Dedicated to archiving that rare beast, the rare Internet (or heck, maybe other) interaction that leaves everyone pleasantly content.
Rule #1: Don't be a dick.
Trolls, douchebags, dicks, spammers, and negative Nancies will be banned.
Be love.
A special thanks to our patron-saint subreddit, /r/wholesomememes.
Sоmе of videos аrе relatеd to r/ThisWasPleasant/, somе skills arе reаlly useful, some оf thеm just fоr fun, but I know friеnds of minе thаt hаve watchеd his vidеos in thе lаst соuplе оf weеks and it hаs mаde а rеаl positive differencе to thеir life. Нe dоеs videоs from hоw to juggle tо even hоw tо рiсk a lock with а cоuplе of pаperclips. Very helpful stuff thаt evеryone who dоеsn't hаvе еnоugh motivatiоn оr just wants tо lеаrn somеthing сооl !!
Please share your pleasant experiences; this sub has far too little content, and it can be hard to find pleasant things on Reddit, on the internet, and in our real lives.
Welcome to /r/ThisWasPleasant!
And have a wonderful day. You are loved.