absolutely not your selfies of the soul
Rules are enforced upon moderator discretion.
Title should be something like absolutelynotme_irl.
NSFW content must be tagged.
Personal information must be censored. This includes (but is not limited to): names, phone numbers, email addresses, and social media accounts, regardless if it is your own.
Posts must fit r/absolutelynotme_irl.
New content is encouraged. Repost of the top 100 of all time, or within the last three months will be removed. Other reposts may be removed at moderator discretion.
Other subs you might be interested in:
/r/bootleg_memes - because article 13 won't let us be
/r/oneliners - for those with the attention span of a
/r/I_irl - a mix of multiple meme subs, manually regulated
/r/me_irl - selfies of the soul
/r/meirl - selfies of the soul (with fresher memes and sane mods)
/r/anime_irl- selfies of the senpai
/r/bee_irl - bee too thanks
/r/absolutelynotbee_irl - just bee yourself
/r/wholesomememes - internet for the spirit
/r/absolutelynotmeow_irl - absolutely not selfies of your feline soul
/r/tooMeirlForMeirl - when things get too real for me_irl
/r/2meirl4meirl - when things get too real for tooMeirlForMeirl
/r/2meirl42meirl4meirl - when things get too real for 2meirl4meirl
/r/suicidewatch - when things get too real for 2meirl42meirl4meirl
Feel free to send me other subs to put on this list.
Mr. Heavyman = best girl