
Photograph via snooOG

Too many depressing things on the main page, so post about what makes you warm and fuzzy inside!

Too many depressing things on the main page, so post about what makes you warm and fuzzy inside!

Please avoid posting news stories that have a silver lining as while a happy/amazing thing happened, it came out of a sad/depressing situation.

Additionally, if you would like to share news with us, please be descriptive about it. Self posts are allowed on the basis that it is a truly happy event and put effort into writing it. Short or vague self posts will be removed as this dilutes the feed.

General Rules:

  • No vague posts - Short (fewer than 40 characters) posts or titles will be removed.
  • No meme posts - Low effort content such as posting memes (even with a positive message) will be removed.
  • No silver lining stories - Stories that are rooted in a negative situation with a minor positive outcome are not allowed. Stories about conquering your fears/challenges on the other hand are allowed.
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  • Share a story! - Post about what makes you warm and fuzzy inside, we encourage everyone to share a story about their happiness.

Related Subreddits:

  • Working on something and can't quite finish it? Take a look at /r/GetMotivated!

  • Got a life goal you want to share with the world? Come post to /r/LifeGoals and make it a reality.

  • Share a story that made you feel great! Come share at /r/GoodFeelings

  • Did a loved-one make you happy? Tell us about it on /r/greenflags

  • Want to enjoy some positive memes? Head on over to r/wholesomememes


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Should I quit Youtube with social media?

Throughout my entire life I've always watched and enjoyed Youtube however recently I've caught myself wasting time on apps like instagram and tiktok just doomscrolling. Because of this I've decided to go on a dopamine detox which so far has just been deleting the timewasters on my phone like reddit, instagram, and tiktok. One thing I'm not sure of though is Youtube because it has always been my way of relaxing so I'm wondering if anyone else whose decided to quit social media felt that youtube helped or made it worse. Any thoughts in the comments would be helpful.

21:12 UTC


Meeting my girlfriend's extended family for the first time tonight

I'm pretty nervous about it, as I've never been in the position of the new boyfriend being introduced to the family before. I've already met her parents and sister, but this is going to be a lot of new people. Does anyone have any advice?

18:11 UTC


So happy for this guys accomplishment of graduating. I hope this post is over 40 characters this time.

05:59 UTC


I finally figured out what I want to do and am going back to school!

I'm kind of scared but after over a decade of being employed at office jobs that were unfulfilling, I realized I want to be a psychologist and started going back to school (while working) this summer. It's been like 15 years since I've been in school but I finally have a sense of direction. I have a fatal heart condition and always thought I would die before I had a purpose.

21:55 UTC


I was in a theater piece today and I am proud of myself 😁

It was a little project, we only had a few days to put everything together. I was so nervous. Some of my friends and my mom and brother came to watch. Honestly it was so out of my comfortzone but I am so happy that I did it! It was also a really great group of people to work with. Overall: a happy experience that I will always cherish ☺️

21:39 UTC


Just told each of my friends and family I love them

I woke up this morning in a good mood and wanted to share the love. So I started to message friends with heartfelt messages about how I appreciate them a lot and love them. Seeing how it made their day, I kept going through friends I'd been thinking of, those I hadn't seen in a while, and those who have heard it many times. Then I started messaging relatives, called my mom and dad, told my little brother, even some cousins I don't really conect with anymore but still appreciate. The responses varied a fair bit. Some people matched my energy, some had few words but I could feel their happiness, some just listened, and some deflected with jokes. I'm sure a cousin or two even laughed at me but I think even they appreciated it deep down. The people that had their day made really deserved it. They truly are great people that I'm delighted to see so happy. I'm just happy to speak honestly to each and every one of these people, to see their happiness, and to know that they all know I love them. It's really a peaceful feeling.

19:41 UTC


What is happier than watching a goat slide?

We love our goats so much! My wife wanted to watch the goat slide from work so i setup a live stream for her and we hope they bring you joy and happiness today as well!


1 Comment
16:37 UTC


Three ways to unlock creativity and find your happy place

I was chatting with a colleague who recited the first line of a poem. This is the tail of young Freddy Laws whose sexual equipment got caught in the doors. This grabbed my attention. I asked, Where did you hear that from? She told me that all her friends knew it. She was sceptical, at first, when I told her that my friend, Bruce, and I wrote Bionic Fred as a bit of light relief from our A Level studies. The poem had become quite infamous at our school, but, I assumed, had long since been forgotten. Bionic Fred had, somehow, made its way onto the internet then others had written variants and sequels. It seemed magical that my ideas had a tangible life of their own.

Creative perspectives

Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought. - Albert Einstein

I identify ideas to form the basis of an app or blog post. Then I try to put a unique and interesting spin on them. However, I may struggle. Thinking about topics from the following perspectives often unlocks my creativity:

  1. Specificity: Explore the details of what we observed and how we feel.
  2. Scale: Consider the extremes. Big and small. Loud and quiet. Fast and slow.
  3. Surprise: Break from an expected pattern, even briefly.


Details matter. It's worth waiting to get it right. - Steve Jobs

There are two types of specificity to explore: Specificity of Observation and Specificity of Experience.

Specificity of Observation

When observing, we should focus on specific, unique details rather than obvious, generics. Let’s say I wanted to write a blog post about a visit to my favourite coffee shop. I should avoid clichéd observations, e.g. coffee is their passion, which lack imagination. Instead, describe specific details. The fine mist that rises from the coffee grinder, glistening in the sunlight. The concentration on barista’s face as they pour hot milk with precision. Bringing these less obvious observations to light makes content vivid and engaging.

Specificity of Experience

Reflect on our feelings relating to a topic. I might, for example, consider how I feel when the baristas greet me and we share a joke. We might trade stories about relatives or pets. Our experiences and how we feel about them provide an interesting perspective.


Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try! - Dr. Seuss

Scale reminds us that memories are formed at the extremes of life, either very big or very small, not in the middle. Every action has a big and small aspect. Understanding these extremes helps us grasp the range of possibilities. In my coffee shop scenario, sometimes I sit quietly reading a book on my own, other times the place is heaving with people shouting. In the first situation I feel calm and happy. In the second, stressed and frustrated.


Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun. – Mary Lou Cook

Almost everything we do has an established rhythm, e.g. our tone of voice, sentence length or the catchphrases we use. Patterns like the setup/reveal in jokes become predictable, and once recognised, people stop paying attention. The challenge is to identify and break these patterns in the media we create in. In my favourite coffee shop, international rugby players gathered right next to me before a big match. Surprise elements, even small ones like sentence length or font size, can re-engage the audience.

Other resources

Creative Momentum post by Phil Martin

Ten Ideas Per Day post by Phil Martin

Could Bionic Fred be my lasting creative legacy? What a thought.

Have fun.


1 Comment
09:56 UTC


i drew this piece some time ago as a bday gift to my godmother ❤️‍🩹✨️

04:18 UTC


People are nicer to me when I wear my cool hat

I bought my custom hat so that I could look more gangsta and badass, but it ended up having the opposite effect. People treat me much kinder and gentler when I wear my cool hat.

02:31 UTC


An unexpectedly triggered happy memory of childhood amazement

Today, i was browsing reddit and i saw someone mention a story from Robert Heinlien called "waldo." it was one of the first science fiction stories i read as a kid nearly 45 years ago. It reminded me of how amazed i felt as a kid when i first started reading science fiction.

Today, is my birthday and it felt so good to be reminded of something happy that i never expected to be reminded of again. i thought if i could have an obscure super power it would be to remind people of something that they had forgotten that really made them feel really happy but would never remember again unless reminded. i wish we could do that for each other.

22:46 UTC


Hope all you sweet peeps are having a nice, productive, happy and above all, peaceful week. Cut out the negative ppl from your life who drain you, it's never too late. If that person or ppl are making you feel miserable, stressed, unhappy, time to shift+delete them from your life. Keep Smiling:))

17:40 UTC


Finally had a Dole Whip on a hot sunny day

It’s the little moments in life…pure simple joy. 😇

16:50 UTC


So close to paying off my student loans!! ✨🙌

My payments are on autopay so I haven’t been checking the balance but out of curiosity I logged in today and I’m almost done!! I’m going to pay the balance off in full next payday, I can’t wait!

15:14 UTC


Dad's on hospice but his boys are taking care of him.

Me and my brother (left) are taking care of my dad on hospice. He's not going to be around much longer. We haven't all been together in a very long time. Really happy about this photo.

05:39 UTC


Today is Anthony Bourdain’s 68th birthday. Happy birthday Tony.

01:20 UTC


Probably the best/most happy picture of me in recent years

00:32 UTC


Nice lunch at Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant. He could be a great Nosmilepics candidate!

1 Comment
17:20 UTC


Received grade for my first ever degree, turn 34 in two weeks.

Going back into education as a 30 year old with a kid was really nerve wracking and a difficult, but great experience. Met some great people and I'm so happy with my result given how hard the last 5years have been in my personal life. Just wanted to share. :)

16:17 UTC


Using ma food stamps to get into museums for free or only $1-3 is so damn kewl

Thx government

It's called "Museums For All" btw

08:04 UTC


I talked to every member of my family today.

It felt so fucking good. My little brother and I talked about books and our tattoos. My older brother asked for my address to send me an invite to his wedding. My mom and I talked on the phone for almost an hour. We're finally, finally a normal, healthy family. I'm so happy I'm in tears!

01:48 UTC


I thought I was scrapping by in uni, but I got my results the other day and actually got the second best grade you can get!

I have no where else to share this really, I just wanted to get it out there. The entire time I've been at uni I've struggled with my mental health and constant anxiety over not being good enough, so to find out I got a 2:1 instead of a third or a failing grade has shocked and pleased me so much. I was worried over whether I'd get a grade good enough to do a masters next year but this result has sealed that I'll definitely be applying to one! I should stop being so negative towards myself, I tried my best and it's showed :)

22:34 UTC


A memorial portait I was requested to draw and I'm very happy to share with y'all my recently finished masterpiece for this awesome Furmom together with her two beloved boxers.

22:03 UTC

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