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Is there any point building a plantation if it is located outside the city limits?

I've previously buildt plantations on banana fields and such even though they are 1 hex outside the max range for a city for them to work the plantation, but will building that plantation still give me something to trade with other civs?

1 Comment
07:46 UTC


I learned only today, that one can rename a unit..

In most games, I end up with really good promotions, but as such units basically look the same as any "default" unit, I loose sight of them in combat and they are destroyed needlessly.

So.. only today I learned that I can rename a unit to say "Elite", which makes them stand out a little.

All these years and I had no idea it was possible to rename the units.

07:23 UTC



Hey guys. I'm the guy from civ 5 whose wife wants me to play as Kupe.

I've started my first practice game as China. I liked the inspiration and eureka bonus.

Trying to juggle improvements, wonders and districts within city tiles has been a nightmare so far (great farmland tile? mine location? any other improvement? but also the best place for a district but wait, it's also the only place for this wonder, ugh, decisions) but I believe I will get the hang of it. I did get a pretty cool great wall in one of my cities though

Now to the real problem. Rebels. I was doing OK, now I got into a war and captured a city. It rebels in 3 turns and goes back to its old civ in 10 after that. I lost the city once back to the old civ once from this. I got it back in another war and now have spent about 100 turns losing it to rebels and then taking it back, losing it and taking it back. I can't do a thing with it. How to to deal with this? Like how do I conquer a whole civ if rebellions are so strong?

06:34 UTC


Games that play like civilization?

Hi all, I’m personally unfamiliar with this series, but I have a family member who has been a long time fan of exclusively civilization, and has played all to death. they are pretty isolated from the larger gaming community, so what are some other games that are similar? (bonus points if they are on mac + may perform similar to civilization 7 once it comes out)

03:31 UTC


With the Focus on leaders for the new game, should Regicide mode return?

03:07 UTC


So is there just no way for any unit to make it onto this island?

02:10 UTC


Anyone else dislike the look of late game cities?

By the time you get to the information/future era all your cities on the coast are basically required to have have flood barriers (and if they don’t, sunken tiles look even worse) most of your previously unimproved tiles are covered in solar panels or windmills, and the futuristic cities just look weird when they still have ancient walls around them. I know technically you can choose not to build these things, but in a game like this you can’t really forfeit efficiency for looks.

Honestly if they just made flood barriers less hideous I would be fine, but I wish there were like 3-4 different models for improvements so a big line of identical solar panels didn’t looks so strange

02:05 UTC


civ v science per turn vs tech/literacy conundrum

Playing a Lekmod (most recent version) game as canada today and I won a science victory by getting to nanotechnology when player 2 (vietnam) still had a significant amount of the information era still to get. For most of the game player 2 had more science per turn than me. And considering i had a higher science per turn (~100) for maybe ten turns right at the end, how is it possible that i got to nanotechnology first when player two still had maybe five techs left? Player 2 had massively prioritiesed the top of the tree and i had stayed essentially steady for the whole thing fyi. Could it be that beelining a tech is less efficient? or that somehow the tech cost was lower for me? The save is now gone but i seem to remember having a higher literacy than player 2 for the last several dozen turns, yet player 2 had a higher science per turn for most of that time? Does getting previous techs in a 'flat' manner decrease tech scores in comparison to leaving a lot out? I think his highest on the lower path was computers by the end.


02:04 UTC


If I put a dam on the wheat, will it dam both rivers? I'm assuming not but just thought I'd ask

01:35 UTC


Woods On Desert

00:46 UTC


Ps5 multiplayer broken?

So I just got civ 6 on ps5 because it was 20 bucks I wanted to play with a friend but when I try any kind of online play it says retrieving host information then Host connection lost network connection has been lost now I don't have issues on my xbox or on other 2K games so I'm just hoping someone here can help me out

00:34 UTC


Zulu: a fun civ I never bothered trying (until now)

Last night I decided to play some VI. It’s been a while!

I loaded up a stock (both expansions, no mods or game modes) king difficulty TSL earth and, for no particular reason, decided to play Shaka. I guess I was feeling a domination game and hadn’t ever gotten a victory with him.

Woah, he’s fun as fuck! I leaned all the way into his/Zulu’s abilities, rushing the mercenaries civic and Impis. I had a bit of a slow start, to the point that Cleopatra dared declare a surprise war on me…just in time for my corps to come online 😎

I haven’t finished the game yet, but victory is assured. In no time flat I’ve produced an army 5x stronger than the next strongest civ I’ve met. And with the low cost of unit maintenance…I’m rich too.

If you’re like me and you enjoy early domination games, try Shaka. I’m surprised how much I enjoy his playstyle.

00:25 UTC


This should be a wonder

Monument to the battle of the nations. It’s Europe’s tallest monument. It was built to commemorate the battle of the nations (Leipzig Germany 1813) which saw the defeat of napoleon. There was a movement at the time to unify Germany at that time but it failed and would have to wait until the 1870’s.

The wonder could give bonuses to armies or loyalty. Since it was built to help unify the Germany people who still saw themselves as part of their individual kingdoms it could give added bonuses to city state suzerainty.

00:05 UTC


Does anyone on console set up games

Tired of ppl always quiting was just curious if there is a discord for console civ?

23:12 UTC


Border Promise Broken Question

Just started getting back into Civilization V after like 6 years, and doing a Marathon match on easiest difficulty.

How long does it take for the penalty to expire from promising to remove military units from another Civilization's borders and breaking it? In this context, I was preparing to declare war so I was setting up my troops. The following turn I declared war after telling them I was passing through.

I was wondering if this was a permanent penalty. I'm on Turn 761 and this was between Turn 100-200


21:36 UTC


Rhye And Fall (Civ4 Mod) Needs to Come Back in Civ7

Rhye and Fall was a popular Civ4 mod. It attempted to recreate the history of human civilization with accurate civilization starting dates and city placement names.

Each civilization had a series of historical victory goals they needed to accomplish by a certain date in order to “win”. Each civilization had a stability score, based on civics, economics, warfare, and city placement / borders. Conquering / settling too many cities outside of one’s historical boundaries would incur a stability penalty. Outdated government civics would incur additional penalty. You could even switch civs during your game if your current civ wasn’t going well. (Like starting with Rome and later switching to the Aztecs - there was no geographic / political restrictions)

Given Civ7 base game’s focus on ages and age milestone points, I feel this sets up perfectly for a mod focused on the more “historical” nature of this gameplay.

One of the drawbacks of Rhye and Fall was early game civs had really early game historical victory conditions. And they weren’t really competitive late game if you wanted to go for a score / science / etc victory. A mod extension of the base Civ7 game would help string early game civs into late game for a more cohesive experience imo

Anyways, Rhye and Fall made its debut in Civ3 and 4. There were attempts to remake the mod for Civ 5 and 6. With Civ7 upon us, I feel a mod with Rhye and Fall mechanisms is ripe for a come back!



21:21 UTC


Emperor and higher difficulty

Started playing Gilgamesh (aiming for Science victory) on Emperor or higher difficulty since I already got a win on King difficulty. I know about the AI bonuses but it kinda feels like RNG with the spawn location and yield of tiles around during settling in the early game. Any tips on how to get an advantage and potentially win the game? (noob player <100 hrs of gameplay)

19:37 UTC


Day 480 of drawing badly every day until Civ 7 is released (158 to go)

19:26 UTC


Think the Netherlands are going through something atm …

18:09 UTC


Science and Production upgrades

I just got civ6 last week first one I’ve bought since civ4. Is there a way to increase science and production per turn before unlocking campus and construction districts?

18:08 UTC


I hope Civ VII goes all in on civ switching

I have been seeing alot of discussions and graphs on which civs can be switched to. But I feel like most of the examples have been far to narrow. I hope you can switch to civs with no real life cultural connection.

One example I am thinking is if you are a costal nation and have researched chivalry, then both Normans and Edo-Japan should be available. If you are a small country with a large number of advanced troops then Prussia should be available. Some other people can probably come up with better ideas. If you have horse archers and 3 horses then Mongols should be available.

I want the ability to have completely unorthodox ahistorical civs. Give me Assyria -> Prussia -> America, Sea People -> Venice -> Singapore, or Carthage -> Japan -> England

I want the Civ switching to be more about the circumstances that birthed the civ and less about any real life context.

17:45 UTC


I thought only warrior and anti cavalry can be trained in reach for the heavens redux?

1 Comment
17:31 UTC


Avatar (I play on Xbox x)

What Civ VI Leaders would be good representation for the tribes of Avatar

WATER (🌊):

EARTH (🪨): (edit: China)

FIRE (🔥): (edit: Japan)

AIR (🌬️):

17:22 UTC


First Civ 7 developer livestream happening September 12!

Our first dev livestream, Civ Streams: Antiquity Age, is less than a week away! Tune in to twitch.tv/firaxisgames on September 12 at 10AM PT / 1PM ET / 5PM GMT / 7PM CEST.

Here's what you can expect...

  • First Looks are back! We're kicking off the series live on stream with Hatshepsut.

  • We're showing off gameplay and deep-diving into the Antiquity Age.

  • We'll cover an Age transition: what you can expect and what will carry over into the Exploration Age.

We'll also take some time to answer some community Q's, so please feel free to share in comments, or ask our devs live in chat. See you all soon during the stream! 🙇‍♀️

17:00 UTC


[modding] how to add art assets like portrait and icons to a new defined secret society?

And what is need to define a new secret society? following the mod in workshop I have known the governor requires 22x22, 24x24, 32x32, 64x64 icons, 206x208, 236x339 portraits and 456x332 moments. I have prepared these icons and portraits dds files. Following the Removable Districts mod, I have maked icons worked correctly. but portrait not.

I can only find leaders and units toturial and templete on internet. is there any modding guides of new contents in DLC? what assets is secret society required more than governor? how to import portrait?

16:01 UTC


King to Emperor Difficulty - Advice Needed

King is too easy and after around 150-200 turns I can pick any of the 5 victory conditions I want, and it just becomes a grind to complete that while never being challenged.

I have tried Emperor a bunch, and I am confident that I can overcome the initial deficits in yields to the AI... the problem I can't seem to overcome is them starting with an extra settler and boxing me in. Without fail, almost every time I am about to place my 2nd city I get forward settled by an AI Civ placing their already 3rd city. Any advice here?

15:54 UTC


My Idea for a Tech Rework

So, this proposal/idea will be in two parts, both related to reworking how tech/research works in Civ.

1: Building Universities should give you additional research slots

As the title suggests, when you build universities, you should be able to increase the number of research "slots" you have. This can be balanced by each additional "slot" needing more universities to get (for instance, first university gets you one additional slot, then you need two more to get a second additional slot, etc.)

2: Unusual/Alternative Tech Branches

This one is a bit more interesting, but as in our own world, technology isn't exactly a straight line, and this change would help with that. In short, along with the "main" tech tree, there would be "splinters" on the path, allowing you to field unusual units and buildings. As an example, maybe you can push research down making better airships? Another part to this would be some techs becoming available under certain circumstances (for instance, ever hear of "Hero's Engine", or Da Vinchi's drawing of a Rennessance tank?) Basically, if you create the right circumstances in your civilization, you can gain some techs earlier than usual, though at an earlier stage.

14:56 UTC

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