Reddit about the mmorpg Phobos Online (www.phobosonline.com)
Discord: https://discord.gg/phobos-online-345844778757521428
Phobos is the larger & innermost moon of Mars.
Thought to be a captured asteroid, the small and irregularly shaped object is gradually spiralling inwards, and in 40 million years will break up to form a ring system around Mars.
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Come check out the newest update for Christmas presents! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1373350/view/525330030617690988?l=english
Come check out our discord if you want more teasers of incoming Phobos updates! Class revamp, weather, new spells and more!
Spread the word and come say hi to our very active discord community!
How the hell did they not get sued by cipsoft lmao
I'm going to try it out tonight, does it still have an active community?
Ask the title says. Where is everyone at?
The roadmap for 2023 has been announced. Read it at: https://www.phobosonline.com/#News