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    Month: August

    Post: 2601 ⬆️ | The cracks are happening!

    By: u/MakingItUpAsWeGoOk

    On: Jul 31, 2024

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    283,004 Subscribers


    my Q-mom won't go to doctor with whats possibly skin necrosis

    yesterday she showed me and my sister a wound (actually two wounds really close to each other) she has on her... well her backside. it looks really bad. its almost entirely covered in black and some green-ish yellow. also some black spots on the skin next to it. my sister took a photo and my mom saw it but claims its not as bad as we think. she gets borderline aggressive whenever i try encouraging her to see a doctor. she apparently thinks it's some sort of paranormal thing, like a sign, a blessing (she's been REALLY like religiously into the q stuff since around the begging of covid, its completely overtaken her life). she thinks hydrogen dioxide will get rid of it, she seems to treat it as something adjacent holy water. im 17, my sister is 35, and i dont know what to do, theres probably little i can do. we're not in the us if that's relevant (central europe) this is my first time posting on this subreddit so i hope this post doesn't break any rules or anything

    16:46 UTC


    Cut them off and I feel great

    I see a lot of you agonizing and I did too. A lot. For several years. A day or two before the election my Q nut crossed a line, again, and I snapped. I told them I was done. They clearly didn’t believe me at first and tried texting me after the election but I was firmly done. They are not welcome in my life. It’s been a few weeks and though the country is a dumpster fire I feel BETTER than before. With time, I have clarity. Allowing this person in my life was a constant source of distress because I was contorting over a major deviation from my core values. Women, gay people, trans people, POCs, immigrants, these are people I love. I’m one of them. We should be respected. We deserve dignity, body autonomy, and celebration. And to allow space for someone who at their core was the antithesis of these core values was incredibly damaging to my psyche. I feel so much better cutting that cancer out. I really thought one day we’d be able to be in the same room together, even when I said I was done, but it feels so good to live true to my values I don’t want that for me anymore. I want to sleep at night. I want to hold my head high. I don’t want to make space for hatred, ignorance and bigotry. It feels GREAT to not have to. I can fight from here because everything is clearer when you aren’t compromising your core values every day for someone who believes beautiful people are ugly, that good people are evil, that up is down and round is flat. Never again. Silence is complacence and I refuse to be complacent any longer.

    14:57 UTC


    My brother is full on Q. How do I encourage his kids to think for themselves?

    I've known for a while my brother and his wife are full on Q Trump supporters. A few gems of his latest rants - "nicotine makes testosterone and the government wants to keep men from using it to supress their strength, Ukraine should just cease fighting and give Russia what they want because Zulunski is "sus", I fact check everything using OAN and Fox, all women are DEI hires and only are useful for one thing and it's not their brains".

    My husband and I have stayed around because he has teens and we're trying to teach them to think for themselves and not buy into their father's hateful rhetoric. Are there any tactics or resources we can provide to the kids to help them start questing some of their father's beliefs?

    14:43 UTC


    Resources for understanding what's happening

    Hi everyone,

    what books/podcasts/documentaries/articles/youtube videos/etc have helped you make sense of this post-truth world?

    Anything about conspiracy theories, media literacy, propaganda, conflict resolutions, geopolitics, wellness cults or related topics would help. I'm from Europe, so it doesn't have to be US-specific, but those would work too.

    I guess I'm trying to learn and understand so I can feel like there is something in my control, when so much is slipping away. But if I find any hope and any way to help through understanding more it would be great.

    10:34 UTC


    Officially lost my mom to it

    My daughter received feedback on an essay she wrote about the correlation of poor media literacy and toxic masculinity. Her teacher wrote a comment on my daughter's paper noting that it was incredibly well done and she felt like she was editing her own daughter's paper, who is pursuing a masters in journalism from NYU.

    I was really proud. I sent a picture of the comment to my mom and explained that my daughter is currently doing two grades worth of work at the push of her guidance counselor, so she can graduate high school a year ahead.

    Instead of sending any praise, my mom immediately came down on the topic saying my daughter is too young to understand topics like that and it was garbage. I said her teacher obviously has the life experience to be the judge of that, and she thought she covered it well.

    My mom went after my daughter then. [Context: My daughter recently came out] So my mom sent my 16 year old daughter text messages that she is disappointed in her. She doesn't believe she is really gay and not to try to advertise sexuality with such a horrible hairdo. (A pixie cut-- too short, apparently.)

    I told my mom that her messages hurt my daughter. She said she didn't hurt her, and I was now interfering in their relationship, and that I am a bigot for not letting her express her "soul beliefs."

    I said she can believe whatever she wants but if it is harmful to us, we then have the right to judge her for it and walk away.

    She told me she needed to say something to me-- social media corrupted my kid and made her think she was gay and now she's been poisoned. She's throwing her life away-- about this kid when the conversation literally started around how well she is doing. I told her she came out to me personally at 9, and she didn't get a social media account until just recently, so it can't be social media making her gay, she was born that way. My daughter only recently publicly came out to everyone else, but I have known since she tearfully came out to me in the 4th grade. She has had years of therapy since to be sure, and to get comfortable in her own skin enough to share with the world. I told my mother she was lucky she was included in that-- and I support and love my daughter as she is and that it shouldn't be a big ask of a Grandma to do the same.

    My mom said that I was disgusting, corrupting my child with sex, that I'm a pedo, pervert and not letting her be a kid. She told me if it isn't social media, then I corrupted her with my wokeness and I am ruining her life.

    I still have questions, like why she thinks I would just pick one of my kids to infect with "the gay" if I'm the one behind this and leave the others straight-- but alas...

    I said, fuck off. And I'm free.

    06:47 UTC


    Why? Just, why?

    So i had to take my husband (60) to the hospital today. Bad chest infection, luckily not pneumonia but it was a concern. I texted my qmom because I was worried and just wanted someone to talk to. What do I get? Get him out of the hospital, they've been doing things to people with covid when they put them on ventilators, Yada Yada bullshit conspiracy theories. I just replied it’s not covid and they're not putting him on a ventilator. Nothing else.

    Why do I bother? Why do I still turn to her for comfort when I fucking know better? I don't even know what she's referring to. I'm sure it's some dumbfuckery about harvesting organs or adenochrome or whathefuckever. I'm just trying to get it through my stupid brain that I don't have a mother anymore. It's hard.

    04:18 UTC


    My QSpouse said I'm "too far gone" and "too radical".

    Well, my husband (P) and I just had a screaming, door slammer fest over Trump but it started with me mentioning the artist Gustav Klimt. I was online shopping for our daughter, for Xmas and her 1st solo condo. Saw lovely Klimt prints, asked P if he knew of him. He was a Jew in Europe, and many works were stolen by Nazis or hidden from them. His dad was wounded in WWII in Italy, so at least P isn't a Holocaust denier. Yet. But he said that "the guy stole a bunch of Klimt's works, while he ratted out Jews to the Nazis.... Whatzhizname?" Big sighhhhh, "Soros?" P "yeah he's dead now. But he admitted doing it." Me "and?" P Well he's an awful person, see Me "I know nothing of that. But Soros was a boy in war torn Europe facing Nazis, we can't possibly know what he had to do to survive, what he saw. So we can't judge him.

    We morphed into another tired old saw. I brought up tariffs and if he thought Biden was to blame for every gas hike and eggs, wait til Trump's tariffs get going. P muttered Well it's gotta be better than what we had for past 4 yrs....sliding into his Qcave. I yelled, "yeah the stock market hit an all time high months before election, unemployment at an historic low, gas at 2.29, and Mississippi bridges, highways are all improved by infrastructure $$, 1000s of great paying Fed jobs for Mississippians!' P Are you kidding me, that's bullshit. I HAAD no idea you were so far gone on this leftist shit!" Me: 47% of us are that far gone, *****$#. Everything will cost more. And food stamps will be gutted. And our Medicare. Have you seen his Cabinet? You stupid fer...SLAM SLAM. My BP is in the Apoplectic range. I cannot do this one more time. But where would an old lady go, no financial resources. I'm a lifelong progressive who marched every weekend in the 60s, organized womens groups and voter drives in the 70s. He smoked dope and picked up chick's. I have read 1000s of books, studied political science, history, Latin American Affairs, lived in UK and Mexico. He has not read a book in 32 yrs of marriage. We have a daughter, a granddaughter. I have a sibling who is gay. His vote is spitting on us all. But he still thinks he's a GOOD GUY? and Trump will make us all better???? You cannot say that you love the women in your life, or you aren't a homophobe, that you're not a racist when you voted for Trump. You're insane. Whew. Sorry. I had too. If I had a girlfriend nearby, I would have walked out and gone to spend a night at her house. But y'all are the only ones who really get how engaging, how frustrating it is arguing with a person we used to know and love and now I'm just disgusted by him and his careless betrayal of everything I believe in and he agreed with 80% of for 24 yrs together. We sleep in separate bedrooms (in our 70s, CPAP and night sweats) and he watches his Rwnj guys on his PC. I know he's getting his fix of crazy cuz I hear the voices. They are white, they are male, they are middle aged and they are yelling. I tell P to shut his door cuz i can't stand the White Men Whining. These men Fin OWN the world, yet they are always complaining. They are victims of our hate, DEI, feminists, commies dunno. I made a list of groups these guys hate. It was 3 pages. Then the groups they like. One fourth of a page. They fear. They hate. They are insecure bullies. And now they want payback. I just want out of a place that no longer allows me any peace in my twilight years. I just wanna grow flowers, walk the acre with my ole lab Remy, lay in the sun and warm our old bones. That's all. Peace to y'all. Thanks for listening.

    03:14 UTC


    My Q obsessed MIL is going on a Trip in a week and it’s a secret…[Update]

    Original Post : https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/s/gRMLpoBN4R

    So since I posted theres been an interesting development. My MIL had decided to leave early on her little vacation because she was “so excited”. I’m guessing she decided to buy an early ticket.

    My FIL knew she left a day and a half ago but didn’t want to tell anyone cause he promised her. I’m wondering why he didn’t go but I have no idea whats happening with them. I’m assuming she only bought herself a ticket.

    Anyways, yesterday morning she finally decided to call my husband, BILs and SILs to tell them that she was in Canada to visit Her “Queen”.

    Who is that queen you may ask? Welp it’s some Qanon cult leader named Romana Didulo, who calls herself the Queen of the Kingdom of Canada. She apparently believes that she is an alien sent to take over Canada, the USA and also help the world with Donald Trump or something!? It seems all of her beliefs are Q adjacent.

    This “Queen” is somewhere in Canada living in an old school building with her followers living there. They have broadcasting daily and post insane stuff like wanting to hurt health care workers for giving the vaccines and just being violent in general. Some of them tried to citizen arrest some cops. Of course that went as well as you’d think.

    The cult leader also tells her followers to stop paying their mortgage and utilities and they give them money saying they will all be financially free, that she’s fighting the deep state.

    Of course we did a deep dive and are baffled. There’s actually a documentary about her on YouTube I found. It’s crazy. Is it possible to be more shocked than you already are? The main Q stuff was already shocking which I had also posted about a few months ago, but it’s like double the shock that she actually is going to see her, lol.

    I knew it was bad but I didn’t think she would actually get on a plane see this lunatic and she was all excited to tell her kids on the phone like she’s going to her favourite boy band concert.

    My MIL is in her 60s and got on a plane to a small town in Canada. FIL said her online friend picked her up at the airport. Like wtf? So instead of going to see any one of her grandkids for the holidays, goes to this place and proceeded to get in a car with one of those random cult followers that shes only talked to online. They took her 4 hours away from the airport to an abandoned school (I can’t believe I’m even writing this).

    We are actually so scared for her. The best case scenario is she mentally wakes up and realizes it’s not what she thought, but she has to fake it to get back. Worst? I don’t even want to think about it. The balance of both scenarios would be she’s still brainwashed but comes home safe, then here’s also a possibility she wants to stay and live there with this crazy ass lady.

    This woman has been heard to abuse her followers and say any traitors will be dealt with and my MIL has defended it all! My MIL who has been so loving, accepting and kind to everyone no matter their colour or belief, who wouldn’t never hurt a fly is supporting this.

    My BIL has said recently that she doesn’t really get into the holidays anymore like she used to. She used to bake decorate have people over. For the past 2 years she has made this Queen cult her entire life, waiting for the medbeds, waiting for something to happen. Loosing friends, ignoring her kids, grandkids, the present life she has.

    This is usually something I see on the documentaries I watch. I never thought I’d see someone I care about be part of one. Right now no one in the family has heard from her yet and I don’t know when she’s coming back as of now. We keep checking the cults video post hoping to see if she’s ok.

    The cult posted an “emergency new video” to tell others that they are preparing for the shut down of the internet and to live off grid soon. Maybe they took their phones or something. They could easily keep them there just by saying it’s the end of the world. Not like they can tell they are in a small town, in a school that’s gated.

    This is crazy. I will definitely update when she comes home safe.

    22:50 UTC


    Romanian election nightmare

    This is my first ever reddit post, I hope it's appropriate for this thread.

    A conspiracy theorist is currently in the lead to become the president. He was previously not even in the top 5 at any of the polls, so no mainstream media outlet looked into him. He grew solely through an aggressive tiktok campaign. This has come as a huge shock to half of the country, who hadn't even heard of this guy before, and has sparked daily protests in all major cities.

    Votes are being recounted as we speak, and investigations are being done into him possibly being a foreign agent and a threat to our belonging to nato and eu, which as a neighbor of ukraine would be a very bad idea. It's looking like the election might have to be redone over the christmas period going into the new year.

    Through all this chaos, panic and confusion, I'm spending the rest of the year in my hometown with my mother, working remotely. She fell very deeply down the QAnon rabbit hole back in 2020 and buys everything this guys says (and he says some very loony and very very dangerous things).

    We've managed to repair our relationship somewhat in the past year. She no longer tries to convince me at every turn like in the beginning, and we've started to be close again by ignoring the subject entirely. We were even going to have a relaxing holiday season together.

    But as this has become THE subject in the entire nation, tension is very high and it often escalates to arguments. With a real threat to our democracy looming, I'm having a hard time focusing on other things. Every time I see her watching the hateful propaganda channel it's like a stab to my heart. Every time I hear the illogical beliefs she has it hurts me. I feel a lot of anger and despair that she would step on so many of my values, like democracy, tolerance, freedom, science, etc because of some crooks she found on youtube once, and that she would endanger our future for it. Man this is going to be a tough christmas...😞

    Any advice of how I can detach and accept her worldview for what it is, while still being able to spend some time with her? Or any other thoughts on how I could handle this?

    22:22 UTC


    Thanksgiving vent

    I needed to vent and share this with someone.

    For starters I'm a black sheep in my family when it comes to politics. Parents, Brother, Sister-in-law, all Conservative. Most of Thanksgiving has been politics free. They know where I stand, and we've mostly agreed to disagree on major policy differences.

    My dad is Jewish and very pro-Isreal. In his eyes they can do no wrong. So he wanted to know what my "liberal" stance was regarding the conflict over there. I told him that generally, I'm indifferent to the conflict. It's not an American conflict, and I'm American; not Israeli. That said, I think Isreal has a right to defend themselves, but I think they've taken their vengeance a little too far and are killing innocent people as a result and have injured or killed several children.

    Apparently this flabbergasted my dad. I'm listening to too much propaganda apparently, and it's the terrorists who are hiding behind the innocent. I told him that I don't care what the reason is, I don't condone killing innocent people.

    Dad - "But they grow up hating America and Isreal, and will eventually take up arms against them."

    Me - "I believe in American values. I believe in due process and innocence until proven guilty. I believe all of humanity should operate on those values. But Isreal is killing indiscriminately by blowing up buildings and booby trapping pagers and cell phones."

    Dad - "So what should they do? They have to protect themselves somehow."

    Me - "And they have a right to protect themselves. Everyone in the world has that right in my opinion. But when you go on the offensive, you better be right you're killing the bad guy. I think boots on the ground can discern better than a bomb who is and isn't the bad guy."

    Dad - "But then Israeli soldiers will get killed."

    Me - "I don't care. Innocent people shouldn't be killed, and Isreal is killing indiscriminately. This isn't a radical position."

    Sister-in-Law - "What if it was between your kids and their kids?"

    Me - I don't condone killing innocent people.

    SIL - But what if they kill your children? Wouldn't you want revenge?

    Me - I'm not killing innocent children because mine died.

    Brother - Is that some liberal ideology?

    Me - Actually it's One Piece. I'm not going to hold children accountable for the sins of their father. That's what they did to Ace, and it was wrong.

    Anyway, it ended with my dad probably thinking I'm anti Isreal when my whole stance was being against the death of innocent people. Nothing more, nothing less.

    19:12 UTC


    Why can they not just think critically?

    We managed to stay away from politics all dinner until the very end of the night. Someone made a comment about how something was expensive and my MIL jumped on the comment.

    She started talking about how excited she is for tariffs and how Trump is going to get rid of income taxes so everything will be cheaper. She claims gas is going back to the price it was in the 1970’s?

    My husband tried to explain to her that she pays less in taxes now than the tariff amount being proposed and things are going to get worse for her. It broke my heart watching her completely disregard her son, who she raised to be a critical thinker and to always question everything, and put completely trust in someone who doesn’t even care about her.

    I’m just so upset that so many of us have to deal with this. I’ve watched my MIL go from being a good person to her delusional self in only a few years. There’s no amount of logic or facts that can sway her at this point and it’s sad.

    15:04 UTC


    I canceled Thanksgiving!

    My brother is staying at my parents and asked to see me while he was in town. I felt awkward inviting him over but not my parents, so I reluctantly invited everyone. However, Wednesday night on my drive home from work I had a full blown panic attack at the thought of even seeing my Q Mom. I had to pull over because I was shaking, couldn’t breathe, and felt like I was going to pass out. I told them all me and my husband weren’t feeling great, and I needed to cancel. I have gone all but no contact with her for the past two months, and my life has been better, but it’s still not easy. My heart is broken that I don’t have a family now. I have nobody but my partner. I called my brother and told him how I was feeling, but all I got was “they won’t be around forever”, or “you just have to ignore it”. Bullshit! Why do I have to tolerate something/someone that makes me miserable just because they gave birth to me!? I absolutely don’t!

    My mom has texted me from my dad’s phone asking me for money at least weekly over the past month, because they can’t pay their bills. They have been asking me for money my entire life! I said no, and will continue saying no. I have crippling guilt at times, because they’re old and I don’t want to see them hurt or struggling, but I am done letting their horrible life decisions affect me in any way. And I am done listening to or accepting her nonsense. She is mentally unwell and needs help, but she’ll never accept that. She has also hurt me beyond repair, which she’ll never realize either. I am sad. I don’t want it to be this way, but I don’t know any other way to maintain my sanity.

    09:06 UTC


    How to begin living again after Qanon

    I don't know where to go on from here. I've had quite a difficult year due to my mums instability and Qanon ideals. She really ruined my time at university, leading to me failing a degree I was forced into. I cannot find a job nor do I have the will. I cannot seem to find the passion to even look for a new beginning. I have moved countries to be with my partner and finding it hard navigating a new system. I just feel so lost and broken.

    Dealing with someone so emotionally involved in my life to now no contact has been such a dramatic shift for me. I am really embarrassed to admit this despite being 22. Everyone around me is going on with their lives and I am just stuck.

    I am happy, I like where I am I just don't have any passion in life to make changes and I am just so saddened. I wish I could afford therapy to help better understand myself. I wish my family were more stable so I had the resources to succeed.

    20:42 UTC


    Let's do a check-in. How's everyone handling Thanksgiving today?

    I volunteered to be on the thanksgiving shift, as to give myself an excuse not to go this year. Thought I would check in on everyone here to see how they're doing today.

    17:13 UTC


    Married to a low key magat. Help please

    I am a boomer married to a man who voted for T all three times. He's someone whose opinion can change depending on what he last heard, and what he has been listening to and watching on YT are the usual right wing suspects. I am still so upset over the latest election, I dont think I'm thinking straight. I have been a sahm since I had my kids 40 years ago, and he is the only breadwinner. Sadly, I put trust in our relationship, and cannot support myself without him. I am not financially abused, just apparently stupid. Normally, I try to avoid talking politics with him, but we had a huge argument on election day and he likely knows how angry and disappointed I am, but is likely trying to brush it off as me just being emotional. I could really use some advice and encouragement on how to get through the next few years. Thanks for reading my plea.

    07:52 UTC


    4 Questions re New Podcast for Exxers

    This regards our ex-religious podcast (due January) with tips from "exxers" across religions/ conspiracy groups/ cults on how exxers can become agents of change in their new and past societies.

    We’ve run into some kinks and would appreciate your input:

    Do you prefer:

    1. (a) YouTube or (b) podcast?
    2. Receivign updates through: (a) An Agents4Change Substack newsletter with summary of exxer’s tip/ story. Plus notices such as competitions or  (b) simple email updates - just notices?
    3. I’m looking for the most confidential, most secure and 1-step subscription tool to keep us all on one page. Is that (a) Mailchimp (b) Substack  © something else? (If so which)?
    4. Date/ time for releasing program: (a) Tues. 5.30am (b) Wed, 5.30am or © Thurs. 5.30am (d) No difference?

    Thank you.

    If you’d like more details, to subscribe and/ or appear as guest speakers please DM me.

    07:15 UTC


    I wish I could be a fly on the wall at Thanksgiving.

    I think the family Thanksgiving will be dramatic this year. Mostly because a vast majority of the liberals won’t be there. In fact it’s possible none of them will show up. And can you guess who does a majority of the cooking, cleaning and prep for family meals. That’s right, those damn dirty liberals.

    I know Grandma can’t physically handle the tasks. My mother will do what she does every year, which is suddenly become faint and dizzy right when the kitchen gets supper busy. Then she will go to “lay down”, and miraculously recover right when dinner is served. One uncle’s wife regularly hides out, social anxiety I think. The other wife can’t play nice with other women. And in my family the men don’t make the meal. The uncle who’s wife hides out might have helped in the past, he’s a pretty great cook, but there was an accident a few years back that affected his brain and he wouldn’t be able to handle that many dishes at once.

    In the past my aunt has been the one who held everything together. But after the election she said fuck it, and decided she was done with the family. I haven’t shown up in years cuz of how awful one of my uncles is. There is one of my siblings who might go, but is disabled. Then there are some cousins, (I don’t know who will show up and who has cut the family off), but they’re are too young and/or inexperienced to be running that large of a meal by themselves.

    I kinda want to be there just to watch everything descend into madness. The finger pointing about what’s women’s work and what’s men’s work. Hurt feelings about past wrongdoings being brought up. Basically the chaos that comes when they need to dole abuse out on someone, but the liberals aren’t there to put up with it.

    02:49 UTC


    Lizards and snakes

    My Q anon son recently told me that he knows I am a reptile. (Just when I thought the human suit was working...) I was going to visit him in January, but now wonder if the Qs are leaning towards killing said reptiles?

    23:01 UTC


    How rare is this? (raw milk related discussion)

    My little brother isn’t full Q, but is totally into not trusting medical professionals/medicine in general. It’s to the point where he won’t even go to a dentist anymore even when he is in a lot of pain. He lives with my mom, and she says it’s like pulling teeth (no pun intended) to even get him to take ibuprofen for a headache or benadryl for a cold.

    Part of his routine weekly is going to a certain farmer’s market on his bike to buy raw milk. This is pretty much the ONLY place in that town he has found that actually sells it somehow.

    He has been doing this for over TWO YEARS now. And by some fucking miracle or something, he has somehow never ended up truly ill from it or landed himself in the hospital. He has been drinking this shit and cooking with it for more than two years and he isn’t dead.

    Is this a rare occurrence for raw milk people? I hear sooooo many stories of most of them ending up seriously ill from it at least once in their life. He does get head colds and stuff pretty often, but I have been chalking that up to his job and working with the public (he works at a big box store). Can raw milk fuck with your immune system in that way even?

    And before anyone mentions this, yes I can probably imagine his digestive system and overall gut flora causes him serious problems on the daily. He’s never talked about it explicitly, it’s just an educated guess. What I don’t know though is if the excessive raw milk drinking could have any long term affects that target his digestive system :(

    22:57 UTC


    My Qmom is going to endanger my disabled brother with Raw Milk.

    I thought telling her that RFK deregulating the milk industry would change her mind. I should've known better. She always wants to protect him but he has a compromised immune system. Something she knows. She used to be a believer in real medicine but over the past year has fully gone down the right wing rabbit hole. Mind you my brother is mentally disabled adult and she is his guardian. She's now telling me the health benefits of raw milk and wants to buy some. While also saying that RFK is right for wanting regulations into vaccine safety. (Which they already have.) I'm seriously feeling betrayed right now. Someone who protected the health of my brother for so many years abandoning that for people like Joe Rogan.

    19:28 UTC


    So I think my parents are in this and a connected cult too and raised me in it

    So yeah, I don't talk to them anymore since they have always been really violent towards me with their bigtry. In the last 10 years or so my mother specifically has been quite openly pro enslaving African and African-American people and claiming, "slavery was good for those people". They are far right evangelicals and my father is one of the church leaders. It is a church that is a known cult. I have been personally learning more and more about what I was raised in and also about the history of German Nazis and Hitler recently. I think that my parents are Qanon Christian Nationalists Evangelical Nazis. This hits a big hard as almost 20 years since leaving their dangerous cult church I am still learning things and trying to shed these awful evil very not nice ideas from my mind. I just needed to stay this. Thank you for listening. I hope that you all have a lovely Thanksgiving if you choose to celebrate it if you are an American.

    12:01 UTC


    Q's worried about being drafted?

    A Q I know made a joke about "if I end up getting drafted" recently

    Does anyone know if Qs are thinking this right now?

    07:11 UTC


    Cut off my dad, and it's making my head spin.

    Disclaimer - I know this isn't straight Q related, but I needed to share somewhere and thought this sub would understand

    I honestly didn't think it'd happen, but I (26m) cut off my dad (46m).

    Based on the ages, you can see he had me quite young - I believe he's technically on the cusp on Gen X and millennial. He and my mom have always been conservatives, I even have a picture of them taking me to a Bush rally (that I have no memory of).

    He was always a more "rational" Republican. Sure he had strong opinions about the economy, but he always said that he thought republicans cared too much about sex and race. He was a "libertarian," he just cared about taxes and fiscal policy. And I genuinely believe this was true.

    Once Trump came into the picture, things started to change. First he said Trump was an idiot, Jeb or Scott were the way. Then Trump won the primary, and maybe he wasn't so bad?

    Then my parents found Tiktok. Ironic because none of their children use or used it.

    After that things changed. I, of course, became a college indoctrinated liberal at that time, so we argued frequently, but his arguments became.. unhinged.

    suddenly there were cat boxes in the school at our small town that furries were peeing in, suddenly half of my sister's grade were trans or gay. And these things, plus the illegals, were ruining the economy. This man trades government bonds for a living! You're telling me he made trades based on the quantity of litterbox pissing in local schools??

    As an aside, he was very adamant that I don't ask the school about this on Facebook.

    My mom told me that he was just saying these things to get a rise out of me, which I believed for probably too long. then the 2024 election happened and we had a conversation, in which he said that he thinks that women do not have the mental capacity to vote correctly.

    I was genuinely appalled. I'm no white knight, but I thought he was "one of the good ones," just an "economic conservative" but "socially liberal." But I wouldn't stand for it because the love of my life, who I just married a month prior, was (gasp) a woman. he gave me some explanation about it just being science, about how women were scientifically more emotional, less disposed to logical thought, etc. He seemed to genuine too. He argued with the same tone he used to try to convince me at 18 that I needed to get a business degree, that I'm too young to "get it" because I don't have enough life experience.

    I just hung up on him.

    The worst part is that I called my equally conservative mom (who is still married and living with him) to tell her what he said, fully assuming that she would support it somehow. but when I told her, she just said "I know" and sounded close to tears. and that broke my heart a little bit.

    how did this happen? how did a seemingly normal man transform into this bigoted mysogynist? I know the narrative is that Trump gave permission for people to act the way they wanted in their heart of hearts, but I have trouble reconciling this. But I can't think of any other reason why this previously respectable man, a man on the city council and school board, a man with a wife and three daughters would suddenly behave this way.

    It's making me spin in circles. I can't stop thinking and analyzing it, in no small part because I'm afraid it could happen to me too. Was he actually always like this? Did Tiktok poison his brain? I can't tell. But I won't speak to him until he stops imbibing and spewing this poison. And if he doesn't, I'm content - if very sad - to watch his brain rot. My mom knows she always has a home with me if she needs.

    06:11 UTC


    I’m scared for the new year

    Burner account.

    Hearing about what’s possibly gonna happen during Trump’s presidency has made my anxiety peak badly and as far as I (22F) know, a lot of left-leaning or anti-maga people are already prepping themselves to get through the next four years as best as they can.

    Can some people on here advise on what to do to prepare just to be on the safe side? Maybe I’m being dramatic but, I’m just too on edge to think rationally at this point.

    I live with my republican family but my mom is worse when it comes to being a Trump supporter, moving out isn’t an option right now, I work part-time and I live with my family. I can’t drive and the only thing I have is my bike. The only thing I’ve done so far is started saving up cash so I could put it into an emergency fund or savings account.

    I’m AFAB too and I’ve expressed interest in getting a birth control implant just in case but, idk how I’m gonna do that.

    05:01 UTC


    Q Uncle destroying the family?

    Warning, long read.

    I want to start off by saying that I can somewhat understand my uncle’s behaviour, because he has a history of being unstable (sorry if this is the bad word to use, I really don’t know how else to phrase it) and was actually put into a psych ward in the early 90s for a time, he has bipolar disorder and it was too much for my grandparents to deal with at the time, and to a lot of people this might sound unacceptable, but you have to understand that this was a tumultuous time for my family because communism in eastern Europe had come to an end, so there wasn’t much stability to begin with, or in my mother’s own words, her country felt lawless until probably the mid 2000s.

    And staying on this subject, this is where it all begins, though this is years ago now. My mum and uncle, both Gen X, had what she describes as not an unhappy childhood, but it wasn’t great either. My mum and her brother grew up fairly privileged compared to much of their country due to their father’s direct involvement with the ruling party. My mum would speak about how when she was young, she was a daddy’s girl. This all changed when she was about 8, and that’s where the relationship with her parents has been tense ever since. My grandpa would get extremely angry very easily, and sometimes this lead to physical reactions from him. My mum remembers the time where he destroyed my uncle’s TV or something of the sort in his room, just because he hadn’t heard my grandma call him to dinner, and honestly I also think this is where HIS relationship became tense with my grandparents too.

    My mum got hooked onto heroin when she was about 17, and this added another layer of problems to an already tense relationship with her parents. Addiction is still pretty taboo in western Europe, and most of the western world, but in her country it was something of shame and dishonour. She would skip school constantly because she was more interested in where her next fix was coming from, so she used to leave the home telephone slightly off the latch, so that if school called (they probably never did,) the call couldn’t have gone through, and she told me this was again, another source of anxiety for her in case my grandpa noticed what she’d been doing, and was set off again.

    Okay well, I’ll get to the point now.

    I’ve previously mentioned my uncle’s mental illness, and how he was put into a psych ward, and I think that my grandpa still feels extremely guilty for doing this to his son, and therefore feels that he owes him a living. So my uncle is nearing his 60s now, and has nothing to show for his life. He sits at home all day consuming QAnon, Pro-Putin, Pro-Trump, Anti-Eu, Medical Misinformation, Anti-LGBT content etc, and it’s poisoned he AND his parents mind completely. I know for a fact that deep down my grandparents know this isn’t reality, they’re not stupid people. And I think deep down my uncle does too, he just can’t accept that he’s a loser with nothing to show for his life (and no I’m not sorry for saying this)

    And because of his constant brainwashing of my grandparents, and his inability/refusal to be independent, my mum’s relationship with her parents has ultimately suffered even more. She wants to visit them because her time to do so is getting very limited, but she never has the opportunity because she never gets the privacy she wants with them, because my Q Uncle is constantly there.

    I’ve tried so many times to make my grandparents see the light and that QAnon is brain rot, but unfortunately I don’t see a solution to this, because my Uncle is going to be there until they die. And I hate him for that because he’s also deprived me of a relationship with my own grandparents too, because every time we’ve been together it becomes political and everyone gets angry because none of our values align.

    02:09 UTC


    I’m curious if our loved ones had similar Qanon journeys.

    My mom grew up evangelical, like the speaking in tongues type. But she sort of fell away from the church for a while before she fell balls deep into Q, and subsequently was born again through the blood of Jesus.

    My mom was always into Fox News when I was a kid. It was always on in the background. This was back when Glenn Beck was all over it and I remember Nancy Grace too.

    She was always into profits like Nostradamus. A bit of a fascination with the end of the world. I mean we all have that in us I think, but it was some real Book of Revelation type shit.

    She had different mental health struggles, nothing diagnosed though. She sort of disappeared from the family for a while and then Covid happened.

    Not long after she was telling me about Q and medbeds and how Trump is God’s David. The democrats are all pedophiles performing satanic rituals on children. She even told me that I’m a victim of MK Ultra because I won’t buy into her vitriol. She takes ivermectin for fun now. She is vehemently opposed to vaccines, even though she had all five of her kids completely vaccinated (thank god). She even bought this like $700 watch that emits some frequency that’s supposed to make her healthier??? Like why are there so many weird medical scams associated with Q??? Is it merely because they know people who buy into Q anon are easily conned?

    I don’t know. I’m just rambling now. I feel like my entire family has been destroyed. It’s like every day someone else I love falls a little deeper into this rabbit hole. It’s hard not to feel like I am the crazy one.

    01:27 UTC


    I miss my Dad.

    Posting on my alt account because obviously

    It's honestly kind of fascinating just how fast these people can spiral downward once they get started on this rabbithole. Over the span of 2-3 years my dad's just a completely different person.

    He has said some of the most vile racist and transphobic shit I have ever heard in my life. This man used to be a proud LGBTQ ally who explicitly raised me to respect anyone and everyone regardless of gender, race or sexuality, but now he genuinely thinks putting trans people in camps is a good idea, justifying it with "they're just 2% of the population anyway," and genuinely belives that "brown people are in on a secret plan to breed out whites and Trump is gonna fix it," and I don't know what the hell to do other than just cut him out of my life. I don't even know if I can quote the shit he says without getting my post removed. Thankfully I'm an adult so I'm not dependant on him anymore but my younger siblings are, it makes me sick thinking of what kind of shit he's telling them behind closed doors. I just don't understand how someone's personality can change so fundamentally in such a short time like he's fallen into mental illness. He used to be so kind and welcoming to everyone, but now he scowls and goes silent whenever he meets up with my older sibling who's nonbinary. I just don't understand what the HELL happened to him. I miss the dad I grew up with who wasn't a raging lunatic.

    23:55 UTC


    It is not lost on me that whenever a Liberal, leaning, or just anti-Trump person points out to a Conservative why MAGA policies are bad they retort with “cry harder”

    Seriously how the fuck do we reason with these people? Anytime a policy like tariffs are brought up they’ll say “Mexico has to pay”. Or if it’s brought up how deportation of illegal immigrants will decimate the economy they’ll say something like “oh so you just want cheap slave labor”. No I’d like them to become legal citizens and not detained & separated from their families by agents of the state.

    Every response from a Trump supporter is along the lines of “cry harder” or “get over it” when you point out how his policies are detrimental to the average American.

    I’m not sure how to process all this tbh.

    23:54 UTC


    My Q obsessed MIL is going on a trip in a week and it’s a secret...

    Pretty much the title. She refuses to tell anyone where she’s going so of course everyone is worried but what can you do? I just hope she’s not joining up with other Qs and actually goes to touch some grass, see the world and rewire her brain. Will she? I Doubt it.

    I don’t get how you can go somewhere at 65 with minor health issues and not let you family know. She’s so proud and smug about it being a secret trip too.

    I thought maybe she might be taking a nice vacation but keeping a secret is suspicious. When she was going on a cruise or to the Bahamas she wouldn’t stop telling us about it. I guess we will have to hope for the best and that she doesn’t come back worse.

    Do Qs have a meet up location or plan trips together? Any one else’s Q going on a trip soon? Maybe I can figure out where she’s going lol.

    23:15 UTC


    Still struggling with q dad

    Lately, I’ve been having more struggles with my dad. He’s been negatively reacting to my posts, and they aren’t political. One was I got my hair cut shorter (pixie cut) and he didn’t like it. The other is that I posted in support of esoteric beliefs and he’s very opposed to that because he’s a fairly conservative Christian. I asked that he not react negatively in public since I do have friends who are witches and pagans. He said that it’s like cutting up children to post things like that. It confused me because that’s a really hyperbolic way to describe it. He said it was immoral to influence adults that aren’t mature enough to understand by themselves. That is so fascist it bothered me. I’m concerned about him reacting negatively to my posts that support LGBTQIA people. He said to block him and I said no, he can unfollow me if it bothers him. I didn’t do anything wrong!

    20:52 UTC

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