
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for uncensored & more casual discussion about the Vox Populi mod for Civilization5

The Vox Populi mod is a collection of rule changes for Civilization V that result in a total overhaul of the game.


Bug Reports




Vox Populi includes the Community Patch, which is strictly about bug-fixes and AI improvements to Civilization V: Brave New World.

Vox Populi also encompasses the Community Balance Overhaul, a much more ambitious set of rule changes that create an entirely new experience for the game.

Both mods allow for multiplayer.

No holds are barred. Want to share your starts? Ask where to settle next? Ask questions about the latest release? Argue about strategies? It's all welcomed.


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Anyone know how to fix this error?

I've never had this error before, only started now that I'm playing a game as Korea. Everytime it pops up, my game crashes.


06:53 UTC


Have you ever been surprised by a brilliant move of the AI?

With VP this is much more likely I guess than in vanilla Civ.

Maybe you was betrayed and didn't see that coming, costing you the game or cities, maybe another empire managed to win and you didn't notice, maybe you were surprised by how they controlled the world through diplomacy and relationships with other empires.

Regardless of how, have you where said "wow! What a move did the AI there!"

15:49 UTC


General strategy help

Heya folks. So it's been a while since I last played civ 5 because I was focusing on civ 6 more, and I managed to get to a point with 6 where I actually knew what I was doing and could clear deity with relative ease. And now that I'm coming back to civ 5, I'm realizing that I really didn't know shit about this game lmao

most of my "strategy" involved completely winging it or things that feel a bit sub optimal, and as I want to work on my skills to be able to do higher difficulties I wanted to ask for some advice on some general things. And I figured I'd ask here because I pretty much only play with vox populi and felt like it would be best to get tips that are relevant to it. And as a side note I do play a quite large variety of leaders, so advice that is mostly universally applicable would be appreciated.

The questions are as follows:
1: What should I be looking for in places to settle? I'm not sure what resources or tile yields in particular to look out for or if rivers are important so I generally just settle next to a cluster of bonus/luxury resources.

2: My preferred play style is definitely domination, but unlike in civ 6 I can get crushed under the weight of my own empire kind of often. So how many cities should I cap out at/how should I pace the amount of cities I settle/grab throughout the course of the game?

3: What should my early build order/research order typically look like? I do have a particular way I usually do it, but something tells me a monument directly into researching mining and then building the pyramids for an early settler isn't too optimal. And past that early on for researching and building I just go "eh yeah that sounds fine" and build it, but I'm assuming I should be putting more thought into it than that.

4: Probably the simplest question here, how many builders should I be aiming for?

5: What should my strategy be with regards to great people? Should I focus on making their improvements/great works? Or focus on their special ability, i.e getting a chunk of culture from writers or science from scientists?

6: How important is tourism/influence in games where I'm not doing a culture victory? And if it is important, what's the best way to go about increasing it?

Apologies if this is quite a large post or asking too much, but I have truly realized that I don't have a single clue what I'm doing when it comes to this game so the help would be greatly appreciated lmao

12:22 UTC


Vox Breaks Vanilla UI?

Tried booting up a vanilla game today and found that the UI in vanilla game is all messed up.

I'd like to be able to play vanilla Civ V online with a friend, and am wondering if this is due to Vox Populi.


15:23 UTC


Any YouTube let's play with VP?

Are there any good series you're watching or have watched that would come in handy to see a full playthrough with the mod?

11:38 UTC


City state only resource monopolies

Is it possible? Taking city doesn’t get you resource. Being granted the resource doesn’t count toward ownership.

03:21 UTC



Hey gang! Is there a current stable way to play multiplayer vox online?

I know in the past it's not really been possible, but I haven't kept up to date on any of the most recent updates...

21:05 UTC


Is this a glitch or am I missing something?

23:13 UTC


Changes brought by Vox Populi

Hello, I am thinking of installing Vox Populi but would like to know the below before:

  1. Where can I get the conplete list of changes brought forward by Vox Populi over vanilla civ 5?
  2. Is there some guide to learn Vox Populi? Is civilopedia updated to cater for the changes brought by VP?
  3. What is the best way to get into Vox Populi if you are used to vanilla civ 5?

Thank you.

03:41 UTC


How do I undo the change to see only 1 unit of a type per tile?

I tried chaning this file but it didn't work: USnF-CONFIG.sql.

03:27 UTC


Shout out to Sweden

I've played 700 hrs of civ 5, some of it modded, but until a few days ago I didn't really know about Vox Populi. I guess I've been living under a rock. My favorite mod before this was a modded version of Sweden where great generals give +1 movement to adjacent siege units. It makes warfare more strategic, and with caroleans you can go around with an elite force of ~8 units capturing capitals.

Vox Populi changes Sweden in a similar way?!?! I knew it rebalanced things, but I didn't know it would change Sweden as such! Portugals ships have always been fun if not exactly strong, but with their extra trait now they look strong and fun!

Anyways, sorry for glazing, I just never realized that VP was more than a balance patch, it balances while creating fun new strategies and reducing the number of random civ addition mods I need. Now if only the tipi from modded Sioux was added...

16:05 UTC


UI is blank, cannot do anything. Help?


I just downloaded the mod, enabled all the mods that came with it. But, the UI is completely blank, and I don't have the control panel for the units. Any help?

11:04 UTC


Am I insanely behind or is this decent? What are the most important buildings early on?

Hi everyone! This are my first 100 turns in Civ5 VP. I've played normal civ 5 a lot and can beat deity fairly easily... looking at previous posts VP difficulty is equal to normal difficulty + 2 (aka normal deity = VP emperor), but decided to start on prince to learn since everything is different... I started with a shrine -> monument -> worker -> settler build order and picked progress. What I am struggling with now is that I kinda don't have any reference value for turn 100 (how many cities should I have by then, how much science, culture per turn etc.) Also how do the happiness modifiers work? E.G Porto is listed has having 7 hunappiness, but if I sum boredom, distress, poverty and illiteracy I get 18. Vice versa I'm getting 8 happiness and there I don't understand how luxury and in general empire happiness is divided for each city. https://imgur.com/a/693bGv2

21:22 UTC


Is the policy/tech city amount modifier depends on the amount of cities you have ever owned or just on that you currently owns?

asking this because I want to roleplay decolonlization: stealing all the artifact of other civs in my colonies then return the cities and liberate if they are vassals.

1 Comment
11:52 UTC


Newish to Civ 5. What's wrong?

Hey everyone. I'm playing Civ 5 again, and downloaded Community Patch + Vox Populi mods.

What's wrong with highlighted bit? No idea how to make it turn on, and make the yields appear. When I click it, it opens a new separate windows for happiness and culture.

Can someone help please?

04:08 UTC


why this mode cant update with steam workshop?

It took me hours to install it and it still won't install properly.

Why do you insist on such a difficult installation method?

Mods for other games can be installed conveniently using Steam Workshop, but is there a reason why this mod can't?

11:30 UTC


Is there a different city connection logic for Inca?


As soon as I finished the road between Cusco and Tiwanaku, Machu got connected to capital. I don't understand why. It shouldn't be the UA, it doesn't say anything about city connections. I see a river connection between Machu and Tiwanaku, but I'm not Songhai so that shouldn't be related.

18:15 UTC


In the early game, is demanding gold from City States usually the optimal strategy?

Some important points: I play on the custom map that comes with the Vox Populi mod, "plus ten to fun" or something like that but I forget the name. I am so far new to VP and playing on difficulty 3. I have never managed to stay in the same game long enough to make it to Industrial Era.

So far the fact I can buy units and subsidize buildings through gold means that I always choose to bully the City States. The quests never seem to keep up with decay of good will. (I tried in two games and only ever managed to get one ally, and eventually they degraded to friend.)

04:57 UTC


Haven't played VP in a while, is it stable? Which version should I download?

04:18 UTC


How long do you focus on spreading religion?

A little story before you answer.

So, I'm in this game where I wasn't able to spread my religion as much as I'd like. there were a total of 8 religions out of which 3 were dominating the map. One even became world religion. All this time, I've been keeping only my cities under my religion and using inquisitors to convert them back when they turned to other religion due to the intense religious pressure from all sides from those 3 dominating religions.

Upon reaching industrial era 3 other religions were wiped out and I saw the other nations stopped focusing on their religion as much. Being the stubborn person I am I decided that I'm going to spread my religion now. Started spreading like crazy with great prophets cause missionaries can't make up for all the existing religion points in the foreign cities. And now in Modern era and I'm the 2nd major religion in the world behind the world religion.

Was it worth spreading religion this far into the game? How long do you focus on spreading religion? And why?

18:36 UTC


Anyone else annoyed by the changes made to the Zulu?

I've been messing around with VP for a few weeks and I was looking for a change of pace after a bunch of peaceful runs. What better for a pallet cleaner than a game with everyone's favorite monster Shaka?

I got through the early game and realized I still didn't have access to Impi. Must be in a different branch of the tech tree. So I looked everywhere with no luck. I finally broke down and opened up the civpedia. "Unlocks with Gunpowder"... WTF?

Now to be clear I can see the logic. From a historical perspective it makes perfect sense to move unlocking Impi to that stage and give them a bunch of anti range perks. From a gameplay perspective though it feels awful. Why would I want to play an aggressive, early game civ that doesn't get their UU until gunpowder. Especially considering that by that stage of the game you might only get 30 turns before they become completely obsolete?

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like good gameplay should trump historical accuracy in a situation like this.

17:07 UTC


Swishing between base game

Once VP is installed, is it possible to switch between it and the base game? How difficult is this?

16:11 UTC


Game Crashes when Loading

Hi all, I start diving into Civ V after hearing all the great stuff about it.

However, I installed Civ V with Vox. I can start a game with a fresh install no problem, then when I quit and open Civ V again I can't load the game

  • When I go to the mod screen, all 4 Vox mods are on, but when I click next. It says confining game data, then it crashes

  • When I try starting a new game, I can see it went back to pre-mod setting (CIV description is different)

  • No other mods

  • When I try to load previous Vox saved game, it crashes

Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you in advance

1 Comment
15:23 UTC


Rich AI

How do you deal with AI gold income runaway? At higher difficulties AI generate an absurd amount of money. Late game combat becomes a slog.

13:07 UTC


Am I bad person for enjoying Lebensraum so much?

I don't know if I'll be considered a sadist or something, but I really really enjoy using the Lebensraum policy from the Autocracy ideology and take away insane amounts of land from neighbors. Playing a game right now and just used 3 great generals on my neighbor Siam and got so many additional tiles. Not because I needed them, no! Just because it's so much fun! And I do that on almost every game!

Sometimes when I do this their city tile ends up being inside my border while I capture most of the surrounding tiles on their city including their own citadels!

Am I a bad person for enjoying it this much lol?




21:27 UTC


Can I use this mod on macOS?

If so, how? I can’t seem to find an answer online

1 Comment
17:15 UTC


Giving gold to city-states

I've been playing VP for two years now, and I love the mod, but I'm REALLY struggling with the new city-state system.

Is there any way to get back to the system where you can send them gold?
I've tried looking for solutions on the forum, but I can't really find any answers or mods that allow me to do this...

08:28 UTC


When do you usually overtake the AI?

I understand that the AI get boost that help them stay ahead of the player, but I feel like I can never close that gap in a game. When should I be outperforming them ?

21:27 UTC


4 Range City Strike: Real or Bug?

Very new to CBP, on my 3rd play through (warlord difficulty) I was at war with Washington and was (quite literally) blown away when the city of New York appeared to be city-striking my units from 4 tiles away.

I definitely counted the tiles correctly, and did try searching the sub for any previous questions before posting.

I saw that it was possible to improve a city’s defences with a spy but I hadn’t seen any other buffs yet in the game that could be stacked to produce a city range like that.

I was especially concerned because I was modern and he was industrial (so still throwing rocks - no missiles).

So I ask the community: is this worth reporting or do I just gotta get good and learn the rest of the mods mechanics?

15:04 UTC


Assyria’s Royal Library not available?

I have the latest version of the CBP, and the 5th unique component mod. Assyria can’t construct the Royal Library. Doesn’t matter if I have any science buildings or tech. It and the school of philosophy don’t show up in the tech tree, but it does in the encyclopedia. Testing with Babylon shows all their unique components are available, and same thing happens when I run the game without the 5UC mod. Has anyone else had this happen?

04:18 UTC

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