A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of people being total jerks.
A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of people being jerks.
Refrain from posting jokes, memes, puns, comics, reaction gifs and wordplays. Comments should contribute to thoughtful and serious discussion only.
Refrain from promoting hate speech, racism, sexism, religion-bashing, name-calling, insults, and any other abusive/threatening language. "Abusive language" includes posts which are malicious or insulting in nature. Even if the person you are insulting committed a heinous act, do not describe how they should be punished if given the chance. Keep it in /r/justiceporn.
Do not post content that is already in the top 50 posts of all time. You can check for reposts from your posts page here. Recent reposts will also be removed. Reposts within 3 months of each other will be removed.
If your post is NSFW, please label it as such.
Posts must depict people actually being jerks. Please do not post people engaging in normal human behavior which might simply enrage humans, do not make posts which require you to add context for the jerk behavior to be understood. Moderators will remove such posts at their discretion.
No compilation videos, gifs, pictures, etc.
Moderators reserve the right to remove content and users they deem harmful to the sub.
The Being Network For all things being
I was editing a page for fun once and made a genuine mistake so I reverted it back to the way the page was before. He very rudely accused me of vandalizing and threatened to ban me lmao. I looked at his editing history and it looked like to me he accuses a lot of people of vandalizing and is very rude about it. Anyways I guess he’s just a miserable old man that loves to be mean on the internet and his hobby in life is editing and trying to be some kind of Wikipedia police 💀
If you want more context, ask me.
So I was with her until she admitted to her and her bf using him not only that laughing about it. So like, bc he’s a rich drugged addicted he should be used? A lot of ppl really will redrum for being used. Someone help understand if he is right or wrong.
A little background…
Today, I’m a senior software engineer at a large corporation. I’m engaged. I’ve found all the success, purpose, love and meaning I’ve always wanted out of life. Things aren’t perfect, but they’re really good.
I did not take the conventional road to success. I hit some detours along the way. One of my detours was related to substance abuse. While I used to be a dredge on society, I have been sober for 8 years. I’ve built a career for myself. I use my past experiences to help others still struggling with addiction. Today my life is filled with blessings.
I went to high school in New Jersey, yesterday morning I received a message from someone I went to high school with. We haven’t talked since high school. We were in high school over 15 years ago and he decided to send me this message.
I chose not to respond - and instead put him on blast on Facebook and here. I feel bad for him because he’s clearly sick and suffering. The outpouring of support I received went way beyond anything I expected.
What a jerk. I’ll pray he finds peace.
Reasonable price: $1700 per month
Guess I’ll find another way.