East of the Rockies and West of the rest!
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Hello everyone! I am searching for some new winter boots. I want boots that are good quality, warm and waterproof so I can wear them while I walk on river valley trails. Ideally I would love to find something somewhat stylish as well so I can wear them on everyday outings.
I’ve been looking at Inuikii and Pajar and Baffin, but not sure of the quality. I heard that Sorel got bought out recently and their quality has taken a hit, so I’m avoiding them.
Got in to an argument at costco on parking then after shopping found out my tires slashed and side door dinged. Can costco help with my complaint with their surveillance cameras?
We had an assessment done on my mother-in-law and they told us she only qualifies for being in a lodge - not Type A or Type B housing. The reason being that she's not laying in bed where they have to change pee pads or move her because of bed sores. WHAT? How is that the standard for being moved into Type B, which is defined as "on-site health and personal care for more complex needs by health care aides and sometimes licensed practical nurses."
The Type B home we were looking at for her has a studio room with kitchenette and they go downstairs for their meals. How can someone do that if they're bedridden? I feel like the person who reviewed this doesn't know what they're doing or assumed we wanted long term care. Anyone else have this problem?
For some context, she's on oxygen, uses a walker, has a pace maker, hiatal hernia, major leg edema, diabetes, had four hospital visits in six months all for different major issues that required hospitalization. They asked if she's fallen before and I said twice in two years. They said did one of the falls happen in the last three months and I said no. I asked follow up questions in an email but we're about to get a new case manager so I guess I have to wait.
Hello everyone!! I just did my application with the ACDH as a new dental hygienist and I am guessing it is going to take some time before I get my registration number and everything. However, I wanted to know from people who are already registered with ACDH if it would be a good idea for me to start doing some job applications in the meanwhile? I am guessing that getting a call from the dental offices can take time too? I am confused, can somebody guide me with this? please and thank you in advance!!
Hi, just wondering which day you usually do your reporting on? This month was the first time I had to do the reporting as I'm new to alberta works. I submitted my reporting last week but still have not recieved my payment. Getting pretty nervous as rent will be automatically withdrawn today.
Please come out to the protest rallies this Saturday, Nov 2nd. We need a strong show of protest this weekend against the anti-trans legislation and the decimation of our healthcare and education systems by the UCP. We must show up to send a message to Danielle Smith and her party that we will not stand for such behavior from our government, regardless of what side of the political divide they are on.
We are living under a government that is flaunting their power, with no regard for how their decisions affect everyday Albertans. Danielle Smith refuses to be accountable to the residents of this province. Her policies are devastatingly harmful to trans and gender non conforming kids, to cancer patients, to disabled people, to long COVID survivors, to teachers, to nurses, to people seeking employment, to students of all levels of education, and to the unhoused. In Danielle's world, if you don't have money or insurance to cover your needs, you don't matter. In her vision for Alberta, the vast majority of us suffer.
Let's send her and her party a message this weekend-we won't stand for being mistreated by a government who should be working for us. We pay their wages, why are we putting up with this?
Stop the UCP - Calgary City Hall 4-6pm Stop the UCP - Edmonton Legislature 3-5pm
ETA: protest isn't just about changing the minds of the ruling party, it's is also about sending a clear message of support to the people affected by the UCP's priorities. It's incredibly hard for people to get a sense of how much they are supported (social media is really fickle this way, and most media outlets are biased due to their ownership). There are many ways to fight back against what is happening now - protest is just one of them.
I’m wondering as I live in Saskatchewan and car insurance and power is way cheaper here than when it was when I lived in Alberta. Why don’t we have this in Alberta?
What are educators to do if/when they're required to rat out trans and non-binary kids to administration/counselors and they are morally, ethically, professionally opposed to doing so? It seems that there is precedence for other population groups when faced with an extraordinary moral dilemma. For example conscientious objectors can refuse conscription during times of war and physicians can likewise refuse to provide MAiD/euthanasia healthcare. Are there similar protections for educators and if not should there be? Or is the only way through this to raise a charter/constitutional challenge with teachers prepared to fall on their swords? Not at all overlooking the stress on our kids at this time, but this must be an intensely stressful time for educators who give a shit about our kids also.
My employer does the bare minimum for sick days, just the 5 unpaid legally mandated personal days that can be sued for personal reasons or sick days. If I have used all of those days, can they require me to use vacation time? From my understanding if we do this we would receive an adequate/exceptional attendance rating in our reviews instead of an inadequate rating and avoid getting any warnings.
I guess the question is, at base level is this legal?
What are the things I have to avoid discussing to ensure that I am not excluded from Jury Duty? I have a bit of a mixed bag of opinions and I'm wondering if there are any topics like Jury Nullification to avoid.