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hi! so obviously most historians agree that jesus was a real historical figure (whether or not he was the son of God and resurrected is a different question, but there was a real doomsday prophet named jesus). who else in the bible is real and who is fake?
It's the age old saying "once you see you cannot unsee".
I get that I was kinda born into religion and that's why I had this cloud.
Now my awareness is so much so of just how naive I was to the reason and logic to the bible and christianity.
Now I'm just curious if there is anything else I'm blinded to.
Did you go through similar?
So I found this video:
I thought it was interesting but I had a few problems with it so made this comment under it under the YouTube account @enzoarayamorales7220 you can see the conversation for yourself if any of you are interested:
To summarize, I essentially argued against his flippant usage of the term worship to equivocate it with general value of as he defines it: "anything and everything a person values the most and dedicates the majority of their time to."
I point out that even with this general overlap there is still a clear cultural distinction we all recognize between different practices like, for example, the difference and severity of dedicating a large part of your life to praising a god to desicating a large part of your life to practicing the bass guitar.
He kept on insisting on his defenition since he claims he hasn't found another word to describe this dedication and passion humans engage into various activities other than to call it all worship. So I left it at that and I'd like to ask how you guys deal with these sorts of arguments when people linguistically equivocate things like gods, religions and worship to any and all actions?
I've seen alot on here where people feel meaningless/empty after realizing they're atheist/deconstructing and wondering how this if there was a higher power there wouldn't be so many problems in the world.
I was recently talking with someone religious about why I don't believe in a god. They eventually brought up the point "Isn't it just nicer to believe in an afterlife instead of nothing?" That got me thinking about the prospect of death. We have lived with it since we were single-celled organisms in the primordial soup. But we're inherently uncomfortable with it. This probably stems from a deep set evolutionary pressure to avoid things that could kill us. This fear is what I believe caused religion in the human race. In search of meaning and solace that death isn't permanent, we created a copout. I think the reason I personally don't find christianity a generally comforting idea is because I've put the deeper thought in and realised eternal life eventually turns into eternal torture through boredom. For that reason I find stifling nothingness more comforting. Nothing ever bothering you, no boredom, nothing. I think that's a core part of my atheism.
Have been atheist for years now. The other day someone asked me why I didn't believe in anything, I just said that religion didn't make sense to me. When questioned about *what didn't make sense, I hesitated. The topic of the conversation changed but this left me wandering what was my definition of my non-belief.
If anyone has any recommendations (that arent made by angsty 20 year olds and that aren´t leading) I would appreciate them!
This been posted a bunch of times already but not all advice line up well, is it possible to graps the idea of eternal nothingness and ceasing to exist or will this always be a dilemma, yes i remember nothing before birth nor the 14 billion years prior but still, the thought haunts me that my chronic illness battle will be worthless. Amy ideas how to grasp the concept of existence as a very atheist man.
Hi Reddit. Just got off the phone with my mother and had to block her on everything for a short period. We have been butting heads like crazy lately about religion due to the political climate. At the end of the phone call I said “prayers don’t do shit” and she started cursing me and calling me rebellious. I just hung up on her and blocked her. Now I feel like my day will be bad because I said something bad about God. I grew up in a very old school Hispanic church and was basically dragged to go until I was 16. Unfortunately I was drilled with the idea that “if you talk bad about God he will punish you or you will go to hell blah blah”. I know it’s not real but I also don’t. I’m scared for the rest of my day. I can’t stop crying and just wishing I could talk to my mom normally. I grew up thinking religion would bring people together, but it just divides me and my mom. I know I need to stop talking to her about it but it’s so hard. It’s basically her whole lifeline. The call started out fine and then she just had to bring up politics and it all fell apart. How do I overcome this anxiety? I know it’s not real but I can’t help it. I feel so pathetic.
EDIT: thank you everyone for your advice. I appreciate it and I’m taking it to heart. I will do my best to not bring it up with my mom anymore. It’s for the better. I love her so much and don’t want to keep this cycle up. Thank you again.
When we attribute gaps in our knowledge to a personal deity, we risk halting the natural curiosity that drives human progress. The moment we accept a deity as the answer to what we cannot yet explain, we close the door to deeper inquiry and exploration.
This approach stifles the pursuit of understanding and undermines the role of evidence in shaping our knowledge. While it’s true that life on Earth might be an extraordinarily rare event, relying on unproven explanations does little to move humanity forward.
Instead, we should encourage future generations to embrace the vast mysteries of the universe with open minds, fueling progress through questions, discovery, and innovation. The goal of humanity should be to progress.
Although yet, we tend to settle for baseless answers that lack any real foundation. Perhaps, this tendency stems from remnants of our primitive instincts—a tendency to seek simple, comforting explanations rather than grappling with the complexity of the unknown.
Though, I will not.
People actually believe in religion? Like seriously believe "Jesus died for their sins" whatever the fuck that means? You sure it's not just a allegory that they take some lessons about being a better person from and call it a day?
because if they literally believe it then how the fuck am I supposed to go on living knowing I'm surrounded by literal insane delusional people at all times? I'm fucking freaking out.
Honestly I don’t know how any science community can credit websites like https://answersingenesis.org and https://www.icr.org/discover as actual scientific research communities as they allow pseudoscience to be spread throughout the internet and worst of all at the top of the google search engines. It’s as if academic dishonesty doesn’t exist anymore.
So I have been a Christian my whole life,not really questioning anything until recently when I started having so many doubts about God and the Bible.There seems to be so many flaws in the book and no explanation seems very convincing to me.So I will leave a few of those doubts here(I'll write what I remember for now)
1.So Noah and the ark right? How the heck did he fit millions of species of animals into the ark?? 2.How did so many ethnicities come from supposedly 8 people who were saved? 3. Doesn't it seem a little petty that if you don't listen to or believe in God,He will send you to ETERNAL SUFFERING 😳 that honestly seems so barbaric and honestly messed up 4.Why does He allow people to carry out the most violent and barbaric crimes known to humanity and just doesn't seem to care about the plight of the victims?
This is all I remember for now.I know these are probably very basic doubts but I would love to know what you think??
A day or so I ago I posted in here on the verge of a mental breakdown over thought I was having. Short story long, raised in Christian household, started having hard hitting questions that no one had answers to and in desperation was led here to ramble incoherently and expecting to made fun of. Idk what I wanted tbh but what I got from people here was the opposite of what ine might think. While I am not rejecting anything now and still cling to faith, as I suspect many will laugh at that or understand what I mean, but I still am critique and very concerned about stories and actions displayed in the faith. Many people here led me to sources to understand the origins of the Bible and I have followed them and it puts so much perspective on everything and I suspect I'll uncover way more the deeper I look. Short story long what I wanted to say is ... atleast the people here anyway... aren't what I was led to believe. Many will have you believe that people who don't believe are monsters who just want to ruin your life. But what I wish I could find a way to convey to people is, athest are regular people who have come to a conclusion on their own research, something I need to do. What I find amazing is most people at my church follow the faith blindly and can only quote the hallmark card Bible versus and most people here know the Bible better than them. Becsuse after all, how can you not believe in something you never read or know much of? That would be foolish. Then wouldnt by that same merrit beliving in a religion without studying its origins and the full text be just as foolish? Short story long, it was nice to see people not be condensending and despite having two different beliefs walked me through things and provided context and links to look into it formyself. I am still researching and coming to grips and still developing critical questions that I don't think can be answered, but again thank you to everyone and the kindness and open minded treatment I got here alone has made me question things I have been lead to believe.
Yeah, cool, you're leeching off the actions of others to act like you're better than you are, cool story.
And I'm just supposed to assume that these converts were actually reasonable rather than stuck in the subconscious theist mindset that religion ingrains into people.
Did you come to reason and logic with the bible once you were able to step outside the bubble of the church routine?
This seems to be the pattern. For me I reached a point where I was just tired of church and the routine of it. I had been in church since I was a boy. I was always told some story or to have more "faith".
So after my divorce I just wanted to heal and figure some shit out.
What I found is that my loathing of church routine turned into an eye opening experience. My awakening to Christianity is exactly like Dan Barkers.
It was a lot of things but to be honest it was the birth of my son that really opened my eyes to how ignorant and dismissive I was about slavery. Couple that with God not EVER being held accountable and many other subjects in the bible. Namely original sin.
I'm afraid if it wasn't for my wife cheating on me and the birth of my now 6 year old I may have been trapped forever.
I have an atheist friend who thought I was a lost cause. He was in shock when I told him I understood.
It's like once I got out of that damn bubble I could reason and think. I do this with everything in my life. I suppose it was only a matter of time before I got to the bottom of Christianity.
How about you and your story?
"When an honest man discovers he is mistaken, he will either cease to be mistaken or cease to be honest."- anonymous
I am a little nervous to even do this and it will be apparent why. But I was always raised in a religious household and nothing crazy ever happened. In fact my parents never really "forced" it on me so to say. I was free to moss church of I didn't go when I started high school. My parents weren't some bathing insane everything is evil, hell my dad watches Harry potter ect. I told all this to set the foundations that I was no way forced to believe. Lately however I have been having doubts and just questions I cannot get the answer to. So I came here to "the other side to get some insite." Because with all that I have said I have realized that my parents and every adult around me.who believes has never read it and I think are doing it out of.... well why I'm afraid to even ask you guys this... fear... when I ask my mom these questions she just goes silent and says "I don't know son.. I just don't know". So here is what has me at the cross roads that I am sure every single one of you have been at.
Has anyone been here before and understand where I am at? I feel like I'm going crazy and and legit afraid I'm going to burn in hell for even doing this....
I'm an amateur at this, so I don't fully understand.
Quantum mechanics is based off probability. There is a probability that anything would happen, from quantum tunneling to the creation of matter/antimatter randomly.
Can't the universe be involved in this too? What if the universe was created randomly?. After all, there is a nonzero chance it could be created due to quantum mechanics. If matter could be created randomly, why can't the universe too?
Edit: Made it more clear
Edit: I'm not a creationist, I'm atheist.
Losing a worldview like the one I grew up in is like losing your entire identiy. Your entire foundation and reason for existing whatsoever is completely shattered. Three years I have been gone, and no amount of philosophy and academia can account for the literal decades wasted, being force-fed ridiculous amounts of indoctrination that effected literally everything in my physical life and in my mental well-being, to this day.
No amount of subjective "self-given meaning" can replace the incredibly fulfilling seemingly objective love of an all-powerful deity, who wants nothing more than to have a personal relationship with you. It is incredibly assuring and addicting, and the pain of losing that feeling is indescribable.
I don't necessarily take the approach that I wouldn't serve the Christian God, even if He did indeed exist. I personally would love to worship that which deserves to be worshipped, (I understand this is up for debate), and in turn, I would love to be personally loved by an "objective mover", who is in control over every facet of my life, especially in the low moments, whether I can see Him in it or not.
I just cannot bring myself to believe anymore. Try as I might, I find that I am left with no answers, and more questions than I am possibly capable of answering. All I have is the evidence that we humans have on this Earth, all of which contrasts essentially every biblical narrative that I believed was true, growing up.
I am not posting this to go into the exhaustive philosophical and theological issues with an all-powerful, all-loving, omnipresent deity existing. I think I am just posting this because I am confused and depressed, and no amount of learning, or steps to "take control over my own life" has fixed it.
I now fully realize that I will die one day, and at that point, that's that. Religion is comfortable, and it makes the unpercievable and unknowable much lighter to bear. Without it, the incomprehensibility of non-existence frightens me. It holes me up for days, and the existential dread weighs on me.
Any other Ex-fundamentalist Christians here? I am just curious to see how you are holding up. I would love to hear about your journey, and the emotional and psychological issues that resulted due to loss of your faith. I think it would help to hear that others have struggled, but have braved through it and come out okay on the other side.
I believed in god until about 3 years ago, it was along time coming though. I had been having doubts and questions until one day I realized I need to stop lying to myself. Pretty much my whole family believes in god, i been trying to look more into things and see if i could get back to believing but i just can’t.
I’m 22 and I still live at home with my family. Even though our family dynamic isn’t the best, I do love my family, but the religious talk takes up all the space in the house. For context I was raised Christian, but around high school I knew I didn’t believe in religion. At most I think I’m spiritual, but my mom didn’t like that obviously. My sister however chose to become Muslim a few years ago and I encouraged her to follow what she felt. But a few months ago my sister said she is considering going back to Christian, which I was confused about but again encouraged. But now everything I do and say is demonic or a sin. My shows and movies, SIN. My music (even instrumental), SIN. Openly disagreeing or defending someone with different views, DEMON. It’s just gotten to a point where even if I isolated myself from them for my own mental health it’s a sin, and I have no one to talk to or an outlet from all of this. And I know, I wish I could move out, but rent even with a roommate I too expensive where I am. All that to ask, does anyone have tips, advice, or anything to keep me sane until I finish school and save up to move out?
Hello, everyone!
I’ve been an atheist for over 20 years after leaving Catholicism, and I’m also a practicing psychotherapist. Recently, I started my own private practice, and I’ve been considering marketing myself as a secular or atheist therapist.
As someone who values inclusivity and understanding, I’m curious if others in this group who’ve sought therapy would have found it helpful to know their therapist’s religious (or non-religious) orientation. Would knowing a therapist identifies as non-theistic make a difference in your decision to work with them?
I live in Georgia, where churches are on nearly every corner, so I imagine there might be others like me who’d feel more comfortable receiving therapy from a non-theist perspective. I’d love to hear your thoughts or experiences!
Thank you in advance for your input!
edit: Thank you all of the incredibly thoughtful feedback. This has given me a lot to consider moving forward.
Here is a description of the poster “Heaven’s Gates & Hell’s flames. Where Will You Be when Reality Strikes? A Live Drama Presentation You Will Never Forget” and it gave information of the time and place. This poster was put in the main entrance to the building. This also happened in Oklahoma because of course it did. To me personally this seemed at best morally ambiguous.
Basically the above. Does anyone ever feel like this after being ineundated with Christians talking about God and Jesus either online or in person? Especially when they do the whole "Praise Jesus", "Christ is Lord" or "I love Jesus" thing. It's like they're completely obsessed and I just find it very cringey and bizarre. I feel like this especially after seeing people who were never theists become religious. Like, what could've possibly convinced you? All I can think to myself is, how can people be this disillusioned? I've never been religious or a believer despite everyone in my family (except my sister and brother so far, they are young so time will tell). Just another Monday I suppose. 🫠
I'm currently writing a persuasive speech where my main audience is predominantly Christian. Basically, the crux of part of my argument is that many Christians are extremely under educated when it comes to understanding atheism, and tend to dismiss it. Do you find yourself ever talking to Christians or anyone religious who doesn't seem to fundamentaly understand what you believe (will say thing like "of course we didn't evolve from monkeys!"). How do these interactions change the way you view this person as well as their religion?
Edit: I think it's important to note, judging by the comments, that the goal of the speech isn't to convert anyone to atheism or to argue that Christianity is irrational. I'm a Christian, myself. The goal is to get a bunch of my peers to educate themselves on something I've noticed they tend to not understand.
Hello all. I hate the negative associations and stigma with the word "atheist," even though on paper, I am one. I usually self identify more as a Humanist, because not only do I believe in Humanist values, but I'd rather be associated with something I actually believe in, rather than something I don't.
That said, I don't believe in any gods. My position, which seems to be quite the popular one, is that of "weak" or soft atheism or agnostic atheism. I'm not really interested in projecting to someone else that "there are no gods," but merely that I don't believe in or worship any, or believe in worshipping any. Regardless of one's personal stance on it, I feel this is a large claim that would indicate that I have some kind of actual evidence that I know no gods exist, which I don't.
That said, I still struggle with the fact that I'm an atheist and calling myself one. Like others, I've tried to peddle around it calling myself an agnostic, secular, ex-theist or other things. People seem to have such misconceptions when someone says "I'm atheist." I've had people ask me, "you mean you worship the devil?" to proclaiming that someone who is atheist proclaims arrogantly that there aren't any.
I don't believe in any gods, nor do I care about worshipping any. I'm not religious, but I'm also not anti-religion, either. I live my life without a care about whether a god exists or not, an afterlife, and any of that nonsense. I don't believe really in anything supernatural, but I do understand that many others do, and that's fine. I'm not interested in changing anybody's mind. I'd argue that I'm almost apatheist towards the entire idea.
But... despite all that... There is still something about the "atheist," label that I don't like. Perhaps I don't really need to worry about using a label at all. I know there are many who don't.
Did anyone else struggle with the fact that they are an atheist for awhile, due to all the negative associations with it?
“The invisible wizard isn’t the same as superstition for reasons” special pleading followed by “atheists believe in just about anything” as if liberation theology and prosperity gospel don’t exist simultaneously.
And no, calling something heresy is not “curbing superstition”, and sports superstitions to curb anxiety isn’t the same as astrology and neither are worse than deism/pantheism (the arguments for a deity don’t work, let alone go further than that, and even if they held weight, resemble sun worship to a certain degree), and are far less demanding than standard religion.
And the Protestant Work ethic isn’t even necessary for Capitalism. Capitalism only needs Property Rights, Contract Law, and Individual Liberty (to be internally consistent and open business opportunities for stuff relegated to the black market), the Protestant Work Ethic is a distortion predicated on senseless toiling sharing more with the currently Marx aligned Labor Theory of Value. Saying the ethic produced success ignores not only these factors but the pillaging that the Protestant aligned west has committed against the world (yes, resources mean more than attitude), and pillaging was done in Europe both with the Vikings, and even large scale with the Romans, both of which predate Christianity in Europe, let alone Martin Luther kickstarting Protestantism in the 1500s. Hell, Luther’s country wasn’t even the most successful empire after him, Britain was, and British Protestantism was basically King Henry wanting a divorce, creating his own fanfiction, and then having his sone Edward make it more Calvinist. The fact that this level of meddling preceded the country ruling the world for about century shows that there is no such thing as divine intervention. And the Protestant work ethic can be easily replaced by the secular summarization of it, the work or starve dilemma. Religion has nothing to do with it, the need to feed oneself is more important.
And the Protestant Work Ethic, because it's about toiling, has distorted work into something not about self-reliance but into building grand monuments that aren't even appealing to everyone, cities that exist to house workers, schools that exist because the workers can't educate their children anymore from work and need to be offloaded (with exceptions of course being vouchers and homeschooling that exist because Christians don't want their children knowing how their genitals or evolution work).
In short, the people who thrive off of cognitive bias and logical fallacy are upset that other people use those for separate conclusions, and the sole reason they aren't insisting that no one can rise above these mental setbacks is because they don't realize that this is the position they hold. So now they want an appeal to consequences to say we now need to bow to them and obey everything they regurgitate, because if we don't then we'll cut gay and trans people some slack over something that's largely immutable.
Side Note: How I felt writing this
My mother passed suddenly Thursday. It's been very sad. She hated that I stopped believing, but we didn't argue or try to convince each other.
Everyone around me is all "she's watching over you" etc etc. I don't correct them or say anything. Maybe if it was 10 years ago when I first realized I would. But to each their own.
My sister is having a hard time with moms body being alone. And not being able to come home (she's out west, but we're from east coast) to say goodbye to her body and all that. I'm being very delicate with her and whatever she believes is fine.
But I wanted to make this post, because being a non believer of anything supernatural, is actually helping me deal with this a lot better than others around me, I think.
I know that moms gone. That's not her anymore. She will live on inside of us. She's not in the sky now listening and watching with our grandparents. I think that's very creepy.
Of course the whole Christmas aspect isn't helping either ffs. I haven't celebrated in years. Neither of us had kids. I just like the lights and movies and food haha.
I don't have anyone to talk to about this with. I live in a very catholic based province here in Canada. My boyfriend lost his mom last Xmas and he believes she's watching and all that. So I feel it's delicate to say to him I don't believe.
I wanted to get that off my chest. Bit of a ramble lol. I just got home from funeral home and my poor father had to ID her. No way I could see that, ya know, just cuz. Don't want those images. Everyone's concerned I'll regret it, but no. I'm good.
Never thought id be able to breathe let alone speak. Mom would say, you girls know what to do, chin up, be big and smart. She taught us to be strong and independent. To be practical. And that's all that matters now imo. Be who she taught us to be. Carry her strength with us.
Anyhow. Thanks for listening xo Hug your loved ones extra tight
Edit: because the mods want it to be discussionary. If anyone has any advice or what to say to believers, or whatever, that be cool.
I feel like it doesn’t matter what I say. I end up being positioned as an arrogant asshole who’s trying to attack their faith. I speak in a neutral tone, I try to find common ground, i even emphasize the good that can come from religious people. I could say something as innocuous as it doesn’t make sense to torture people for ever and still get the passive aggression.
I find that the best argument is that ultimately, all religion is man made. Religion is nothing more than man's attempt to conquer his fear of death, before ultimately it became a means for controlling people. The epic of gilgamesh is about man's fear of death. And is, in my opinion, more profound than any religious texts.
But of course, I want to hear your own arguments. I always love hearing different view points on this matter
Religion is so deeply intertwined with our nature that it is one of the best ways to boost mental health. Storytelling, holding space for the sacred, community, and ritual are so good for us psychologically. However, religion also coincides with our worst characteristics (the tribalism, scapegoating, tendency towards magical thinking, and subsequent violence). How can we use these tools for our well-being while moving beyond the negative aspects of religion? Is this even a possibility considering that this is something that is happening because of the way our brains are wired?