
Photograph via snooOG

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Check out the singing basics wiki. You can damage your voice or create bad habits by trying to teach yourself, so if you're serious about singing always try to find a good voice teacher.

In the FAQ you'll find tips on technique and on finding a voice teacher, practicing, and dealing with issues.

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  • Never forget. April 28th, 2015


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I posted 2 small covers i am not proud of, can you guys tell me what i can do better? ( without oit mentioning the sound quality :’c )

1 Comment
01:16 UTC


Help with Resonance

Hello, I’ve been on my singing journey for almost 3 years, and I can barely feel any resonance when I sing.

This has been a frustrating problem to say the least. I’ve gone to 4 voice teachers, 2 of which where at a university and 2 vocal instructors.

I’ve done the NG’s, I’ve done the slides, I’ve done the tongue stretches, I’ve done the vocal exercises. I only feel it slightly in my nose in my lower register. Every time a vocal teacher realizes this they say “interesting” and then they just move on.

But ngl, I’m getting pretty frustrated and I’m starting to feel like I’m doing something wrong

Has anyone else experienced this? Are you currently going through this? Any advice on overcoming this?

Thanks for reading, this felt good to get out 😂

01:07 UTC


This is my voice, without any voice lessons, any tips to improve?

1 Comment
00:43 UTC


Falsetto/pop flip volume?

Hi! I've been working on the falsetto flip recently and have gotten to the point where I can get it about 50% of the time, but my volume has to be pretty loud or I can't get it to happen. I know realistically it's possible to flip over the break without being insanely loud, but I can't figure it out at the moment.

Can anyone who is competent at yodeling/the falsetto flip give me any tips to help me learn to do it at a lower volume? Does it come down to just pushing more air? Or is it something that will come with time?

Thanks :)

1 Comment
23:36 UTC


Any sopranos able to help with my Queen cover?

I'm making a Bohemian Rhapsody cover for my youtube channel and have everything done except for the highest "for me" note (it's a Bb5). If anyone can help, please DM me. (You don't have to be a soprano, just figured it would be easiest for them to hit the note).

1 Comment
23:12 UTC


help singing tenor as baritone?

Hi everyone, i am auditioning for a role soon which requires both singing and acting. It is heavier on acting but still requires singing, and the character is listed as a "Baritone/Tenor". They range from C3 to A4. The Musical director has said that i can sing an octave lower if i wish for the auditions.

The character is The Wiz in the musical of the same name, and i would like to think i am a talented enough actor with enough experience, but i just need to work on hitting and maintaining the notes. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP?

22:12 UTC


Looking for an Alto/High Tenor

Hi! So I’m doing an A Cappella cover of a song from Hadestown and I need someone to sing this higher part cause it sounds goofy with my underdeveloped bass falsetto🤓. Anyways, range is G3-C5.

21:43 UTC


Vocal strain related to singing - sudden onset

I should preface this by saying that I'm a guitarist in a band and the extent of my singing is shouty, gang style background vocals. Nothing too crazy and only in short bursts. I'm never singing full songs.

I've been doing it for years now and have only just started noticing within the last couple months that I am randomly losing my voice and having a straining, sore feeling in my throat in my off time. It's never terrible pain during a show, but in the following days/weeks I notice some dull throat pain and my voice gets hoarse. It almost feels similar to a bruise or pulled muscle.

It's not a sharp pain like you might get from using grit with improper technique, it's more of a dull pain that comes and goes, and sometimes even changes based on how I move my neck. It's starting to cause concern and I don't really know what to do because it's a completely new sensation for me. Does anyone else experience this and have any tips?

21:29 UTC


Singing in tenor range but I sound like baritone?

Here is a recording for reference (singing in Chinese, hope no one minds):


I noticed that my voice compared to the typical tenor, my voice sounds like an octave lower but I'm actually singing in the range of tenor (Highest note in the recording should be around B4). So am I actually just a high baritone? Or? And also why does my voice sound an octave lower?

I am studying operatic singing by the way.

20:13 UTC


Do you know any duet musical theatre songs for females

I've been trying to find duets for musical theatre on YouTube but can't find anything, so I hopped on here to ask. Please give any ideas!

19:11 UTC


Tips for performing with limited warmup?

Hi, I have a trip coming up soon with my boyfriend's family, where they've asked me to bring my guitar and sing some songs. Obviously it will be a relaxed environment, but I'm going to struggle to do anywhere near the vocal warmup I would ideally do before even a regular practice session. Physical stretches etc are probably easier to do

I'm at best an intermediate singer so the warm up does make a decent difference to my performance ability (and confidence..)

Any tips on how to make the best out of a situation like this, assuming I will not have time or privacy to do a proper warm up?

Thank you!

18:32 UTC


Can't find a practice spot

Where do you guys practice when you don't want anyone else around? I'm very much a beginner, and I feel that I can't get the most out of my practices when I'm not alone.

I want to be comfortable singing in front of people, but 1) for now I'd like to keep this just to myself 2) i feel a lot more vulnerable about my ability with any instrument during practice than during performance. Thanks!

Edit: tldr, I want to practice by myself somewhere besides home, but don't know where to go. Also, fixed a typo

18:16 UTC


Need info please

I had an end of life scare recently. I was making my own arrangements and decided I wanted to leave a recording for my kids of me singing the songs we always sing together. I want it to sound good though. I have a pretty good voice and singing has always been something we bonded over. My questions are:

What do I need to get to record myself singing?

How do I take the track and remove current vocals?

Are there kits/beginner info available that would help me?

I live in a fairly rural area so finding an actual studio is not an option. This won't be for any distribution, only personal use so I don't think there are any copyrights or anything.

Can you guys help me out?

17:54 UTC


I'M GOING TO MY FIRST AUDITION IN A 3/4 WEEKS!!! It's Sweeney Todd (my fav!!!), and all parts are available. Help me narrow down my audition song?

I threw these together yesterday. Current favorites would be Stars, Last Midnight, or Friends on the Other Side. I'm a male baritone singer with a lot of natural volume and belt (working on tone, breathing, all the other things I lack). Any recommendations, or tips for a rookie would be appreciated!!! Gods be with you all.


16:13 UTC


I lost my voice, but I like it

Ok so l'm a musician, not usually a singer nor have I ever much aspired to be. I have pitch and projection but my tone is somewhat unremarkable. BUT I lost my voice with a head cold last week, I'm recovering now and I love the tone my voice is giving me. It's raspy, the start/ end of notes don't fully come out if I don't push but I still have full control of it. I'd liken it to Dijon. I know you by the book folk ain't gonna like this but is there someway I can keep this party going?

16:04 UTC


Any tip to attack notes right on pitch and with clarity?


how do you sing a note on pitch and with clarity right from the attack? I tend to always be a little off and then adjust, and my attack sounds brutal, pushy. Two pieces of advice come up regularly from professional singers: 1. you have to be able to hear the note in your head and then sing it 2. my notes are right in themselves but my singing technique makes them sound a bit flat.

Any thoughts, hints or exercises?

15:47 UTC

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