
Photograph via snooOG

Street Epistemology is a way to help people critically reflect on the quality of their reasoning through civil conversation.

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Quotes by Peter Boghossian

"Your new role is that of interventionist. Liberator. Your target is faith. Your pro bono clients are individuals who’ve been infected by faith."

"Your interventions should always begin in sincerity, continue in sincerity and end in sincerity.”

"Atheism is a conclusion one comes to after a sincere, honest evaluation of the evidence."

"God (a metaphysical conclusion that comes about as a result of a faulty epistemology)"

“Forget about tools and skillsets — it's not a skillset, it's an attitudinal disposition. You just gotta be honest with yourself. If we can help people have that as a value — sincerity with regard to what they believe — much of this problem will take care of itself.”

"Faith has fallen. What goes in its place? Wonder."


29,486 Subscribers


Tonight: Snow’s Debut on Pierce and 2DayDavid's SE Call-In Show: A Female Voice

Tonight @ 8PM CDT

Pierce and 2DayDavid are happy to announce a special event in the community: Snow's first live stream on their SE call-in show!

Snow's presence marks an important step towards diversifying the voices in the Street Epistemology community, where female content creators are notably rare.

Snow can bring fresh perspectives and insights, enriching our discussions and challenging us to think more deeply about the beliefs we examine.

👀 Watch the live stream: https://loom.ly/CqHNbKg or https://loom.ly/hRb1jaM

📞 Call-in to participate: https://loom.ly/FNQQa-U

Join us in welcoming Snow! Let’s dive into the beliefs that shape our world, together.

1 Comment
23:19 UTC


Truth Depends on Belief - Carter | Street Epistemology

12:54 UTC


Can street epistemology be used to discuss topics like veganism?

I want to use street epistemology to discuss veganism but I'm not sure if it can be used for this purpose.

22:04 UTC


You Trying to Get Nietzsche On Me? - Cherrie | Street Epistemology Excerpt

02:52 UTC


Failed Non-Violent Communication - Angry callers gives feedback regarding my Street Epistemology

I'm looking for feedback on what I could have done differently.

02:11 UTC


Conspiratorialism and the epistemological crisis

"In a world where trust in institutions and expert systems is eroding, the epistemological crisis we're living through today challenges us to critically evaluate the processes and sources shaping our understanding, especially in areas affecting public safety and trust." Read here

17:42 UTC


Julia - I Hope I'm 90% Accurate | Street Epistemology (Excerpt)

13:29 UTC


Live Call in Show starting now! (probably in progress when seeing this)

1 Comment
00:08 UTC


Questions to understand what is enlightenment, and how to know it.

Hey everyone,

As a former Buddhist monk, I recently had an intriguing conversation with a friend regarding her beliefs surrounding a particular guru. However, I found myself struggling to fully grasp her perspective. Can you help me come up with some insightful questions to gain a better understanding?

My friend holds a strong belief (rated 8 out of 10) that a guru has the power to enlighten individuals and free them from suffering. My initial queries were:

  • What exactly do you define as liberation and enlightenment?
  • How did you come to the conclusion that this guru possesses such abilities?

Essentially, her response boiled down to enlightenment being a subjective experience. She based her trust in the guru on reviews of individuals who have had some amazing experiences on his retreats, and by reading his books.

I attempted to delve into the mechanisms of achieving enlightenment and whether it's possible to validate such claims. Is it feasible for someone to believe they're enlightened when they're not?

According to her, enlightenment occurs through a sudden realization imparted by the guru, leading to an understanding of the root of suffering. However, due to the subjective nature of these experiences, verification is challenging. If one doesn't attain enlightenment under this guru's guidance, it's deemed acceptable, suggesting the need to seek out another master, or go to see him privately in India.

I also drew parallels to purchasing items on Amazon and not receiving what you expected, opting to buy from a different seller. Additionally, I questioned the credibility of beliefs that cannot be falsified. Analogies were made to individuals claiming they can teach you to tame unicorns, prompting consideration of whether it's rational to trust them without proof of unicorns' existence.

Despite my inquiries, her responses reiterated the subjectivity of the guru's teachings, implying that failure to achieve enlightenment is merely a stroke of bad luck.

So any ideas how to work with it?

17:45 UTC


Requesting discussion review?

Hi, I was wondering if any of you would be interested in giving your thoughts on the following discussion on intelligence and genetics and race and letting me know who you thought gave good reasons for why they believed things , who examined the other person's reasons for believing things , who if anyone was overall more rational and "scout-mindset"-y or any other thoughts.

It was a discussion that took place in a youtube comment section and this link should take you to the specific thread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNK8FFkHnow&lc=UgxXBeMAE-lOzkYnyUB4AaABAg.9zThqf1TGIiA1XllbH_z9y It's probably a 20 + minute read in total

I've be very interested in and appreciate your thoughts.

13:31 UTC


Hidden Claim - Fahad | Street Epistemology

University of North Carolina

13:00 UTC


Live Call-In-Show • What do you wish others believed also? (Live in 4 hours from post, ring the bell to be notified)

20:59 UTC


Which Animal Best Represents Street Epistemology? 🦁 🦓 🐍 🐘

Street Epistemology Podcast

Ep 474: AMA | Ask Me Anything 5 with Anthony Magnabosco


16:45 UTC


Hidden Claim - Cam | Street Epistemology

13:29 UTC


Why no recent Inspire Reflection videos?

08:10 UTC


Street Epistemology Call In Show - STARTING SOON (at 8PM CDT)

1 Comment
23:33 UTC


There is no claim - Claimless Street Epistemology - Dawstin

19:29 UTC


Would I Be Morally Wrong/ A Hypocrite If I Was Involved in the Making of Anti-Gay Poster?

So I’m not sure what other community to go to for this but this community has been kind, fair, and challenging in the past.

Im gonna try to do this quick because I have friends coming over soon so I probably won’t be able to get all of the detail context I want in here so just an FYI.

So I am a graphic designer/ artist that works mainly in the production of shirts and posters/ signs. I work for a company I’m not an independent artist or the owner of the company. Today a job came in to make a custom whiteboard with printed areas and open areas to write on for a church or some kind of religious youth camp thing, something to that effect. Fine no problem churches come to us all the time to get work done. But I take issue with one statement which I find explicitly bigoted and in extreme poor taste. One section of the whiteboard in their example mock up says “Thinking Errors” and at the bottom of the list it says “Failure to be Straight”.

So yeah I definitely support LGBT rights and this just sits so wrong with me. In the past I think I would have just done it. I wouldn’t have like it but I would have just done it. But now sort of finding myself and being in a gay relationship this just really hit me hard.

I feel like if I participate in the process of making this whiteboard I will be responsible for the harm it will eventually cause and it angers me. But I don’t really have a choice. I just make the art I don’t hunt the jobs down and I rarely collaborate with the clients unless my boss wants me to. I’m also not “out” in my workplace. I’m still sort of processing that for myself… idk what to do… would I be a hypocrite if I made this? Would I be immoral based on my own ethics?


So thankfully my understanding/ context of the situation of this whiteboard thing was wrong. For some reason I had the understanding that this was a church organization but it’s not, it’s a youth sports organization. The text is still offensive to me but my boss doesn’t even want me to edit it he wants me to print it as is because we’re so busy. He also said that he would never print any kind of slander or other similarly offensive statements which is good to hear.

The guy who did the verbiage just has some strange way of talking because not just that but everything written there seems to need extra context to explain what it means. Nearly nothing written is apparent based on the words as written and I can’t decipher what most of it means. Originally I thought I was going to remake it with better aesthetics and I was going to try to articulate the text/ ideas better but I decided to give up on that before I even got to the problem area of the graphic because like I said I couldn’t decipher it. 😅

Also this was my boss’s old coach back in the day so my boss is familiar with him and explained it basically means being direct, straight forward, or to the point; which is extremely ironic given how poorly he conveys his own thoughts.

22:08 UTC


Addressing Leadership Dynamics and Educational Expansion

This month's update explores the strategic adjustments within SEI's leadership and the significant strides in broadening the reach of our educational programs, underscoring our commitment to enhancing Street Epistemology's global impact.

19 March 2024

I'm thrilled to share an update (and a call to action) on the English version of our self-directed course on Street Epistemology, Navigating Beliefs: A Learning Course for Rational Conversations. Since launching Phase I (Modules 1-6), we've welcomed nearly 1,500 learners, a number we anticipate will climb as we enhance our website, introduce paid coaching for personalized sessions, offer specialized training based on the course, and utilize our new social media marketing manager.

We're currently externally testing Module 7: Identifying and Clarifying Reasons, as part of Phase II, and invite you to gain early access. This offers a unique opportunity to contribute feedback and participate in an upcoming online focus group. These sessions are scheduled for March 23-24 across four Zoom meetings. Email se-course-testing@streetepistemologyinternational.org right away if interested.

In our effort to make Street Epistemology accessible globally, we've started translating the course into Spanish, French, Russian, German, and are excited to announce that the Dutch version will be available soon. This expansion is consistent with our mission at Street Epistemology International to foster rational conversations worldwide. Our progress is thanks to the incredible dedication of both our internal team and volunteers from the broader community, who are instrumental in making this foundational course a resounding success.

At our most recent board meeting, the SEI board engaged in crucial discussions related to President Reid Nicewonder's dual involvement with another organization that utilizes Street Epistemology towards particular ends. This dialogue aimed to reinforce SEI's neutrality and operational integrity, addressing how Reid's roles have unintentionally led to misperceptions, brand confusion, and impacted our stance and effectiveness. To help maintain the distinction between SEI’s objectives and those of unrelated entities, Reid has volunteered to step down from the board of that organization.

To further clarify SEI's autonomy and advance proactive governance, Reid Nicewonder has also stepped down as President of SEI and has transitioned to a Board Director role. Roman Tarasov is stepping in as interim President. This shift enables strategic alignment with SEI's mission and affirms SEI’s commitment to neutrality and the promotion of Street Epistemology. 

The Board appreciates Reid's unwavering commitment to the Street Epistemology movement, underscoring our collective resolve towards SEI's vision. We look forward to community dialogue on these topics and more at the next SEI Town Hall on 14 April 2024 at 10am US Central over Zoom (Passcode: SEI) and my 5th AMA on 20 March 2024 at 2pm US Central.

Best regards,

Anthony Magnabosco

Executive Director, Street Epistemology International

15:06 UTC


Marty and his Wiener | Street Epistemology (Excerpt)

13:30 UTC


Live Call-in-Show • What do you wish others believed also? - Live at 8pm CDT

1 Comment
23:05 UTC


🌟 Video des Monats März 2024: "Sokratischer Weg Review | Marcus 'Alles Ist Mit Allem Verbunden'"

Diesen März freuen wir uns, "Sokratischer Weg Review | Marcus 'Alles Ist Mit Allem Verbunden'" als unser Video des Monats hervorzuheben. Eine meisterhafte Untersuchung, die tief in die Feinheiten des Dialogs eintaucht und neue Maßstäbe für durchdachtes Engagement und Verständnis setzt. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle, die an dieser aufschlussreichen Analyse mitgewirkt haben. 🎉 Eure Bemühungen sind nicht unbemerkt geblieben, und wir loben eure Hingabe zur Verbesserung der Kunst der StraßenePistemologie. Hört euch die fesselnde Review an und feiert mit uns diese herausragende Leistung: https://pod.link/1117153385/episode/c0a7874b9dfc478643f8de0fcf5fe594 #StreetEpistemology #VideoDesMonats

Video ansehen hier: https://youtu.be/9Vm7H5Vpi7o?si=ZcW5_pVEI2GQK2MB


21:13 UTC


Biden's Dollar is Worth Half - Daniel | Street Epistemology

13:32 UTC


"God’s Commands as the Foundation for Morality" (1979) by Robert M. Adams — An online philosophy discussion on Thursday March 21, open to everyone

1 Comment
05:00 UTC


SE X NVC - Slaughterhouses shouldnt exist

17:18 UTC


The scariest MOVIE about Hollywood - Real inspiration behind horror film #exjw actor. Dive into THE MOVIE! - [5 min]

01:22 UTC


Check Out the God Ions - Grace | Street Epistemology (Excerpt)

22:46 UTC

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