
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit is dedicated to documenting, critiquing, and debunking the chan poster known as 'Q' and his devotees.

This subreddit is dedicated to documenting, critiquing, and debunking the chan poster known as 'Q' and his devotees.

For family and friends of Qultists: /r/QAnonCasualties
For discussion of the mechanisms behind conspiracy thinking: /r/ConspiracyPsychology

---Frequently Debunked Claims---

Who is Q?

'Q' is an anonymous figure who initially appeared on the website 4chan's /pol/ board. Although 4chan is known for being a hotbed of porn, gore, and anime, and /pol/ is dominated by discussion in support of white nationalism, fascism (the real kind), and anarcho-capitalism, Q decided to impart his message on this forum. Using somewhat cryptic language, Q claimed to be a high-level insider in the Trump administration who was part of an operation to take down the Deep State, and that left-wing and GOP establishment figures, such as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John McCain would soon pay for their alleged crimes. Posts from users claiming to have insider knowledge about government workings are incredibly common on the website, and predictions made in cryptic language have been part of 4chan well before the /pol/ board was even created, but, as Q continued to post his predictions, he gained an extremely large following of people who truly believed that he was working with Trump to bring Hillary and co. to justice.

The existence of Q Q-uickly came to the attention of conspiratorial blogging organization Infowars, who spread news of his existence to listeners who don't use 4chan. Those listeners eagerly spread the news to associates via Twitter and Facebook, and within months, Q gained a massive following of devotees from many walks of life. Eventually they settled on Reddit, where they discuss Q's 'drops' (which he now posts on 8chan- a place containing users who are generally more extreme than the ones on 4chan), organize 'redpill' efforts, posit their theories, and share anything tangentially related to the 'Q Conspiracy'.

Who are the Qultists?

Despite Q's debut on a forum primarily frequented by young men and boys, the majority of his following consists of both male and female baby boomers. Many of the older devotees have been involved in the conspiracy community for decades, in some cases even prior to the invention of the World Wide Web. This is made evident by the elements that they've injected into the Q mythos.

While the most fringe subjects of Q's 'drops' involve subjects that are almost mainstream- namely, elite pedophilia and Satanism, his devotees use the vagueness of his predictions to inject their pet theories into the mix. Nearly every conspiracy theory that's gained more than a dozen followers over the past three decades has been woven into the narrative by at least some of Q's sycophants. Examples include but are not limited to Doomsday Christianity, adrenochrome harvesting, Flat Earth Theory, vampiric elites, and the Christian Patriot movement (e.g. Ruby Ridge, Branch Davidians). If you've heard of it, it's been mentioned in relation to Q. Most devotees genuinely believe that Q has been sent by God to usher in a New Age, and quite a few believe that Q is Trump himself. Regardless of Q's identity, the Qultists follow him with religious fervor, referencing and quoting his 'drops' like scripture (I write this with no exaggeration).

A digital anthropologist's wet dream (or nightmare), Q's followers have created the largest cult to have ever formed online. Their current headquarters is /r/GreatAwakening, as their previous subreddit was banned after users made graphic posts about the violent things they wanted to do to some elites. The subreddit is chaotic but has provided a ground where Qultists can organize and recruit. The Qult is spreading like wildfire among conspiracy theorists and die-hard Trump supporters, with devotees increasingly spreading the word with things like banner drops and flyers in 'real life'. As of 2020, the Qult has now likely infected millions of people and is tearing apart families and communities across the world.

Why does it matter?

The Qult is so ridiculous that it may strike you as a joke. And yes, reading all of the theories can be a hoot. However, like any conspiracy-related cult, especially one with thousands of members, this movement is dangerous and deeply disrupts the lives of the Qultists, motivates the Qultist to disrupt the lives of innocent people, and loosens the American social fabric. Because this is a real cult, many Q followers are under his complete control. Although the people behind Q have been somewhat responsible with their power so far (perhaps out of self-preservation), all it would take to activate the hardcore Qultists into violent action is Q's word (or one of his cryptic posts interpreted as such). Numerous devotees have openly celebrated the idea of fighting in a civil war or otherwise killing people they disagree with. On a more personal level, Q fanaticism is alienating Qultists from their families. Some of them are indoctrinating their young children, which could lead them to adopt conspiratorial and otherwise harmful thought patterns that will affect their ability to function later in life. Finally, the fact that this movement is spreading like wildfire has very, very grim implications about the state of the American education system, political fabric, and, ultimately, culture.


  1. Follow Reddit's global rules.
  2. No brigading linked posts.
  3. Stay on-topic.
  4. No bigotry or hate of any kind.
  5. People from all ideologies are welcome so long as they're not hateful, violent, or bigoted. Off-topic political arguments and smugposts will be removed.
  6. If a Q follower comes to the subreddit to ask a question or debate in good faith, don't shut them down- show them the facts and reasoning. Shutting somebody down makes them less receptive to challenging their ideas.
  7. If a former or doubting Q follower posts on this subreddit, be kind and welcoming to them. It takes a lot of courage to abandon a belief system like the Qult, and even more to admit it to people who are hostile towards the belief system.
  8. If you see a call to or glorification of violence on a Qanon-related subreddit, send the link to the admins, or compile violent posts to send to the admins later.
  9. Consider using an archived link (e.g. archive.is - a Chrome extension can archive pages with the click of a button) or screenshot if you're submitting material from social media.


142,422 Subscribers


The White Hats are ready for the Geometric Storm!

22:41 UTC


Yes, this is a thing

21:47 UTC


"Put your hands together for the 45th and 47th President of the United States!" So he's not president right now? Wonder what the 80,000 Qnuts think about that?

21:22 UTC


He learned his lesson after doing time for January 6th.

21:02 UTC


Aurora Borealis

Has there been much talk about the northern lights in the Q world? I get that this all happened relatively quickly so they haven't had much chance to ramp up the disinfo machine. But this seems to big for them to not get up in arms about. There's got to be some random Q-drop from 5 years ago or something that they can point at say "see we told you! its habbening!!"

18:33 UTC


J6er trying to shut down the Trump trial in New York.

17:57 UTC


“The plan” is real because of Survivor. Truly the dumbest timeline ever

15:20 UTC


sov citizens from texas got mad at border patrol

14:48 UTC


Now the literal sun in part of 'Teh Plan'

14:28 UTC



14:07 UTC


Chris Cuomo & Ivermectin

I got scolded last night regarding Ivermectin, because supposedly Chris Cuomo is taking it now to treat long Covid and out there shilling with the line “We were all lied to!”

My spouse sent me a video earlier in the day that I ignored. Then she brought it up again last night, how it is a miracle drug that cures COVID and that everyone knows this now, it’s accepted science.

I simply said no, that is not correct. Ivermectin still has nothing to do with COVID.

Well, she was off and running from there.

Some highlights:

“This has been established by every medical and scientific organization in the world! Countries have eradicated Covid and cured it with this drug!”

No they haven’t, no it’s not been established.

“Where do you get your information from?! This is serious, how can you not know about this amazing drug? What do you watch, MSNBC??”

Ah yes, because living in this house together I have been able to hide my faithful nightly viewing of MANBC from you very well.

“This medication won a Nobel prize, how can you deny that?!”

I never did. This medicine is very useful for treating parasitic infections and river blindness and other things, but it still has shown 0% efficacy fighting COVID.

(At this point I thought her head may very well explode, but I remained calm and even.)

Also, as you know, there is a human formulation and an animal formulation. Many people made themselves sick taking the animal formulations because they cannot just be interchanged, that’s not how these medicines work.

“How can you deny this?! Your boy Chris Cuomo is admitting it now that this was all a lie because ivermectin is so cheap and they had to suppress it so they could make money on vaccines!”

Chris Cuomo had never been and will never be my “boy,” this is just you falling into a partisan trap. If you want to make a medical decision based on what a washed-up TV personality is shilling on a podcast, well, I suppose that’s your prerogative.

On and on it went, the same talking points again. I just kept smiling and saying “Yes, uh huh, sure, of course,” because I’m not letting this stress bring me down anymore. Mind you this is a person who I caught with a bottle of ivermectin 2 years ago, big bottle of blue liquid from Tractor Supply marked clearly “Not for human use.” I guess she’s still a little defensive about me making her dump it out.

Has anyone seen anybody responsible meaning refute this idiot Cuomo yet? Social media is awash with Qultists and right-wing types taking a victory lap over this but I have yet to see someone address it properly. I mean, not that it ever matters.

12:33 UTC


Found in Zagreb, Croatia

Thought it belonged here

10:21 UTC


Conversation with a co-worker

A co-worker and I sat down during a meal break and started talking about one of our friends who had retired a couple years ago. I asked how the retiree was doing, and my co-worker said that he (retiree) had gotten into weird online conspiracies lately.

This statement piqued my interest and I asked what he meant. My co-worker began to describe Facebook posts from the retiree that talked about Trump was really still president, and everything since 2020 was being controlled by the military, and about a list of people who had been sent to gitmo and imprisoned or executed.

I said something to the affect that, wow those were some crazy ideas. My co-worker laughed and said that he agreed, the ideas were too crazy to be true. Then he paused and said “It would be great if it was true, but it ain’t.” I then told my co-worker that no, it wouldn’t be great for me, because if it were true they’d start coming for people like me (liberal, leftist, whatever you want to call it) and putting me in camps too. Co-worker remained silent. Finished our meals. Back to work.

05:08 UTC


Patriot Princess having to defend her wrinkles

Funny how she can accuse others of being actors in masks because of their neck wrinkles, but when it's her, it's just her showing her age.

02:53 UTC


Bruh typed a novella all mad and afraid when he could’ve just googled this month’s Sonic Wacky Pack toy😂

02:11 UTC


I guess it is profitable to say you will kill yourself if Trump loses in November.

01:48 UTC


How do I convince my friend that adrenochrome isn’t real?

Yes it’s an adrenaline metabolite. But he says the non-synthesized version (aka from the baby brains) is what’s really psychoactive and what the cabal craves. He’s been to just enough festivals and raves that he’s “met dealers.”

Erowid is blank. The medical literature is blank. Hunter S Thompson is lush. That’s it. WTF man?

01:19 UTC


The enemy is using talismans like the $1 bill

01:18 UTC


Be Warned!! Tractor Supply has now joined the Deepstate.

00:58 UTC


It's habbening! According to the movie Whiplash

So, according to my Quonspiracy person, it's all about to happen.

Elon going to be updating his avatar with whiplash logo after tomorrow. The financial flip is close. Everything moves to stellar and ripple. Banks have already moved. There could be some down time so have some cash as a backup. If you want to control your own money I would suggest you create your account on lobstr but there are many different ways to do this.

If this was fake just imagine the lawsuits for putting these companies on his website. I have communicated with some of the IT leaders of these companies on linked in and confirmed their emails. THere are a lot of scams as well because the bad guys knew this change was coming. We caught most of them but there are a few stragglers. Love you all.


Somehow it was all forecast in the (2014) movie Whiplash


23:00 UTC


What are you implying, Laura?

22:52 UTC

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