A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of animals being bros.
A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of animals being bros.
Only post animals being bros. Not normal animal behavior. Animals just existing, sleeping, sitting, being petted, eating or otherwise engaging in normal animal behavior will be removed. Do not post images with superimposed text adding context for the 'bro' action to be understood. Your post should be able to stand on its own without help from the title or additional text.
Scenes set up by people to make animals look cute or helpful are staged and will be removed.
Animals and human interactions are not necessarily bro.
Animals in danger or any form of animal abuse is not tolerated. Submissions violating this rule may be banned
Reposts will be removed. You can check for reposts by using the search bar. Repost farming is not allowed and will result in a ban.
No hate speech or racism. No personal attacks. NO POLITICS.NO ABUSIVE LANGUAGE. No slap fights. "Abusive language" includes posts which are malicious or insulting in nature. Violation of this rule may result in a ban
No NSFW content is allowed.
No memes/comics. No compilation videos, gifs, pictures, etc.
No spam. Original content and crossposts from other subreddits are welcome, but please no spam. This means no posts promoting a specific website, YouTube channel, blog, artwork, subreddit etc. Spammers will be banned. No fundraising requests allowed. Do not make posts asking for donations, ie. vet bills, GoFundMe, or to sign a petition. Violations of this rule may face a ban without warning
No links to social media. No links to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok. Use direct links to post your images, videos, or gifs
No comments supporting killing, eating, or harming animals. Threats or denigration towards any living being are not allowed and may result in a ban. Do not joke about eating animals or share your views on eating animals. No breed hate
Wrong sub/Not an animal bro Not all animal interactions with other animals or humans is "bro" or suitable for our sub. If your submission has been removed under this rule, you can try r/aww, r/eyebleach or any other animal themed subs. Feel free to email the mod team if you'd like to be re-directed to a community that would be a better fit
Moderators reserve the right to remove content they deem harmful to the sub.
The Being Network For all things being
Animal gifs, with text. Historic meme, good meme.
r/Eyebleach Gently rinse out your eyes with the cute gifs and pictures
All the cuteness you need
r/GentlemAnimals Animals acting like gentlemen
r/sloths Lazy slow moving mammal
r/animalssmiling A mood-lifting, aww-inducing, funny and cute subreddit of animals smiling!
Pictures of cute sleeping animals
r/weirdanimals Some animals are just weird