Gunpla (ガンプラ) - Gundam and other Mecha Plastic Models
While Gunpla is a portmanteau of "Gundam plastic model", this subreddit is dedicated to the practice of building all mecha models. Posts of pictures/videos of your kits, reviews, tips, and gunpla news are most welcome!
Gunpla Wiki - Useful information
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Don't be a dick. Keep it classy or face mod action.
Got a question? Need help? Questions should go in the official Q&A thread stickied at the top of the subreddit!
Blog and YouTube creators are expected to be active community members and must follow good reddiquette. You can easily participate by answering other people's questions in the Q&A thread, or commenting on other posts.
Are you the owner, employee or affiliate of a hobby shop? Contact the moderators before posting links to your shop.
Looking to sell your unwanted kits? Want to buy some parts? Post your requests in our monthly Commerce Thread.
Photoshopped works are discouraged. Build submissions should be indicative of your building ability and not overtly aided with computer generated enhancements.
Do not steal other people's builds, repost or present them as your own. If the build is not yours, flair it with the "Not my Build" but you have to present a good reason in your title why it needs to be part of the discussion. "It looks cool" is not a valid reason.
This is a meme-free zone. NO MEMES!
Photos of hauls (boxes and unbuilt kits) are not allowed. /r/gunpla Secret Santa posts are exempt from this rule.
Please title or frame your posts in a manner to encourage meaningful and healthy discussions with the community. Posts that serve to instigate a spam trend which disrupts the daily interaction of this subreddit, or post titles which include social media handles (Twitter/Instagram/etc) will be subject to removal.
The following are not on topic for the subreddit and belong in an another community. Don't try to skirt this rule by having a Gunpla off in the background of your photo when the main focus is on an off-topic item.
Non-mecha such as: Tanks, Planes, DBZ, Star Wars, Frame Arms Girls / Megami Device / other non-bandai "armored girl" kits.
Or non model kits such as: Action Figures, Dolls, Cosplay, Statues, LEGO
No hateful content. Political arguments in threads, especially Nazi apologism, is explicitly forbidden (including on "historical accuracy"). The use of swastika or other hate symbol decals are also forbidden.
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painting / tools / customizing
help me / sales & deals / silly / news/review
meta / other mecha / community /
Click here to check out the credits for our banners.
If you would like to discuss the Gundam series more in-depth, check out r/Gundam.
If you would like to battle your gunpla check out /r/BuildFightSystem.
For more complicated builds and techniques that go beyond your OOB, there's /r/advancedGunpla.
Heres mine
I just got done with the legs on the RG RX 78 V2 and this happend. Is there any way to fix this or am I screwed?
This kit is too big but worthy to be the centerpiece.
Almost finished my first build! Just waiting for some decals to arrive. Totally get the appeal now. Starting with RG's of 1:1 Gundam that I've visited so next up will be the RG RX-93ff and Unicorn 🙂
While waiting for Chars decals I start working on the next zaku. Despite there age, the build is so good and you can make very great poses with them.
Why did i ever leave this in my backlog for too long?😅 Such a satisfying build!
Start from rg gundam, and WFM hg. For newbies I recommend to start from WFM hg. They are fantastic. Only ultraman, 30mm and the GM dissapoint me. Their connectors and joints are really weak. They are easy to pop off and weight down by gravity.
It’s 2 in the morning and I’m losing my mind.