absolutely not your selfies of the soul
I thought I remembered this sub being mostly gifs of people doing amazing ridiculous things. Now there's a lot of texty images that make me feel bad for all the depressed posters and upvoters.
All posts should be titled something along the line of "absolutelynotme_irl".
Tag NSFW content, this does not include text or swearing.
Hide personal information (last names, usernames, etc) in a negative connotation.
Don't ask for upvotes.
Reposts posted within three months of the previous one will be removed (please link the previous repost).
Other subs you might be interested in:
/r/bootleg_memes - because article 13 won't let us be
/r/oneliners - for those with the attention span of a
/r/I_irl - a mix of multiple meme subs, manually regulated
/r/me_irl - selfies of the soul
/r/meirl - selfies of the soul (with fresher memes and sane mods)
/r/anime_irl- selfies of the senpai
/r/bee_irl - bee too thanks
/r/absolutelynotbee_irl - just bee yourself
/r/wholesomememes - internet for the spirit
/r/absolutelynotmeow_irl - absolutely not selfies of your feline soul
/r/tooMeirlForMeirl - when things get too real for me_irl
/r/2meirl4meirl - when things get too real for tooMeirlForMeirl
/r/2meirl42meirl4meirl - when things get too real for 2meirl4meirl
/r/suicidewatch - when things get too real for 2meirl42meirl4meirl
Feel free to send me other subs to put on this list.
Mr. Heavyman = best girl