A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of animals being totally hilarious.
A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of animals being totally hilarious.
Please only post animals being funny, not humans being funny.
We're here to have a laugh, please keep posts funny. That means no posts of animals being killed or seriously injured.
Do not post content that is already in the top 50 posts of all time. You can check for reposts by copying the link and pasting here. Recent reposts will also be removed. Reposts within 3 months of each other will be removed. Reposts may also result in a temporary ban. Permanent ban for constant reposting.
If you submit a post that has already been reposted more than 3 times, your post will get removed.
If your post is NSFW, please label it as such.
No posts promoting a specific website, YouTube channel, blog, subreddit etc. Such posts will be removed and reported.
No memes or comics.
Posts must depict animals actually being funny. Please do not post animals engaging in normal animal behavior which might simply appeal to humans, and do not make posts which require you to add context for the funny behavior to be understood. Moderators will remove such posts at their discretion.
No compilation videos and collection of pictures/gifs.
Moderators reserve the right to remove content they deem harmful to the sub.
TheBeingNetwork For all things being
r/BirdsBeingDicks Birds acting like total dicks
r/PlantsBeingJerks Plants don't mess around
r/AnimalsBeingAnimals Animals being themselves
r/TrollingAnimals Animals truly are dicks...
r/AnimalsFailing Life is ruff.
r/StopBullyingComics Nonsensical bitstrip comics which can be surprisingly amusing
Made up facts about real animals
Made up facts about turtles
r/IdiotsFightingThings Idiots fighting or otherwise getting hurt by inanimate objects
r/GentlemAnimals Animals acting like gentlemen
r/ProRevenge Home to stories of getting back at someone who wronged you in a professional way.
r/Unexpected Expect the unexpected
r/sloths Lazy slow moving mammal
r/WeirdAnimals Some animals are just weird
r/ThingsCutInHalfPorn CHOP! CHOP! CHOP!>
r/howtonotgiveafuck The Problem-Free Philosophy
/r/ThingsThatBlowUp BOOM!
r/CanYouDoThis Complete or make challenges
r/todayiam Share what you're doing today with people of Reddit
r/MakeNewFriendsHere A place for making new friends
r/StartledCats Funny pics, vids and gifs of startled felines
Interesting / Weird / Offbeat Stuff
She then proceeded to unplug the HDMI cord from the monitor. That stink eye was a warning.