A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of plants being jerks.
A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of plants being jerks.
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Posts must depict plants actually being jerks. Please do not post plants engaging in normal plant behavior which might simply appeal to humans, do not make posts which require you to add context for the plant behavior to be understood. Moderators will remove such posts at their discretion.
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The Being Network For all things being
Please help! The older leaves keep getting discolored and browning before dropping off. Am I under watering? I’ve been concerned about over watering but it’s a well drained pot.. should I be watering more frequently than once a week?
Help!! 🙏🏼
The leaves feel limp and they used to be hard. It’s looking very sad :(
I’ve obviously put it by the window near sunlight to help revive it but it is still winter so don’t get a lot of sun In the U.K.
I added a healthy dose of plant food and water. Any further tips? Thanks!
I was late watering it. It was last watered about 3 days ago and has looked like this since. Any suggestions please?
hiii i have a dying philodendron prince of orange from overwatering. at the moment it’s de-potted and drying the roots out. i have one leaf left and i have no idea what to do. Please help me.
about 5 days ago i did repot it with dry soil and it seems like it was doing okay then i water it about 2 days ago and boom lose 2 more leafs.
what should i do ?
my plant is being a JERK !
Do I need to cheer him up? Tell a few jokes?
This fiddle leaf fig sits in indirect sunlight for part of the day and is lit with a full spectrum bulb for about 18 hours daily. It was doing fine but suddenly shed a bunch of leaves. Help!
This is the way my plant looks now and it’s been drooping leaves like this since I repotted it. I will say the moisture of the soil I used seemed pretty saturated to my not trained eye - even though I used a good brand. The soil has been noise for like 2 weeks now. It it possible to revive? And how? Please help!
As the title implies - can I save it?
We've had this bamboo for 4 years now.
It came in a flower bundle as a house warming gift - which I believe was potted.
I say that, as my wife has kept it in water, in indirect sunlight for years as it remained happy and grew.
Came back from a 6 week trip and it currently looks like this?
Can I save it? Should I pot it? The water certainly looks like it needs to be changed.
Thanks in advance!
Super droopy plant and just not looking too good after I came home from a trip! Halp?
I'm not sure why the leaves turn under.. I've repotted this thing before, gave it fresh soil and made sure it has a self draining pot. Maybe not light enough and too much water? Any tips would be appreciated..
This fucker has been trying to take over our yard for years. I have killed it a million times and it keeps coming back. Is hiring a Mac truck to pull it out the only way? Please help me
Help? My diffenbachia is a pain in my ass and I can’t figure out what to do with it. Sits in a large north facing window by the kitchen sink. Gets watered when the it’s dry.