A place for sharing videos, gifs, news stories and images of people being total bros.
A place for sharing videos, gifs, articles and images of humans being bros.
Posts must depict humans actually being bros.
No reliance on additional context. The 'bro' action should be easily discernible within the image/gif/video. Having to add context in the title, comments, super-imposed text or otherwise to explain the 'bro' is against sub rules. Submissions violating this rule will be removed.
No reposts. All reposts are removed at moderators discretion. Repost farming is not allowed and will result in a ban. Check the sub prior to posting to see if your submission has already been posted. Sort by Top before posting.
NO NSFW content. No content related to suicide, or suicide prevention. No content relating to sexual assault. No rage bait. No sexually suggestive content. No copaganda.
No Spam.
No staged submissions. Scenes set up to look helpful are staged and will be removed. Staged videos made by content creators for clout on TikTok, YouTube or Instagram will also be removed at moderators discretion. No poverty porn or exploitative media. We do not allow skits or social experiment videos.
No memes, comics, or compilations..
No spreading misinformation. screenshots of text messages, twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Reddit screenshots from other communities will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Images of text are prohibited. This includes: cards, letters, notes. News links are allowed, but must be on topic and current. Do not link to sites with paywalls
Comments that do not contribute to the discussion will be removed. Bans may be issued. Examples:
Pot-stirring, trolling or bad-faith commentary about our content or its authenticity. Discussion about the provenance and authenticity of submissions will be removed.
Evidence must be provided if you suspect a specific post is staged