
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for Civilization 5

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Best world wonders?

Short and sweet:

What are the best world wonders in your opinion? (I.e. temple of artemis, borobodur, hagia sofia, etc.)

21:51 UTC


Is there a way to play islands where 2 civs spawn in each island?

I always play Pangaea so I don't know how other maps work.

I wanna play a ship/submarine fuckfest with 8 to 12 civs, but instead of doing 1 civ per 1 island, I wanna do 2 civs for each 1 island to make things more interesting. Is there a way to do that?

19:11 UTC


The finals of the sixth NQ Tournament is today

For people who don't know what No Quitters is, it's the best and most active Civ5 multiplayer community. This is the sixth multiplayer tournament that has been organized to see the best players compete. Finalists this time around are:

  • Lucas Gerven (2x winner)
  • Meota
  • NotBob
  • Gauephat
  • NytesDawn
  • Procrastinated

Start time is at 16:00 CET or 10:00 AM EST. It will be broadcast on Twitch; I'll edit it in the link later once it is up.

edit: main stream will be at https://www.twitch.tv/frankthetank_nq

11:40 UTC


Selecting a Pantheon Before Settling your First City Crashes the Game

Just thought you ought to know.

07:32 UTC


Anyone has any god saves for Scramble for Africa Boer/Ottoman Deity or just advice in general?

Title, pretty much. I'm looking to get the achievements for both of them so any good turn 0 start saves would really help. I'd prefer any boer saves since it differentiates much more than ottoman saves, but i'll accept both.

Also, if you have beaten it on Deity, feel free to leave your winning strategies and advice!

05:27 UTC


Roast my Civ tier list

01:04 UTC


Friends Get "Error Joining Multiplayer Session" When Trying to Join My Game, and Vise-Versa.

We have been trying to play a multiplayer game together for sometime. Strangely, sometimes we can connect and play, but other times it just gives us that notification or kicks us out after we start up the game. We tried deleting the folder in the my games, validating, nothing is working atm.

21:53 UTC


Multiplayer is blocking me from playing with one friend specifically

We are experiencing one of the weirder issues I've ever seen.

If either of us host a multiplayer game, the other can see the lobby but will always get "Error connecting to host" when joining. This is also true if invited through Steam. If we both join a third party's campaign, we will both be able to join but we CANNOT see each other in our respective slots, nor does the game acknowledge that the other person has joined. If we attempt to swap to the slot that looks vacant but is filled by the other player, it will simply get stuck attempting to do so.

We have both verified file integrity and cleared our cache in Documents/MyGames.

What is going on? Are we banned from being in the same game together? We've never had this issue previously.

20:44 UTC


Egyptian GMus protesting the construction of railroads in my borders, hasn't moved for years

20:23 UTC


Reduce my own tourism?

I am going for an achievement that requires me to get a diplomatic victory but I have enough tourism that I will definitely get a cultural first, how do I reduce my own tourism?

19:44 UTC


idea for the huns

so I can tell with the huns, with the fact that the city is called Attila's court and that additional cities you found will be named other civ's cities, they were trying to portray how the huns operated. that is, no true cities of their own, but rather they just own a bunch of stuff they conquered and have a home base in the form of wherever Attila (or whoever) decides to launch most of their raids from.

well this morning I had an idea that I think would make the huns more true to life, and really give you the feeling that you were lording over a marauding band of relentless raiders. this comes in the form of an updated ua that would make them more akin to an angry Venice

so for the production and razing, the huns would keep the stuff that's in their UA, minus the new city name part..

Scourge of God Raze Cities at double speed. Start with Animal Husbandry technology. +1 Production per Pasture.

AND also get my part to make one big UA..

Cannot produce wonders. Cannot found new cities. When founding Cities, the Capitol, with all of it's buildings and it's religion, but no trade routes or improvements, will move to that location rather than a new city being founded, as long as no other Civ's military units are within 5 tiles of your Capitol.

basically what this means is that you're like Venice but you can move your city around. see the huns did most things via tents and they moved around a lot in order to be closed to different opponents, so I think that a play style like this, where you can always move your capitol and have your civ on the move would be cool. the pastures thing from the original UA would mean you're probably always looking for more horses which also makes sense, and it would be important since if you do improve anything, you'll need to make up for loosing your improvements and strategic resources. the cannot produce wonders thing is to balance out being able to move, they shouldn't be able to just build massive huge projects if they are gonna move around. i also added in the units close to the city thing so that if you're in a battle for your capitol you can't just leave, maybe it signifies how prideful your people are and that they wouldn't be willing to just run from a fight. so basically you're playing as more refined barbarians for the game, and it presses the need to conquer as atilla even harder.

thoughts? suggestions? comments? how broken and stupid is this??

17:34 UTC


Academies or saving up Great Scientists when going for Domination?

If you're going for a science victory it's pretty clear that you should mainly save up your GS but what if you plan to conquer 3-5 cities mid game? I usually build 3-4 cities, go Radio --> Dynamite or Architecture --> Dynamite and then start attacking my neighbours. What is the most efficient way to use GS in this scenario?

a) Academies?

b) Save up and pop before conquering the first city?

c) Save up for end game?

14:48 UTC



I was playing on one of the easier difficulties. I'm not sure if I'm doing good or not. In general, what should I have accomplished in the first 50 or so turns? Also, it's been a while since I played the game, so I don't recall the specifics of the last game, but I feel like I was behind in everything.

04:44 UTC


I played a new kind of Civ 5 Game

I haven't really seen anybody else do this, so I decided to give it a try. I decided to go into the civ game with RP in mind, and to try to emulate more realistic geopolitics. To do this I needed to modify the game slightly and hold true to my word. My main goal was not in fact to win, although I did, but to tell a good story.

Rules – Epic Speed, Immortal | Culture, Diplomatic, or Domination Victory only, Earth Map | Maximum of 6 religions | Main Mods used: Less Warmonger Hate, IGE, Coasts/Rivers Give Gold | At Turn 25, I gave each civ including myself two settlers to propagate fast expansion. At turn 100, gave each civ another settler, excluding myself, or (if already locked in) expanded their borders. At turn 75, I gave each civ a worker | Turn 300, expanded most civs borders to eliminate free land. For me: I must pick one forever ally by turn 100, No severe AI exploits allowed (i.e. white peace, city state warring), No Rationalism, Joint Wars require equal division of cities captured, wars require at least one ally to join, if my forever ally goes to war I must join them. 16 civs. When I reached the Atomic Era, I teched up all the lagging civs to at least the modern era, and gave civs in the modern era 2 more techs. IGE used to add more resources at each civ's capital and added natural wonders in their geographic equivalents. Explore map was used so that I could see what the AIs were up to throughout the game, but was not abused, I still had to abide by line of sight rules. I also would edit war relationships to better align with declaration of friendships, creating true allies, making defensive pacts actually work.

This caused a lot of diplomatic maneuvering throughout the game and made me very conscious of my political standing to ensure I could declare war on the civs I wanted to. Throughout the game, there was only one AI that revoked an alliance without being caused by war. I also kept a historical journal from the perspective of a historian of my civilization, documenting the history of his country and the world that shaped it.

For anyone who is a little bored with Civ, as I had been, I highly recommend launching a game and worrying not about winning, but telling a good story.

Has anybody else tried something like this? Let me know your experience.

01:07 UTC


Is mountain adjacent city a game changer?

While starting a game, I always restart till I get a good start. Having a mountain adjacent to my first city is absolute for observatory later. Can people enlighten me about going for mountain adjacent city always?

01:05 UTC


Inca strategy

I'm finding myself be drawn to an Inca game in multiplayer where one player excels in science victory. Anyone got some tidbit tips for playing as Inca?

Important note: no domination victory.

14:16 UTC


Multiplayer help

I asked a similar question and played it out but still got it handed to me by my sibling in a multiplayer as realised when you play 4person multiplayer with 4 AIs. Diplomatic victory is very hard as none of the humans are going to vote for you.

That being said, getting to my question - can anyone put me in the direction of a science/culture powerhouse, bit of a strategy, and how to overcome a human player who is so dominant in science victory under difficult conditions.

We can't play as: Babylon, Korea, Poland, Shoshone, Brazil, and Venice.

We also can't war each other (splits opinions, but it's just something we don't do)

We play BNW, legendary start up, raging barbs, huge map archipelago, normal speed.

Appreciate the above is quite specific and also vague and questions may come which I'll answer best I can.. my sibling tends to play as Arabia or Persia and just puts a rocket into space before anyone else. Before I can get close to a victory.

Please help. I'm sick of coming second. 😅 I've checked a few videos out but just can't seem to get it right.

09:30 UTC


Play the new Civ5 “Game Of The Month” challenge 252

07:37 UTC


Great Writing Background Image

Is there any way to get a high quality resolution of the great writing background image? The one with the plume and the paper and the stamp?

21:53 UTC


After conquering the world, I like to make cities where I relocate enemy civs to and watch them enjoy the aftermath

14:35 UTC


I Randomly have to delete cache

i havent loaded any new mods or deactivated but randomly the game just starts crashing in one of the loading screens, does anyone know how to fix this since every time i delete cache i have to wait for all the mods to download and select them.

09:02 UTC


I'm new to Civ5 and was wondering where the best city location for a third city would be? Coast/hill/river or hill next to river

01:34 UTC


Favorite Deity settings?

Deity is a bit ridiculous at times. What are some of your favorite settings for it?

My last one was Venice on a small map, no barbarian or ancient ruins, Oceania, 5 AI players, with 30 City States. Domination only. By mid-game on quick I was competitive on wonders thanks to all of my city state allies.

I want to hear about yours!

00:07 UTC


Mac and PC multiplayer 2024?

Anyone found a workaround for the 64 bit problem for MACs yet? All the topics on this is from 4 or 5 years ago. I encouraged a friend with a Mac to get the game, but we can't play together.

23:50 UTC


Can you still get another victory if you lose?

Even though i've played this for years, it's kind of embarrassing to admit I've never finished a full game, I usually get bored or took too long of a break and just restart. But I got really invested in a game recently and was pretty much on the track of winning in almost every way, was ahead in culture and had all city states allied. Then all of a sudden I get a losing screen, I go back into the game and realize I was a dumbass and clicked fast through the electing world leader screen and elected Denmark somehow. I hadn't saved for hours (rookie mistake) and I see it still allows you to play after but is that to just dick around or could I still win through culture or something? And will world congress not be a thing now because Denmarks already world leader. I'm not trying to start a whole new game goddamnit, also can we just talk about that ending screen, it doesn't even say who won or how, just says you were overwelmed, a little anticlimactic I gotta say.

Edit:Ill be dumbass x 2 and admit I didn’t realize there was an auto save thanks y’all

10:26 UTC


Over 3000 fps in menu

Does anyone know how to limit the FPS in the menu? I locked the FPS with Radeon chill to 75 but in the menu it Still gets over 3000.. I have a 1440p 165hz Monitor

09:00 UTC


Playing Polynesia and when it came to a religion name the South Park episode, 'Going Native' came to mind

04:54 UTC


What is your preferred graphical unit mod? Ethnic Units, Ethnic Diversity, or R.E.D.?

I am particularly interested in any change these mods make to vehicles. The more diversity in aircraft, tanks, etc, the better.

I am not looking for any gameplay changes, just want a good dose of graphical enhancement.

03:20 UTC

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