate.goog/watch

I have removed Google translate extension from Chrome and turned it off in Chrome settings. This is driving me crazy after hours to fix this.





18:51 UTC


Closed tab notification on screen

Is there any way to switch off or move the pop up at the bottom of the screen

1 Comment
18:39 UTC


Install page as app, open new link, opens in browser.

First off, I'm using Chromium instead of Chrome but for this purpose they are roughly the same.

So, I've made a few sites into a chrome app that open their own instances and work just how'd I like.

My problem is, some of them will open a new tab when I click on a link (same site), not really the problem but they open into my main chrome browser and not standalone or in the same app space.

Is there a way to make them open in the same instance or a least in a completely new chrome browser.

My current chrome browser opens to multiple tabs from my work flow and don't really want it messed with.

1 Comment
18:26 UTC


Can't get VAAPI working on chromium.

On Ubuntu 22.04.4(LTS) i cannot get chromium (nor chrome)to use VAAPI on my Intel Haswell(Celeron 2955u),i am using the MATE DE(x11).

The chromium gpu page shows Video Decode: Hardware accelerated but the fields under Video Acceleration Information are empty.

Is there anyway to get chromium to use VAAPI,on a sidenote on Firefix VAAPI seems to be working albeit in a weird fashion the video uage(using intel_gpu_top) never seems to go above 40% and hence alot of frames get skipped.

1 Comment
16:59 UTC


Real time text translator extension

Is there any extension that can translate written text on the keyboard in real time? Or at least the ability to translate it when written in on any site?

14:25 UTC


Random Downloads Opening in Adobe After Download


I am becoming most frustrated with Chrome/Adobe.
I have searched this subreddit for an answer and the one that pops up does not work for me because in my Adobe program there is no where for me to disable "Open PDF's Automatically in Reader". I have uninstalled and reinstalled Adobe in hopes this would fix the issue.

I thought it was just one site so I disabled pop ups for that specific site, then I realized that it doesn't do it every time I download something from that site and sometimes the "where to save download" popup was blocked.

I've done everything I can find on the internet except open PDFs Automatically because I cannot find that setting. I am running Version 2024.002.20857 in Adobe.

Hopefully someone has a different solution, if we aren't able to come up with one here I will try the Adobe subreddit.

14:18 UTC


Chrome Canary Crackling Audio

I'm running chrome canary on the latest build and for months have had an issue where certain videos the audio will be full crackly. My normal build chrome works fine and so do other browsers. I've reinstalled chrome canary/reinstalled my audio drivers/tried different sample rates/uninstalled any extensions. Not sure what is causing it as some videos are completely fine and some are totally messed up.

14:07 UTC


Chrome usage over 500% CPU on Ubuntu

Hi. I'm runing chrome version Version 126.0.6478.126 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on a Thinkpad T15 Gen 2.

When I open chrome, with a few pages open, after a while my computer starts to overheat, and using top command on terminal I'm getting cpu usage over 400/500 %. I already try to uninstall and install it again, disable extensions, but nothing seems to help.

Any suggestion is welcome :)


13:53 UTC


Suppress Chrome notifications when another application is running (Windows)?

Chrome's notifications get in the way when I'm playing Helldivers 2. Is there some way to suppress all Chrome notifications (or at least have them auto-close in a very short time period) if another application is running? I'm guessing this would be through some kind of extension, or just making sure to start Windows Focus Assist before I run the game.

13:37 UTC


Is Tabliss safe?

I want to add to my chrome but i have a fear that tabliss is a malware

12:49 UTC

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