
Photograph via //r/asteroid

Articles and discussion about Asteroids.

Asteroids are small rocky, metallic, or icy bodies that orbit around the Solar System. Larger asteroids have also been called planetoids, and those with a tail are referred to as comets.

Asteroids have collided with the major planets before in the past, releasing huge quantities of energy, leaving craters and devastation in their wake. However, most asteroids orbit far from any planet on relatively stable orbits. Asteroid mining has been proposed as a future industry - if successful, a huge wealth of minerals and resources could be within our grasp.

  1. Content must be about Asteroids
  2. No sensationalist or apocalyptic content
  3. No hostility or aggression

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Dwarf Planets
Small Solar System Bodies

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Close approach of asteroid 2024 MK

Asteroid 2024 MK will fly past Earth on 29 June at approximately 13:45 UTC (15:45 CEST). It is between 120 and 260 m across and will pass within the orbit of the Moon, coming at about 295000 km from the Earth.

Near miss. Big one, very close and it was discovered less then 2 weeks ago, on the 16th of June 2024. I wonder if it is a part of the Taurid swarm of which similarly sized chunk probably have caused the Tunguska event? Also, are there any more like it, some perhaps even bigger?

14:44 UTC


Asteroid Apophis will swing past Earth in 2029 — could a space rock collision make it hit us?

https://www.space.com/asteroid-apophis-earth-flyby-2029-space-rock-collision#xenforo-comments-65491 I read this article a little earlier today, and while it states that no projected asteroids fall into its path, there was a part towards the end that had me nervous: "Wiegert and Hyatt also found Apophis will pass a little over 310,000 miles (500,000 km) of another asteroid named 4544 Xanthus in December 2026. While both space rocks will not collide — 4544 Xanthus will pass the duo's intersection point just four hours after Apophis. "The encounter is close enough that material accompanying Xanthus (if any) could strike Apophis," according to the new study. "This could result in a perturbation of its future path that could affect its impact probability with Earth."

Should we worry about this? Just looking for some perspective.

22:00 UTC


How to find an image of an asteroid?

I'm trying to find an image of asteroid 8564 Anomalocaris, but searching it up gives nothing. I know that there has to be an image somewhere, but I don't know where to look.

03:22 UTC


Apophis 99942

I'm trying to get my head around how asteroid Apophis, which is coming within 19,000 miles of Earth, isn’t going to be pulled in by our planet's gravity. It’s the closest a big rock like this has ever come to us during our time, and NASA seems pretty sure it’s all good. But isn’t this kind of a big deal?

I’m curious about this thing called the gravitational keyhole. Could Earth’s gravity tweak Apophis’ path so it might hit us on a future pass? Also, if we’re thinking about the future, why not consider changing its course a bit? I’ve heard about ideas for defending Earth against asteroids—could those work here?

And what about using Apophis instead of just steering clear of it? If it’s got tons of iron, couldn’t we think about slowing it down to mine it later? Imagine building stuff in space with materials from an asteroid.

Plus, what can we learn from this flyby?

Would love to get some insights on this. Isn't anyone else thinking about this?

02:10 UTC


Who this asteroid ep 1: china

China is it in asteroid belt is really discovered by a Chinese guy

is call 1125 with number as 1125 china

(the end)

1 Comment
13:26 UTC


Asteroid 1006 pm EST N MA

Just saw a huge 4s green fireball with chunks flying off it in Northern MA. If you are missing a satellite, I can let you know the road I was on to help pinpoint if it didn't hit a house.

02:17 UTC

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