
Photograph via snooOG

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    16,744 Subscribers


    Should I Stay or Should I go? Band hit burnout, feeling emotionally checked out

    I’m a drummer and I joined my first band around this time last year. The band formed pre-COVID, and I auditioned to be their replacement drummer. It's a punk band and while I prefer classic rock, it's a great oppurtunity to be a better drummer and a band member.

    I’m a little older than my bandmates (I’m 30, and the youngest ones are 21). The first six months were amazing; we wrote and recorded an EP and did some really exciting gigs.

    There was a month in the Summer that really shifted things: We played some really shit gigs that were organised by the guitarist kind of against our will, with a band that she was friends with and they totally flopped. Following that we did a lot of travelling into festivals and between shows I lost my grandpa and was grieving. It all came to a head a couple of weeks ago - the same guitarist was INSISTENT that we needed to organise a tour, burned themselves out and didn't show up for a gig - all within a week!

    Since the summer, my spark for the band has gone and it’s really hard to know whether it will come back, or if this is my brain telling me that my first 'band experience' is coming to a natural end and it's time to move on.

    There’s been a lot more arguments recently, and it no longer feels like the band are friends, and just doing a job. We've had 'band meetings' where everyone voices their opinions, but seem unwilling to listen and take on board others'.

    I really don’t know whether to stick it out and see if the spark comes back, or cut my losses and call it a day. I’m a good drummer, and I’m confident that I could find another band whose music taste align more closely to what I actually like as an individual. However, I know leaving the band will be really upsetting for all of us, as when things were good it was an amazing experience.

    For those of you who have broken up with a band, how did you differentiate between a low point that the band could recover from, and the logical close of your chapter within that band? What helped you put your own needs first, instead of worrying about upsetting the band? Did you ever leave a band, and regret it?

    Appreciate all thoughts, opinions, anecdotes and solidarity in constant band drama!

    21:10 UTC


    Am I supposed to learn songs by ear in a new band?

    Hey guys!!

    I’ve been playing bass for about a year now, and I feel really good with my skills. I used to play some covers with friends, and I’m having my first rehearsal with a band this weekend.

    They sent me 5 songs that we are going to play during rehearsal, but I can’t really play them by just listening to them. (At least not yet). I need the tabs, or at least the main notes.

    Should I ask for notes? Or chords progression? Or will I look like a noob? I don’t really know how to ask them for the notes or tabs. Any advice?

    Edit: the band is playing original songs, not covers

    17:08 UTC


    I'm making a band, any advices?

    I'll do the vocals and maybe the bass too I've made a logo I have the members Y'all have anything to say? Maybe sum advices? What should we lookout for and all that

    15:08 UTC


    Official /r/bandmembers weekly music sharing and feedback thread.

    We keep song submission posts to a minimum to keep this place spam free, but we are all musicians and most of us have songs to share. Let's connect with and support each other musically in a weekly thread. This is a safe space to post what your band is up to musically. Feel free to share your music, or ask for feedback.

    In the spirit of community and cooperation that we have here in /r/bandmembers, Please give more feedback than you ask for. Use the 1 in 10 rule as a guideline. Comment on 10 other people's songs for every one of your own that you post. This might mean you have to comment on some weeks when you don't submit your song. If everyone follows that rule, we'll all have more feedback when we post our own songs.

    11:00 UTC


    advice on how I as a physically disabled person can find people to play with?

    ik basic procedure is to just meet people at local gigs of other bands but due to my disability I can't exactly go to a lot of those without help which is limited right now for me so advice would be appreciated thanks

    00:05 UTC


    I Composed A Song On My Own. It Mine or My Old Bands Song?

    For context, the band usually doesn’t write together. Me and the guitarist both separately compose demos and present them to the band. So me or him do all the instruments (including the drums) and lyrics and the other members add on to it, kinda like how the Beatles did it. This new song was mostly composed by me, and I want my new band to play it.

    I play in two bands.

    The first band is an Emo/Pop Punk band with multiple vocalists. I’m the other vocalist, and I wrote this new song for the band before shit went down, and we even played it twice live. There was a lot of pushback from my drummer in regard to this song, because he says that it sounds too ‘indie’ compared to our other stuff (more inspired by 5th Wave Emo like Mom Jeans and Hot Mulligan).

    We’re currently on hiatus after the rhythm guitarist/co-vocalist/my sibling left.

    It’s been a while, and I highly doubt the band is going to be back together after this. There are a bunch of factors that prevent it from happening.

    I recently formed the second band with a more indie rock sound (more Alvvays/Snail Mail inspired compared to the emo sound of my first band), and I want to give the new song to my new band. My reasoning for this is because it’s never going to get released, and it’s never going to be played live in a long time. When I presented it to my new band, there was less pushback compared to how my drummer reacted.

    Our plan is that the lyrics, drums, rhythm guitar, and bass will stay intact; because I composed it, but the lead guitar will be significantly changed. We’re also going to play it a full step higher to accommodate my singer’s vocals. My old drummer didn’t do justice to the original drums, so I’d like to hear my new drummer have a go at it

    Is it still the old band’s song, or is it considered my song?

    I’m planning on communicating with both bands about it once I hear your thoughts.

    Edit: Is it mine or my old band’s song? Made a typo on the title

    07:33 UTC


    Am I egotistical for wanting to be a lead songwriter? Also personal thoughts on bands in general.

    I'm half asleep/drunk/not feeling well so my bad if this is all nonsense.

    When picking up my first instrument, or even thinking of doing so it was with the goal of writing music. I thought my whole life that bands all have equal parts in writing but have come to discover this is not true for the most part.

    My main issue with this is, I feel like if I were to start a band based around my songwriting that I'm being unfair to others who may join the band (what makes a guitarist stand out, when they never write there own parts? For example).

    My second more tertiary issue is, I easily get writers block. I would really like to find someone else to write music with but again in doing so does that even make it a band? Or just two people writing tunes, that they/others may play for recording or live shows?

    Sorry for the nonsensical rant, much of this is most likely no brainers for all of you.

    05:47 UTC


    Created this online business card for bands to help when sending emails.

    Hi, over the last few months I've been working on this project which makes the most annoying part of being in a band easier: sending emails (to book gigs, connect with labels etc.)

    The project is essentially an online business card for musicians/filmmakers, and meant to be used when sending emails etc. Right now it's mainly being used by artists in the London scene since that's where I'm from, but I'm looking to make it more international.

    The link is at thescene.io, it normally has a small one-time fee but you can use this coupon code to get it for free: RXDKM

    It's also still early stages even though there's a bunch of people that use it. So I'd appreciate any advice from bands.

    22:03 UTC


    How many people do you audition to be a potential band member?

    We’ve auditioned two so far and I feel as though there is a better fit still out there, but one of my band mates is tired of auditioning people and just wants to play with one of the people we’ve already met. Is it uncommon to audition more than 2? My biggest concern with the ones we’ve met is their personality isn’t very chill, one was intense and the other didn’t speak much. And i want to keep looking but im wondering how many people you’ve met to fill a role in your band?

    15:57 UTC


    PayPal QR Code for Virtual Tip Jar no longer working?

    Guitarist here. Recently I've had folks tell me that the QR code I have for tips doesn't work. (the Venmo code still works.) I feel like I received an email from PayPal about this a while back but I really didn't understand the changes that were happening. Does anyone know if I need to upgrade to a business account or something else to continue to use PayPal?

    17:54 UTC


    Accidentally got the wrong people to form a band

    I’m currently starting to form a band, 80s post-punk / 90s britpop (The Smiths, Oasis, The Stone Roses, U2, The Beatles, The Cure, The Libertines, The Jam) I basically love British music and am influenced by that a lot, but when I met my new band mates for the first time after putting up advertisements saying I wanted to start a post-punk / britpop band, they came in not knowing or having an interest in the genres and style I said in the advertisements and only wanted to play metal music which I don’t really like. I’m also more interested in style and music taste more than if you’re a gifted player, like how the Sex Pistols got Sid Viscious because he had a good look. But I don’t think it’ll work well with 3 guys who only like metal and dressing completely different to how I look and not wanting to play the music I advertised. And plus there’s no one else around my area who likes the bands I like and has the same look and music taste as me. I’m not sure what to do in this situation. Any ideas? Thanks!

    16:37 UTC


    I feel this

    14:10 UTC


    When should I email potential Venues about bookings for 2025?

    I usually start sending email announcements to potential venues around late October in order to book gigs for the following year. I’ll then send out emails in groups every few days. I never send more than one email per venue per year. I don’t spam people. We play bars and festivals. Is there a timeline that other bands follow for this? I don’t want to send out announcements too early and get forgotten about in the spring.

    21:37 UTC


    Gift for bandmates

    We have wrapped up our first album and I'm going to get a gift for everyone in my band, to say thank you. You guys have any good ideas? Thanks in advance

    15:34 UTC


    Official /r/bandmembers weekly music sharing and feedback thread.

    We keep song submission posts to a minimum to keep this place spam free, but we are all musicians and most of us have songs to share. Let's connect with and support each other musically in a weekly thread. This is a safe space to post what your band is up to musically. Feel free to share your music, or ask for feedback.

    In the spirit of community and cooperation that we have here in /r/bandmembers, Please give more feedback than you ask for. Use the 1 in 10 rule as a guideline. Comment on 10 other people's songs for every one of your own that you post. This might mean you have to comment on some weeks when you don't submit your song. If everyone follows that rule, we'll all have more feedback when we post our own songs.

    11:01 UTC


    Fee for cover band on NYE (incl. lots of travel)

    15:14 UTC


    Support Small Musicians

    Hi fellow musicians!

    My band is working on making some original music and we started networking with and supporting other local bands. It's been a cool journey going from covers to originals, to hopefully recording soon. I've been reaching out to some local communities and some online forms to keep that support going, as we can all work on supporting each other's creative endeavors.

    I've recently embarked on a small project of my own making a Spotify Playlist of small musicians and bands to just offer some listening support and additional plays. If anyone wants to share their music please DM me your spotify link or act's name and I'll give it a listen and add what I like to my playlist. Once the Playlist is a little bigger I plan on sharing it a little bit more.

    As a community that is threatened by the "big" side of the industry itself, AI concerns, small music scenes dying out, and the financial aspect of staying motivated, it's so important now that we branch out and support each other however we can.

    Thanks everyone! You guys rock.

    12:27 UTC


    Official /r/bandmembers weekly music sharing and feedback thread.

    We keep song submission posts to a minimum to keep this place spam free, but we are all musicians and most of us have songs to share. Let's connect with and support each other musically in a weekly thread. This is a safe space to post what your band is up to musically. Feel free to share your music, or ask for feedback.

    In the spirit of community and cooperation that we have here in /r/bandmembers, Please give more feedback than you ask for. Use the 1 in 10 rule as a guideline. Comment on 10 other people's songs for every one of your own that you post. This might mean you have to comment on some weeks when you don't submit your song. If everyone follows that rule, we'll all have more feedback when we post our own songs.

    1 Comment
    11:00 UTC


    Drummer wants to play more gigs

    We're a country cover band, been playing gigs together for almost 18 months now, and our drummer has different wants and goals regarding gigs. His priority is to play as many shows as possible. He would play out every night of the week if he could. He's self employed, works from home, and has very few responsibilities outside of that, while the rest of us work full time outside of the home.

    The first time we disagreed on this issue is when we started the process of recording an original song. He isn't interested in studio work, he wants to play gigs. We got through recording, released a song, and when it came time to do it again he was more cooperative.

    We're getting ready to release a second song, and we've been invited to play at an awards show for musicians in the area. We were also offered a paying gig for 2 nights at a local bar. It would be 3 nights in a row, which for me means missing 2 days of work. The awards show will have hundreds of guests including venue owners and other important people in the are, a local radio star hosting, and an opportunity to share our new song with the community. Drummer is frustrated that we decided against the paying gig and agreed to play at the awards show.

    Now he's saying things like "we just see things differently on shows, recording, and availability." and wants to talk at the next practice. He also mentioned looking opportunities to fill in for other bands so that he could stay busy since we only play 2-3 times a month. Sounds like he is thinking about quitting.

    He's a great drummer, and he's not wrong about the rest of us wanting to gig less than him, and wanting to write/record during less busy times of the year, but we don't want to look for a new drummer if possible. Does anyone have advise as we try to navigate this?

    20:28 UTC


    Cajon at a writer’s round question.

    So, I’m due to play this Nashville writer’s round as sort of the house cajon player, ideally meaning that I’ll be accompanying all the songwriters as they play their songs. I don’t think it’s common in Nashville to just have a house cajon player for these rounds. I know of full band rounds, but not just a house cajon player.

    There’s a total of nine writers with three songs each, and the event is three hours long. At the time of this post, I’m only due to play on two songs the whole night.

    My question is that, would it be appropriate to ask the organizer if I could play on more than two songs?

    I consider myself to have a good ear and can learn songs on the fly, and I’m hoping that I can demonstrate that ability at the event so I can potentially work with these artists in the future.

    15:46 UTC


    Custom Hoodies etc.

    What’s a favorite, reasonably-priced online store that you use to make good-quality hoodies with the band logo on front/back? Several I’ve quoted anywhere between $57-$100 each, which seems high to me. Thank for any suggestions!

    01:44 UTC


    What do you need as a vocalist?

    Also can y'all recommend the cheapest options that don't sound like shit? I'm on a Budget

    21:05 UTC


    How insane is this goal?

    How insane am I with this goal?

    I know I’ve asked this question on this page several times before, but circumstances are changing to where I think that this goal can be a realistic.

    So I’m a drummer of about 17 years that lives in Nashville, TN that has a full time job in the music industry, which I love. I’ve been in a few bands and played with some small artists here and there and played on a handful of recordings. I practice my drums everyday after I work because it’s something I love doing, and I’m getting better as a result.

    However, lately, I’ve decided that I want to make more money from drumming since I do it a lot and miss playing live. However, I have no desire to go full time with it. I’ve decided the best way to find a happy medium is to strictly market myself as a sub drummer who’s willing to fill in on gigs when the regular person can’t do it.

    I’ve started doing drum covers of local artists in Nashville whose music I really like and tagging them on Instagram, and have gotten a ton of positive reception from them. After, I’ll say to them: “Hey xyz. I want to let you know that if your drummer is unable to do a gig, I’d love to be considered for a sub. I’m capable if learning songs quickly and easily, as you can tell by my cover of your song.”

    Most responses I’ve received are: “Omg. Thanks for offering, I’ll definitely keep you in mind.”

    Drum covering other artists has already led to some upcoming opportunities for me. I’m due to be the house cajon player for a somewhat new pop writer’s round here, which will hopefully lead to new gig opportunities for me in the future.

    I’m also going to start going to local shows around town of the artists I’ve befriended to further my friendship with them.

    My goal in all of this is to be a reliable, go-to sub drummer in Nashville that artists/bands can go to if they ever need one. I’m not out to steal any drummer’s existing gig permanently, just for a show if something comes up.

    I know this won’t happen overnight, it’ll take a lot of time to build my network of musicians, and I’ll be competing with drummers who play circles around me for these sub gigs.

    However, I know that if all else fails, at least I have a day job that I love.

    13:58 UTC


    Official /r/bandmembers weekly music sharing and feedback thread.

    We keep song submission posts to a minimum to keep this place spam free, but we are all musicians and most of us have songs to share. Let's connect with and support each other musically in a weekly thread. This is a safe space to post what your band is up to musically. Feel free to share your music, or ask for feedback.

    In the spirit of community and cooperation that we have here in /r/bandmembers, Please give more feedback than you ask for. Use the 1 in 10 rule as a guideline. Comment on 10 other people's songs for every one of your own that you post. This might mean you have to comment on some weeks when you don't submit your song. If everyone follows that rule, we'll all have more feedback when we post our own songs.

    11:00 UTC


    Should I be paid for something like this?

    So I’m playing cajon this writer’s round in my city in October, and there’s a chance I might have to learn something close to 27 songs for it (9 writers with three songs each). I’m in a group chat for the program and told all the writers to have the songs sent to me by the 30th so I can learn them all properly.

    It doesn’t look like it’ll be paid, because all the writers are required to bring three people to the event, which is being priced at $15 a ticket. I’m not required to bring anyone, but I’m not sure who is going to pay $15 for a writers round, as many that go on in my city are free.

    My question is that, should I talk to the organizer and insist I be compensated for my time? I don’t want to come off as rude and miss out potential networking opportunities, but at the same time, I’ll be potentially spending a lot of time learning all these songs.

    14:41 UTC


    Band members, how do you feel about low turnouts at shows?


    I play guitar lead and rhythm guitar in a small/local metal band i joined as a 3 piece roughly 1 year and half ago. We had kind of a nice start and some local appreciation at least. Doing both rhythm and leads and trying to transition smoothly between them was a big weight on my part to pull, but nonethelss, it did good to my playing, and there still room to improve.

    The last few live shows we did were in some bar/club/venue type of thing, a couple very far from our area, which involved investing a lot of time on the road. Very low audience turnout, there were like the other band members and 3-4 people. I dunno if it was because of the advertising was bad or my band as a whole might actually suck in the end. If would have known the turnout , i'd refuse, as much as I like playing live, i do it for mostly for the fun of it but there's some point where it's just not worth the whole headache. We had some highs(one of the shows was quite wild) and lows, but last shows were abysmal in terms of turnout, and sorta makes me question and reconsider things a little bit. Regarding advertising, i'm so glad i'm not the one in charge of social media as I absolutely despise that shit.

    And man the time I've been putting into practicing to nail everything and be chill before a show.. used to have a little stage fright in the past. So yeah, ever happened to you? How did you feel about it? Cheers.

    00:38 UTC


    I Wanna Start A Band

    Hey, so, I wanna start a band. I’ve been writing songs for the past few years and well the thoughts been on my mind and idk I guess I’ve been nervous to venture into it. I’ve come to the realization that this is something I should do because it’s been on my mind constantly and I know if I don’t do it now (I’m 24 btw), I’m gonna regret it.

    I was wondering if you guys have any advice on how to start and what to do after? Also, I don’t play anything, I wanna be the front woman/lead vocals and I’ve been thinking about picking up the guitar (bass).

    17:10 UTC


    How to leave a band??

    I am the frontman, rhythm guitarist, main writer (kinda 50/50) and co-founder of this band and really want to leave at some point. The drummer over time has become more and more insufferable, completely neglecting the idea of change, constructive criticism, or working through any issues whatsoever. over time he's just gotten worse and worse and our bassist is now leaving because of it and i really dont want to stick around for much longer. Me and him both have different ideas musically for the band and it creates a very tense atmosphere to work in and he tends to take very small things and makes a huge deal out of them. the only thing is, i dont want to leave the band with nothing. they will need to find a new singer, guitarist, and bassist if we dont have one by that point. i do really believe we have something special but i dont think that its worth the dread before every band practice. i really dont know how im gonna fo about doing this without becoming the asshole myself.

    14:22 UTC


    What does the “other” singer do when idle?

    Update: Wow, thanks everyone for all the good (and not good, but funny) ideas! I think we’re going to restructure the setlist to keep the idle time down mid-set and then just do some back-to-back songs with the other singer towards the end to give her the needed short break before the last songs!

    —Original post—

    Hi all, hoping to lean of some of your experiences here. My band is breaking into 3 and 4 hour gigs and hired a second lead singer / rhythm guitarist to help our first singer’s voice survive the lengthy sets and break into some new bands. All that is good and well, but now we have about an hour of stage time where the original singer doesn’t have anything to do. The music is pop punk and 2000s radio singles, so there’s not a lot of hip swaying idle looping (a la jazz/lounge) that she can do and she doesn’t play any instruments and has expressed that she’s too busy to put a realistic effort into learning one (2 jobs, 2 kids, can’t fault her).

    Everyone in the band is really close and good friends and we don’t want her to feel left out or awkwardly like she doesn’t know what to do with her hands… for a whole hour… standing in front of a crowd… and we certainly don’t want to make her feel like she should leave the stage. she was a founding member and we want her to feel like she firmly has a place with us throughout the set.

    Any advice on things she can be doing for about an hour of Blink182, MCR and FoB songs besides occasionally laying down harmonies and gang vocals? Maybe there’s a way to structure the setlist better than do give the new guy a straight hour (we thought she would appreciate a vocal rest…)?


    16:15 UTC


    Best t shirt printing websites

    I’m looking to get t shirts printed to sell at our shows. What are some websites that have good quality clothing?

    20:19 UTC

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