
Photograph via snooOG


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22,931 Subscribers


Does anyone know any small STEM POC youtube channels?

everyone on my feed is white. which is obviously fine, but i'd rather have some diversity because the lack thereof is really depressing :p also wanna support POC science channels. WIRED does a great job with their guests, not that its even intentional, but seeing diversity in the STEM field at such high levels PhD's professors and such, serves as a reminder to me that there's a chance to succeed regardless of how much discrimination there is in the world based on race and sex

22:17 UTC


Summer internships in edtech

Trying to plan ahead for summer 2025 and look into internships at edtech companies or nonprofits. I’m coming from a software engineering background - currently working on my masters - but have little prior experience in edtech specifically. Suggestions on breaking into the field?

22:02 UTC


Computing in Education project ideas needed

Hello everyone!

I am pursuing an MA degree in Computing in Education and will be graduating in December 2024 or May 2025. Throughout my studies, I have been developing an idea for my thesis. However, as I approach graduation, I've been advised to undertake a capstone project instead.

I'm looking for suggestions for a capstone project that:

  • Relates to education
  • Includes a technical component (e.g., website, app, etc.)
  • Aims to improve the education landscape in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, where I originate from.

Any ideas are welcome! Thank you.

15:18 UTC


Career Opportunities in Ed-Tech

I have a few years of experience in ed-tech. Currently I am looking for a job change but I am not getting any proper JDs. I don't understand what kind of job title should I look for.

My background: I started my career during classes COVID, worked as an online tutor for 1+ years then promoted as learning progress coach and then teacher coach. As these roles are very specific, I don't understand what are the roles I can apply for?

EDIT: I guess I was not able to convey my point clearly. I work in an ed-tech company (e-learning provider), and I am looking for a similar position. However, since my current role was specific, I don't understand how to search for a role where I can utilize my existing experience and skills.

20:37 UTC


PowerSchool Video Series, InsiderCast?


I'm trying to find a PowerSchool training video on User rolls and groups.

I jotted the note, "InsiderCast By Jason Spregle?" I think I spelled his last name wrong.

I have seen other people reference this video series.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

14:58 UTC



I was wondering if anyone knows which features I'm missing out on by using ExamView 6.2 that was provided in a textbook years ago vs one on the later versions (eg. V11).

Im not even sure I'll be able to get a newer copy now that it has been discontinued but I was wondering it it's worthwhile to try.

If anyone has any insight or could help me find a newer version it will would be greatly appreciated

09:46 UTC


K12 with good reports

Hey guys I was looking at using a K12 Edtech program for online learning, wanted to come on here and ask which ones had the best reporting systems for teachers and students side and why. Thanks alot

13:05 UTC



Can anyone suggest EdTech platform which has good DataStructure and Spring courses which are affordable?

1 Comment
20:29 UTC


Struggling with the Flip website

I started a class yesterday that uses Flip to record responses to the lessons. Every time I try to use it, I get this error message: {"metadata":{},"error":{"status":500,"messages":"Server Error"},"links":{},"data":{}} Just wondering if anyone has experienced this. It happens on my phone and laptop and chrome and safari

19:28 UTC


New(ish) to Formal EdTech

I found out today that I got a supplemental job as the tech lead for my school, meaning that I'll be doing on-site tech support, Chromebook distribution, etc. It's in addition to my regular teaching job, so I'm seeking advice on streamlining as much as possible. I'm especially interested in using things like Google Forms to set up tech tickets. Or, even better, is there a system that scans paper tickets into Google Sheets that works really well?

I'm pretty decent with our LMS and basic repairs, but I want to ensure that I have an organized system in place before the school year starts in August.

19:52 UTC


LMS - my opinion and experience

I feel like learning management systems are very linear in their approach. They just seem to have a course and then dump a bunch of content there. You just learn step by step and use other programs or websites to help you with the course such as word or youtube. I just wanted to read your guys experience regarding LMS

15:53 UTC

05:01 UTC



Hey Edtech techs! I am looking to get into Edtech and not quite sure where to start. I have done some research about starting a Moreland Program and getting a degree in Ed tech and instructional design. What are the pros and cons? What were your challenges (in whatever capacity you did to achieve your cert or degree)?

Currently teaching in Taiwan, I have been for 2 years now as a full time english teacher at a primary school and will renew my contract for the coming year 2024-2025 and thinking of possible avenues to possibly transition in the NEAR future.

11:43 UTC


What Challenges Do You Face When Learning from YouTube?

Hi everyone,

I'm currently working on an EdTech project aimed at improving the online learning experience. One of the platforms we're focusing on is YouTube, given its vast repository of educational content. However, we understand that learning from YouTube isn't always smooth sailing.

I would love to hear from you about the challenges you face when using YouTube to learn new skills or subjects. Your insights will be incredibly valuable for us to create a solution that addresses these pain points.Here are a few questions to get the conversation started:

  • What specific difficulties do you encounter while learning from YouTube?
  • Are there particular features or functionalities you wish YouTube had to make learning easier?
  • How do you stay motivated and organized while learning from YouTube videos?
  • What type of content do you find most effective or least effective for learning on YouTube?

Thank you for sharing your experiences!

11:33 UTC


Chat communities (WhatsApp, etc,) for EdTech?

Hi everyone! I have been doing a bit of research on communities for staff and faculty in higher ed. Do any of you belong to any educator communities on WhatsApp, Slack, Discord, or other chat apps? What kinds of interesting information do you manage to find there? Any links you can share? Thanks in advance!

09:31 UTC


ISTE reviews?

Anyone attend ISTE virtually this week? I was meant to, but was unable due to a family emergency. I’ve been looking for coverage and just wondering if anyone here had anything to share- thanks!

07:49 UTC


What best places to create an online course for passive income?

I'm looking to create an online course and generate some passive income. Big companies like Udemy have many requirements, and the profit margins are low. I'm not a famous influencer or a tech space celeb, I just want to put my content out there. What platforms or strategies would you recommend for someone in my position?

11:08 UTC


Career transition from Professor to EdTech

Has anyone here made this move? I'm ready to leave academia after 15 years of low pay and terrible benefits (and I'm tenured so am luckier than most). I've done some educational consulting for an EdTech project on a freelance basis and liked it a lot, but that company has moved on to a new project and doesn't need my help anymore. I've applied for a couple of roles for other EdTech companies, but I'm wondering if anyone who has either made a similar move or is just working in EdTech has advice about which kinds of roles I should target. For the freelance project I mentioned here I was doing content-related work, but I also have extensive experience designing and teaching remote courses, working with (mostly terrible) LMS, and adapting other platforms like YouTube to build courses, and I would really like to use those skills in a new role.

14:05 UTC


I used to really like TechSmith (Camtsia, Snagit, etc)...

Crap business model, good product.
TechSmith used to be simple, easy to use software with straight forward, fixed, all-in pricing. Now it's just absolute crap subscription-based pricing. There's not even an option to buy the software outright.
Oh, and upsells? They've got those if you want some upsells.

Pure enshitification of a once-good product. TechSmith is pretty much dead to me.

(Thanks for all the free wine and cheese at the TCEA mixer each year though, TechSmith - that was when things were good.)

02:53 UTC


European Accessibility Act: One year to go. Are you ready?

Hi everyone - hope this is okay to post, there's a free webinar coming up on Wednesday 3 July at 1pm BST on the European Accessibility Act (EAA): https://abilitynet-org-uk.zoom.us/webinar/register/3017187095337/WN_KfCP9mRqSHuM-6RxZZxTug

What to expect in this free webinar:

  • Understand the current accessibility landscape about the EAA and its significance and implications

  • The EAA’s implementation deadline approaches on June 28, 2025. Our panel experts will discuss the steps your organisation needs to take

  • Get relevance reassurance- discover whether the EAA applies to your organisation

1 Comment
11:19 UTC


Decision maker different from final user. What can we do?

Hey guys, I was wondering how do you deal with the fact that in this market the decision maker is, many times, not the final user.

How can we develop the product under these circumstances?

Engagement, etc doesn’t seems like a relevant KPI since my final user could be very happy with the experience but the decision maker can still decide to cut me off for whatever reason.

23:39 UTC



Anyone headed to ISTE next week?

If so, what are you most interested in learning about? Who are you hoping to connect with? And what tools are you most excited to try?

15:45 UTC


What roles can I land with a Masters of Learning Tech?

Howdy everyone!

I'm wondering what the job prospects are for somebody with a Masters of Learning Technologies (or an equivalent degree) and was hoping I could get some insight from the folks here about what kinds of work you've landed with it.

I'm in my early 30s and I currently work an entry-level role as a training and support specialist in higher ed and have a Bachelors in Communications. I have a few years under my belt, and a my normal workday involves me responding to tickets requesting training and assistance, preparing monthly presentations about a chosen topic, and produce training materials like videos.

I have some marginal experience working in Canvas and helping make course materials when I was in my undergrad as a student employee. My supervisor was an instructional designer, and although I understand there's some overlap between the ID and LT, I know they have significantly different roles. It was an enjoyable but a weird experience; covid-19 forced us all into remote roles and my job suddenly changed from dealing with issues affecting classroom devices to helping faculty get their courses off the ground using Canvas.

My workplace has a program that would basically cover the costs of the Masters degree, so I'm not worried about going (further) into debt. Right now, I'm mostly curious about all the different kinds of work I can land with a Masters in Learning Technology.

01:26 UTC


In this generation of Alpha and Generation of Z, how many of them go to library and read the full book?

23:19 UTC


Free LMS upload

Hello everyone,

I have access to Articulate Storyline 360 and I would like to create my own lessons with it for my high school classroom.

Is there an LMS platform that I am able to set up for free for my students?

It would need to have the capability of letting students have access to the material and showing scores for imbedded quizzes.

Is there anything like that out there or am I wasting my time?
Thank you!

19:50 UTC


Anyone experienced with AAC devices / software?

I’ve been exploring this space for a while and tested out some of the tech used in my wife’s transition school.

Curious if this community has had any experiences with these in the classroom - anything software or product that made you go “wow!” Or any memories that might have been a bit heart breaking for you?

16:14 UTC


Any interesting Edtech tools for Classroom Management?

14:08 UTC

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